Oof we are in some amazing company here at Freight Island SunmerJam series of mega parties.
You can find me, Andi and Paul. Supporting Maurice Fulton on 29th June.
It's a freebie but its worth snapping up tickets to avoid disappointment.
This Saturday.
The gangs all here.
Get involved.
Also another couple of dates for the calender
Find Hughsie & Clarky at Electrik Sundays on July 30th.
And our return to Blossom St Social Sat 30th September. 6pm onwards.
Plus the summer monthly at Nam continues with Wreckin' Havoc amongst the guest selectors.
Back at The Refuge this Sat for the first time since June.
On from 6pm after J Walk who has a mega new record out now! Available from all good record stores and his bandcamp page.
But there is more it's out friend in the North Jon Shyvers birthday and he will be in celebrating.
So in honour of the occasion I've got Balearic Acid house royalty as special guest selector.
Luverly Adrian Gent of Luvdup fame is coming along to help with proceedings.