Emma Louise Celebrant - Ceremonies Magically Woven with Ancient Tradition

Emma Louise Celebrant - Ceremonies Magically Woven with Ancient Tradition Helping awakened families create heartfelt ceremonies, woven with ancient tradition, words of power,

I've had a friend recently ask me, what can she do to reduce her anxiety and to help her get a good night's sleep? Use g...

I've had a friend recently ask me, what can she do to reduce her anxiety and to help her get a good night's sleep?

Use guided meditation: to get you into a good space before sleep, bring your energies in, send your thoughts down to the Earth, feel connected, feel the power of the Earth, the stability, strength & balance.

Search on youtube - type in 'Sleep meditations, there are loads of them. I like both Paul Babin & Jason Stevenson, they both have some really good, free evening/sleep meditations on their youtube channels.

Get grounded: - Switch off wi-fi, laptop & and phone at least an hour before sleep. The blue light from your phone or laptop is a stimulant!!! I also put my devices onto airplane mode, reducing EMF in my bedroom as I sleep.

Set an intention - affirmation for a peaceful night's sleep. Choose one of the single-starred affirmations below *, and repeat it 5, 7, or 9 times. really feel it and mean it, believe it as you say it. Then repeat the last double-starred affirmation ** 5, 7 or 9 times

* May my sleep be peaceful. May my dreams be filled with love. May my soul awaken to the infinite possibilities for happiness in my life.

* I invite the qualities of good sleep. I welcome peace into my home. I invite light into my heart. Love, happiness, and comfort abide in my soul. My spirit is content and my mind is still. I become tranquil, and relaxed. With gratitude, I welcome a good night’s sleep.

* I choose peace. I close my eyes and choose to see again with new eyes, beyond what my physical eyes can see. Peace is my priority. Peace begins with me, and there is peace in my soul.

*I am in harmony with the universe. I match my heartbeat with the beat of the universe. I am in harmony with the night and the sleep that will come with it. There is no separation now, only one heartbeat that beats slowly, peacefully.

** I am in control, I am in balance, grounded, and secure. I set my intentions for a peaceful, healing night's sleep, none will disturb me. This is my time, my time for rest and recovery. I will wake refreshed and stronger in the morning.

Imagine yourself as the 5-pointed star, the pentagram: Imagine or even stand for a few minutes feet apart, feel a solid, strong connection with the Earth. Arms outstretched & balanced, push your aura out into your room till it touches the walls, the floor and the ceiling. Know that you are connected to your highest self, your highest good.

The pentagram is a symbol of protection, imagine that symbol running through your body from the top of your head down into the Earth. Also imagine it on both palms of your hands, use this symbol to help push your aura into your space. Ask that your room is sealed and protected, that you will not be disturbed in your sleep.

Consider getting a grounding mat - groundology.co.uk watch the documentary called ‘The Earthing Movie’ on their site.

Couple of Testimonials:"Emma creates the most magical ceremonies. She cares passionately about the ceremonies she create...

Couple of Testimonials:

"Emma creates the most magical ceremonies. She cares passionately about the ceremonies she creates. It is so important to her that she creates an event that her couples will hold in their hearts forever. Emma is extremely creative, caring & professional. Her attention to detail means that nothing is left to chance. I would thoroughly recommend Emma as a celebrant. I cannot think of anyone I would rather have overseeing such a special day."

"Emma has a wonderful way of expressing herself and presents herself in a very professional manner. Having attended talks and workshops by her, I can safely recommend her as an engaging public speaker. Having also attended events of a more spiritual nature with Emma, I can say in all honesty that she has the ability to communicate effectively and will take on board the ideas of others with respectful dignity. I can highly recommend Emma for your personal celebrations, whatever they may be, she really does go the extra mile."

Couple of Testimonials:"We had several wedding guests tell us it was the best wedding they’ve ever been to. The attentio...

Couple of Testimonials:

"We had several wedding guests tell us it was the best wedding they’ve ever been to. The attention to detail was wonderful and carefully selected suppliers meant that I could relax because everything was sorted."

'I loved the Winter Solstice Ceremony in nature that Emma created for us. Her energy is warm and gentle, and she led the circle beautifully. Her knowledge and experience of Pagan and Celtic rituals, along with her wonderful energy, made the ceremony very special. Everyone in the circle was actively included, invited to share and create the ceremony with her. I look forward to being part of more of Emma’s ceremonies in the future and thoroughly recommend her should you wish to experience a magical and special ceremony to celebrate any occasion.'

Photos , Me & Sharon Rollison Celebrant, 😍

Garden Wedding – From £2,500Having had my own garden micro wedding –  I’m inspired by the idea that all the couple need ...

Garden Wedding – From £2,500

Having had my own garden micro wedding – I’m inspired by the idea that all the couple need on their big day is each other! so why not make the most your own garden space?

With ever-changing laws and guidance, the wedding industry is going through unprecedented and confusing times. Couples are facing tough choices. For some it’s really made them consider what is most important about their wedding day.

The answer for many has been ‘you and me’, – ‘just the two of us” and a handful of friends and family.

Wedding Package as described in a previous post:

Freestyle Wedding – From £3,300 Imagine standing on high in the “Peak District National Park” looking out on panoramic v...

Freestyle Wedding – From £3,300

Imagine standing on high in the “Peak District National Park” looking out on panoramic vistas with the wind in your hair. Being energised by the elements, breathing in the space, and the joyful, colourful, bright energy of the party atmosphere at a festival campsite.

Stay in one of the up-cycled horse boxes, train carriages, or cabins. Each has its own outside space, fire-pit, and enough logs to keep you warm as you cuddle up under the starlit sky.

Wedding Package as described in a previous post, plus
*Two nights in either a cabin, up-cycled horse box or train carriage for the bride and groom.
*Cabins sleep from 2 – 5 people
*Varied facilities in each ‘cabin’
*Shared use of shower & toilet block, kitchen and bar area.

** Additional Accommodation can be Included**
**Tent pitches, hook up and standard on the main campsite.
**Shared use of shower & toilet block.

Freestyle Weddings, Glamping site, near Ashbourne, Derbyshire.

Wild Wedding – From £3,000Can you imagine having a ‘Wild Wedding’ surrounded by the sounds and sights of a very well est...

Wild Wedding – From £3,000

Can you imagine having a ‘Wild Wedding’ surrounded by the sounds and sights of a very well established animal rescue centre? You can have a truly unique ring-bearer in the form of an owl,!! Also, no music is needed!! when you have the natural calling of bird song to accompany you. And if you’re really lucky the dogs may howl with delight to enhance your ceremony.
Wild Wedding Includes,

Wedding Package as described in previous post:
* Entrance into the wildlife centre for you and all your guests
* Owl Ring Bearer
* Photo Opportunities with the birds of prey
* Mini Golf Course
* Miniature Steam Train
Exclusive use of a private space within gentleshaw wildlife centre based in Eccleshall, Staffordshire.

**WEDDING PACKAGES**                    For Couples Who Dare to Break the Rules,                                And Do i...

For Couples Who Dare to Break the Rules,
And Do it Their Own Way!!!

I really love small and intimate weddings, they mean so much and truly have love at their centre. As a celebrant, I create and deliver the most magical ceremonies personalised for you. Having worked with many great wedding industry suppliers I can also bring a team of trusted suppliers with me.

Between us we have developed the most amazing “Wedding Packages” We are re-imagining weddings with our unique service to couples, taking away many of the usual stresses of wedding planning.

The Concept – Micro Weddings

I plan, so you don't have to!, I take away your headache. You bring the wedding dress and the groom! I will take care of the rest.

No one could have predicted the events of the last few years, how so many aspects of our lives would be flipped upside-down. I have felt the pain of my brides, weddings were cancelled or postponed not only once, but sometimes twice. The uncertainty has caused not only emotional upset but financial stresses and burdens as people have lost deposit money either to venues or suppliers.

So after a lot of creative thinking, I have put together some awesome wedding packages with some trusted local venues and suppliers.

All you need to bring is yourself, your partner, maybe a few guests, and your love for each other. This is the perfect cocktail for a uniquely personalised, intimate, celebrant-led ceremony, the energy of which, will stay in your hearts and minds forever.

Have your amazing ceremony at any one of the
Unique Outdoor Venue’s I work with in
Staffordshire & Derbyshire

A Wedding Ceremony Package Can Include

Celebrant Services:
* A face to face or online consultation
* Ceremony designed with you in mind
* I will conduct your ceremony on the day

On Arrival:
* Dressed private bridal party space or tent
* Chill out seating area
* Chilled Champagne & flutes
* Brides Bouquet & Flower Crown & Grooms Buttonhole
* Photographer

Your Ceremony:
* Dressed Ceremony Space
* Wedding Ceremony
* Photographer
* Signing of Wedding Ceremony Certificate

After Party:
* Grazing platters for you and your guests
* Wedding cake
* Personalised commemorative candle
* Presentation copy of the script
*Use of bridal party space or tent

The Light-body is a simple Meditation to help you gently connect with yourself, the healing light of the universe, and t...

The Light-body is a simple Meditation to help you gently connect with yourself, the healing light of the universe, and the Earth beneath your feet.

Try it first thing in the morning or last thing at night. 😃🥰

The Light-body is a simple meditation to help you gently connect with yourself, the healing light of the universe, and the Earth beneath your feet.

Eight Magical Festivals to Enhance your Wedding:How can the ‘Eight Magical Festivals’ enhance your wedding ceremony? The...

Eight Magical Festivals to Enhance your Wedding:

How can the ‘Eight Magical Festivals’ enhance your wedding ceremony? These ancient festivals also known as the ‘Eight-Fold Year’ follow the changes of the seasons that we physically see. They also form a cycle of celebration, marking special times of the year to honor the Earth. We give thanks for our blessings, join together with family, friends, and communities. These are auspicious and sacred times of the year. They give us an opportunity to gather with friends and family, to sing, dance, and reflect. Upon reflection, we may glean an understanding of our best way forward as we move on through the cycle of the year.

It was the Celts, Pagans, and Druids of Great Britain, who first divided our year into eight. Two inter-woven crosses make the eight-fold year, in the first cross, we have the two Solstices, Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice marking the longest and shortest days of the year, crossed by the two Equinoxes, Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox where day and night are of equal length.

Intertwined within the first cross we then have the four Great Fire festivals, celebrations marking the peak of Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring. The Fire Festivals are times of intense energy celebrating the combined power of nature and the Sun. In times gone by great fires were lit for all in the community to gather around. The energy of the fire was used to dissolve, cleanse, purify and transform energies.

Following Natures Cycle:

The Celts connected with the underlying energy of the Earth, the Sun, and the Universe, thinking of them as living breathing entities. They lived their lives in tune with the land. They understood the continuity of the subtle energies that flow endlessly. Year on year this brought structure, balance, and peace to their lives.

Seeds planted at Samhain lie dormant at Winter Solstice. They start to move at Imbolc, sprout at Spring Equinox, become fertilized at Beltane and grow vigorously under the sun of the Summer Solstice, they ripen at Lammas, then at Autumn Equinox the harvest is gathered.

You know this cycle, you have seen it and most likely been aware of it from childhood. However, have you consciously connected with it as our ancestors did? You too can combine your intentions, your plans for the future with this natural cycle of the Earth. Plant the seeds of your dreams. Watch them germinate, hold clear your thoughts and intentions throughout the year until your plans come to fruition.

Re-Connect with Nature:

Many of us today are living busy 24/7 lifestyles working more than one job, doing shift work, some still working in offices, many juggling working from home with family life. If we don’t get the balance right it’s all too easy to become disconnected from nature. The negative effects of the lack of real sunlight, fresh air, exercise for the body and of course positive exercise for the mind! (follow the link to learn a little about meditation) is creating unhealthy, unhappy people. Many suffer from depression, panic attacks, anxiety, many families are disconnected or separated by distance, and with the impact of recent lockdowns, we may feel a lack of community spirit.

I love creating ceremonies and celebrations whether it be a Wedding Ceremony, a Hand-Fasting Ceremony, a Baby Naming Ceremony, or a Rite of Passage. Presenting the opportunity to share and celebrate with your special friends and family is incredibly healing on so many levels. So, having your wedding ceremony or any other important celebration at one of these auspicious times of the year will enhance the depth of feeling and give more significant meaning to your ceremony.
Jumping the broom

When is the Best Time of Year for your Ceremony?

Whatever time of year you plan to have your wedding ceremony or ritual, we can utilise one of the eight magical festivals to enhance your wedding ceremony. Harnessing the natural underpinning energies at any one of these auspicious times of year will bring a little magic and ancient tradition to your proceedings. The Celtic calendar is divided into two seasons, the dark half and the light half. The festival at Samhain traditionally marked the first day of the Celtic year on October 31st, the start of the dark half. So, let’s take a little look at the Celtic wheel of the year.

The Dark Half of the Celtic Calendar:

Samhain – 31st October – Samhain brought the dark season. Samhain was the most important festival marking the beginning of a new cycle. Just as the day begins at what is perceived to be night, midnight. The whisperings of new beginnings come in the dark silence of the night, therefore the most magical and powerful time of this festival is November Eve, the night of the 31st October.

The Winter Solstice – 21st or 22nd December – Solstice is a Latin word, Sol meaning the Sun, and Stice meaning standstill, the standing of the sun. It is now that the wheel of the solar year stops and starts again. Known as the Festival of Rebirthing it marks the shortest day and longest night. Use the time of the pause to celebrate ready for the big change of the longer days to come. At this time we are reminded to pause and take a deep breath. Reflect on where have you been? where are you going? Use this still, quiet time to develop your hopes and dreams.

Imbolc – 2nd February – The light is coming back, buds are starting to grow, bulbs are pushing through the surface of the earth. Winter is letting go of its grip. It’s time to get ready for spring, plant ideas, muse over plans, and allow them to germinate in the same way as the seeds in the earth develop before real growth.

The Spring Equinox – 21st or 22nd March – Also known as the Vernal Equinox, vernal is a Latin word meaning bloom. At the Spring Quarter point, day and night are of the same length reminding us to look at the balance in our lives. This the first day of spring was also known as Eostre. All in nature is awakening, growing, striving, and reaching out towards the light. Days are warmer. All in nature is signaling and encouraging movement towards our goals and desires. It’s time to take action, step out, make things happen.

The Light Half of the Celtic Calendar:

Beltane – 1st May – Beltane originates from the Gaelic words ‘bel’ the bright one and ‘teine’ meaning fire. This is a time for partnerships and starting new projects. The weaving of ribbons around the May Pole symbolised the union of male and female, joining together in the spiral of life. It was an old custom to welcome the morning sun by lighting Beltane fires, friends and lovers would pledge their love for each other, and jump the fire together. The perfect time of year for a wedding.

The Summer Solstice – 21st or 22nd June – Mid-summers Eve & Mid-summers day, we are at the great turning point in the solar year, from now on the days will start to shorten again. The Earth’s energy is at its peak, all is in bloom, abundance and growth in nature can be felt and seen everywhere. This high point of the year has always been a favored time to have your wedding celebrations.

As a side note, just because I think it’s interesting!! The full moon of June is known as the mead-moon or honey-moon. At this time of year, the bee-hives are full of honey. The honey is fermented and made into a mead wine. This special wine would have been, and still is drunk at weddings held throughout the summer months. It is said that this is where the term ‘Honeymoon’ originated

Lammas – 1st August – Lammas is the beginning of the Harvest; it’s a time of abundance and surplus of food. A time of ripening, collecting, gathering crops in, making the most of the sunshine. Great Lammas feasts and fairs were held 15 days before and 15 days after 1st August. People would gather, games would be played, Morris Men would dance. All in the community would join together to celebrate the start of the harvest. Sheaves of corn and fruit were offered to the Earth Mother as thanks for the foods she had given.

The Autumn Equinox – 21st or 22nd September – The Festival of Thanks-Giving, day and night are now in perfect balance all over the world. We are at the mid-point of the Harvest, which began in
Lammas and ends at Samhain. The Triple Goddess, who was worshiped in ancient Britain, is now in her aspect of the aging Goddess, she now passes from Mother to Crone. Until she is reborn as a youthful virgin ‘The May Queen’ again next Spring. Here in the Autumn, she is known as the ‘Queen of the Winter’. She brings the winter and also protection for the animals. She offers wisdom, healing, and rest at this time of year.

I hope you found this brief journey around the Celtic year of value to you? If adding a bit of magic and ancient tradition to your wedding ceremony or other celebrations appeals to you, then please get in touch, we can be creative and make some magic together.

With Bright Blessings
Emma Louise Celebrant


I've just finished a script for an Imbolc Ceremony. What is Imbolc? I hear some of you say!

It is one of the 8 festivals celebrated in the Druid & Pagan cycle of the year. Celebrated on or near to the 2nd of February. The light is coming back to us, buds are starting to grow, and bulbs are pushing through the surface of the Earth. Winter is letting go of its grip. It’s time to get ready for spring, plant ideas, muse over plans, and allow them to germinate in the same way as the seeds in the earth develop before real growth.

There will be a quiet time of reflection and projection, for which I've written a meditation where we will meet the Goddess Brighid. Brighid is the Celtic Goddess of hearth and home, patron of poets, bards, healers, and magicians. She is also known as the triple Goddess, Maid, Mother, and Crone. She comes to us at Imbolc as the Maiden.

This is how the meditation starts .....

Come, and allow the warmth of Brighid's hearth to embrace you. Allow the light of her flame to guide you. Allow the love of her blessings to protect you.

Wedding Ceremony Testimonial:We thankfully chose Emma & Jeff to perform our ceremony. The ceremony was deeply spirtual, ...

Wedding Ceremony Testimonial:

We thankfully chose Emma & Jeff to perform our ceremony. The ceremony was deeply spirtual, moving and professional, the words spoken were heartfelt and beautiful, with a lovely signed certificate at the end of the ceremony. We class this as our real wedding day which was held at Gentleshaw Wildlife Centre near Eccleshall, we flew owls and as the ceremony was taking place we were surrounded by rescued wildlife and truly in touch with nature making this one of the most amazing days of our lives.

Thanks for our special day Emma & Jeff.
Blessings to all.
Alan & Joy

Naming Ceremony Testimonial: Emma presided over the naming ceremony for our son. We could not have been happier with how...

Naming Ceremony Testimonial:

Emma presided over the naming ceremony for our son. We could not have been happier with how the day went. As soon as we spoke to Emma we knew she would be perfect for the job. She was so warm and friendly, she asked really insightful questions which made us seriously think about what we wanted from the day, and then she delivered. We laughed, we cried, we sang and we celebrated. We couldn’t have done it without you Emma,

Thank you.
David Keeling

We have confirmed another 'Pet Sit' over the weekend. What a blessing it's going to be, to have these beauties in our li...

We have confirmed another 'Pet Sit' over the weekend. What a blessing it's going to be, to have these beauties in our lives for a while. There are actually 5 of them!! (I couldn't find a pic of all 5 of them together)

We are going to spend a day getting to know them in a few weeks, eeeek I can't wait 😁🥰 xx

I'm removing all of my info from my celebrant website to here. I'm closing it down for many reasons including cost of up...

I'm removing all of my info from my celebrant website to here. I'm closing it down for many reasons including cost of upkeep, it's difficult to manage & maintain, I get spammed every day through it by web designers & SEO blah blah! And I only get a handful of enquiries that are actually aligned with the type of ceremonies I offer.

So this page will be changing a bit, as I'd like to share with you, all the other things that occupy my time, which is quite a lot !, but here goes ...

My background is in Holistic Health, I offer one to one, healing sessions, where I combine my intuitive healing with terahertz frequency, which can be a very powerful experience, my aim is to help you connect with your higher self and, therefore heal yourself.

I have a busy and adventurous year ahead, which I'm totally looking forward too. I intend on running some more 'Sister Circles' this year, which I will promote here. My husband and I will be traveling, attending some small festivals, Pet sitting (3 in the diary so far😁) and the highlight this year is our eldest Daughter's Wedding in July.


Copeland Drive


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Naming Ceremonies, Rites of Passage, Weddings, Hand-Fastings & Green Burials.

Imagine a bespoke ceremony that marks a major life event in a way that is truly personal, magical, and weaved with just the right amount of ancient tradition…

• Welcoming a long-awaited and much-loved baby to the world with a Naming Ceremony & Blessing.

• Acknowledging a Rite of Passage that focuses on the major transition time in a teenager's life, a ceremony that recognises and guides a child towards adulthood.

• Celebrate a couple’s Wedding or Hand-Fasting in a way that is unique to them, filled with heartfelt words and vows, full of love & laughter, and perhaps a few tears of joy too.