I've had a friend recently ask me, what can she do to reduce her anxiety and to help her get a good night's sleep?
Use guided meditation: to get you into a good space before sleep, bring your energies in, send your thoughts down to the Earth, feel connected, feel the power of the Earth, the stability, strength & balance.
Search on youtube - type in 'Sleep meditations, there are loads of them. I like both Paul Babin & Jason Stevenson, they both have some really good, free evening/sleep meditations on their youtube channels.
Get grounded: - Switch off wi-fi, laptop & and phone at least an hour before sleep. The blue light from your phone or laptop is a stimulant!!! I also put my devices onto airplane mode, reducing EMF in my bedroom as I sleep.
Set an intention - affirmation for a peaceful night's sleep. Choose one of the single-starred affirmations below *, and repeat it 5, 7, or 9 times. really feel it and mean it, believe it as you say it. Then repeat the last double-starred affirmation ** 5, 7 or 9 times
* May my sleep be peaceful. May my dreams be filled with love. May my soul awaken to the infinite possibilities for happiness in my life.
* I invite the qualities of good sleep. I welcome peace into my home. I invite light into my heart. Love, happiness, and comfort abide in my soul. My spirit is content and my mind is still. I become tranquil, and relaxed. With gratitude, I welcome a good night’s sleep.
* I choose peace. I close my eyes and choose to see again with new eyes, beyond what my physical eyes can see. Peace is my priority. Peace begins with me, and there is peace in my soul.
*I am in harmony with the universe. I match my heartbeat with the beat of the universe. I am in harmony with the night and the sleep that will come with it. There is no separation now, only one heartbeat that beats slowly, peacefully.
** I am in control, I am in balance, grounded, and secure. I set my intentions for a peaceful, healing night's sleep, none will disturb me. This is my time, my time for rest and recovery. I will wake refreshed and stronger in the morning.
Imagine yourself as the 5-pointed star, the pentagram: Imagine or even stand for a few minutes feet apart, feel a solid, strong connection with the Earth. Arms outstretched & balanced, push your aura out into your room till it touches the walls, the floor and the ceiling. Know that you are connected to your highest self, your highest good.
The pentagram is a symbol of protection, imagine that symbol running through your body from the top of your head down into the Earth. Also imagine it on both palms of your hands, use this symbol to help push your aura into your space. Ask that your room is sealed and protected, that you will not be disturbed in your sleep.
Consider getting a grounding mat - groundology.co.uk watch the documentary called ‘The Earthing Movie’ on their site.