B L O O M I N G...
Our flowers aren't but I am 😍
Apologises for little to no activity here at Fairleys but I have been busy growing a lockdown belly! Eeeeeeek! So excited!
This time of year I am normally knee deep in spruce, knocking back the mulled wine and enjoying our wreath classes.
Instead, due to this wonderful change of circumstances we have been moving out of the shop premises and I will be taking a break from floristry for a while to get ready for our bundle of joy to arrive.
We are over the moon and can't wait to begin this new adventure ❤️.
Thank you again as always for your support, love and kindness.
Love you muchly,
Amy xx
Mally, Me & The Stick...
The white cane... A worldwide symbol for the blind, our so you'd think. Sometimes people laugh and ask him where he is hiking to or if he's going skiing, the aldi once tried to scan it through but couldnt find a barcode!!! 🎿🤣 Old people ram into him with their trolleys, and you would be surprised how many people don't move out the way or even see him coming, and then expect him to walk around them. It can get me quite angry to be honest.
Without the cane Mal would find it so hard to get about, curbs, slopes in the pavement, bins, posts, people and general depth of vision.
I have however, caught him using it as a sword, and swirling it round like a combat stick...about to fight Bruce Lee. Also once like a circus ringmaster, ready to usher the elephants on 🙈.
BUT...amazingly since treatment he tends to fold it up and put it under his arm more. Mal is now able to see slight movement at the bottom of his central vision, so he can see the blurry face of a curb coming up. It is still super hard to get about but he does the most amazing job...
Amy x
#whitestick #cane #blindstick #walk #lifewithrp #blind #mylife #whatsitlike #boomerang
The winner has been drawn...
Congratulations to Katie Armstrong and her mom Sharon Monkton! And thank you to Laurence for his Fairleys debut! And yes I am still in my jarmers! ....
So Ely got to carry this beauty down the isle yesterday...
#swoon #boomerang #love #bridalbouquet #bouquet #wedding #artichoke #angelicaromantica #whatsnottolove #flowers #flowershop #weddingflorist #florist #stourbridge
A bunch of hairy balls! I have no idea what I'll do with them but I couldn't resist. And they are actually called Moby Dick! 😂🤣 The small pleasures in life...brightening up your Tuesday
#hairyballs #mobydick #florist #floristry #flowers #theunusual #happytuesday
Mom couldn't help herself! Train ride...
Mothers Day Competition Winner Reveal!......
Central News
Here is the Central News footage for anyone that missed it :)
Opening day interview with the lovely
Opening day interview with the lovely Margot James!!!!
Margot James came this morning with the press to offically open Fairleys! After cutting the red ribbon Margot interviewed me, asking all about Fairleys so please enjoy.