Wow! Is it really that long since we posted on our page? :o Oops! That simply won't do. It's time to get active!
So, what have we been up to lately? Well, we had a fairly quiet Christmas period but that gave us time to get used to some new additions to the business and changes to the way we do things. Top of this list was the upgrade to our sound with the introduction of new laptops and also a switch to the latest version of the DJing software we use. This is a major upgrade and has taken some getting used to but we've been using it in our last few shows and it's been superb. It brings new features to our shows and makes our karaoke add-on service the best it's ever been.
Sound aside, we've also been researching upgrades to our light shows. We've seen some exciting new light effects which we hope to implement in our shows later in 2016.
Our online client portal, which often attracts positive comments from our clients, has also been improved. It's now easier than ever to use and includes some new features which make planning your function simpler and more effective. We're also in the process of preparing our own music library for uploading to the client portal. Up to know, the music library online has been a generic list of some of the most popular songs but our own music library includes some more specialist tracks from genres such as dance, soul, Motown, Northern Souk, ska, reggae and rock which may not be on the current online list. We do have the option for clients to choose their own music not on the list but we feel they may be better inspired by browsing through the music we can already offer.
So, with the improvements we have made, and are continuing to make, we're looking forward to a brighter, better future for Lightning Disco and our clients. :)