Winter Warmer Robin
Pot Kiln Robin talking about the new Winter Warmer menu
Early Fox
Our fox, bit early for Breakfast, but we are open now
We had a mob of these little fluffy things today.
Has to be one of the cutest birds in the UK
Tawny Owl
Tawny Owl flies past early this morning, see how the camera and Infra Red frames it's flight.
You may need to enlarge to see the effect on a big screen.
Monday morning action from the Pot Kiln Wildlife Team
Buzzard Action
This is a Buzzard landing on a new perch next to our camera, we have slowed it to 25% normal, your eye will follow the reflection at first
All fed and on their way, great bunch of people, see you next year
2 minutes of Bat Fun, from last night, for those of you that heard but didn’t see.
Leicestershire & Rutland Bat Group
Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust
What fun on the Bat Walk, we hope we let you have a peek into the wonderful world of Bats, thank you to Ben from Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust for leading us around and being so informative.
Sound on.
Heron on Little Lake
The Pot Kiln Cafe will be closed Wednesday 1st August, sorry for any inconvienience.
Ariel footage of the baby ducks
Even though the Cafe is closed on Sundays, little beaks still need feeding.
Will you be rushing to get your Tuesday Breakfast
According to Titch, we will be closed on Sunday and Monday for the May Bank Holiday
We can’t promise he will talk when you get him home.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend, what a difference a bit of sun brings, the Toad Abodes are looking great, we think we will have Ducklings soon
Titch Important Announcements
Titch informs Dog Walkers
Buzzard Action
Selection of feeding station pictures
Fox at Pot Kiln
If you go into the woods at night, be sure of - no its a Fox