Swansea University Events

Swansea University Events It’s your vision, our venue.

Receive a warm welsh welcome at Swansea University, our unrivaled locations offer hundreds of spaces to accommodate events of all shapes and sizes.

Let us help you find a filming location that looks the part! We have a broad range of buildings and grounds at Swansea U...

Let us help you find a filming location that looks the part! We have a broad range of buildings and grounds at Swansea University, including everything you’d expect (accommodation, lecture theatres, 700-seat auditorium) to everything you wouldn’t (a private beach, cinema, Egypt Centre, Site of Special Scientific Interest) 🎥✨

Gadewch i ni eich helpu i ddod o hyd i leoliad ffilmio sy'n addas at y diben! Mae gennym ystod eang o adeiladau a thiroedd ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, gan gynnwys popeth y byddech chi'n ei ddisgwyl (llety, darlithfeydd, awditoriwm â 700 o seddi) a phopeth na fyddech chi'n ei ddisgwyl (traeth preifat, sinema, y Ganolfan Eifftaidd, Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig) 🎥✨

Brass Band are back on Bay for the second year running – a lovely addition to campus! Times like these remind us that we...

Brass Band are back on Bay for the second year running – a lovely addition to campus! Times like these remind us that we can facilitate a huge range of events at the University. If you're thinking of hosting one here, get in touch! 📯 🎷

Mae'r Band Pres yn ôl ar Gampws y Bae am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol – ychwanegiad hyfryd at y campws! Mae adegau fel hyn yn ein hatgoffa ein bod yn gallu hwyluso amrywiaeth enfawr o ddigwyddiadau yn y Brifysgol. Os ydych chi'n meddwl am gynnal un yma, cysylltwch â ni! 📯 🎷

Hearing from happy clients makes our day! Thank you for your kind words and support, we strive to provide the best for y...

Hearing from happy clients makes our day! Thank you for your kind words and support, we strive to provide the best for you. ✨
Rydym wrth ein boddau'n clywed gan gwsmeriaid hapus! Diolch am eich geiriau caredig a'ch cefnogaeth. Rydym yn ymdrechu i ddarparu'r gorau i chi ✨

A moment to appreciate the calm on Bay Campus 🌊We’ve been busy assisting with this year’s Summer Graduation ceremonies! ...

A moment to appreciate the calm on Bay Campus 🌊
We’ve been busy assisting with this year’s Summer Graduation ceremonies! We love getting involved and working with stakeholders to ensure the week runs smoothly. Congratulations to all Swansea University graduates! 🎓 We are so proud of you! 👏

Cyfle i werthfawrogi'r llonyddwch ar Gampws y Bae 🌊
Rydym wedi bod yn brysur yn cynorthwyo gyda seremonïau Graddio’r Haf eleni! Rydym wrth ein bodd yn cymryd rhan a gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid i sicrhau bod yr wythnos yn rhedeg yn esmwyth. Llongyfarchiadau i holl raddedigion Prifysgol Abertawe! 🎓 Rydym yn falch iawn ohonoch chi! 👏

This is our busiest time of year, but also the most rewarding. Working with such passionate teams always makes us smile!...

This is our busiest time of year, but also the most rewarding. Working with such passionate teams always makes us smile!

Dyma ein cyfnod prysuraf o'r flwyddyn, ond hefyd yr amser mwyaf gwerth chweil. Mae gweithio gyda thimau mor angerddol bob amser yn gwneud i ni wenu!

Our contemporary and vibrant waterside location offers diverse event opportunities. If you want your conference to offer...

Our contemporary and vibrant waterside location offers diverse event opportunities. If you want your conference to offer captivating coastline and countryside, contact us today. 🌊🌄

Mae ein lleoliad cyfoes a bywiog ar y glannau yn cynnig cyfleoedd amrywiol ar gyfer digwyddiadau. Os hoffech i'ch cynhadledd gynnig arfordir a chefn gwlad godidog, cysylltwch â ni heddiw. 🌊🌄

📞01792 295665
✉️[email protected]

It's always an absolute pleasure to receive kind words like this from our clients ✨ Whether you're an internal or an ext...

It's always an absolute pleasure to receive kind words like this from our clients ✨
Whether you're an internal or an external company, our events team can help your event go off without a hitch in our striking venue.
Mae hi bob amser yn bleser llwyr cael geiriau caredig fel hyn gan ein cleientiaid ✨
P'un a ydych chi'n gwmni mewnol neu'n gwmni allanol, gall ein tîm digwyddiadau eich helpu i gynnal digwyddiad yn ddidrafferth yn ein lleoliad godidog.

The celebration event of the year is fast approaching! We love getting involved in the Summer Graduation ceremonies and ...

The celebration event of the year is fast approaching! We love getting involved in the Summer Graduation ceremonies and working with stakeholders to ensure the week runs smoothly. Keep an eye on our socials for updates featuring the Class of 2024 🎓

Mae prif ddigwyddiad dathlu'r flwyddyn yn prysur agosáu! Rydym wrth ein boddau'n cymryd rhan yn seremonïau graddio'r haf a gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid i sicrhau bod yr wythnos yn rhedeg yn hwylus. Cadwa lygad ar ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol i gael diweddariadau sy'n cynnwys Dosbarth 2024 🎓

This Summer, enjoy an affordable and comfortable stay at our campus accommodation whilst exploring all that Swansea has ...

This Summer, enjoy an affordable and comfortable stay at our campus accommodation whilst exploring all that Swansea has to offer 😍
Perfect for groups or solo travellers, book your room today! 🌞

Yr haf hwn, gallwch chi fwynhau arhosiad cyfforddus a fforddiadwy yn llety ein campws wrth archwilio'r hyn sydd gan Abertawe i'w gynnig. 😍
Yn berffaith ar gyfer grwpiau neu deithwyr unigol, felly trefnwch eich ystafell heddiw! 🌞


🤩 Keep the kids entertained this summer with our ... ☀️ Summer Cinema Kids Club... 24th July - 29th August

The films we are showing:

🍿Kung Fu Panda 4
🍿Frozen 2
🍿Inside Out 2
🍿Beauty & The Beast

Book now - https://taliesinartscentre.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows

This a huge summer of sport for Swansea - The Para Sports Festival starts today at Swansea Bay Sports Park! We are proud...

This a huge summer of sport for Swansea - The Para Sports Festival starts today at Swansea Bay Sports Park! We are proud to be involved with such a high-profile event that delivers high quality accessible opportunities for disabled children, young people, and adults.

Dyma haf mawr i chwaraeon yn Abertawe – mae'r Ŵyl Para Chwaraeon yn dechrau heddiw ym Mharc Chwaraeon Bae Abertawe! Rydyn ni'n falch o gyfrannu at ddigwyddiad â phroffil mor uchel sy'n darparu cyfleoedd hygyrch o safon uchel i blant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion anabl.

We were thrilled to host the Climb Summit at The Great Hall this June. Our venue provided the perfect backdrop for gradu...

We were thrilled to host the Climb Summit at The Great Hall this June. Our venue provided the perfect backdrop for graduating Climb delegates to showcase their leadership potential!

It was a pleasure to receive this lovely feedback from our client... diolch yn fawr, Kel!

Roeddem wrth ein boddau'n cynnal uwchgynhadledd Climb yn y Neuadd Fawr ym mis Mehefin. Roedd ein lleoliad yn gefndir perffaith i gynadleddwyr Climb a oedd yn graddio ddangos eu potensial o ran arweinyddiaeth!
Roedd yn bleser cael yr adborth hyfryd hwn gan ein cleient... diolch yn fawr, Kel!

The BBC Young Musician Quarter and Semi Finals start this Thursday! Visit the Great Hall at Bay Campus from 4th – 6th Ju...

The BBC Young Musician Quarter and Semi Finals start this Thursday! Visit the Great Hall at Bay Campus from 4th – 6th July for 3 nights of amazing classical music – tickets available for purchase via the Taliesin website!

Mae rownd gogynderfynol a rownd gynderfynol cystadleuaeth Cerddor Ifanc y Flwyddyn y BBC yn dechrau nos Iau yma! Ewch i'r Neuadd Fawr ar Gampws y Bae rhwng 4 a 6 Gorffennaf am 3 noson o gerddoriaeth glasurol anhygoel – mae tocynnau ar gael i'w prynu drwy wefan Taliesin!

One week to go until BBC Young Musician brings the Quarter Finals and Semi Final to the Great Hall on Bay Campus! Twelve...

One week to go until BBC Young Musician brings the Quarter Finals and Semi Final to the Great Hall on Bay Campus! Twelve musicians will compete on the evenings of Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July for a place in the Semi Final on Saturday 6th July. Don’t miss out on three epic evenings of music – secure your tickets via the Taliesin website!

Wythnos i fynd tan i’r BBC gynnal rownd gogynderfynol a rownd gynderfynol ei gystadleuaeth Cerddor Ifanc y Flwyddyn yn y Neuadd Fawr ar Gampws y Bae! Bydd deuddeg cerddor yn cystadlu ar nos Iau 4 a nos Wener 5 Gorffennaf am le yn y rownd gynderfynol nos Sadwrn 6 Gorffennaf. Peidiwch â cholli'r cyfle am dair noson fawreddog o gerddoriaeth – archebwch eich tocynnau drwy wefan Taliesin!

The Terrorism and Social Media Conference is taking place on Bay Campus this week. Our team facilitiated the booking and...

The Terrorism and Social Media Conference is taking place on Bay Campus this week.
Our team facilitiated the booking and worked with multiple stakeholders across the university to ensure the event goes off without a hitch, including arranging a fully vegeta***n lunch each day.

The Terrorism and Social Media   will take place at Bay Campus next week. This conference brings together a range of res...

The Terrorism and Social Media will take place at Bay Campus next week. This conference brings together a range of researchers, policymakers and practitioners, from several different countries and disciplinary backgrounds. The conference features keynote presentations from leading experts, and delegates can attend several panel discussions, featuring a host of different speakers. When TASM took place in 2022 (photographed), we saw 201 delegates from 15 countries across the world attend, including people from major tech organisations and UK and international governments.

Cynhelir y Gynhadledd Terfysgaeth a'r Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol ar Gampws y Bae'r wythnos nesaf. Mae'r gynhadledd hon yn dod ag amrywiaeth o ymchwilwyr, llunwyr polisi ac ymarferwyr ynghyd o lawer o wledydd a chefndiroedd disgyblaethol gwahanol. Mae'r gynhadledd yn cynnwys prif gyflwyniadau gan arbenigwyr blaenllaw a gall cynrychiolwyr fynd i nifer o drafodaethau panel sy'n cynnwys llu o siaradwyr gwahanol. Pan gynhaliwyd TASM yn 2022, daeth 201 o gynrychiolwyr o 15 o wledydd ar draws y byd i’r digwyddiad, gan gynnwys pobl o sefydliadau technegol mawr, Llywodraeth y DU a llywodraethau rhyngwladol.

The next Open Day is Saturday 15th June – are you attending? This is the perfect opportunity to explore what Swansea Uni...

The next Open Day is Saturday 15th June – are you attending? This is the perfect opportunity to explore what Swansea University has to offer. If you know our team, you’ll know how much we enjoy working with various stakeholders across the University to support this event!

Cynhelir y Diwrnod Agored nesaf ddydd Sadwrn 15 Mawrth – ydych chi'n dod? Dyma gyfle perffaith i archwilio'r hyn sydd gan Brifysgol Abertawe i'w gynnig. Os ydych chi'n adnabod ein tîm, byddwch chi'n gwybod faint rydyn ni'n mwynhau gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid amrywiol ledled y Brifysgol i gefnogi'r digwyddiad hwn!

Did you spot your favourite Bay Campus hang outs on the 'Dot and Bubble' episode of Doctor Who?  📽️ ✨ Let us know if you...

Did you spot your favourite Bay Campus hang outs on the 'Dot and Bubble' episode of Doctor Who? 📽️ ✨ Let us know if you watched it until the end! if you haven't seen it yet, make sure you catch it on BBC iPlayer! We're proud this was filmed at Swansea University and we're loving looking back at the cool stills. To discuss filming opportunities, get in touch with the team.

Wnaethoch chi weld eich hoff fannau ar Gampws y Bae ar y bennod ddiweddar o Doctor Who? 📽️ ✨ Rhowch wybod i ni a wnaethoch chi ei gwylio tan y diwedd! Os nad ydych chi wedi'i gweld eto, gwyliwch y bennod ar BBC iPlayer. Rydyn ni'n falch bod hon wedi cael ei ffilmio ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe ac rydyn ni wrth ein boddau'n edrych yn ôl ar y lluniau difyr. Er mwyn trafod cyfleoedd ffilmio, cysylltwch â'r tîm.

📞 01792 295665
✉️ [email protected]

A few months ago, we were lucky to introduce Lucy to the team. Luce has hit the ground running and has shared some of he...

A few months ago, we were lucky to introduce Lucy to the team. Luce has hit the ground running and has shared some of her experiences of working with us in our newest blog post – head to our website to find out more.

Ychydig fisoedd yn ôl, cawson ni’r pleser o groesawu Lucy i'r tîm. Mae Luce wedi mynd ati'n frwdfrydig ac wedi rhannu rhai o'i phrofiadau o weithio gyda ni yn ein postiad blog diweddaraf - ewch i'n gwefan am ragor o wybodaeth.

Wish you were here...Have the beach on your doorstep – host your event at Swansea University ☀️Hoffech chi fod yma...Byd...

Wish you were here...
Have the beach on your doorstep – host your event at Swansea University ☀️

Hoffech chi fod yma...
Bydd y traeth ar drothwy eich drws - cynhaliwch eich digwyddiad ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe ☀️

✉️[email protected]
📞01792 295665

We’re almost halfway through the year, and we have so much to look forward to! With a full schedule of upcoming events i...

We’re almost halfway through the year, and we have so much to look forward to! With a full schedule of upcoming events including Summer Ball, Climb Conference, Open Days, TASM, R&I Awards, U3A AGM, ISCAA and Diolch Day, there’s plenty to keep us busy. Bring on the summer!

Rydyn ni bron hanner ffordd drwy'r flwyddyn, ac mae llawer o bethau i edrych ymlaen atyn nhw! Bydd amserlen lawn o ddigwyddiadau – gan gynnwys Dawns yr Haf, diwrnodau agored, cynhadledd TASM (Terfysgaeth a Chyfryngau Cymdeithasol), y Gwobrau Ymchwil ac Arloesi, Cyfarfod Cyffredinol U3A, ISCAA (Symposiwm Rhyngwladol Anatomeg Glinigol a Chymhwysol) a’r Diwrnod Diolch – yn ddigon i'n cadw ni'n brysur. Yr haf amdani!

The very fabulous Charlotte in our team is Making Strides for Mental Health and running the Swansea Half Marathon, for t...

The very fabulous Charlotte in our team is Making Strides for Mental Health and running the Swansea Half Marathon, for the second year in a row!

“I felt the benefits of running the Swansea Half Marathon last year to no end! So, I’ve signed up again to give me the routine, fitness, and sense of community that I felt last year. I realise not everyone is able to get out and run to help with their mental health, so here’s to raising money to help those who need a different kind of support.”

Please donate via the link: https://bit.ly/3ywF39R

Mae Charlotte yn ein tîm yn cymryd camau breision dros iechyd meddwl ac yn rhedeg Hanner Marathon Abertawe am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol!

"Roedd buddion rhedeg Hanner Marathon Abertawe'r llynedd yn ddiddiwedd! Felly, rydw i wedi cofrestru eto er mwyn cael y teimlad o drefn, y ffitrwydd a'r ymdeimlad o gymuned a deimlais y llynedd. Rwy'n deall nad oes modd i bawb fynd i redeg i helpu'i iechyd meddwl, felly dyma ffordd i godi a***n i helpu'r rhai y mae angen cymorth gwahanol arnynt."

Cyfrannwch drwy'r ddolen: https://bit.ly/3ywF39R

Isn’t campus just wonderful in the spring! The trees are green, and flowers are in bloom. 🌳🍃🌷🌹🌸 There are so many walks ...

Isn’t campus just wonderful in the spring! The trees are green, and flowers are in bloom. 🌳🍃🌷🌹🌸 There are so many walks available. This is the ideal space for breaks between meetings and events. If you want more information on what’s available to event organisers on Singleton Campus, chat to the team today ☀️

Mae'r campws mor bert yn ystod y gwanwyn! Mae'r coed yn wyrdd ac mae'r planhigion yn eu blodau. 🌳🍃🌷🌹🌸 Mae llu o deithiau cerdded ar gael. Dyma'r lle delfrydol i gymryd hoe fach rhwng cyfarfodydd a digwyddiadau. Os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth am yr hyn sydd ar gael i'r rhai hynny sy'n trefnu digwyddiadau ar Gampws Singleton, siaradwch â'r tîm heddiw ☀️

📞 01792 295665
✉️ [email protected]


Experience the Swansea Summer Ball with your friends on Friday 7th June! ☀️

Enjoy loads of live music, fairground rides, cheap drinks and sunny festival vibes. You can also invite a friend from home to show them how we do it at Swansea. 😎

Learn more about the day and get your tickets now on our Summer Ball website: https://buff.ly/3V0QJdC

Filming news!  🎥 The episode of Doctor Who that was filmed at Swansea University’s Bay Campus will be aired on May 31st ...

Filming news! 🎥 The episode of Doctor Who that was filmed at Swansea University’s Bay Campus will be aired on May 31st and is titled “Dot and Bubble”. We can’t wait to see campus on screen! For filming enquiries, get in touch with the team.

Newyddion Ffilmio! 🎥 Caiff y bennod o Doctor Who a ffilmiwyd ar Gampws y Bae Prifysgol Abertawe ei dangos ar 31 Mai a'i theitl yw “Dot and Bubble”. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at weld y campws ar y sgrîn! Ar gyfer ymholiadau ynghylch ffilmio, cysylltwch â'r tîm.

📞01792 295665
✉️[email protected]

We are delighted to share that we have been featured in the Event Industry News 2024 Summer Event Guide!If you are still...

We are delighted to share that we have been featured in the Event Industry News 2024 Summer Event Guide!

If you are still deciding where to spend some time this summer, Swansea might just be the answer. We have beautiful parks and beaches – three with blue flag status – all fantastic for walks, picnics, swimming, and more. Walk the wilds of the Gower Peninsula, relax on the water by booking a pedalo in Singleton Park (literally footsteps from Singleton Campus) or explore the wonders of the popular Wind St. Plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in the Swansea experience! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi ein bod ni wedi’n cynnwys yng Nghanllaw Digwyddiadau’r Haf 2024 y cylchgrawn ar-lein, Event Industry News!

Os ydych chi’n ceisio penderfynu o hyd ble i gael saib yr haf hwn, mae’n bosib mai Abertawe yw’r ateb! Mae gennym barciau a thraethau hardd - ac mae gan dri o’r traethau statws baner las – ac maent oll yn wych ar gyfer mynd am dro, cael picnic, nofio a llawer mwy. Ewch am dro drwy dir gwyllt Penrhyn Gŵyr, ymlaciwch ar y dŵr pan fyddwch yn archebu pedalo ym Mharc Singleton (eiliadau ar droed o Gampws Singleton) neu ewch i archwilio rhyfeddodau Stryd y Gwynt sy’n hynod boblogaidd. Digon o gyfleoedd i ymgolli ym mhrofiad Abertawe! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Singleton Park


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