RED & BLACK 2025 - 9th Edition by Dream Catchers UK.
keep watching this space for more deatils :)
Big Fat Goan wedding....another happy customer. Thank you for the trust, Jodrin & Rosena
We do gel candles or table pieces of your choice for your event, DM DreamCatchers uk to get the best quote, best way to personalise your event.
Any Design any Shape any Size. The nice way to keep those memories last forever with your guest. Table piece. Wedding/party favours. Take aways we can customise it for you . Contact DreamCatchers uk
Dream Catchers uk along with Ponda Parishioners UK welcomes you all for their Annual feast celebrations of their Patron Saint Anne's on the 27th July, please refer to the flyer for more information. Thanks
Looking forward to see you all for the Feast of St. Annes on the 29th July 2023. Please follow the Official banner and our page to get more updates. Please save the date and confirm your availability.
Final call to you lovely people and who love and follow DreamCatchers uk .We are hoping to see you all for our 8th traditional Red and black valentines dine and Dance at the Punjabi Community Centre....for more info about bookings please call on the no. Below