🖤Motherhood - a life of constant contradictions🤍
I’ve so loved watching my little Tilly grow and develop new skills these last 7 months, but I also cling onto and panic about the time and moments that have passed.
Her first smile, the first time she babbled, her first time trying food. Those are all gone now. I was there for every single moment but somehow I also feel like I missed them. They can’t and went so quickly.
Is this just what life is like forever now?
Excited to watch my baby grow up, learn new skills & become her own person but always longing for her to stay so little? To hold her in my arms forever and have her need me the way she needs me now?
That, for me, has proved the trickiest part of motherhood so far. The constant battles in my mind and in my heart. I want it all, to watch her grow but oh my God STOP GROWING!
Anyone else feel the same or just me? 😅