Kathryn Hanson Celebrant

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Kathryn Hanson Celebrant Heartfelt, laid-back, fun ceremonies. Celebrant with Independent Humanist Ceremonies ❤️

A decade as your wife! Happy 10th anniversary to us ❤️

A decade as your wife! Happy 10th anniversary to us ❤️

When your bestie gets her wedding photos back and you're giving "newly married couple" vibes rather than "bride and cele...

When your bestie gets her wedding photos back and you're giving "newly married couple" vibes rather than "bride and celebrant" vibes! What can I say, I love her ❤️

Thank you for capturing this moment!

What to do with your bouquet after your wedding?After conducting my lovely friend's wedding in May, she gifted me her bo...

What to do with your bouquet after your wedding?

After conducting my lovely friend's wedding in May, she gifted me her bouquet and asked if I could press a few flowers for her as they were heading out of the country the day after her wedding.

A few weeks pressed in some books, and a bit of pritt-stick later, today I gifted her bouquet back to her.

What an absolute scorcher this was back in May for Emily and Louis!! This day was just SO. MUCH. FUN! They laughed and s...

What an absolute scorcher this was back in May for Emily and Louis!! This day was just SO. MUCH. FUN! They laughed and smiled through the entire ceremony!

You might not consider it for a Scottish wedding, but make sure you pack suncream! And if you're getting your make up done, make sure you pop it on beforehand. On a sunny day, you could be outside for hours - mingling before we begin, the ceremony, photos, catching up with all your favourite people. You don't want to be a shiny beetroot in your photos!

If you need some on your wedding day, I am part of the Factor 50 Club and will always have some in my bag that you can pinch. On the flip side, I also always have my massive brolly with me. You never know.

Photos by the very lovely
At the beautiful

Happy 4 weeks married to my beautiful friend, Alicia and the very lovely Kevin. To conduct the wedding of someone you kn...

Happy 4 weeks married to my beautiful friend, Alicia and the very lovely Kevin.

To conduct the wedding of someone you know is truly such a privilege - even in the absolute peeing rain!! We found a sheltered spot, just off the Royal Mile to hold their tiny ceremony and make it all official.

As long as I've known you, Alicia, it was clear that you and Kevin were meant to be. You two are just made for each other, and it means so much to have been at your side, to hear the beautiful things you had to say about each other, your promises for the future, and to pronounce you husband and wife.

Lots of love to you both ❤️

Photos by

Today I married my best friend... To her lovely husband, Jamie. 18 years of friendship, from sitting together on our ver...

Today I married my best friend... To her lovely husband, Jamie.

18 years of friendship, from sitting together on our very first day of uni, sharing flats together, being young and drunk and silly. All the big chats over the years, being there through sh*tty situations, figuring out who we were and what on earth we wanted to be. Fancy dress parties, trying to teach you how to do handstand in the pool, laughing until we cry, the time you got stuck in a window. To motherhood - sharing highs, lows, wisdom and confusion, having someone to message at 3am, being in amazement at the little humans we've brought into the world.

But today, after all these years of friendship, standing at your side as you marry someone who loves you and makes you so happy - that's my favourite memory we've shared.

To Emma, I love you so much! And to Jamie, I'm so happy you're in her life ###

On Sunday I had one of those days where I had to pinch myself to remind myself that this is truly what I do for my job. ...

On Sunday I had one of those days where I had to pinch myself to remind myself that this is truly what I do for my job.

I left a grey and miserable Edinburgh, to drive up to Glencoe - only to be greeted by glorious sunshine and a roasting 17 degrees! I met the hilarious and very loved-up couple, their family and two very cute dogs in a layby, then we took a hike into the hills. We followed the path of waterfalls, passing crystal clear freezing pools, surrounded by breath-taking views to arrive at the place they'd chosen for their wedding. Somewhere they'd visited before and dreamt of returning to for their wedding day. It was glorious!

To say that I love what I do, really is an understatement!

This is the tale of a tiny snail, and a great big grey-blue humpback whale.I'm so excited about  this weekend! A lovely ...

This is the tale of a tiny snail, and a great big grey-blue humpback whale.

I'm so excited about this weekend! A lovely community project to brighten up the last of these winter evenings, where people decorate their windows. Here's my piece, The Snail and the Whale, since I've read this book about 7000 times with my wee girl and know it by heart.

If you're near the West of Edinburgh this weekend, pop around Corstorphine for a wander 6-9pm on Saturday and Sunday. There's some beauties

Wedding content will resume soon!

This might be my favourite photo from 2023! Lauren and Neale got married in September just off the iconic Royal Mile in ...

This might be my favourite photo from 2023! Lauren and Neale got married in September just off the iconic Royal Mile in Edinburgh. They headed up to the Mile for their photos after the ceremony and walked into the middle of a huge Scottish Indy referendum march - which stopped in its tracks for everyone to cheer and go wild for our newly married couple!!

And it was such a special day in my celebrant career, marking my 200th wedding!! It doesn't get better than this! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Thank you so much to the brilliant for capturing it x

Tying the knot as a familyWhen Kirstin and Richard got married in November, a huge part of their story was Kirstin joini...

Tying the knot as a family

When Kirstin and Richard got married in November, a huge part of their story was Kirstin joining Team Turnbull, with Richard and the kids. During the ceremony, it wasn't just Kirstin and Richard that tied the knot in a handfasting, we added in a length of ribbon for each of the kids too. A strong knot, held together by the love that the 5 of them have for each other ❤️

Photo by at The Rowantree

EXCITING NEWS!!Over the last year or so, I've only been available for weddings on Saturdays and Sundays... But has anyon...


Over the last year or so, I've only been available for weddings on Saturdays and Sundays... But has anyone got that Friday feeling??? I'm now taking bookings on Fridays too!!! 🎉❤️✨

Fridays are a great day for a wedding - a long weekend of celebrating, an extra day off to recover for your guests, your favourite suppliers are more likely to be available than on a Saturday. Plus I got married on a Friday so I reckon it's a great day for a wedding!

So if you're getting married in the next 12 months, and looking for a Friday date, give me a shout! I still have some Saturday and plenty of Sunday availability throughout the year too, so get in touch ☺️

(Currently only taking bookings up to 12 months in advance, so I can still plan life around my beautiful wild wee toddler)

Throwback photo from the wonderful wedding of Giada and Mike at , taken by the amazing ❤️

The serious bit - the legal stuff!With a Humanist wedding, there is no set content and each ceremony is written to refle...

The serious bit - the legal stuff!

With a Humanist wedding, there is no set content and each ceremony is written to reflect each couple. The only bit of the ceremony that you MUST include is that you each state that you want to marry each other ("I [name] accept you [name] in marriage") and you must sign the paperwork, along with two witnesses. That's what makes it legally binding.

Beyond that legal part, I'd create a ceremony that suits you both - whether you're super romantic, absolutely not romantic at all, love taking the mick out of each other, want loads of tradition, want something unconventional and modern, something sincere and heartfelt, full of your mad stories, simple and stripped back... I always tell couples, it's your ceremony, not mine.

We're very lucky in Scotland, as it's one of the small handful of places in the world where you can have a legally binding Humanist wedding. So you get the freedom that comes with a Humanist ceremony to have a wedding that is meaningful to you. But it's also legal!

As you can see from this photo at Angela and Ryan's wedding by .photo, I take this paperwork very seriously... I actually do, but it's the most fun legal document you'll probably ever sign!

"And now, it gives me the greatest pleasure to present for the very first time... OUR NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE!!!!!"Wooohooo...

"And now, it gives me the greatest pleasure to present for the very first time... OUR NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE!!!!!"

Wooohoooooo!!! Everyone goes wild!!!!! You two take your first step into married life as you head up the aisle. All your favourite people are clapping, cheering, beaming, maybe having a wee cry. And every time I get to make that announcement, I couldn't be more delighted. It's just magic ✨

Photo by the fab

This might be a quieter time of year for weddings at the moment. But it's always a busy time of year for me with new enq...

This might be a quieter time of year for weddings at the moment. But it's always a busy time of year for me with new enquiries and writing lots of your ceremonies. So if you are considering getting in touch to book, here's some things you might want to know:

- Humanist ceremonies are non-religious and allow you to have a wedding that fits you as a couple, with no traditions for traditions-sake, and can be as heartfelt, quirky, simple, fun, romantic, understated, emotional, relaxed as you want it to be!
- Humanist wedding ceremonies are legal in Scotland (no need to have a separate ceremony at the registry office) and if you're not from Scotland, don't worry, it's still legally binding when you go back home!
- They can take place anywhere you wish, whether it's a wedding venue, out in the wild, or in your back garden

- I am currently available for weddings on Saturdays and Sundays only (as I have a little girl who keeps me busy the rest of the time)
- I am taking bookings within the next 12 months, because much further ahead than that feels like the distant future!
- May, June and July have limited availability, September is fully booked already
- Send me an email, I can let you know if I'm free on your date and we can arrange a chat from there!

Photo from the super lovely Ciara and Michael's wedding by the super lovely

What a year!!! Thank you so so so much to every single couple who has trusted me to conduct their wedding ceremony. To s...

What a year!!! Thank you so so so much to every single couple who has trusted me to conduct their wedding ceremony. To say that it's a joy and an absolute honour doesn't even cover it. It truly is so special to be there at your side on your wedding day. You lot are what makes my job amazing!!

Looking forward, I'm going to continue to take bookings 12 months in advance. So currently I'm booking until the end of 2024 (eg by Jan 2024 I'll be booking up until Jan 2025, Feb 2024 booking up to Feb 2025, and so on). Much further ahead sounds like sci-fi years to me at the moment!

I've got one more wedding to go before I hang up my heels for a few months. Can't wait to finish off 2023 with an absolute beauty of a day!

PS if you're not a hugger, just let me know and I'll leave you be!

I've been going through photos from the last few years recently, and this one from my lovely pal  really made me smile. ...

I've been going through photos from the last few years recently, and this one from my lovely pal really made me smile.

Being a celebrant, my role on the day is so much more than just officiating your ceremony. I'm there to give you a pre-ceremony pep talk if you need it, calm those last minute jitters, give you a plaster if your shoes are rubbing. I'll organise bridesmaids, have a practice with them of fanning out your dress, make sure they know where they're going. Has the best man definitely got the rings?... Just check again. Do your parents need a hankie? One time the bride's dress ripped right after the ceremony, but not to worry - I was there with my needle and thread.

And if you're having an elopement and need a dress-woosher for a dramatic photo with Edinburgh's beautiful skyline in the background, I'm there! Swipe to see me disappear.

I have the best job in the world! That's all I wanted to say ☺️

I have the best job in the world!

That's all I wanted to say ☺️

Mari and Ahmed had the most incredible day back in June on Yellowcraigs beach. They knew they didn't want a traditional ...

Mari and Ahmed had the most incredible day back in June on Yellowcraigs beach. They knew they didn't want a traditional wedding, they just wanted to be married. Ahmed is friends with my husband, so when he first started talking about it, he figured they'd just go to the registry office with two witnesses and just get the legal bit done. Then maybe have a wee party in their flat...

They then realised they could have a celebrant and get legally married on the beach. And gradually the plan evolved into the most perfect beach wedding, surrounded by friends and family.

The day started with them walking to the beach together, which somehow became an unplanned strip the willow! Mari made her incredible dress, even printing the fabric herself, and made Ahmed's trousers. The ceremony took place in the middle of a communally built sandcastle which their guests made awaiting their arrival. Their vows were so beautiful and emotional, and they literally jumped for joy as they were pronounced husband and wife.

Mari and Ahmed, thank you so much for letting me be part of your completely wild and crazy plans! I loved every minute (I'm so glad you didn't just go to the registry office!)

Photos by the lovely

I might be biased, but Edinburgh really is the most beautiful city. When I was a kid I used to tell my mum I was going t...

I might be biased, but Edinburgh really is the most beautiful city. When I was a kid I used to tell my mum I was going to move to Edinburgh one day and be an artist. Well half that plan came to fruition!

Throw back to April, conducting a teeny elopement for the wonderful Jasmin and Victor in the exact location on Calton Hill they got engaged 10 years earlier. Can you believe this is the city centre?! They were joined by just two witnesses - their dear friend and their photographer/friend (and a little baby bump too 🥰)

Edinburgh has some incredible elopement locations - Arthur's Seat, Calton Hill, Portobello beach, or a little further out - Cammo Estate, the Pentland hills, any number of beautiful East Lothian beaches. You don't need to trek up to the Highlands for a beautiful elopement.

I still have some weekend availability for weddings and elopements this winter and into spring. You just need 12 weeks notice to get the legal paperwork sorted, and two witnesses. Give me a shout if you'd like to know more ❤️

(2025 diary remains closed for now)

200 WEDDINGSToday I conducted my 200th wedding ceremony, and last week it was my 5 year celebrant-iversary.Here's some s...

Today I conducted my 200th wedding ceremony, and last week it was my 5 year celebrant-iversary.

Here's some standout moments from my first 200 weddings:
- my first ever wedding, on a beach in February for one of my dear friends. What a beginning!
- so much weather: unexpected snow in April, storms blocking almost every single road in Dumfriesshire, sunshine with white sand and crystal water that looks tropical, heatwaves where grooms in tweed kilt outfits may actually melt
- alternative outfits: multicoloured embroidered dresses, black gowns of my teenage goth dreams, suits in every hue imaginable, wellies and jeans
- 4 dog guests who got very excited and distracted by a gatecrasher dog mid-ceremony
- a collapsing bridesmaid
- helping the groom to plan a surprise proposal before the vows, as he felt he never really proposed, absolutely stunning the bride!
- post-ceremony chats with your guests: the wee girl who earnestly gave me a haribo and told me I deserved it or a tearful and proud dad who never thought he'd be so overjoyed for his gay son
- to be honest, I also love the grumpy old aunties who say "that was very... different" and give me a disgusted look. Different to what she thinks a wedding should be is exactly what I'm going for!
- having to get a private boat to an island
- a bride ditching her dad, and running up the aisle
- 100 guests building a communal sandcastle, for the couple to get married at the centre of
- so many happy tears, vows that grab your heart, the glances, smiles, and little moments between you that I get the joy of witnessing
- owl ring bearers
- a teeny wedding in a tenement garden, with the neighbours watching out their windows
- working alongside so many talented wedding suppliers, some I now call my friends
- the messages months and years after your wedding day: baby news, puppy news, you finally moved out of your in-laws and got a place of your own, you're planning that incredible holiday of dreams. I love hearing from you even long after the wedding day is done

Each one of you makes my job so incredible, I'm overjoyed that this is what I do. Bring on the next 200!

Scotland in summer. No filter needed. Outdoor ceremonies are probably my favourite. Even if it's raining, so long as I'm...

Scotland in summer. No filter needed.

Outdoor ceremonies are probably my favourite. Even if it's raining, so long as I'm dressed for it, I love being out in the elements. But on a day like today, it's utter perfection!

The gardens at are sensational! The gardener has worked there for 35 years, and clearly perfected their craft!

When planning your wedding ceremony, so many couples will say to me "urgh, we don't really have a story... We're not rom...

When planning your wedding ceremony, so many couples will say to me "urgh, we don't really have a story... We're not romantic... It's just not us". If the thought of me telling your ❤️love story❤️ during a ceremony makes you feel like you might be a bit sick, do not fear!! That's not really my style!

Sure, some couples are really romantic and want to shout about their love from the tops of mountains to every person who'll listen. But lots of people are not like that! Yeah, of course you do love each other. You want to be married and spend your days together. But it's a quieter, more grounded, or maybe more ridiculous and silly kind of love, than your stereotypical romantic tale.

Michelle and Dan's ceremony told the tale of mutually standing each other up, a gang of youths, zillions of cancelled holidays, getting stuck for hours in a time-share meeting, failed proposal attempts and animal droppings. Their story! Because if it was told as sunshine and rainbows, would it really have been theirs?!

The story may have been full of ridiculous events, but the day was brimming with love. And that setting was unreal! Photo by the incredible

One of the best bits (and there's lots of best bits) of my job is getting to find out your story - the highlights, soppy...

One of the best bits (and there's lots of best bits) of my job is getting to find out your story - the highlights, soppy bits, the misadventures. I'm really nosey, so I love finding out who fancied who! These two first met when Kym was showing off on the dancefloor to catch Jasmine's eye, slipped and got her bum stuck in a mop bucket! She definitely caught her attention.

I'm now taking bookings again after my maternity leave, for Saturdays and Sundays 2023-2024. I'm not ready to think ahead to 2025 yet! For initial meetings, my best availability is by Zoom in the evenings, although I may have some limited availability to meet in person.

So, how did you meet your partner?

Photo by my lovely pal

How is it nearly the end of the year?! I haven't shown my face on social media for a long time, but I can promise you I'...

How is it nearly the end of the year?! I haven't shown my face on social media for a long time, but I can promise you I've been very busy behind the scenes. Mostly juggling my return from mat leave, conducting gorgeous weddings, and being utterly besotted with my wee baby, Ailsa - the beautiful wee riot that she is! It's meant that I've not had so much free time for social media, but I'm still about.

2022 had been a wild, totally amazing, utterly exhausting, strange, incredible, overwhelming, love-filled year for me! Thank you to every couple who has trusted and been patient with me while I spin a whole stack of new plates. The year is not over yet. I still have 3 more beautiful weddings before the year is out. But I thought I'd make a point of posting now, because let's face it, I'll blink and all of a sudden it'll be next year!

Photo from August, my first day back from mat leave, for a very special couple, captured by the wonderful

YAAASSSSSS!!!!!!! I am loving being back conducting wedding ceremonies again!! I'm buzzing, high fiving you from a dista...

YAAASSSSSS!!!!!!! I am loving being back conducting wedding ceremonies again!! I'm buzzing, high fiving you from a distance, wanting to jump up and down every time I get to pronounce a couple legally married. I get to be a part of one of the best days of your lives and it's just magic!

Cheers to the brilliant for capturing this at

Yesterday was my 4 year celebrant anniversary! 🥳❤️💃What better way to spend it, coming off my maternity leave to a weeke...

Yesterday was my 4 year celebrant anniversary! 🥳❤️💃

What better way to spend it, coming off my maternity leave to a weekend of two beautiful weddings, at stunning venues in the sunshine, with gorgeous, hilarious, loved-up couples.

After many years working in the NHS, I'm so glad that I took the big scary leap into something new and became a celebrant. Best job EVER!!!

I'M BACK!!! Sort of....Please read if you were considering getting in touch to book. (TL:DR - I'm not currently taking a...

I'M BACK!!! Sort of....
Please read if you were considering getting in touch to book. (TL:DR - I'm not currently taking any new bookings, and remain closed to new enquiries).

On Saturday, I am returning to conducting lovely weddings again. I'm so excited, I have some absolute beauties in the pipeline and I can't wait to get back to being part of your weddings again. But I'm also shocked at how quickly my maternity leave has come to an end. Wee Ailsa is almost 4 months old, and it has been the quickest, strangest, most incredible, hardest, exhausting, all-consuming 4 months of my life.

Ailsa is doing amazingly, and is loving taking in the world around her, thriving, babbling and laughing (ohhh that wee laugh is my everything 🥰). But in all honesty, I have not been quite so great, with a wee run of health issues since she's come along.

✨So for this reason, I have decided not to re-open to new bookings at this time✨

Conducting ceremonies is a tiny part of what is involved in being a celebrant. The vast majority of my time is usually made up with meeting couples, writing and editing ceremonies, replying to enquiries, and a whole bunch of admin. I'm not quite ready to dive straight back in yet.

Going forward, I'm going to be more part-time. Just in case you are planning on getting in touch when I do reopen to new bookings, please note I will only be taking on new bookings on Saturdays and Sundays, when Ailsa and her daddy will be hanging out while I work. I am already fully booked until August 2023 (apart from some limited availability in January, February and April). But for now, my diary remains closed while I get the hang of this new balancing act of working and baby life.

Pictured is a very special wee wedding that I was part of in June for my cousin down at Powfoot beach. It was definitely worth sneaking out from my maternity leave to be part of a really special day with family. Photo by

So keep your eyes peeled for some wonderful wedding content coming your way. But for now, no new enquiries please ❤️

Ailsa HansonMay the 4th - Star Wars Day3.4kg (7lbs 9)The last 9 days have been wild!! Ailsa has utterly stolen our heart...

Ailsa Hanson
May the 4th - Star Wars Day
3.4kg (7lbs 9)

The last 9 days have been wild!! Ailsa has utterly stolen our hearts. Who'd ever believe you could be so in love with someone who screams at you in the middle of the night and pukes all over you!? Paul and I are exhausted, delirious and so so happy!

I'm absolutely overwhelmed with kind and lovely messages, but I'm struggling to keep up. I've had quite a bit of recovering to do (birth is a lot!!), on top of figuring out how to keep this tiny person alive, so please don't worry if I haven't got back to you. Your messages are really appreciated, but I'll be continuing to stay off social media during my maternity leave to concentrate on this little girlie ❤️

As for Ailsa (not Alisa 🤭), she's thriving.
The force is strong with this one 🥰

✨Maternity leave✨Today I have sent my final very happy newlyweds into married life. The out of office is on and I am now...

✨Maternity leave✨

Today I have sent my final very happy newlyweds into married life. The out of office is on and I am now off work on maternity leave, while we wait for our baby to arrive. I'll be back to (already booked) weddings in late August, but my diary won't reopen to new enquiries until later in the year.

A special mention goes to all my amazing colleagues at Independent Humanist Ceremonies who have helped to cover my maternity leave, ensuring none of my couples were left stranded. I'm so lucky to be part of such a supportive organisation alongside some incredible celebrant pals.

And thank you to everyone - couples, suppliers, pals (IRL and online) who have been asking after me and bump, sending lovely messages and well wishings. It means so much!

I'm planning to keep off my work social media as much as possible during my maternity leave. Although I may still be lurking here, I won't be available for any work chat. Lots of people have been asking for baby photos once our wee girl arrives, but we'll be spending some time laying low and taking time to settle in as a family.

Wee baby, I cannot wait to meet you in the next days, weeks, month... wherever you decide it's time to show your little face! You're so loved already ❤️

I remember when I first started as a celebrant someone saying to me "no one will remember exactly the words that you say...

I remember when I first started as a celebrant someone saying to me "no one will remember exactly the words that you say, they'll just remember how they felt".

And moments like this in your ceremony are exactly what I love! What had just been said in this moment...? Honestly, I can't remember. But what was the feeling throughout Louisa and Bradley's ceremony - a pair of cheesy romantics, silly giddiness, pure happiness, and soooo much love bursting from these two! Captured by the brilliant Geebz Photography



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