After such a wonderful response to my last funeral post, I thought a short video showing how these tributes all come together might be of some interest. It’s an often cold, wet, dirty, labour intensive, thought provoking, skilled process… but 100% i wouldn’t change my trade for anything. I hope you enjoy watching it
Did your beau propose over the holidays?
Have you started planning?
You need a florist, right ?
Free consultation
No minimum spend
33 years knowledge
And me, one woman with a lot of passion - who doesn’t love a wedding
Call Leah on ; 07970 292049
Email ; [email protected]
As we all rush around preparing for the holidays, putting so much focus on that one day being, “our” perfect Christmas
It is easy to lose sight of family’s and friends who are dealing with loss. My role as a florist means I see both sides of what is meant to be, the happiest time of year.
These tributes were close to my heart, having known the family 20 years and my husband knowing them 30 years. Tributes to reflect the grandchildren’s nickname and a classic DAD tribute, yellow roses the chosen flowers. For the casket yellow and purple cut flowers, with the added touch of 4 potted primulars, that can go home to the 4 households that will miss Bill, dad diddy, the most
RIP now Bill
Oh what a night! 40 fabulous woman making their own Christmas wreaths!!! It was cra cra but I hope everyone loved it!! Thank you to Vikki and Maria for asking me to host, way back in September, So ladies, same time next year? #maverickladieslounge
Hi guys. I haven’t done a voiceover on a video for a while, but this tribute was ideal to show you how a customers idea, is transformed into a fitting tribute. A funeral spray for a lost neighbour and friend, who lovingly gifted his home grown vegetable over the fence to my customer. Gone but not forgotten, RIP DD
Hi ya gorgeous lot, quick update on my wreath making sessions. I only have 4 dates left And THREE venues requesting dates.. so keep an eye out !
Super excited that the session at The Maverick Ladies lounge, has opened up more space, so this event has been l REOPENED and I’m taking BOOKINGS
So today was a reflection kinda day, it’s nearly 3 years since I took the risk and went self employed. It’s been quite the journey since that post-it note. #noshop, no fuss, just one woman and a lot of passion
• Physio therapist “it’s strange you’re in so much pain Mrs Ledwich, ^flower arranging^ isn’t a physical job?”
“Firstly, never call me a ^flower arranger^ again. Secondly, let me tell you, Mr I’m amazing with my hands! We stand for hours, do that horrid half lean, bend constantly, kneel, tippy toe, lay on the floor blar blar blar blar
Now let me cross your palm with silver, so you can manipulate the living daylights out of my aching body