Getting Married?....
[email protected] to book 💜
#firstdancesong #weddingsinger #weddingband #acousticduo #ifiaintgotyou #aliciakeys #coversongs #Weddings #livemusic #hertfordshire #surrey #bedfordshire #uk #italy #portugall #destinationwedding #weddingbreakfast #singer #vocalist
#Watford! What a bloody awesome night we all had??!!!!
Thank you so much for coming and supporting @denisjcook & I again even after all the last minute changes (& understand those who changed their plans to come because of the changes or the venue not being able to accommodate you - I hope you still all had the best night wherever you ended up with your groups of 15+ peoples! Trust me when I say, that situation was completely out of my control & all I can say is times are changing!)…I am truly humbled that my home town supported us with such love again!!!
I have a small request to you all for any videos & pictures you took last night to be DM’ed to me please 🙏🏾
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas & and Funk’in 2025!…keep your eyes peeled on here or my website for all details of where you can see me Funk’in out!
Much love, your BMF 💜💋🙏🏾
#singer #livemusic #partyband #partysinger #partyband #aintnopartylikeabmfparty #livemusicwatford
We did a thing!!!
We (@keysmanalex @denisjcook @r_oreilly @karenlouisestrawtrumpet) recreated the #churchwedding scene from @loveactuallyfilm! After performing #allyouneedislove we played the happy couple out of the church to their favourite song #ohbabyiloveyourway by @bigmountainband!
Here’s our rehearsal, which almost got us busted as the groom got there earlier than we were told he would!!!
Huge congratulations Sam & Steve! 💜
…there are very few things that stop me mid-song…this lil baby girl - possibly 2 yrs old in her red princess dress was strutting up & down my stage area with 👀 like thunder (😠) @ me for about the 1st 30mins of set 1 - I felt like I had wrongly taken her …she eventually decided I was worthy to be in her presence & @officialdjwonderuk_ captured it 💜…GOLD!
God bless you Kerri & JP for inviting me to perform for you & yours! Thank you for trusting in my recommendation of @officialdjwonderuk_ who smashed it as always! Pleasure working with you my brother (& mad shout out to @mustbelivemusic who saved the day!).
🍱 @lime.face (bloody delicious!)
Venue @aldenhamgolfclub
👗 @asos (the dress that keeps on giving!)
#singer #weddingsinger #partysinger #performer #livemusic #partyband #aintnopartylikeabmfparty #diva #entertainer
What a week!!!
Funk’in as #VanillaSundae with the @thesundaes_official on Wednesday for the @hertfordshirestudios showcase with my @kerisnlea & @annamacleodfranklin (💜) - 10 minutes of ABSOLUTE JOY! FOLLOW US!!!
Then back to Big Mama Funk’in for @poppy444’s EPIC 40th #birthdayparty @hdolounge #Essex (where all the beautiful people live!) with the wicked #DJMark @fridayshout_partys_
And now getting ready to FREAKY FRIDAY FUNK’IN @ @topoftheworldpub this Friday for their #Halloween spooktacular party! And promoting THE #CHRISTMASPARTY of the season with me old mucker @denisjcook on the #djdecks in the place it all began @ava.watford (The old Horns Watford) on Friday 20th Dec!!!
Life is GOOD! #AintNoPartyLikeABMFParty
#singer #partysinger #partyband #livemusic #weddingsinger #partyshow #westend #cabaret #cabaretshow #watford #london
..."She's not just ANY party singer!!!..." and here's why....
If you want your event to be as memorable as know what to do!
[email protected]
Thank you once again Hertfordshire Oktoberfest for having me for a 2nd year!
Thank you @dj.darrenjones for being so generous with all your extra filming! (FYI that's what support looks like)
Thank you @justsmileltd for making us all sound and look great!
Finally thank you @Kevin Saunders for ALWAYS championing me!
#singer #partysinger #beerfestival #oktoberfest #musicfestival #livemusic #coverband #christmasparty #hertfordshire #bedfordshire #buckinghamshire #middlesex #london #corporateentertainment
What a Saturday!
@hertfordshireoktoberfest @dj.darrenjones @justsmileltd @theoktoberfestband you NEVER disappoint!..same time next year then?!💜🙏🏾💜
3000 people having THE BEST time EVER!
#oktoberfest #hertfordshire #singer #partysinger #coversinger
#singer #houseparty #kitchendisco #gardenparty #partysinger
#livemusic #aintnopartylikeabmfparty #partysinger #gardenparty #summerparty