Why not gift your loved ones in hospital 🌸🌸🌸
Forever lasting floral bouquets make the perfect gift for all occasions 💕
Whilst myself and Jade were busy creating beautiful bouquets last Thursday, I received a phone call that my gran had been taken back into hospital 💔
I grabbed a ready made up forever lasting bouquet and off I went to make sure my little bestie was in safe hands. Upon arrival to the hospital I got many nurses and doctors explaining fresh flowers weren’t allowed on the wards. They were amazed to realise this bouquet was in fact faux. “We haven’t seen visitors think of this idea before” many said…
If you have a loved one your visiting in hospital and want to brighten up their day with a bouquet or a floral vase arrangement pop us a message to order yours 💕
Jade has also spent the weekend in hospital with her youngest daughter and is having some rest time with her family to ensure her recovery is as speedy as possible. 💕
Please bare with us this week regarding messages and emails as they may be a little slower than usual.
Thank you
G xx