I could list all my qualifications here but without experience they mean nothing so let's talk work, business, home and family. I'm a fierce advocate that with the right content and copy your business will succeed...put this alongside a lot of planning, organising and motivation. Being an Event Manager for over 15 years married (no pun intended!) with a wedding planner, administrator, virtual assi
stant, writer, researcher and hospitality guru and you've got yourself... well me! It's like one of those meetings but my addiction involves a laptop, typing, research and a lot of spreadsheets. As long as the diet cokes are cold, the laptop is charged and there is ink in my pen and spare paper I'm happy. I've been an event planner for years; even in my teens it was me who organised the parties, the school fundraisers, helped at parent teacher evenings, volunteered for everything and then took over editing the yearbook on the side just to keep busy. I like being involved, I like helping and I love it when a plan comes together! After gaining a huge amount of experience and expertise running my business for over 10 years, I chose to take my business on a different path. My organisational, business strategies, social media skills, researching and writing skills have transferred perfectly into Freelance Writing. I create strategies whilst giving assistance, copy, content, a friendly chat, a proactive plan and when needed a critical eye. I help businesses as well as the people in them to thrive, increase motivation, become more focused and get results. Creating copy and content for businesses gives them the right words to attract and gain their target audience. When I am not writing and organising you will find me enjoying family life, marching through the fells and dales of The Lake District, gorging on the wonderful Cumbrian cuisine and having a glass of wine in our local pub. Or I'll be running an event for the PTA or fundraising for a local cause!