How cute is this video made by my bestie ♥️ flowers by me at her wedding x
Loved this large rose bouquet that went out last week 🌹❣️
Fresh white rose & gyp bridal bouquet I had the pleasure of creating this weekend ❣️
Lillie Bouquet.. one of my many bouquets that went out last week 💚
I’m now down to my last couple of bouquets that can be delivered today or tomorrow. Thank you to all my customers for keeping me so busy 💛
Naomi red single roses
I have 8 of these left for Valentine’s Day ♥️
£5 each x
12 Naomi red roses 🌹
I now only have space for two more rose bouquets for Valentine’s Day ♥️
Thank you so much to everyone who has ordered from me🥰
Still taking orders for rose bouquets 🌹♥️
Come make a mini dried pampas bouquet with me🖤
Fresh rose bouquets. These can be ordered for Valentine’s Day ♥️