Last night we had our last gig of the bonfire season playing at Barcombe Bonfire Societies celebrations. A great evening, finished off with a fantastic firework display, with the sounds reverberating off the surrounding hills. It was awesome. We love bringing the samba atmosphere to these events and can't wait to do it all again next year. #drumming #charity #sambaband #celebrationsamba #barcombebonfiresociety
Last night we had a blast as we joined the Littlehampton Bonfire Society Parade, bonfire and fireworks. We were so loud that we were moved to the back of the parade....for us, that's a good thing, playing our samba rhythms for all to hear 😁
Yesterday we had a fantastic day supporting KSS Air Ambulance Heli Hike at Cowdray Park. The weather was great, the walkers all did an amazing job raising money for this incredible cause and we had so much fun with the Air Ambulance crew and support staff joining in to have a go. Here we are accompanied by the DJ, playing much fun!
#sambaband #celebrationsamba #airambulancekss #helihike #kssairambulance #drumming #charity
On Saturday, we played in various locations around Arundel at the opening weekend of #arundelfestivalofthearts the weather was great, as was the atmosphere and the crowds. We had a great time. Here we are playing our Madagascar rythym, just prior to playing as Arundels town crier raised the flag in the town square, signalling the official opening of the festival.
If you would like to come and have a go, email us at [email protected] we would love to see you.
See us on bank holiday Monday as we take part in Worthing Rotary Carnival, starting at 12 noon along Marine parade.
#celebrationsamba #sambaband #drumming #samba #worthing
What a blast we had at Brighton Pride yesterday, drumming out our Samba rythyms accompanied by the dancers from Beleza. The crowds were amazing and the atmosphere electric, such a great reception. We loved every minute of it.
#celebrationsamba #drumming #sambaband #belezadancegroup #brightonpride2024
What a fantastic day to be drumming our Samba rythyms at Worthing Lions Festival, brilliant weather, great atmosphere all for an amazing cause #worthinglions. We had a blast and hope that those who saw us enjoyed it too.
If you fancy having a go and being part of our many performances, contact us at [email protected], we would love to see you and you will receive such a warm welcome.
On Sunday 16th June, we once again played in support of Worthing Race For Life. A fantastic event to support and for such a worthy cause.
If you would like to give drumming a go and to have the opportunity to support such great events, get in touch. #sambaband #cancerresearchuk #celebrationsamba #drumming #worthingraceforlife #worthing #charity
On Saturday 1st June, we opened the Steyning Festival Family Fun Day, another sunny day for us to bring our Samba rhythms to another local event.
Next time out, we are at Worthings Race For Life in support of Cancer Research, come and join us and all those amazing runners for a fantastic cause, 16th June, Worthing Seafront.
#sambaband #summerfun #drumming #celebrationsamba #charity #worthing #worthingraceforlife #cancerresearchuk
Today was our first trip out of the summer season as we lead Bognor Carnival procession, followed by a static set in West Park. Fantastic weather, fantastic atmosphere, fantastic fun. What a great start to the summer. #celebrationsamba #drumming #sambaband #summerfun #bognorcarnival