No sooner Valentine's day is over that Mother's day will soon be here. I am taking orders for Mother's day bouquets full of seasonal flowers to bring joy. Please contact me to order your bouquet now. Priced at £40.00.#mothersdayflowers #ordernow #uselocalbusinesse#independentflorist #seasonalflowers #Laddingford #Yalding#paddockwood #eastpeckham
Classic white and green urn arrangement commissioned for Christmas by a lovely lady. #christmasdecor #whiteandgreen #urnarrangement #christmastime #localfloristladdingford #shopsmallbusinesses .
Beautiful festive arrangement in classic white and green commissioned by a lovely lady.
Another successful workshop @thechequers.laddingford . Looks at these beauties. Lovely morning with a bunch of lovely ladies..#wreathworkshop #christmaswreath #villagelife #choselocalflorist#Laddingford #Yalding
Wreaths ready. Delivery route mapped.. it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I still have limited availability fir orders but don't delay!!#christmastime #christmaswreath #lovemyjob #independentflorist #Laddingford #Yalding
Had the pleasure to make these for a lovely lady's summer party. All locally grown flowers from local flower farms. Please contact me for more information to help you "flower up" your next event/party/wedding.
Summer party flowers for a lovely lady's birthday. All locally grown flowers in this urn arrangement and meadow box. Loving the cardoons. Let's hope the sun decides to keep shining today. I would be delighted to "flower" your next event/party/wedding. Please contact me for further information.
#gardenparty #summervibes #locallygrown #grownnotflown #flowerfarm#floraldesign #localfloristladdingford #brenchley #yalding #eastpeckham #kent#sussex#eventflowers
From flower farm to this lovely funeral tribute. Love my job. All the flowers were grown locally too.#funeralflowers #localfloristladdingford #locallygrownflowers #grownnotflown #flowerfarm #funeraltribute #localbusinesses #seasonalflowers #yalding #eastpeckham #paddockwood #tunbridgewells #tonbridge #kent
Informal bouquet with homegrown flowers. The beauty of living in a small village is that your neighbours readily let you pick some flowers from their garden. #villagelife #grownnotflown#britishflowersweek #roses#informalbouquet#locallygrownflowers #summervibes #localflorist #independentflorist #Yalding #eastpeckham #paddockwood #tonbrigeevents .
Busy day today at the shed. Look at some of these beauties waiting to be wrapped up and delivered to some wonderful mums out there. #mothersday #mothersdayflowers#roses#tulips#handtiedbouquet #motherlove #localbusiness #Yalding #eastpeckham #tonbridge #tunbridgewells #localbusinessladdingford.
Mother's day bouquets orders now being taken. DM me for details. #mothersday #handtiedbouquets #makehersmile #springflowers #localfloristladdingford #Laddingford #Yalding #eastpeckham #paddockwood #tunbridgewells