Peony Events Georgia

Peony Events Georgia Weddings | Marriage registration | Corporate events
Making your events special

Peony is your assistant in organizing top-level events, regardless of place of residence and citizenship.

The Peony team is constantly learning from the best professionals, because it is really important for us to create a whole experience and provide the best service.

Our company is officially registered, we always fulfill all obligations under the contract and provide guarantees. And now we

are going on an exciting journey towards our dream of creating memorable events for you. Peony — ваш помощник в организации мероприятий на высшем уровне вне зависимости от места жительства и гражданства.

Команда Peony непрерывно обучается у лучших специалистов, потому что для нас действительно важно создавать целостные впечатления и предоставлять наилучший сервис.

Наша компания официально зарегистрирована, мы всегда исполняем все обязательства по договору и предоставляем гарантии. И теперь отправляемся в увлекательный путь к своей мечте — создавать незабываемые мероприятия для вас.

Wedding of Nikita Berezhnoy and Inga Meladze 💫October 2023, part2Film by

Wedding of Nikita Berezhnoy and Inga Meladze 💫
October 2023, part2
Film by

October 2023Warm wedding of Inga&Nikita (part1) Film By

October 2023
Warm wedding of Inga&Nikita (part1)

Do you like film photographies as much as we like them?🤍🌿Bride .ann MUAH  Photos

Do you like film photographies as much as we like them?🤍🌿

Bride .ann

Do you like film photographies as much as we like them?🤍🌿Photos by  Bride .ann

Do you like film photographies as much as we like them?🤍🌿

Photos by
Bride .ann

Morning of our bride Aniya🌿Team:Bride .ann Location  MUAH  Photos

Morning of our bride Aniya🌿
Bride .ann

Morning of our bride Aniya🌿Team:Location  MUAH  Photos

Morning of our bride Aniya🌿

Contract and payment 📄rus ⤵️⠀Concluding a Peony's agreement with our couples occurs in several simple steps:⠀▫️After agr...

Contract and payment 📄
rus ⤵️

Concluding a Peony's agreement with our couples occurs in several simple steps:

▫️After agreeing on the initial estimate, we send the couple a template of the contract with the estimate, payment schedule and all the main provisions;

▫️After mutual approval of the agreement, we request a passport data from the couple and enter it into the document for signing;

▫️After signing the contract, we issue an invoice for the advance payment — in dollars, euros or pounds, as is more convenient for the couple;

▫️According to the details, you transfer an advance payment to the company’s account;

▫️Immediately after which we, in our turn, also transfer the advance to the selected contractors and site;

▫️Next we work on the details, step by step approaching the cherished day, and you make payment according to the schedule specified in the contract.

That’s all! ✨

P.S. We’ve already mentioned once that we work by the contract — which means we process all receipts officially, pay taxes and are listed in the register of legal entities of Georgia. Therefore, by entrusting your celebration to us, you will feel completely safe — both legally and morally. 🤍

Договор и оплата 📄

Заключение договора Peony с нашими парами происходит в несколько простых этапов:

▫️После согласования первичной сметы, мы высылаем паре шаблон договора со сметой, графиком платежей оплаты и всеми основными положениями;

▫️После взаимного утверждения договора, мы запрашиваем у пары паспорта и вносим эти данные в документ для его подписания;

▫️После подписания договора мы выставляем инвойс на оплату авансового платежа – в долларах, евро или фунтах, как удобнее паре;

▫️По реквизитам вы переводите на счёт компании авансовый платеж;

▫️Сразу после чего мы, в свою очередь, тоже переводим аванс выбранным подрядчикам и площадке;

Продолжение в карусели ➡️

How much does a wedding cost in Georgia in 2024?rus ⤵️⠀We receive many requests for weddings next year and actively prep...

How much does a wedding cost in Georgia in 2024?
rus ⤵️

We receive many requests for weddings next year and actively prepare offerings for our future couples. The cost of organizing a wedding in the coming year is one of the important questions, the answer to which can be found in this post.

Of course, the cost of organizing a wedding — and not only in Georgia — will depend on the items and services that the couple chooses. This could be a marriage registration, a wedding for two with a photo walk or a magnificent celebration with 200 guests. Costs for such events will vary greatly.

💲 We have collected information on prices for the main services in the wedding industry to make it easier for you to navigate

— Official registration of marriage — from $350
– Floristry — from $1500
– Makeup artist — from $200
– Photographer — from $800
– Videographer — from $800
– Host — from $1000
– DJ — from $590
– Cover band — from $1350
– Sound support — from $670
- Lighting — from $1500
– Dinner per person — from $60
– Fireworks — from $200
– Wedding cake — from $350
– Transfer for guests (Mercedes Sprinter) — from $240
– Event organization — 10% of services, but not less than $500

We necessarily discuss all items in the estimate with each of our couples — and sign the papers only after agreeing on the cost of the project, which can always be amended by adding to the offering.

The advantage of working with Peony is maximum transparency in the formation of the price list. 💯 Couples know not only the final cost of the event, but also all the sub-items from which this cost is formed.

In the following posts we will talk about how the contract is drawn up and payment is made. 📄
Сколько стоит свадьба в Грузии в 2024 году?

Мы получаем всё больше запросов на проведение свадеб в следующем году и активно готовим предложения для наших будущих пар. Стоимость организации свадьбы в предстоящем году – один из важных вопросов, ответ на который можно найти в этом посте.

Продолжение в карусели ➡️

Wedding ceremony of Ekaterina and Igor in September 🤍Photos by .tails

Wedding ceremony of Ekaterina and Igor in September 🤍
Photos by .tails

How do we work ❔Rus ⤵️ㅤHere are some words about the values ​​of the Peony team and the processes important for our work...

How do we work ❔
Rus ⤵️

Here are some words about the values ​​of the Peony team and the processes important for our work.

We are very afraid of the word volume and take on a limited number of projects. It's not because we don't like to work hard — on the contrary! For us, limiting ourselves in the scope of projects means having the opportunity to approach each project individually and pay maximum attention to each couple. 🫶🏻

We never send estimates blindly. Before we do this, we have a call, get to know the couple, find out about all their wishes in order to understand (we say this sincerely) how suitable we are for each other. After the call, we draw up an initial estimate and send the couple an offer within one or two days. 📨

After this, we make a call again, answer all the questions, go over the initial estimate, talk through possible adjustments — on sites and other aspects.

After all important points have been fully agreed, we proceed to signing the contract, issuing an invoice and making an advance payment. ✅

After this, detailed planning of the event begins — an exciting, multifaceted, sometimes complex, but always inspiring process. 🪄
Как мы работаем ❔

Несколько слов о ценностях команды Peony и важных для нашей работы процессах:

Мы очень боимся слова объём и берём ограниченное количество проектов. Это не потому, что мы не любим много работать – наоборот! Ограничивать себя в объёме проектов для нас значит иметь возможность индивидуально подходить к каждому проекту и уделить максимум внимания каждой паре 🫶🏻

Мы никогда не отправляем сметы вслепую. Перед тем, как сделать это, мы проводим созвон, знакомимся с парой, узнаём обо всех пожеланиях, чтобы понять (скажем искренне) насколько мы другу подходим. Уже после созвона мы составляем первичную смету и отправляем паре предложение в течение одного-двух дней 📨

После этого мы созваниваемся повторно, отвечаем на все вопросы, проходимся по первичной смете, проговариваем возможные корректировки – по площадкам и другим аспектам.

Продолжение в карусели ➡️

Наш корпоративный вечер 17.12.2023✨Мы очень любим людей, с которыми мы работаем. Мы очень любим людей, для которых мы вс...

Наш корпоративный вечер 17.12.2023✨
Мы очень любим людей, с которыми мы работаем. Мы очень любим людей, для которых мы все делаем.
И мы хотим сказать большое спасибо всем, кто нас поддерживал, нам помогал, подбадривал, выручал, и, конечно, доверил нам свой праздник.
Мы очень счастливые люди🤍
До встречи в следующем сезоне💫Обнимаем🌿

Chateau Mukhrani 📍Rus ⤵️⠀Chateau Mukhrani is an ancient castle, the princely residence of the Bagrationi family and a fa...

Chateau Mukhrani 📍
Rus ⤵️

Chateau Mukhrani is an ancient castle, the princely residence of the Bagrationi family and a famous winery surrounded by picturesque vineyards 🏰

And Chateau Mukhrani is one of our favorite venues, about which we can safely say: “This is the place where your wedding will be truly unforgettable”

In this video we will show you what this site looks like 🎬

The Chateau Mukhrani estate is located an hour's drive from the center of Tbilisi. Here you can hold both a ceremony and a dinner for a wedding of any size — from 70 to 350 people. The large Chateau Mukhrani complex includes several sites:

– a 19th-century estate with an epoch-making history and completely restored interiors;
– a large park with rose gardens, forest, vineyards and stables;
– a restaurant with an elegant interior, traditional Georgian cuisine and wine from its own winery;
– a new atmospheric greenhouse, opened for guests this year, in 2023, with excellent zoning and many options for holding a ceremony.

We’ll add: the whole site is so green and self-sufficient that it doesn’t require a lot of decor to create a festive atmosphere 🌿

We are happy to show all of the details of this site, and by your request we will be glad to inspect others for you.

Swipe left to see the photos ➡️
Rus ⤵️

Шато Мухрани – это старинный замок, княжеская резиденция рода Багратиони и известная винодельня, окружённая живописными виноградниками 🏰

А ещё Шато Мухрани – это одна из наших любимых площадок, о которой мы смело можем сказать: “Это место, где ваша свадьба станет по-настоящему незабываемой”

В этом ролике мы покажем, как выглядит эта площадка 🎬

Усадьба Шато Мухрани находится в часе езды от центра Тбилиси. Здесь можно провести и церемонию, и ужин для свадьбы любого масштаба – от 70 до 350 человек. Большой комплекс Chateau Mukhrani включает в себя несколько площадок:

Продолжение, а также серия фотографий из усадьбы — в карусели ➡️

Preview from Ksenia and Giorgiy's wedding day🤍

Preview from Ksenia and Giorgiy's wedding day🤍

Wedding in Tbilisi🤍Our beautiful couple Kseniya&Georgi

Wedding in Tbilisi🤍
Our beautiful couple Kseniya&Georgi

Preview photos of our couple Seraphim and Karina🌿 15.09.2023 Kakhetiby

Preview photos of our couple Seraphim and Karina🌿 15.09.2023 Kakheti

Wedding day of Serafim and Karina 🌿By

Wedding day of Serafim and Karina 🌿

We wish you a warm cozy autumn🤍🌿

We wish you a warm cozy autumn🤍🌿

Photos from wedding day of Alena and German in Kakheti🌿 20.09.2023

Photos from wedding day of Alena and German in Kakheti🌿 20.09.2023

Diana and KarimBy

Diana and Karim

We are starting to share photos from the wedding of Diana and Karim🌿 28/08/2023by

We are starting to share photos from the wedding of Diana and Karim🌿 28/08/2023

The perfect time for your wedding is…Rus⤵️⠀We could say “now”, but, of course, we understand that each couple has its ow...

The perfect time for your wedding is…

We could say “now”, but, of course, we understand that each couple has its own unique story: it is important for someone to celebrate their wedding in the summer, while it is warm, someone wants to see snow-capped peaks in the pictures, and someone doesn’t care about the season at all: it is only important that all close people can get together. 🤍

Therefore, we will take the liberty of talking about only one of the ideal options for celebrating a wedding in Georgia — during the velvet season, meaning the beginning of autumn.

What are the benefits of this choice?🍁

— The whole September and the first half of October in Georgia is a warm time. At the same time, the summer heat, from which it is almost impossible to hide, is already leaving, which gives more opportunities for planning a wedding day.
— Summer is over, which means there are fewer tourists and other couples who want to celebrate their celebration. This allows you to choose from more free sites and contractors.
— Autumn in Georgia is an incredibly beautiful time. 😍 Don’t believe us? Just google “Autumn in Borjomi” or “Tbilisi Botanical Garden in September” — and you will understand everything yourself.

As you can see, we can talk endlessly about weddings, Georgia and autumn. If you are planning an autumn wedding in Georgia, feel free to write to us. 🍂
Идеальное время для вашей свадьбы – это…

Мы могли бы сказать “сейчас”, но, конечно, понимаем, что у каждой пары своя, уникальная история: кому-то важно отпраздновать свадьбу летом, пока тепло, кому-то хочется видеть на снимках заснеженные вершины, а кому-то сезон не принципиален: важно лишь, чтобы все близкие люди смогли собраться вместе 🤍

Поэтому мы возьмём на себя смелость рассказать лишь об одном из идеальных вариантов празднования свадьбы в Грузии – во время бархатного сезона, а точнее – начале осени.

Какие преимущества есть у такого выбора?🍁

– Весь сентябрь и первая половина октября в Грузии – тёплое время. при этом летний зной, от которого почти невозможно скрыться, уже уходит, что даёт больше возможностей для планирования свадебного дня;

Продолжение в карусели ➡️

We are happy to share the first photos from the wedding of Sergei and Yulia 26.08.2023🌿Photos by

We are happy to share the first photos from the wedding of Sergei and Yulia 26.08.2023🌿
Photos by

Contract work = caring 📄Rus ⤵️⠀Peony events is registered in Georgia as a legal entity, and form of cooperation offered ...

Contract work = caring 📄
Rus ⤵️

Peony events is registered in Georgia as a legal entity, and form of cooperation offered to our couples is the conclusion of a formal contract.

And this means that

— We have official bank accounts, there isn't and won't be a need to make payments illegally. We offer our couples to choose the most convenient way for them to transfer the payment — to the official details of the bank, to the card linked to the account or through the PayPal payment system.
— Our company is included in the register of legal entities of Georgia, you can check it at any time.
— We pay all necessary taxes and submit all reports.

Therefore, by contacting us, you will understand that you are working with a real-life company that bears all legal responsibilities, fulfills all its obligations and won't disappear after receiving the money.

This gives our clients a sense of security and allows them to relax, which is incredibly important during the preparation for the wedding day. 🌿 The tranquility of our couples is one of the most important values ​​of our team.

Are you ready to entrust your holiday to us? We are waiting for you in DM. 🫶🏻
Работа по договору = забота о вас 📄

Компания Peony events зарегистрирована в Грузии как юридическое лицо, и наша форма сотрудничества, которую предлагаем нашим парам – это заключение официального договора.

А это значит, что:

– у нас есть официальные банковские счета, нет и не может возникнуть никакой необходимости проводить оплату нелегально. Мы предлагаем нашим парам выбрать, как им удобнее перевести оплату – на официальные реквизиты банка, на карту, привязанную к счёту или через платёжную систему PayPal.
– наша компания включена в реестр юридических лиц Грузии, вы можете проверить это в любой момент;
– мы платим все необходимые налоги и сдаём всю отчётность.

Продолжение в карусели ➡️

Preview of the wedding day of Anastasia and Yuri 11.07.2023🌿Location  Photo by .tails

Preview of the wedding day of Anastasia and Yuri 11.07.2023🌿
Photo by .tails

Preview from the wedding of Irina and Egor in Vazisubani Estate 20.07.2023

Preview from the wedding of Irina and Egor in Vazisubani Estate 20.07.2023

Is it worth inviting a band to a wedding? 💃Rus ⤵️⠀Our answer will not surprise you — of course it is worth it! We especi...

Is it worth inviting a band to a wedding? 💃
Rus ⤵️

Our answer will not surprise you — of course it is worth it! We especially recommend this option to couples who are planning a wedding for more than 30 people.

Live music adorns any event and significantly lightens up the mood of all guests. In terms of emotions, the performance of a cover band cannot even be compared with playing any, even a perfectly matched, playlist, because the band will not only professionally perform well-known and loved by all songs, but also create a real show. 💥

Our database has a large selection of cover bands that perform songs in different languages — including English, Russian and Georgian. To help you make your choice, we share the tracklists of the bands you like.

When choosing a band, we advise you not to forget about two important things:
– a technical rider, where the group indicates their requirements for the room and equipment for the performance;
– and a household rider with an indication of the conditions of accommodation, delivery and meals for the group, which, of course, will also be included in the total cost.

The organizers from Peony will be happy to tell you about all the options for working with bands and important things to remember when choosing this option. ✨
Стоит ли приглашать бэнд на свадьбу? 💃

Наш ответ вас не удивит – конечно стоит! Особенно рекомендуем эту опцию парам, которые планируют свадьбу более, чем на 30 человек.

Живая музыка украшает любое мероприятие и заметно повышает градус настроения всех гостей. По эмоциям выступление кавер-группы не может даже сравниться с проигрыванием любого, пусть даже идеально подобранного, плейлиста, потому что бэнд не только профессионально исполнит известные и любимые всеми песни, но и создаст настоящее шоу 💥

В нашей базе есть большой выбор кавер-бэндов, которые исполняют песни на разных языках – в том числе на английском, русском и грузинском. Чтобы помочь вам определиться с выбором, мы скидываем треклисты понравившихся групп.

Продолжение в карусели ➡️

What if you want to bring your host, photographer or florist to your wedding?Rus ⤵️⠀Just let us know! 🤍 We understand ho...

What if you want to bring your host, photographer or florist to your wedding?
Rus ⤵️

Just let us know! 🤍 We understand how important it is for your favorite specialists to create a holiday for you, and we fully allow the option of cooperation with your contractors.

Here are some important points for this decision.

– In any case, we want to get to know your specialists in advance and learn as much as possible about how they work. It is important that during the wedding the whole team works smoothly and harmoniously — and you can only enjoy the moment.

– Of course, we recommend paying attention to those contractors that are in our database: we recommend only experienced specialists whom we trust for. 💯

– It is worth remembering that external contractors who do not work with the agency may not know or, for some reason, do not comply with the seasoned dress code. In addition, these specialists, like the rest of the wedding team, will need to be fed and brought to the venue — all these points are important to keep in mind.

In any case, everything is possible! 🪄

At a free consultation, we will tell you what you need to pay attention to if you come to us with a contractor from your side — and about other equally important nuances of your wedding. Welcome! 🫶🏻
Что делать, если вы хотите привезти своего ведущего, фотографа или флориста на свадьбу?

Просто сообщить об этом нам! 🤍 Мы понимаем, насколько важно, чтобы праздник для вас создавали любимые специалисты, и вполне допускаем вариант сотрудничества с вашими подрядчиками.

Вот несколько важных моментов при таком решении:

– В любом случае мы захотим заранее познакомиться с вашими специалистами и узнать максимум о том, как они работают. Это важно, чтобы во время свадьбы вся команда работала слаженно и гармонично – а вы могли только наслаждаться моментом;

– Конечно, мы рекомендуем обратить внимание на тех подрядчиков, что есть в нашей базе: мы рекомендуем только проверенных опытом специалистов, которым доверяем на 💯

Продолжение в карусели ➡️

Today the founder of Peony, Evgeniya , celebrates her birthday. She is a generator of inspiration, strength and energy f...

Today the founder of Peony, Evgeniya , celebrates her birthday. She is a generator of inspiration, strength and energy for the entire agency team, for our couples, contractors and, we are sure, all the people around her. 🫶

The whole Peony team would like to congratulate her here to once again emphasize the exceptional importance of her personality in the work of the entire company. This is a leader who works tirelessly, often without days off and good sleep, who gives his all to work to make every project perfect and complete every task to the maximum. ✨

Happy Birthday! 🌸

We wish you success in all your endeavors and we have no doubt that it will be so. 💯

Be happy! ❤️
Сегодня свой день рождения празднует Женя — основательница Peony, генератор вдохновения, силы и энергии для всей команды агентства, для наших пар, подрядчиков и, уверены, всех окружающих её людей 🫶

Всей командой Peony мы хотим поздравить её здесь, чтобы ещё раз подчеркнуть исключительное значение личности Жени в работе всего агентства. Это руководитель, который работает без устали, часто без выходных и полноценного сна, который всего себя отдаёт работе, чтобы сделать каждый проект идеальным, и каждую задачу выполнить на максимум ✨

Поздравляем с днём рождения! 🌸

Желаем тебе успехов во всех начинаниях и не сомневаемся, что так оно и будет 💯

Будь счастлива! ❤️

The best time for a love story photoshoot and a ceremony…Rus ⤵️⠀…is the golden hour — the time after sunrise or before s...

The best time for a love story photoshoot and a ceremony…
Rus ⤵️

…is the golden hour — the time after sunrise or before sunset. At these moments the most tender pictures are being made. The sun at this time is still (or already) very low and creates a perfect soft golden light. This time is best for portrait shooting and atmospheric ceremony. 🌅

But let's be realistic — the dawn in Georgia in the summer can be very early, and taking into account the time for getting ready and the road, you can catch the golden hour in the morning only after waking up at 2-3 in the morning. How can one do?

We recommend choosing a time convenient for you for the shooting and the ceremony, based on our recommendations.

– If possible, avoid the harshest midday light — from 11am to 4pm, when the sun shines directly at you and forms not always aesthetically looking shadows on faces. In addition, at this time in our region, with all its splendor, it can be too hot. 🫠
– In summer in Georgia, the light is very beautiful after 6pm, therefore, shooting can be arranged not only early in the morning, but also before the wedding dinner.
– We recommend that the ceremony in summer be held no earlier than 5pm — in Tbilisi and its suburbs, 5.30pm — in Kakheti, and 4pm in the mountains. In spring and autumn, this time shifts to 4-4.30pm. 🕜

But it’s better to choose the team that knows how to build the timing of the wedding day down to every detail instead of picking the right time for yourself. Experts from Peony are at your service. 🫶🏻

Лучшее время для lovestory и церемонии…

…это золотой час — время после восхода солнца или перед закатом. Именно в эти моменты получаются самые нежные снимки. Солнце в это время находится ещё (или уже) совсем низко и создаёт идеальный мягкий золотой свет. Это время лучше всего подходит для портретных съёмок и проведения атмосферной церемонии 🌅

Но будем реалистами – рассвет в Грузии летом может очень ранним, а с учётом времени на сборы и дорогу, застать золотой час утром можно только проснувшись в 2-3 часа ночи. Как быть?

Продолжение в карусели ➡️

Unusual wedding traditions of different nations 🌎Rus ⤵️⠀We’ve gathered a selection of the brightest, unusual and even a ...

Unusual wedding traditions of different nations 🌎
Rus ⤵️

We’ve gathered a selection of the brightest, unusual and even a few strange wedding ceremonies from around the world for you. Ready?

🇮🇳 In India, on the night before the wedding, married friends apply turmeric paste on the bride's body.
🇺🇸 In the USA, it is believed that on the wedding day, the bride must have something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 In England, there is a tradition of serving the poor and beggars, bringing food to the sick and neighbors who were not invited.
🇳🇬 A groom in the Ibo tribe in Nigeria needs to overcome a test: to pass through a row of numerous relatives of the bride, who at this time fiercely beat him with sticks. And brides in Nigeria before the wedding should gain as much weight as possible.
🇧🇷 In Brazil, the names of single bridesmaids are written on the lining of the wedding dress.
🇨🇳 The wedding of the Chinese Tujia people begins with tears: according to tradition, a month before the ceremony, the bride should start crying, thereby showing love for her parents and unwillingness to leave her father's house.
🇲🇽 In Mexico, the godparents of the newlyweds throw a “wedding lasso” on a couple — large “rosary beads” with ribbons and flowers.
🇹🇳 In Tunisia, there is a practice to decorate the hands and feet of the bride with henna with patterns in the form of butterflies, flowers and intricate patterns.
🇨🇭 In some areas of Switzerland, there is a tradition to douse the bride from head to toe with mud on the day before the wedding.
🇮🇩 In Bali, it is customary to file the teeth of the newlyweds before the marriage ceremony.
🇰🇪 In Kenya, the husband must wear women's clothes for the first month after the wedding.
🇩🇪 In one of the German cities, Leising, it is believed that a couple cannot get married if they have less than six planted fruit trees on their account.

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David Kvachantiradze 5





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