The Red Butterfly (The Eventive Experience)
The other day, at a workshop I attended, my trainer asked if I was the lady with The Red Butterfly Logo. "Why the Red Butterfly?" She asked.
The Red Butterfly because first Red is my favourite colour, it's associated with #love, #passion and #power.
And the Butterfly because we liken the growth process of the butterfly to the process of any event. In the beginning, it doesn't look pretty, raw details, it all looks messy but with time and the right procedure, it comes out beautifully.
So yes, you may not have it all together but once The Eventive Experience steps in, it's going to be beautiful, fun, memorable and one of a kind.
#eventplanner #weddingplanneringhana #EventCoordinator #weddingplanner #partyplanner #butterfly #wedding #party #birthday #passion