My simple message as we close 2023 and begin 2024!
💊 is 'No one owes you support! You are 💯% responsible for what you want to do and who you want to be!!
You can only have faith in God and pray for good people to come into your life who will believe in your course and be willing to support you.
(FYG) If you take the 💊, you may consider and practice the following;
1⏰ Reshuffle your circle: If certain friendships and relationships do not add to your growth or income, stay away to have your peace of progress.
2⏰ Narcissists and Guilt trip people are dangerous to your progress, you need to be smart to identify them and know how to manage them to your advantage or cut them off if so be it.
3⏰ Be intentional: Use your intelligence, not your emotions; your intelligence allows you to focus on solutions, and your emotions only allow you to focus on problems.
On this note! You need to work on your Emotional Intelligence, The ability to approach problems and respond accordingly.
4⏰ Be focused, observe everything that happens around you, and remain focused: Listen more, talk less, and be cautious about who you share ideas or plans with.
5⏰ Open to collaborations and partnerships, don't think you have all the ideas in the world. The contemporary world gives opportunities to those who are able to initiate strategic collaborations or partnerships.
6⏰ Be humble, be teachable with integrity: Read more if you can or be curious to explore.
7⏰ Build productive networks within and outside your industry, and find mentors tailored to your career development and general growth.
8⏰ Be Resourceful: Give value to people and value will follow you.
9⏰ Money only follows valuable things (positive impact, pleasure, etc) so add competitive value to yourself and keep improving.
10⏰ If you are a ; your certificate may open door for you but your Humility, Integrity, and Relationship-Management will either retain you or get you out. So, go out of the classroom occasionally to explore, learn new skills and develop knowledge with attitude that transcends academic qualifications.
11⏰ You only have as your bet all the time on your side in every situation, so, Pray for wisdom, direction, protection, Pray for wealth, long and healthy life.
12⏰ Help the weak, give the poor, empower the vulnerable; that is how you invest in God, and his rewards are imaginary miracles for your success and transformation.
Hon Riffath Yakub
Happy New Year!!!