My name is precious Amevor. I am here today with a heavy heart.. I am a nurse. The water situation in my facility is very disheartening.. Patients have to bring their own water from home sometimes.. How do we promote health when a basic necessity such as water is a challnege. We have Ghana water pipelines.. But the flow in the area isnt consistent.. For a very long time now water is being paid for by management using IGF.. We have few polytanks and storage facilities.. the truth is we do not get enough water at a time to serve more than 3.days..i have spoken to a few people.. I have even followed up to MTN.. We are in Ho, a capital town. But severly deprived... I am here seeking help to either purchase a big size polytank for the general ward temporally.. The best solution will be the provison of a mechanized borehole.i don't see internal help.. I have served in these facility for 9 years ... I am. Open to any form of help.. Anyone with an advice , a direction , anything towrds finding a solution please contact me.. I am worried about the safery of my patients.. As a public health student, i understand the need for water in a health facility.. I do not want to even start issues about WASH IPC. this is a cry for help.. A cry for my facility, a cry for my community, a cry for my patients.
Anyone with information,help , advise of any kind can reach me on
0247836803, or email. Me
[email protected]
Please help me share this.. Let the world hear my cry. And find me help..i am askimg for 1 of these 3 things.
1.a mechamized borehole with connections to the wards
2.a big sized polytank with regular filling with water for the general ward
3.a redirection of the hospital water pipelines by the ghana water company
Thank you. And God bless you.