Omar Touray, a young Gambian, Music Promoter and Designer, launched his new clothing brand ‘ OmarDrip’ /DROKOTONO ‘Drokotono’ in the Sarahule language means ‘Hardworker’, celebrating the efforts and accomplishments of all hardworking people the world over. If self realization, discipline and hard work are traits that you value,treasure and associate with, then this new clothing brand should be ‘your brand’. Join us as we celebrate life, vitality, quality and good living with ‘OmarDrip/ Drokotono. Follow him on his various platforms for updates.
IG @omarodrip …TikTok Omarodrip … omaro_drip …..X omaro_drip
Cess Ngom
Cess Ngom Official
Omar Touray, a young Gambian, Music Promoter and Designer, launched his new clothing brand ‘ OmarDrip’ /DROKOTONO ‘Drokotono’ in the Sarahule language means ‘Hardworker’, celebrating the efforts and accomplishments of all hardworking people the world over. If self realization, discipline and hard work are traits that you value,treasure and associate with, then this new clothing brand should be ‘your brand’. Join us as we celebrate life, vitality, quality and good living with ‘OmarDrip/ Drokotono. Follow him on his various platforms for updates.
IG @omarodrip …TikTok Omarodrip … omaro_drip …..X omaro_drip