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🇫🇷 Marie-José Pérec et Teddy Riner allument ensemble la flamme olympique 😍



Le triple champion olympique de judo et la triple championne olympique d'athlétisme, Teddy Riner et Marie-José Pérec


"After the war, all karate teachers gathered to decide the future of Shotokan karate. Masatoshi Nakayama came from China where he spent almost 15 years after graduating from the University. Nishiyama was still at the University at the time. From the Shotokan dojo came assistants of Yosh*taka Funakoshi, Hironishi, Egami, Okuyama and others. They disagreed, with years older, Nakayama and Nishiyama regarding the further concept of exercise, as the two had almost no contact with Yosh*taka's learning and exercise. Thus came their complete distance from the Japan Karate Association (JKA) which subsequently formed under Nakayama. From Yosh*taka's followers, Egami founded his own style, Okuyama went his own way, living separate from the world, except for rare contacts with Buddhist monks; while others generally continued their ordinary business lives. They all disagreed with the JKA concept because they believed that the modern approach, imposed by JKA, deprived karate of its original martial spirit, especially one developed during Yosh*taka's practice and learning in the years immediately before and during World War II." - Sensei Taiji Kase in interview for Budo magazine (Athens, February 1993)




Cette semaine, nous avions envie de vous (re)parler de ce joyau que l'on appelle Deshaies...

Ses plages paradisiaques et son atmosphère envoûtante font de cette destination, un écrin de bonheur au cœur de la Guadeloupe.
Faites briller cette commune en votant pour qu'elle devienne le village préféré des Français ❣️

Votez maintenant et avant le 8 mars :


"Originally, in Okinawa, there were no competitions in karate, not even what is now called free kumite, i.e. randori practice competitions in which you can use techniques freely. With my father [Kenwa Mabuni], such things were strictly forbidden. This was also the case under Master Funakoshi, who followed his Okinawan teachers. This is characterized by an incident at Tokyo University that occurred at the end of the 1920s. The local karate club suggested a “real combat karate” in which protective clothing should also be worn. Master Funakoshi rejected this and caused the person in charge to resign." - Master Kenei Mabuni


Utilisez la mort pour bien vivre, une vie vertueuse.

"A chacune des actions que tu fais, réfléchis et demande-toi si la mort est terrible, parce qu’elle te prive d’agir en ce cas particulier." Marc Aurèle

"Il est libre celui qui vit encore après que sa vie est achevée." Sénèque


"L'homme ordinaire est exigeant avec les autres. L'homme exceptionnel est exigeant avec lui-même" Marc Aurèle

"Mais l’homme heureux, c’est celui qui s’est attribué à lui-même un bon lot, et un bon lot, ce sont de bonnes orientations d’âme, de bonnes tendances, de bonnes actions." Marc Aurèle


"At the beginning of any movement, breathing is crucial. When thinking about breathing body will not be tense. Smooth inhalation will make the body soft and it will cause generation of the energy inside the body. Immense power can be released in an instant. From open-hand techniques to closed-fist techniques." - Master Taiji Kase


Funakoshi Gichin Sensei (right) facing Motobu Choki Sensei (left). Hadn't seen this photo before. From the controversial September 1925 edition of King magazine that confused the two masters in reference to a challenge match against a European boxer.


Connu comme étant un chanteur et acteur américain, Elvis Presley était également un .

Le jeune homme a commencé à s'entraîner alors qu'il était stationné en Allemagne (Army Elvis, 1958-'60) avec un certain Juergen Seidel. À son retour aux États-Unis, il rencontre Ed Parker, un maître de kenpo, lors d'une démonstration de karaté au Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Les deux hommes se lient d'amitié et Parker enseigne à Elvis par intermittence jusqu'à la mort de Presley en 1977. À Memphis, Presley obtient sa ceinture noire de premier degré en 1960 auprès du styliste de Chito-Ryu Hank Slemansky. Plus t**d, Elvis s'est entraîné dans un dojo de Memphis avec Maître Kang Rhee, qui lui a décerné une ceinture noire du septième degré, avant qu'Elvis n'ouvre son propre centre, le Tennessee Karate Institute.

Les talents du King et la véracité de sa ceinture noire du septième degré font cependant encore l'objet d'un débat au sein de la communauté du karaté. Chaque fois que des doutes sont soulevés, les personnes qui ont connu Elvis ou se sont entraînées avec lui le défendent toujours.

D'après les sources, en 1960, Elvis a reçu sa ceinture noire de premier degré en karaté.

Ci-dessous une photo d'Elvis Presley en . ☺️



Inside the Shōtōkan, ca. 1940. Sitting in second row, left to right:

- Katsushima Rokuichirō (fourth person from the left)
- Uemura Tsunejirō 植村常次郎 (1906-2002), after the two Funakoshi(s) he was the third teacher at the Shōtōkan. Uemura was skilful in the field of Japanese calligraphy (Shodō), in which he even instructed his Karate teacher Funakoshi.
- Funakoshi Gigō 船越義豪 (1906-1945)
- Funakoshi Gichin 船越義珍 (1868-1957)
- Noguchi Hiroshi 野口宏 (1910-2002)
- unknown
- Hayashi Yoshiaki 林義明 (1907-1989), after the two Funakoshi(s) and Uemura he was the fourth teacher at the Shōtōkan
- Endō Kunio
- Egami Shigeru 江上茂 (1912-1981)

In the background wall, a Shintō shrine with the name of the three deities enshrined there: 香取大明神 / Katori Daimyōjin (left), 天照大御神 / Amaterasu-Ōmikami (center), 鹿島大明神 / Kashima Daimyōjin (right).

On top to the right, it is attached the motto 無手人行拳 / mute jin kōken - "The weaponless man is travelling with the fist". The phrase was originating from "The Quiet Hermitage", a Chinese collection of zen buddhist kōan (a 公案 / kōan is a riddle, problem or story handed down from the ancient Zen masters, that is offered to a student to open the student's eyes to the truth of Zen). Herein "fist" can be seen as the martial art of Karate, which is described as a travelling utensil.

On top to the left, it is attached the aphorism 修文奮武 / shūbun funbu - "Study literature, invigorate the martial art" or "Cultivate the literature, awake the martial art". In principle it states that a martial arts practitioner's physical training alone is not enough, so intellectual (i.e. non-physical) abilities must also be nurtured.

Matteo / Karate Jutsu / 唐手術


"Why Budo is always here, in Hara? Because it is from there that connection with the heels of the feet has to be established. When you do that, do not push or force it to happen. You have to be balanced and calm. This is a mental connection, and we need to imagine how we are connected through our feet with the point which is one hundred meters under the ground. We need to imagine how we touch that point. I will not be able to feel that if I am not balanced. From the times of the samurai, Hara was a center in Budo practice!" _ Master Taiji Kase


Today Kancho Nobuaki Kanazawa 51th birthday he was born may 14 .1972 in Tokyo Japan and is the eldest of three sons of Soke Hirokazu kanazawa 10th Dan supereme Instructor and founder of Shotokan karate-do federation . Kancho Nobuaki kanazawa is the current Head of Shotokan karate do international federation.. Wish you many many more happy returns of the day happy birthday to you Kancho ....


"The first level is to create a correct position and exert pressure on the ground. This reaction is "absorbed" in Hara and from there, it is released through the techniques. This is very clear with Fumikomi. Pushing to the floor has the same reaction directed upwards. For example, when Oi zuki is expected. Kime in this block (Jodan nagashi uke) is not the result of my power, it is his (opponent's) power that I took."- Master Taiji Kase
Photo by Davide Rizzo (Italy)


The Japanese Sensei took time out from the Wado Ryu Championships for a photo shoot at Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, London. Suzuki Sensei is centre and surrounded by his team. Circa mid 1970's.

It was the highlight of my youth watching all of them at Crystal Palace. Every one a legend!


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