Watt Athens

Watt Athens We create and design high end events in Athens.

Timetable for tonight!

Timetable for tonight!

Thank you Clubber.gr ! One day left for our big night @ Steam AthensWatt presents Keith Carnal for an unforgettable tech...

Thank you Clubber.gr !
One day left for our big night @ Steam Athens
Watt presents Keith Carnal for an unforgettable techno experience
Along with Nicolò x RITU x Modok

Η ομάδα Watt θα υποδεχθεί τον Ολλανδό techno DJ και παραγωγό στο club Steam.

Let the fresh wind of Keith Carnal 's grooves blow your head

Let the fresh wind of Keith Carnal 's grooves blow your head

Check out Keith Carnal on Beatport.

Time never stands still they say and this is the case for RITU as well. For those of you wondering, RITU means time.Nino...

Time never stands still they say and this is the case for RITU as well. For those of you wondering, RITU means time.
Nino and Lightem go back almost more than a decade, as contributors of the Greek local electronic music scene
which became the foreground of their long standing friendship.
Athens, is the birthplace of this newborn duo which marks their musical evolution and creative direction.
Multifaceted artists both, they have managed to preserve their house and techno roots and imbue them into a masterful blend
of sounds which immediately captivate the heart of the dancefloor, the sound of RITU.
Dreamy pads, mellifluous drums, mind-expanding synths through a dark intense atmosphere striding across, stamp their sets and productions.
It is a time to embrace. Embrace RITU.

Λένε πως ο χρόνος είναι αεικίνητος και αυτό ισχύει και για τους RITU. Για όσους από εσάς αναρωτιέστε, RITU σημαίνει χρόνος.
Ο Nino και ο Lightem βρίσκονται στο προσκήνιο περίπου μια δεκαετία, ως συνεισφέροντες της ελληνικής ηλεκτρονικής μουσικής σκηνής, η οποία έγινε η βάση της μακροχρόνιας φιλία τους.
Η Αθήνα είναι η γενέτειρα αυτού του δίδυμου που σηματοδοτεί τη μουσική εξέλιξη αλλά και τη νέα δημιουργική του κατεύθυνση.
Πολύπλευροι καλλιτέχνες και οι δύο έχουν καταφέρει να διατηρήσουν τις house και techno ρίζες τους και να τις εμπλουτίσουν παρουσιάζοντας ένα πρωτοποριακό μείγμα ήχων που αμέσως αιχμαλωτίζουν την καρδιά του dancefloor, τον ήχο των RITU.
Τα ονειρικά pads, τα δραματικά drums, τα synths που τρυπάνε το μυαλό μέσα από μια σκοτεινή, έντονη ατμόσφαιρα που διαπερνάει το dancefloor, χαρακτηρίζουν τα sets και τις παραγωγές τους.
Είναι καιρός να γνωρίσετε τους RITU.

Watt proudly presents Keith Carnal
along with
Nicolò x RITU x Modok @ Steam Athens

"Για μένα η techno, μπορεί να περικλείσει όλα τα συναισθήματα, είτε είναι χαρά, λύπη, ακόμη και θυμό" έχει δηλώσει ο Kei...

"Για μένα η techno, μπορεί να περικλείσει όλα τα συναισθήματα, είτε είναι χαρά, λύπη, ακόμη και θυμό" έχει δηλώσει ο Keith Carnal. " Η techno είναι κάτι παραπάνω για μένα, από το να παίζω και να φτιάχνω κομμάτια, είναι μια γλώσσα που υπερνικάει τις λέξεις, τις διαφορές και τις φυλές- μια αμίλητη γλώσσα ενότητας." Το ερχόμενο Σαββατοκύριακο, ο Keith Carnal, θα ενώσει το κοινό του Steam Club, την Παρασκευή 22 Νοεμβρίου.

“For me techno can encompass all emotions, whether it is happiness, sadness or even anger,” Carnal said in a previous interview. “Techno is more for me than just playing and making tracks, it's a language that overcomes words, differences and race – an unspoken language of unity." This weekend, Carnal will be bringing people together at Steam Club where he’s scheduled to perform on Friday, November 22.

"Το άλμπουμ, Retrofit, είναι μια αντανάκλαση της έμπνευσής μου με βάση τη μουσική με την οποία μεγάλωσα. Δίνει ιδιαίτερη...

"Το άλμπουμ, Retrofit, είναι μια αντανάκλαση της έμπνευσής μου με βάση τη μουσική με την οποία μεγάλωσα. Δίνει ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στις ταινίες neo-noir και στη μουσική που συνοδεύει αυτές τις ταινίες. Σκεφτείτε το Blue Velvet, το Blade Runner, το Twin Peaks, το True Romance κλπ. Αλλά εμπνέεται επίσης από γεγονότα που έλαβαν χώρα στη ζωή μου. Σκεφτείτε τα Σαββατοκύριακα χωρίς ύπνο και τα πάρτι στο Βερολίνο και εδώ στο Άμστερνταμ. Κλαμπ όπως το Trouw, το Berghain και το Gashouder που με βοήθησαν να βρω τον ήχο που εκπροσωπώ μέχρι και σήμερα.

“The album, Retrofit, is a reflection of my inspiration based on the music I grew up with. It especially emphasizes on the neo-noir movies and the music that came with those movies. Think of Blue Velvet, Blade Runner, Twin Peaks, True Romance, etc. But it also is inspired on events that took place in my life, think of weekends without sleep and going to parties in Berlin and here in Amsterdam. Clubs like Trouw, Berghain and the Gashouder that helped me in finding the sound I stand for today.

Keith Carnal's "Retrofit" is far beyond a "debut" album -- it's a collection of carefully-crafted tracks, seasoned by never-ending years of musical passion.

Οι παραγωγές του Keith Carnal συμβαδίζουν πολύ με τις επιλογές που κάνει ως DJ.Τα σετ του πάντα επικεντρώνονται στη διατ...

Οι παραγωγές του Keith Carnal συμβαδίζουν πολύ με τις επιλογές που κάνει ως DJ.Τα σετ του πάντα επικεντρώνονται στη διατήρηση του ρυθμού και του groove και απογειώνονται με κομμάτια που είναι ατμοσφαιρικά. Οι κλασσικές παραγωγές αναμιγνύονται με πιο σύγχρονες. Αυτό το έτος θα δούμε τον Keith να κυκλοφορεί αρκετές παραγωγές καθώς και να συνεχίζει την μεγάλη διεθνή περιοδεία του, όπου είναι headliner πολλών από τα μεγάλα φεστιβάλ και κλαμπ.

Carnal’s own productions very much goes hand in hand with the selections he makes as a DJ. A set of Keith’s always focuses on keeping the tempo, the groove and flourish with tracks that are atmospheric and contain strong melodic segments. This year will see Keith releasing several strong productions as well as continuing his extensive international touring schedule, where he is headlining many of the major festivals and clubs.

Friday November the 22nd at Steam Athens .

Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/431527910835925/

Έχοντας ως βάση του το Άμστερνταμ, ο Keith Carnal, έχει εξελιχθεί,τα τελευταία χρόνια, ως ένα είδος "tastemaker" στον ση...

Έχοντας ως βάση του το Άμστερνταμ, ο Keith Carnal, έχει εξελιχθεί,τα τελευταία χρόνια, ως ένα είδος "tastemaker" στον σημερινό κόσμο της techno. Ωστόσο, έχει καταφέρει να αναδειχθεί ένας από τους πιο αγαπητούς παραγωγούς ανάμεσα σε πολλούς που θεωρούνται ως "techno mainstay", έχοντας κερδίσει έτσι την υποστήριξη από πολλούς αγαπημένους του DJs.

Παρασκευή 22 Νοεμβρίου στο Steam Athens.

Amsterdam based Keith Carnal has in recent years become seen as somewhat of a tastemaker in today’s world of techno. However he has also become a favoured producer among many who are seen as “techno mainstay”, gaining support from numerous of his own inspirational DJs.

Friday November the 22nd at Steam Athens .

Event link : https://facebook.com/events/431527910835925/?ti=icl

The young and hopeful Portuguese dj, Lewis Fautzi took over the scene of Steam Athens  Supported by Nicolò and ModokPhot...

The young and hopeful Portuguese dj, Lewis Fautzi took over the scene of Steam Athens
Supported by Nicolò and Modok

Photos taken by: Alexandros Petsavas

The young and hopeful portuguese dj, Lewis Fautzi took the scene of Steam over. Supported by Nicolo and Modok
Photos taken by: Alex Petsavas


We can’t wait for Mr Lewis Fautzi
Here is a video of his bomb track destroying Awakenings festival!
Huge night incoming!


Win action!

Παρασκευή 25 Οκτωβρίου ο Πορτογάλος dj και παραγωγός Lewis Fautzi στο Steam Athens

Κάνε like και share στο video και τάγκαρε στα σχόλια τον φίλο που θέλεις να παρτάρει μαζί σου.Δύο τυχεροί θα κερδίσουν από 1 διπλή πρόσκληση για ελεύθερη είσοδο!
Οι νικητές θα ανακοινωθούν την Παρασκευή στις 17.00

Enrico Sangiuliano in Athens for his Biomorph world tour.Support by Nicolò, Liem & Mar.P

Enrico Sangiuliano in Athens for his Biomorph world tour.Support by Nicolò, Liem & Mar.P

Παρασκευή 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2018.Ο Enrico Sangiuliano έρχεται στο Steam Athens.Προμηθεύσου το εισιτήριο σου τώρα!Tickets at ...

Παρασκευή 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2018.

Ο Enrico Sangiuliano έρχεται στο Steam Athens.
Προμηθεύσου το εισιτήριο σου τώρα!

Tickets at : https://bit.ly/2ss0kMR
Event link : Watt presents | Enrico Sangiuliano at Steam

Προμηθεύσου τώρα το εισιτήριο σου για να απολαύσεις από κοντά τον Enrico Sangiuliano στο Steam Athens.Buy your tickets N...

Προμηθεύσου τώρα το εισιτήριο σου για να απολαύσεις από κοντά τον Enrico Sangiuliano στο Steam Athens.

Buy your tickets NOW!

Watt presents | Enrico Sangiuliano at Steam

Watt presents| Enrico Sangiuliano at Steam 08/02 !

Watt with Reinier Zonneveld,  CHRIS CHILD , Nicolò & lowe .

Watt with Reinier Zonneveld, CHRIS CHILD , Nicolò & lowe .

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys & Girls! Hereby the timetable!!! Get ready for the what will be "probably" one of the best ni...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys & Girls! Hereby the timetable!!! Get ready for the what will be "probably" one of the best nights of your life in Athens, not to say in Greece!

2 more nights to go!

We want to warn the people who are coming to our show  in a few days that they should bring an extra pair of underwear w...

We want to warn the people who are coming to our show in a few days that they should bring an extra pair of underwear with them because what they will feel, see and experience will be like nothing they've seen in Athens.

Grab your tickets now and be part of a legendary night!!

EventBrite: http://bit.ly/elrowathens2018
TicketMaster: http://bit.ly/ticketmasterelrowgreece

ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ELROW ATHENS!!! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!!!All you need to know about elrow Athens! Please read ...

All you need to know about elrow Athens! Please read carefully!

Gazi Music Hall
Iera Odos 7-13, Athens 118 54


22:00 - 09:00

Travel to Elrow Athens:
There are many ways to travel to Elrow Athens. Read this information carefully and choose your means of transport. One of Elrow Athens best options is going by metro or public transport.

A great way to travel to Elrow Athens on Friday is by public transport. Plan your trip on https://www.athenstransport.com/english/ from your home town to metro station KERAMIKOS. From there, it's a small walking distance to the venue.

Are you driving to Elrow Athens by car, then please follow the signs that lead to Gazi Music Hall and park it on of of the parking lots that are near the venue to secure you car and possessions. Parking lots costs from 5 to 10 Euros a night and provide full time security to your car. You can also to choose to park it in a free parking section but due to Gazi being very busy in the weekends it will be a lot harder to find and could be further walking to the venue for you and your group.

There will be a taxi stand available at the parking area around Gazi. We strongly advice to download The BEAT App for ordering a taxi since finding a taxi after the event might cause problems. With the BEAT app your sure of the price, driver and that you'll have a safe trip home.

Save your E-Ticket on your phone for scanning by our staff. If you don't have a smart phone or you have a low battery, print it out and bring it to the entrance. If you haven't bought your ticket online and would like to come to the door and buy one, the ticket will be 60 Euros at the entrance for normal entry and 70 Euros for VIP - Upper Level!

There are no ATMs at the festival site, but you can use your bank card at the token desks, merchandise stands. However, we do recommend you to bring some cash in order to avoid inconveniences. The following cards are accepted: Mastercard, Maestro, VISA, AMEX..

Ticket Troubleshoot:
If you bought your entrance ticket via our official channels, and you are experiencing issues entering Elrow Athens, there are troubleshoot points located inside the venue next to the guest list. The staff will guide you there if you are experiencing any issues with your entrance ticket.

Security will thoroughly search everybody before and during the event at the door for the security of all visitors. These are EU regulations and are the same in every event in the EU.

Deodorant sprays and perfume:
Because of safety reasons, you cannot take this with you to the venue site. Rollers or sticks are fine though.

Disabled visitors:
Are you, or are you with, a disabled person? We have special equipped showers and toilets available at our event. Please let us know in advance to find the best spot for your party. Toilets for disabled visitors are available but need to be announce beforehand.

First Aid:
There are First Aid stations available. The first aid is located inside and outside the venue. You can ask the security for help as well.

Food and drinks:
You’re not allowed to bring food and drinks when you enter the Elrow Athens as these will be taken from you before you enter the venue.

Leaving the venue
You can leave and return to the Elrow Athens any time you’d like. You and your belongings will be checked by entrance security each time you enter the venue.

There is a wardrobe section available at Gazi Music Hall.

Lost and found:
If you have found something that doesn’t belong to you, please bring it to the nearest info stand. After the event, all found items are settled by our crew. When your home and you realize that you lost something, go to our event page and search for your lost item. If you found your lost item on the event page contact Watt Athens and they will help you further.

You are allowed to bring medication with you but only the maximum daily amount. The packaging has to be closed. The security might ask you for a doctor’s recipe.

Passport / ID:
There will be strict age and identity checks at the entrance. Make sure you bring your ID (drivers license, ID-only, passport). The minimum age for visiting Elrow Athens is 18 years. (A copy of your ID is not valid)

Photography / video and audio recording:
You’re allowed to bring a digital photo or video camera to Elrow Athens. All types of cameras are allowed. We don’t care how big or professional they are. Please make as many pictures and video clips as you want and don’t forget to share them by using on the socials.

Do you want to upload a video on YouTube? Keep in mind that the music on your video may be claimed by an organisation. The organisation has the right to block your video. Do not forget the rules of the other channels.

All consumptions need to be paid for with tokens. Get your tokens at the token desks at the venue. We do not refund unused tokens. The authenticity of tokens will be carefully checked. Don’t buy tokens anywhere else except the official selling points, because there is a chance that the tokens are faked. You can't buy anything with the faked tokens and the faker will get away with your money.

Watch yourself and on the other:
A night full of party requires more energy than you think. Make sure you drink enough water and eat good. Finally, our motto is “Come together, stay together”, so watch your friends and yourself! Please do not drink and drive as we want to see you on the dance floor at our other events!

6 days to go!!!! Please note that normal & group tickets will be for sale until the 31st of October! As of 1st of Novemb...

6 days to go!!!! Please note that normal & group tickets will be for sale until the 31st of October! As of 1st of November, the late tickets will start and the will cost 49,50 ex fee. Late group tickets will also start and they will call cost 180,00 ex fee for 4 at the same time.

Buy yours at:http://bit.ly/elrowathens2018 or http://bit.ly/ticketmasterelrowgreece

And of course all Public shops and stores in Greece!

Hereby the full lineup of Elrow Athens - Psychrowdelic Trip!One of the best lineups we could put together for our fans a...

Hereby the full lineup of Elrow Athens - Psychrowdelic Trip!

One of the best lineups we could put together for our fans and followers and of the best elrow if we do say so ourselves.

Add to that the state of art sound system of L-Acoustics that we'll have in three weeks and we can promise you it will be one hell of a party!

To celebrate the weekend! Tag a friend(s) and win 2 guest-lists for your friend and you!

We're 4 weeks aways from the party of the decade and we've got the usual suspects ready to make you dance your heart out...

We're 4 weeks aways from the party of the decade and we've got the usual suspects ready to make you dance your heart out!
Elrow heavyweight Claptone, Elrow Ibiza residents wAFF & Detlefef, Elrow residents & bad boys TONI Varga & Eddy M, Greek veteran and hero Cj Jeff and Watt's own resident Nicolò.

We've added the best sound system in the world L-Acoustics that will make you need to practice your best dance moves till the last beat.
So what's missing from this perfect recipe? Yeah we know... a special techno artist..... that will be released next week. So prepare yourself for the party of the decade as this is something you won't want to miss.
elrow and Watt Athens can guarantee all this and much much more in a few weeks!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we hereby present you the lineup of elrow Greece.It's one that will make you dance...

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we hereby present you the lineup of elrow Greece.It's one that will make you dance to the early hours of the morning.However.... we have one more name to announce so hold on tight for that one.

Tickets: http://bit.ly/elrowathens2018
Event: Elrow Athens - Psychrowdelic Trip


Early birds are almost SOLD OUT!
Don't miss your chance to be a part of the craziest party in the world!!!
Buy your tickets here: http://bit.ly/elrowathens2018

WIN ACTION ELROW ATHENS!🎶 Value of this win action is 450 Euros!🎶 Elrow Win Action for all our fans in Greece and abroad...


🎶 Value of this win action is 450 Euros!

🎶 Elrow Win Action for all our fans in Greece and abroad!!

We're less then two months away from what many are calling the party of the decade. For all our fans and their friends, we have a super win action for you! Like this post, tag 3 of your friends in the post in which you would like to take to Elrow Athens and attend the official event.

The lucky winner will get 4 backstage guest lists, 100 euros worth of coins and a taxi to pick them up from their house or hotel in Athens and drive them to the show.

🎶 Winners will be announced on Friday September the 14th. Good luck!!!

We heard about the craziness that is sweeping the world with Elrow but could never imagine that 500 Early Elrow Tickets ...

We heard about the craziness that is sweeping the world with Elrow but could never imagine that 500 Early Elrow Tickets would sell out in just a week in Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, UK, Serbia and Turkey!

Thanks to all those who bought their tickets through our ticket channels online and all Public shops in Greece.

Limited Early Birds are now on sale. Grab them while you can!

Tickets & Info:
http://bit.ly/elrowathens2018 & http://bit.ly/ticketmasterelrowgreece

Παρασκευή 2 Νοεμβρίου 2018.Το elrow έρχεται στην Αθήνα!Τώρα μπορείς να προμηθευτείς το εισιτήριό σου από οποιοδήποτε κατ...

Παρασκευή 2 Νοεμβρίου 2018.

Το elrow έρχεται στην Αθήνα!

Τώρα μπορείς να προμηθευτείς το εισιτήριό σου από οποιοδήποτε κατάστημα Public.

Για αγορές online κάνε click στα παρακάτω links



Event link: Elrow Athens - Psychrowdelic Trip




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