In collaboration School of Materialist Research Deadline for applications till Sunday/Monday this week (1-2 December): here is the link to the program, including the application form, sign up!
The program costs half less than it used to thanks to the instructors' support and generosity, so thank you to them! Keep in mind we offer a *ECTS certificate, as our founding institutions are holders of Erasmus charters of excellence in higher education in Europe.
In Spring 2025, we offer our ICP (Integrated credit program) of several courses, among which: Daniel Tutt: Nietzsche’s Theoretical Surplus and Marxism in the 21st Century (February 2025). Below is the link to the Call for Applications open till 1 December 2024.
Description of Course: In this seminar we will read Nietzsche and Marx as productive antagonists whose insights radically diverge from one another, but whose itineraries of thought and investigations share a surprising degree of similarity, from the critique of political economy, religion, suffering, humanism, ideology, consciousness, to the function of the intellectual, revolution, equality, to a full-blown criticism of the bourgeoisie. 20th century philosophers from Paul Ricœur, Gilles Deleuze, Huey Newton to Alain Badiou have sought to combine the insights of Nietzsche and Marx, but this has come at the cost, most often, of completely sidelining the richness of Nietzsche’s robust reactionary political core. We will unearth the political core to Nietzsche by reading him in a wide-context situated in his time, and by reading Marxist criticisms of Nietzsche, we will discover a paradoxical series of theoretical surpluses in his thought, vital for a renewed Marxism in the 21st century.