Eagle's Nest Atitlan

Eagle's Nest Atitlan OUR VISION
Create a global community of connected, playful, liberated hearts. You Are Art
Your Are Love
You Are Power

Have you already experienced Ecstatic Dance? It’s a chance for you to express yourself through the medium of dance and m...

Have you already experienced Ecstatic Dance?

It’s a chance for you to express yourself through the medium of dance and movement. What makes ecstatic dance different is the guidelines that turn the dance into a dedicated practice of meditation, introspection, connection and play. They are simple: No talking on the dance-floor, no phones or photography, no shoes and no substances. When these guidelines are in place… magic unfolds.

Ecstatic dance DJs get to experiment with many different genres of music, weaving them together to produce a potent journey that can move the crowd through different elements, into different mind-states - and even into different levels of consciousness.

As this powerful practice grows in popularity around the world more and more people are getting to experience the medicinal properties of dancing in this way - and what better a place to experience it than on our spectacular platform overlooking lake Atitlán! ✨


¿Ya has experimentado Ecstatic Dance?

Es una oportunidad para expresarte a través del baile y el movimiento. Lo que hace diferente a Ecstatic Dance son las pautas que convierten la danza en una práctica dedicada de meditación, introspección, conexión y juego. Son simples: No hablar en la pista de baile, no usar teléfonos ni cámaras, sin zapatos y sin sustancias. Cuando estas pautas se siguen... la magia surge.

Los DJs de Ecstatic Dance tienen la libertad de experimentar con muchos géneros musicales, entrelazándolos para crear un viaje potente que puede llevar a la multitud a través de diferentes elementos, a distintos estados mentales y hasta a diferentes niveles de conciencia.

A medida que esta poderosa práctica crece en popularidad alrededor del mundo, cada vez más personas están descubriendo las propiedades medicinales de bailar de esta manera. ¡Y qué mejor lugar para experimentarlo que en nuestra espectacular plataforma con vista al lago Atitlán! ✨


Close your eyes and picture this…You arrive with your guests on your wedding day at The Eagle’s Nest, where the tranquil...

Close your eyes and picture this…

You arrive with your guests on your wedding day at The Eagle’s Nest, where the tranquil waters of Lake Atitlan and towering volcanoes surround you - captivating, enchanting and inspiring everyone as they arrive.

Feel the warm sun of the land of eternal spring kissing your skin… reflecting golden glimmers across the serene waters of the lake. Imagine the sense of wonder washing over you as you look into your beloved’s eyes, making a timeless promise, while all of your loved ones are enveloped in awe and gratitude as they witness this most precious moment…

You can just feel how unforgettable that would be, can you not?

Let this beautiful vision become your reality… after all, you both deserve it!

So make your reservation today and secure your special day at Eagle’s Nest.


Cierra los ojos e imagina esto...

Llegas con tus invitados el día de tu boda a The Eagle’s Nest, donde las tranquilas aguas del Lago Atitlán y los imponentes volcanes te rodean, cautivando, encantando e inspirando a todos a medida que llegan.

Siente el cálido sol de la tierra de la eterna primavera besando tu piel, reflejando destellos dorados en las serenas aguas del lago. Imagina la sensación de asombro que te invade al mirar a los ojos de tu amado(a), haciendo una promesa eterna, mientras todos tus seres queridos están envueltos en admiración y gratitud al presenciar este momento tan precioso...

¿Puedes sentir lo inolvidable que sería?

Deja que esta hermosa visión se convierta en tu realidad... después de todo, ¡ustedes se lo merecen!

Haz tu reserva hoy mismo y asegura tu día especial en The Eagle’s Nest.


Did you know that Eagle’s Nest was built ESPECIALLY for spiritual seekers from all over the world?Since we opened our do...

Did you know that Eagle’s Nest was built ESPECIALLY for spiritual seekers from all over the world?

Since we opened our doors, we have had impeccable teachers from all over the world sharing their passion for yoga on our special platform, guiding our guests through the many forms of this transformational practice for the mind, body, and spirit.

We offer various yoga classes every single day of the week, so there is always an opportunity waiting for you to come and practice with us in this special space. Whether you are new to yoga or advanced in your journey, you will find a teacher and a class perfect for you. Remember to book in advance through our website!


¿Sabías que Eagle’s Nest fue construido ESPECIALMENTE para buscadores espirituales de todo el mundo?

Desde que abrimos nuestras puertas, hemos tenido maestros impecables de todo el mundo compartiendo su pasión por el yoga en nuestra plataforma especial, guiando a nuestros huéspedes a través de las muchas formas de esta práctica transformadora para la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu.

Ofrecemos diversas clases de yoga todos los días de la semana, siempre hay una oportunidad esperando por ti para venir y practicar con nosotros en este espacio especial. Ya seas nuevo en el yoga o estés avanzado en tu camino, encontrarás un maestro y una clase perfectos para ti. ¡Recuerda reservar con anticipación a través de nuestro sitio web!


Remember the magic that we experienced this Summer Solstice at Eagle’s Nest? ✨Deep prayers of intention with .monika and...

Remember the magic that we experienced this Summer Solstice at Eagle’s Nest? ✨

Deep prayers of intention with .monika and opened the portal - before blasting off on a voyage of musical delights with a mix of DJs and musicians that kept us dancing day and night 🎶

In the evening, we re-activated our Shala especially for the occasion - and we’ve turned it into the perfect fusion of ‘cosy lounge’ meets ‘psychedelic dance floor’ 🪩🫠

Then serenaded the crowd with his sweet poetic soundscapes, and we revealed the Phase 1 lineup of our 3 day Winter Solstice in December! 🥳

We’re SO excited to invite legends like + so many more to the Nest for this!

Tickets are currently only $125 and will go up August 1st! Follow the link in our bio to say yes to what’s going to be our best Solstice yet! 🌟


¿Recuerdas la magia que vivimos en el Solsticio de Verano? ✨

Las profundas oraciones de intención con .monika y abrieron el portal, antes de embarcarnos en un viaje de delicias musicales con una mezcla de DJs y músicos que nos mantuvieron bailando día y noche 🎶

Por la noche, reactivamos nuestra Shala especialmente para la ocasión, convirtiéndola en la fusión perfecta entre ‘sala acogedora’ y ‘pista de baile psicodélica’ 🪩🫠

Luego, deleitó a la multitud con sus dulces paisajes sonoros poéticos, y revelamos el lineup de la Fase 1 de nuestro Solsticio de Invierno de 3 días en diciembre! 🥳

¡Estamos MUY emocionados de invitar a leyendas como y muchos más al Nest para este evento!

¡Los boletos actualmente solo cuestan $125 y subirán el 1 de agosto! ¡Sigue el enlace en nuestra biografía para asegurar tu entrada y ser parte de nuestro mejor Solsticio hasta ahora! 🌟


All of life is vibration - including you!We now know that certain vibrations can have very therapeutic properties when w...

All of life is vibration - including you!

We now know that certain vibrations can have very therapeutic properties when we are exposed to them.

Using crystal alchemy singing bowls - each one tuned to a different chakra of the body - our resident sound healer, will transport you on a journey intended to relax, rejuvenate and restore.

Imagine lying down with the pristine views of the lake surrounding you, closing your eyes, and simply drifting off as the powerful vibrations begin to work their magic on your mind, body and soul.

It truly is a type of medicine unlike any other!

So take an inspiring trip through a sound healing journey here at Eagle’s Nest - and be sure to book in advance through our website!

Toda la vida es vibración, ¡incluyéndote a ti!

Ciertas vibraciones tienen propiedades terapéuticas cuando nos exponemos a ellas.

Con cuencos cantores de alquimia de cristal, cada uno afinado a un chakra diferente, Mary Ann, nuestra sanadora de sonido, te llevará en un viaje para relajarte, rejuvenecerte y restaurarte.

Acuéstate, cierra los ojos y déjate llevar por las poderosas vibraciones que harán magia en tu mente, cuerpo y alma. ¡Un tipo de medicina como ninguna otra!

Emprende un viaje inspirador a través del sonido en Eagle’s Nest. Reserva tu cupo en nuestro sitio web.


Each week we combine different facilitators to co-create a sacred union of yoga and dance (with a heart-opening cup of c...

Each week we combine different facilitators to co-create a sacred union of yoga and dance (with a heart-opening cup of cacao thrown into the mix… of course!)

We call it - the Ecstatic Yoga Journey.

Here it’s clear to see that connection and community are foundational aspects of our reality. Every event we produce is not just a chance for expansion and evolution - but for connecting to the bright community of like-minded explorers and truth-seekers that find their way here.

Hart and Renee of Higher Heart Flow will be hosting their first retreat here at the end of September, giving you a chance to spend a whole week at Eagle’s Nest on a journey of transformation and inspiration... Follow the link in their bios for more information!


Cada semana co-creamos una unión sagrada de yoga y danza (con una taza de cacao para abrir el corazón, claro)

El viaje de yoga Extático.
La conexión y la comunidad son fundamentales en nuestra realidad. Cada evento es una oportunidad para la expansión y evolución, para conectar con brillantes exploradore/as y buscador/as de la verdad. Esas ideas afines encuentran su camino aquí.

Hart y Renee de Higher Heart Flow tendrán su primer retiro en Septiembre, un semana entera en Eagle’s Nest en un viaje de inspiración y transformación. Ve a su link en bio para más información.


Join us for a fun and playful Acro Yoga class - Friday’s at 2pm with our two resident maestros of movement  + Hannah has...

Join us for a fun and playful Acro Yoga class - Friday’s at 2pm with our two resident maestros of movement +

Hannah has been studying movement for most her life - beginning with a background in dance and now having trained and taught in circus arts and partner acrobatics for 10 years.

Ale has been continually honing many talents over the past decade too - including aerials, clowning, flow-arts and acrobatics.

This multi-disciplined pair weave together pieces of their shared background of dance, acro and standing acrobatics to guide others into practicing presence through the pleasure of play.

“The most beautiful thing to me about acro is what you learn about trust, communication and connection.”
- Hannah

So whether you are just curious or already completely obsessed - come and experience presence through play with our spectacular views of the lake.

No partner or experience needed - just arrive with an open mind and a willingness to play, to connect with community and to make some new friends!


Imagine taking your special someone to somewhere spectacular to capture a snapshot of the sacred love you share together...

Imagine taking your special someone to somewhere spectacular to capture a snapshot of the sacred love you share together.

There’s just something about this iconic backdrop, with the serenity of the lake waters surrounded by the raw elemental energy of the towering volcanoes behind, that makes for the perfect photos.

Don’t these incredible shots of the soon-to-be-weds Johnny and Ignacio taken by our resident superstar just light up your heart?

Whether you’re preparing for your wedding, expecting a new member of your family or just simply want to make some special souvenirs and unforgettable memories with whoever that special someone is to you - booking your next photoshoot together at Eagle’s Nest with one of our professional photographers is absolutely the way to go! But don’t delay - we’re already booked up until September!

Give yourselves a gift you’ll both cherish forever - book in advance through our website and schedule your special shoot today!


Today, we honor the timeless tale of "The Little Prince." - a cult classic that remains the biggest inspiration behind t...

Today, we honor the timeless tale of "The Little Prince." - a cult classic that remains the biggest inspiration behind the creation of the Eagles Nest! 🌟

May we reflect on one of the sentiments that stays strong within our spirit from this special story -

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly." 💛

In a universe vast and unending, it’s the bonds of friendship and love that give our lives meaning. ✨

So allow your heart to guide the way... Cherish the moments, the people, and the love that make life truly beautiful...
Let’s see the world not just with our eyes, but with our hearts. ❤️

Here at Eagle's Nest, the Little Prince serves as a constant reminder to always celebrate the invisible magic that weaves us all together. 🌠

Hoy, honramos el cuento atemporal de "El Principito", un clásico de culto que sigue siendo la mayor inspiración detrás de la creación de Eagles Nest! 🌟

Reflexionemos sobre uno de los sentimientos que se mantiene fuerte en nuestro espíritu de esta historia especial:

"Solo con el corazón se puede ver bien." 💛

En un universo vasto e interminable, son los lazos de amistad y amor los que dan sentido a nuestras vidas. ✨

Así que permite que tu corazón guíe el camino... Aprecia los momentos, las personas y el amor que hacen la vida verdaderamente hermosa...
Veamos el mundo no solo con nuestros ojos, sino con nuestros corazones. ❤️

Aquí en Eagle's Nest, El Principito sirve como un recordatorio constante de celebrar siempre la magia invisible que nos une a todos. 🌠


Every week we create an experience that fuses 3 of our most favourite things in the world together - Yoga, Ecstatic Danc...

Every week we create an experience that fuses 3 of our most favourite things in the world together - Yoga, Ecstatic Dance and Chocolate!

Throwback to the day that and combined forces and opened up a powerful portal for the people. Renee led an embodied movement activation - tying in ancient energy practices with knowledge of the stars and current cosmic happenings - that left everybody elevated and inspired. Then the cacao was consumed, and Hart led the ecstatic dance journey, weaving in elements of sound healing and live spoken word poetry to craft an unforgettable voyage for those lucky enough to be there that day.

Book in advance through the website to try this rather potent combination of movement and music medicine for yourself!

Hart and Renee of ‘Higher Heart Flow’ will be hosting their week-long retreat here in September - head to myhigherflow.com/f**kyes to be the first to peep the details!


We are so honoured and grateful to be saying a big THANK YOU in this post to YOU! - our beloved visitors. It’s a true bl...

We are so honoured and grateful to be saying a big THANK YOU in this post to YOU! - our beloved visitors.

It’s a true blessing to be recognised by Trip Advisor for their Travellers Choice Award again this year.

We thank YOU because it’s your kind reviews of your heart-warming experiences at Eagle’s Nest that has won us that award!

“Every year, we award travellers’ favorite destinations, hotels, restaurants, and things to do around the world, based on reviews and ratings collected over 12 months. So our Travellers’ Choice Awards Best of the Best winners are decided by you: real travellers from all over, sharing real opinions and stories.”

Trip Advisor are world renowned for providing excellent recommendations and guidance for the brave and the curious. As we continue to grow and expand, we trust that we’ll continue to be recognised as one of your favourite destinations to travel to year after year.

Book your stay with us any time of year and experience the magic of Lake Atitlán from our special little haven!


Happy International Yoga Day 💗May this day bring you peace, strength and a deeper connection to yourself and the world a...

Happy International Yoga Day 💗

May this day bring you peace, strength and a deeper connection to yourself and the world around 🧘‍♀️🌍

Celebrate with us and comment YOGA to receive a free yoga class online 🙌

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu - May all beings be happy and free 🙏

🌟 Thematic Eagle’s Nest 🌟In our Little Prince dreamy room, be inspired by the magical surroundings. Wake up to an amazin...

🌟 Thematic Eagle’s Nest 🌟

In our Little Prince dreamy room, be inspired by the magical surroundings. Wake up to an amazing view of the volcanoes and the calm waters of Lake Atitlan. Prepare your favorite morning drink in the kitchen and practice a sequence of your favorite asanas. 🧘‍♀️🌋

As your day unfolds, stroll around Eagle’s Nest and enjoy a delicious breakfast provided by our amazing kitchen team, who will take care of you with three meals included in your stay. 🍽️✨

Our fast internet allows you to return to the Little Prince room and be inspired by the incredible energy around you. Journal a bit, read your favorite book, and appreciate life as it is. When you’re ready, head back to the Main Platform to enjoy as many classes and workshops as you desire. 📖💫

It’s the perfect vacation for relaxation and nourishment of your body and spirit! 🌿💖

Let us take care of you in the dreamlike atmosphere of our Little Prince room, reminding us to enjoy life as children do, in the dreamy homeland of Lake Atitlan. 🌞🌊

Are you ready for this magical experience? ✨

Book your Little Prince room now and enjoy special discounts for the low season!


🌿 A Forest with More Life and Growth 🌿In our recent trip to the coast of Guatemala, our well-equipped team from Eagle’s ...

🌿 A Forest with More Life and Growth 🌿

In our recent trip to the coast of Guatemala, our well-equipped team from Eagle’s Nest embarked on a mission to support the care, growth, and sustainability of the mangrove ecosystems. 🌱

Thanks to the project, which aims to raise awareness about the importance of the oceans for human life.

Here’s why mangroves are so vital:

🌟 Biodiversity & Productivity: Mangroves are incredibly diverse and productive ecosystems, offering substantial ecological and economic benefits.

🦜 Nesting & Habitat: They provide nesting sites for birds and habitats for diverse fauna, including serving as nurseries for fish and crustaceans.

🐠 Protection: Mangroves protect young marine life from predators, crucial for many coral reef species.

🎣 Fishing: 90% of global fishing occurs in coastal areas, with 70% involving species that depend on mangroves at some life stage.

💧 Nutrient Recycling: Mangroves’ productivity is driven by nutrient availability from rivers and effective nutrient recycling.

🌊 Ecosystem Support: These open ecosystems require both freshwater from rivers and marine water to thrive.

🌍 Human Impact: Human activities in watersheds, coastal zones, and adjacent marine areas significantly impact mangroves and estuarine lagoons.

Let’s continue to support and protect these incredible ecosystems! 🌿💧🐟


✨⁠SOLSTICE FESTIVAL 2024✨ Music & Arts Festival at Eagles Nest Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. 🦅 What an honor it is to be host...

Music & Arts Festival at Eagles Nest Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. 🦅

What an honor it is to be hosting a potent festival on these ancient Mayan lands and welcome you to experience the breathtaking beauty and culture of Guatemala with us.

This year’s lineup offers a diverse range of artists from all over the world that align with our mission; to connect through art and elevate our collective consciousness through creating immersive experiences.

We cannot wait to welcome you back to Lake Atitlán and the Nest to celebrate the essence of life, art, and community with you all! ⁠

Yoga • Fire & Circus •Ceremony • Workshops
📆 December 19, 20, 21

Full Line-up to be revealed on June 21st!

Super Early Bird Tickets:
🎟️ Price $125

(Price increase the day of LineUp announcement 📢 June 21st)

✨A percentage of the profits from this year’s Solstice Festival will be donated to support our young education scholarship program to support our local Mayan community✨


Exploring the Magic of “The Little Prince” 🌟🐘🐍The inspiration behind our  Boa room inspired by this story…In “The Little...

Exploring the Magic of “The Little Prince” 🌟🐘🐍

The inspiration behind our Boa room inspired by this story…

In “The Little Prince,” a child’s drawing of an elephant inside a boa constrictor sparks a powerful symbol. Adults see a hat, but children see the truth—highlighting the boundless creativity of childhood.

Set against the vast, empty desert, the story unfolds on a blank canvas of imagination. This desert symbolizes life’s harsh realities and the emptiness of adulthood, yet it’s also where seeds of wonder lie hidden, waiting to be discovered. 🌵✨

Did you know Saint-Exupéry may have found inspiration at Lake Atitlán? As you gaze at the mountains, can you see the elephant inside the boa constrictor?


✨⁠SOLSTICE FESTIVAL 2024✨We are thrilled to bring back the most awaited festival of the year at Eagle’s Nest: Solstice 2...


We are thrilled to bring back the most awaited festival of the year at Eagle’s Nest: Solstice 2024 Music & Arts Festival at Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.

Get ready for fresh air and energy, more magical arts, an amazing lineup.

The Ecstatic Dance Festival you love,
Solstice Festival (19, 20 & 21 Dec) - Super Early Bird Tickets now available!

This is a limited release, so grab your tickets before they’re gone.

Any remaining tickets will be available to the public for a limited 3-day release soon!

We can’t wait to welcome you back to beautiful Guatemala to celebrate the Solstice together in 2024.


Today, we celebrate mothers! 🌸We offer prayers and gratitude to the ones who are always there for us. We honor them for ...

Today, we celebrate mothers! 🌸

We offer prayers and gratitude to the ones who are always there for us. We honor them for accepting the challenge of bringing souls into this world, for their support in raising children who cultivate new ways of thinking and creating. What a gift from the universe to become a mother, as they have the purpose of empowerment.

Last year, we organized a special moment for the local mothers of San Marcos La Laguna to bring joy, gifts, and happiness and celebrate their special day! 🎉


Welcome to the High Vibes! 🌿🌟Here in the paradise of Lake Atitlan, we connect with nature, ancestral prayers, cacao, and...

Welcome to the High Vibes! 🌿🌟

Here in the paradise of Lake Atitlan, we connect with nature, ancestral prayers, cacao, and dances.

As you get deeper into the community, you listen to the details of weaving frequencies in a DJ set with harmonious rhythms and the peaceful voices of teachers, healers and bodyworkers.

When you realize the time of your flight has gone! You’ll want to postpone your departure by weeks, months, or even years—the life change you’ve always desired!

Here and now, in a space that offers everything you need to become more open, with a heart wide open!! 💖We see you, and enjoy as the way you enjoy yourself, Dancing

If you’re part of this tribe, you understand what I’m talking about. Even if you came for vacation, I’m certain you’ll return, drawn by the call of Mama Lake, with offerings for her waters, and to book your next Ecstatic Yoga Journey and another Mose Cacao Dance!

If you resonate with this, leave a comment below! ✨

🪩 .mathi

The Art of Contemplation 🧘‍♂️Yoga signifies Unity, harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit. As Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras st...

The Art of Contemplation 🧘‍♂️

Yoga signifies Unity, harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit. As Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras state:

“Atha Yoganushasanam” - Now the concentration is explained.
By restraining the mind-stuff (Chitta) from taking various forms (Vrttis).

When you practice Asanas, remember that Yoga begins with the “Art of Contemplation” -

What emotions are stirring within you? Which thoughts are racing through your mind? Is your heart open? And how do you act from a space of love?

By simply sitting and expressing gratitude for the small or big steps you take in your practice, the intention behind those actions enhances your growth even further, without comparing yourself to the external world.

Remember, practice makes the master! 🌟

Join Luna for her regular classes at Eagle’s Nest!


Mayan Fire Ceremony 🔥The Mayan Fire ceremonies are designed to inspire, reconnect, and recalibrate our body, minds and h...

Mayan Fire Ceremony 🔥

The Mayan Fire ceremonies are designed to inspire, reconnect, and recalibrate our body, minds and hearts with the Spirit of the Earth and the Sky. They are led by Tatas and Nanas who have walked the path with their own teachers, learning how to interpret the Mayan Calendar and offer prayers to the Grandfathers and Grandmothers with various offerings such as Copal, Cacao, sesame seeds, and more. ☺️💕

The Lunar Mayan Calendar or Chol Q’ij consists of 13 numbers, layers of consciousness or joints of the body, and 20 Nahuales or energies represented by animal totems. Each day brings a different energetic number and Nahual; during the Fire Ceremony, we pray for a specific “abuelo” to bless us with their particular wisdom.

Carlos Lobos guides us every Wednesday in a beautiful ceremony that lasts a few hours. During this time, you can offer your prayers, tears, flowers, and with an open heart, express gratitude to the spirits of the land and your own ancestors for the path you are on.

Come and pray with us from 5 to 7:30 pm. 🌿🌺🙏


Join us for our Ecstatic Yoga Journeys at the Nest, with a beautiful opening space with Cacao and Yoga led by our select...

Join us for our Ecstatic Yoga Journeys at the Nest, with a beautiful opening space with Cacao and Yoga led by our selected amazing teachers. The DJ set is expertly created to deepen your practice, opening your heart and guiding you to flow on the dance floor right after. ☺️💕

Don’t miss out on the next one! Check our Stories to learn when and who will guide you through the Journey!!! 🦅💫

Saturdays from 2:30 - 5:30 pm

Presale: Q.200 - Day of event: Q.300

DJ .mathi

Movement allows us to shift our attention from our busy minds into our lively bodies. Through embodying what we feel, we...

Movement allows us to shift our attention from our busy minds into our lively bodies. Through embodying what we feel, we gain access to the creative and healing powers we are made from and have access to.

Your inner dancer is able to give physical shape to your deepest experiences and remind you of your core values and purpose in life.

With the support of the elements, movement helps you to experiences the mystery and miracle of life. That’s why Movement is Medicine.

Anton is a conscious dance facilitator, educated in embodied psychotherapy. His elemental dance journeys are inspired by the work of Movement Medicine™️.

We are Earth, we are Fire, we are Water, we are Air!
By DJing a wave through music and invoking the spirits of the elements, Anton opens a safe space for your inner dancer to awaken. You are invited to journey with your emotions.
Through exploring the qualities of the elements, inviting the sacred and bringing intention into the dance you are empowered to move with what is moving you.

Thank you for sharing your movement workshop!


TOMORROW we dance again, guided by the sacred medicine of cacao 💃♥️ Cacao Dance with  is always a magical blend of commu...

TOMORROW we dance again, guided by the sacred medicine of cacao 💃♥️

Cacao Dance with is always a magical blend of community, music, dance, and heart-centered connection. We are so honoured to be able to create this container for self-expression and shared intention with you. 🙏

See you tomorrow from 3-9pm for the last Cacao Dance of the season!


Gathered in a circle, cups of cacao in hand, we embrace the power of community and shared intention, inviting the spirit...

Gathered in a circle, cups of cacao in hand, we embrace the power of community and shared intention, inviting the spirit of cacao to guide us on a journey of self-discovery and raw connection. With each sip we allow the sacred medicine to guide us deeper into our hearts, creating a sanctuary of heart-centred connection and self expression. ♥️

We had a truly magical ceremony during our last Cacao Dance with . Thank you for guiding us on this journey. 🙏

Cacao by , prepared with love by .bortolato, and .theobroma


Eagle's Nest Atitlan, Barrio 2
San Marcos La Laguna


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It starts with deciding to embark on a journey

Welcome to the exploration of your life.

Attention to detail yields nourishing textures, symbols, colors & meaning to all of our senses. The building of our garden, if we are gardeners in this life, starts with answering the simple question... how do we plant and tend to our garden in such a manner that it becomes an expression of what inspires us? How then can our nourishing environment then become an encouraging support system that plants seeds of positive feedback into our inspirational process?

Our garden is a masterpiece of self and collective expression. Eagle’s Nest can be experienced as a garden of Eden, or a heaven on earth, representing & symbolising the archetypes that are at its essence - the explorer & the creator.

Eagle’s Nest is a space to activate, inspire, & reconnect with the infinite creative potential we all possess. Inspired by artwork & symbols such as:

Otros Sala de eventos y espectáculos en San Marcos la Laguna

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