Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park

Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park HKOW & AIA Vitality Park- a vibrant & active attraction on the Hong Kong Central Harbourfont 摩天輪開放時間:星期一至四 中午12時 - 下午10時;星期五至日 早上11時 - 下午11時

🌕中秋節快到了!🌕🌕Mid-Autumn Festival is coming!🌕快來到香港摩天輪|AIA Vitality 公園離睇我哋嘅「滿月」!記得上摩天輪,咁就可以更接近真正嘅月亮啦!🎡Come see our 'full moon...

🌕Mid-Autumn Festival is coming!🌕

快來到香港摩天輪|AIA Vitality 公園離睇我哋嘅「滿月」!記得上摩天輪,咁就可以更接近真正嘅月亮啦!🎡

Come see our 'full moon' up close at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park. Be sure to hop on the Wheel to get even closer to the real one! 🎡


📷 Art at HKOW 🎨

作為香港最具代表性嘅景點之一,香港摩天輪及AIA Vitality 公園一直支持本地團體,包括創意群組。無論係攝影平台HKFrames 定係街頭藝術組織 HKWalls,我哋嘅合作令遊客體驗更豐富,亦都令到景點更加美麗。


As one of the most iconic attractions in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park proudly supports local groups, including creative communities. Whether it's photography platforms like HKFrames or street art organisations like HKWalls, our partnerships have enriched the experience of our visitors and made our site even more beautiful.

Today, we are excited to invite our Director of Creative Services to share more on the topic. Check it out!

🌕 中秋精彩活動來啦 🌕🌕 Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Us 🌕為慶祝中秋節,香港摩天輪將延長開放時間!✨我們更準備了「月愛摩天輪」美食市集以及在AIA Vitality 健康總部舉辦有趣的燈籠製作...

🌕 中秋精彩活動來啦 🌕
🌕 Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Us 🌕

為慶祝中秋節,香港摩天輪將延長開放時間!✨我們更準備了「月愛摩天輪」美食市集以及在AIA Vitality 健康總部舉辦有趣的燈籠製作班!🏮


To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Hong Kong Observation Wheel is extending our opening hours! ✨ We’ve also prepared the “Full Moon at the Wheel” food market and a fun lantern-making class at the AIA Vitality Hub! 🏮

Don’t miss out on capturing the festive spirit! 🎉


✨ “HKOW Gallery” 煥然一新 🎨
✨ The "HKOW Gallery" has a fresh look 🎨

☁️ 呢次嘅壁畫作品充滿豐富嘅想像力,完美融入香港獨特嘅城市色彩!有棉花糖形狀嘅雲,超靚嘅維港日出,仲有打扮潮流嘅流行音樂歌手,等緊你嚟探索!❤️
🎡 唔好錯過呢個影相打卡嘅機會啦📸

☁️ Cotton candy skies, sunrises at the harbour, and city pop vibes—are all waiting for you! ❤️
🎡 Come and capture some amazing pics. 📸

Featured Artists:



香港摩天輪就好似一粒粉紅寶石,在閃爍嘅金色燈光及蔚藍海水襯托下,顯得格外耀眼。The dazzling Hong Kong Observation Wheel stands out like a pink jewel in this spe...

The dazzling Hong Kong Observation Wheel stands out like a pink jewel in this spectacle of shimmering gold lights and azure-aquamarine waters.


🎡 保持涼快提防中暑 🌞🎡 Stay cool and beat the heat 🌞嚟香港摩天輪記得帶齊消暑法寶,例如:水、太陽傘、太陽眼鏡 🕶️🌂🥤為咗喺排隊時幫大家降温,訪客體驗團隊也會不定時為大家提供免費飲品 💧 Don't for...

🎡 保持涼快提防中暑 🌞
🎡 Stay cool and beat the heat 🌞

嚟香港摩天輪記得帶齊消暑法寶,例如:水、太陽傘、太陽眼鏡 🕶️🌂🥤
為咗喺排隊時幫大家降温,訪客體驗團隊也會不定時為大家提供免費飲品 💧

Don't forget to pack your outdoor essentials such as water bottles, umbrellas, and sunglasses when you come visit us 🕶️🌂🥤
And to help you cool down when queuing up, our Customer Experience Team will also be providing free refreshing drinks 💧

🧡📷準備好你嘅相機,從新嘅角度捕捉夕陽彩霞,記錄低醉人嘅一刻!🌆✨🧡📷We love this picture-perfect sunset. The plane is perfectly framed by the Hong Kong O...


🧡📷We love this picture-perfect sunset. The plane is perfectly framed by the Hong Kong Observation Wheel. Tag us if you have captured any similar picture-perfect moments🌆✨


呢隻粉紅色係「迷人pink lady」定「玫瑰粉紅」呢?無論點形容都一樣咁浪漫。💕Does the sky look more 'flamingo pink' or 'rose pink'? Either way we think it l...

呢隻粉紅色係「迷人pink lady」定「玫瑰粉紅」呢?無論點形容都一樣咁浪漫。💕
Does the sky look more 'flamingo pink' or 'rose pink'? Either way we think it looks enchanting like the end scene of a romantic movie. 💕



🔍 係咪好想知道香港摩天輪係點保養❓跟住我哋嘅幕後團隊睇下啦
🔍 Are you curious about how the Hong Kong Observation Wheel is maintained❓ Follow our team for a behind-the-scenes look.

For the full video, check out our YouTube channel
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz4DGRaRF2w&feature=youtu.be

謝謝你哋,香港運動員們!Thank you Hong Kong athletes for making us proud!

Thank you Hong Kong athletes for making us proud!

吹住海風企喺中環9號碼頭⛴️  欣賞有夕陽及維港作背景襯托著嘅香港摩天輪🎡🌇Pro Tip: From Central Pier No.9⛴️, you can capture the Hong Kong Observation Wheel...

吹住海風企喺中環9號碼頭⛴️ 欣賞有夕陽及維港作背景襯托著嘅香港摩天輪🎡🌇
Pro Tip: From Central Pier No.9⛴️, you can capture the Hong Kong Observation Wheel from a unique perspective🎡🌇



感謝大家參加 🔥❤️‍🔥
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the . 🔥❤️‍🔥

🎡 呢一個香港斜陽一定係世界上最靚嘅天際線景色之一 💞🎡 A breathtaking view of Hong Kong at dusk. We think this must be one of the best skyline vie...

🎡 呢一個香港斜陽一定係世界上最靚嘅天際線景色之一 💞
🎡 A breathtaking view of Hong Kong at dusk. We think this must be one of the best skyline views in the world 💞


香港摩天輪|AIA Vitality 公園期間限定特色小食又返嚟喇!向左掃一掃睇吓今次有咩好飲好食啦! Mark住18號之前嚟試吓喇! 🤤Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park lim...

香港摩天輪|AIA Vitality 公園期間限定特色小食又返嚟喇!向左掃一掃睇吓今次有咩好飲好食啦! Mark住18號之前嚟試吓喇! 🤤

Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park limited-time food stalls are back! Swipe left to see what delicious options are available this time! Remember to come try them before the 18th! 🤤

👉🏻 .me.up.hk
👉🏻 .corner.hk

「係你嘞!」香港摩天輪及AIA Vitality公園就係需要你嚟加入我哋做技術人員(兼職、夜班)及初級技術人員(全職) 。We're currently hiring for Technician (Part Time, Night Shi...

「係你嘞!」香港摩天輪及AIA Vitality公園就係需要你嚟加入我哋做技術人員(兼職、夜班)及初級技術人員(全職) 。
We're currently hiring for Technician (Part Time, Night Shifts) and Junior Technician (Full Time) roles at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park.

If you have a passion for a technical career and are eager to learn, we can offer you an exciting opportunity to work at Hong Kong's iconic attraction. We provide a comprehensive training program, vibrant work environment, and competitive salary and benefits that will help kickstart your journey in this industry.

Now, apply via the link below to be part of the team:

🔗 www.geg.asia/careers 🔗


💗 嚟我哋呢個夏季限定自拍區打卡啦!🌟
💗 Come check out our Summer Selfie Zone!🌟

🦕五光十色嘅霓虹燈、色彩斑斕嘅蝴蝶、樣子可愛嘅恐龍、得意嘅熊仔糖等等…嚟香港摩天輪及 AIA Vitality 公園從不同角度影相,啟發創意啦!📷
🦕Brilliant neon signs, vibrant butterflies, adorable dinosaurs, larger than life gummy bears and so much more. Come to the Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park and let your creativity guide you! 📷


正如火如荼地進行中,相信大家都玩得超High!不僅有AIA健康學校計劃的得獎者,仲有特邀明星嘉賓前來打卡。Mark 住8月4日之前來打卡,多元健康體驗等緊您!

🥷🏻 Ninja Challenge:中環第一個6歲到60歲都可以玩嘅戶外忍者關卡
🎡 摩天輪天空之鏡:首次出現喺香港嘅超級打卡位,絕對不能錯過
🎮 AOB超級遊戲區:較量手速腦速,用超大screen玩AIA One Billion Video Game
⚽ 趣味工作坊:足球訓練、親子齊鼓樂、Zumba Dance,總有一樣啱你玩
🧘‍♂️ Chill Zone慢活空間:停下來,盡情放空,尋找內心嘅平靜~
🌳 AIA x Carbon Wallet識碳有賞有奬問答,盡估一鋪

📅 即日起至8月4日
⏰ 星期一至五:15:00 - 23:00,星期六、日及公眾假期:11:00 - 23:00
📍 香港摩天輪| AIA Vitality 公園(中環民光街33號,摩天輪側)

有啲活動需要預先登記,請到🌐aia.com.hk/AOB 戓 。

Everyone is having a great time at the trying the different activities, including the winners of the AIA Healthiest School Programme and some popular personalities. If you have not come down yet, you still have a chance as the event ends on 4th Aug.

🥷🏻 Ninja Challenge: Central’s first outdoor ninja course for ages 6 to 60
🎡 Sky Mirror: Take photos with the Wheel from a unique perspective
🎮 AOB Super Game Area: Test your speed by playing AIA One Billion Video Game on a super large screen
⚽ Fun Workshops: football training, family music, Zumba Dance, and more
🧘 Chill Zone: Slow down and find peace of mind
🏅 Cheering Zone for athletes: Let's come together to support the Hong Kong athletes
🌳 AIA x Carbon Wallet: Q&A mini games

【AIA One Billion Week】
📅 Now - 4 Aug 2024
⏰ Mon to Fri: 15:00 - 23:00, Sat, Sun and public holidays: 11:00 - 23:00
📍 Location: Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park, (33 Man Kwong Street, Central)

Some activities require pre-registration so check out the event website 🌐aia.com.hk/AOB or for more information.



我哋大愛💚💙💛❤️ 街頭藝術!
We 💚💙💛❤️ Street Art!


If you love street art as much as we do, you should come down to check out these heart-warming hearts❤️ for yourself. Painted by some of Hong Kong's most talented artists, they are great photo backdrops for expressing your creativity.

📷 用相片留下假期最美的一刻 📷📷 Capture your fond holiday moments with our photo experience 📷我們提供多個背景選擇,讓您將美好的回憶永久保留。當您於現場購買香港摩天輪門票時,只...

📷 用相片留下假期最美的一刻 📷
📷 Capture your fond holiday moments with our photo experience 📷


Explore a variety of stunning scenes and take your memories home with you. For just HK$10, you can enjoy one Pictureworks digital photo, when you purchase a Hong Kong Observation Wheel ticket. Offer available until 30 September 2024

2.每張有效摩天輪門票均可以港幣$10加購乙張 Pictureworks迪彩數碼相片。
3. 數碼相片沒有拍攝人數限制,然而所有參與拍攝的人士都須持有有效門票。

Terms and Conditions
1. The Offer is valid from 25 July 2024 to 30 September 2024, during the following times:
-12:00pm to 9:00pm from 25 July 2024 to 1 September 2024
-1:00pm to 8:00pm from 2 September 2024 to 30 September 2024
2. Each valid HKOW ticket is entitled to 1 (one) Picture Works digital photo for HK$10.
3. There is no limit on the number of visitors that can be captured in one shot, however all participants must hold valid HKOW tickets.
4. The Offer is non-refundable, non-exchangeable and non-transferrable. The offer cannot be resold or exchanged for cash.
5. HKOW tickets purchased are non-refundable, non-exchangeable and non-transferrable.
6. The opening hours of HKOW are subject to change due to inclement weather or other special circumstances. Please visit HKOW website for updated information before your arrival.
7. HKOW reserves the right to modify the Offer Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
8. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKOW shall be final.

🎉 2024香港沙甸魚節 🎉🎉 Sardine Festival Hong Kong 2024 🎉葡萄牙里斯本最大型街頭美食嘉年華「沙甸魚節」選址香港🌈🐟將於8月29日至9月1日游到中環海濱。🐟葡萄牙美食體驗:品嚐各式沙甸魚,葡國豬扒包及牛...

🎉 2024香港沙甸魚節 🎉
🎉 Sardine Festival Hong Kong 2024 🎉


🐟葡萄牙美食體驗:品嚐各式沙甸魚,葡國豬扒包及牛扒包、葡式火焰烤香腸、Piri Piri烤雞、葡萄酒等
🎵現場音樂盛宴:知名DJ Phoebe和現場樂隊將帶來精彩演出,在動人拉丁音樂中享受美酒佳餚
🎪Kids Zone:兒童遊戲區,給小朋友們留下一個難忘的夏日體驗

📅 2024年8月29日至9月1日(星期四至日)
📍 香港摩天輪及AIA Vitality公園
🌐 sardine-festival.com

Get ready to dive into a sea of vibrant summer colours and fun! 🌈🐟 The Sardine Festival, Lisbon’s largest street carnival, is making waves in Hong Kong from 29 August to 1 September.

🐟 Authentic Portuguese Palate Experiences: Indulge in mouthwatering sardine dishes (a must-try!), traditional Portuguese beef sandwiches, flamed sausages, Piri Piri chicken, Porto wines and more
🎵 Live Music Extravaganza: Renowned DJ Phoebe and live bands will keep the rhythm alive
🎪 Family Fun: Kids Zone with games and make-up fun—perfect for a memorable summer outing

Save the Date
📅 August 29th to September 1st, 2024 (Thu to Sun)
📍 Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park
🌐 sardine-festival.com
Enjoy special Early Bird tickets for a limited time. Check out the website for full details and don’t miss this unforgettable Portuguese cultural experience!

健康唔係一定要去gym、跑步,今個夏天,一於同AIA一齊  #再想健康,體會遊戲、慢活、打卡、挑戰身手全部都可以好healthy!「 」將於中環AIA Vitality公園快樂登場!多元健康體驗等緊您,包括:🥷🏻 Ninja Challen...

健康唔係一定要去gym、跑步,今個夏天,一於同AIA一齊 #再想健康,體會遊戲、慢活、打卡、挑戰身手全部都可以好healthy!「 」將於中環AIA Vitality公園快樂登場!多元健康體驗等緊您,包括:

🥷🏻 Ninja Challenge:中環第一個6歲到60歲都可以玩嘅戶外忍者關卡!
🎡 摩天輪天空之鏡:首次出現喺香港嘅超級打卡位,絕對不能錯過
🎮 AOB超級遊戲區:用超大screen玩AIA One Billion Video Game!較量手速腦速,睇吓邊個最快達到10億分
⚽ 趣味工作坊:足球訓練、親子齊鼓樂、Zumba Dance,總有一樣啱你玩
🧘‍♂️ Chill Zone慢活空間:停下來,盡情放空,尋找內心嘅平靜~
🏅 為運動健兒打氣區:一齊集氣,遙距支持香港運動員!
🌳 AIA x Carbon Wallet識碳有賞有奬問答,盡估一鋪!

📅 日期:2024年7月27日至8月4日
⏰ 開放時間:星期一至五:15:00 - 23:00,星期六、日及公眾假期:11:00 - 23:00
📍 地點: 中環海濱AIA Vitality公園(中環民光街33號,摩天輪側)

健康無價,但係「AIA友邦好生活節」就完全免費! 部分活動需預先於網上登記,名額有限,先到先得㗎!

註:開放時間或會因應當日舉行的特別節目以及天氣情況而有所更改。請到活動網站或 !

Isn’t it time to break free from stereotypes? Come and Rethink Healthy at the “ ”. From 27 July to 4 August at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel at AIA Vitality Park, there are multiple health activities for you to try.

🥷🏻 Ninja Challenge: Central’s first outdoor ninja course for ages 6 to 60
🎡 Sky Mirror: Take photos with the Wheel from a unique perspective
🎮 AOB Super Game Area: Test your speed by playing AIA One Billion Video Game on a super large screen
⚽ Fun Workshops: football training, family music, Zumba Dance, and more
🧘 Chill Zone: Slow down and find peace of mind
🏅 Cheering Zone for athletes: Let's come together to support the Hong Kong athletes!
🌳 AIA x Carbon Wallet: Q&A mini games

【AIA One Billion Week】
📅 27 Jul - 4 Aug 2024
⏰ Mon to Fri: 15:00 - 23:00, Sat, Sun and public holidays: 11:00 - 23:00
📍 Location: Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park, (33 Man Kwong Street, Central)

Health is priceless, and “AIA One Billion Week” is completely free! Some activities require pre-registration so check out the event website 🌐aia.com.hk/AOB or for more information.


觀城市燈火,追行人影痕City lights, motion trails. 40秒夜間爆光捕捉動人景緻 - 看光線流動,人影交織。A 40-second night exposure capturing the vibrant Hong ...

City lights, motion trails.

40秒夜間爆光捕捉動人景緻 - 看光線流動,人影交織。
A 40-second night exposure capturing the vibrant Hong Kong harbour lights and an unidentified light trail.

📸 Pablo Torrado



🎡Enjoy panoramic views of the Central Harbourfront from the Hong Kong Observation Wheel💓

喺日落時分,天空嘅色彩變化多端,你永遠都估唔到會呈現咩顏色✨🧡Sunsets are magical because you never know what colours will be painted across the sky✨🧡📸...


Sunsets are magical because you never know what colours will be painted across the sky✨🧡


由香港摩天輪嘅頂部俯瞰,您可以欣賞摩天輪四周嘅景色,絕對係同朋友共度美好時光嘅好去處。 🎡👭只需$20,您就可以乘坐香港摩天輪,仲可以去AIA Vitality公園影好多靚相!📸Check out this bird’s eye view ...

由香港摩天輪嘅頂部俯瞰,您可以欣賞摩天輪四周嘅景色,絕對係同朋友共度美好時光嘅好去處。 🎡👭

只需$20,您就可以乘坐香港摩天輪,仲可以去AIA Vitality公園影好多靚相!📸

Check out this bird’s eye view from the top, revealing the green surroundings of the Hong Kong Observation Wheel, a perfect spot to spend time with your friends. 🎡👭

For an affordable price of $20, you can enjoy an enchanting ride on the HKOW, explore the beautiful AIA Vitality Park, and take as many photos as you like. 📸

‧₊˚✧好消息: 7月12日至9月1日暑假特別開放時間✧˚₊‧‧₊˚✧Good news: Summer Holiday Special Opening Hours from 12 July to 1 Sept✧˚₊‧為咗迎接暑假,我哋由下...

‧₊˚✧好消息: 7月12日至9月1日暑假特別開放時間✧˚₊‧
‧₊˚✧Good news: Summer Holiday Special Opening Hours from 12 July to 1 Sept✧˚₊‧


To welcome the summer holidays, we will extend our opening hours starting next Friday, 12 July, so you can enjoy a ride on the Wheel with more flexible hours to suit your schedule! 🎡

🎡「教主誕」免費乘坐香港摩天輪 🎡🎡 Free rides on Anson Lo Day 🎡🎂為慶祝「教主」盧瀚霆生日,他的粉絲團體 Little Giants 會喺7月7號請大家免費乘坐香港摩天輪。當日場內會有好多佈置,記住同埋一眾「神...

🎡「教主誕」免費乘坐香港摩天輪 🎡
🎡 Free rides on Anson Lo Day 🎡

🎂為慶祝「教主」盧瀚霆生日,他的粉絲團體 Little Giants 會喺7月7號請大家免費乘坐香港摩天輪。當日場內會有好多佈置,記住同埋一眾「神徒」嚟打咭,坐住香港摩天輪慶祝「教主誕」嘞!😊

🎂 To celebrate Anson Lo’s birthday, his fans group namely Little Giants will be offering free Hong Kong Observation Wheel rides for all residents and visitors on 7th July. There will be plenty of decorations on site too. Don't miss out, join us for a Happy Free Ride! 😊


📸香港摩天輪絕對係拍攝香港嘅最佳地點! 從一個全新角度捕捉香港獨特嘅維港景色,post上 IG分享靚相!快啲以$20乘坐摩天輪影出完美嘅照片啦! 🏙️

📸 Capture Instaworthy photos from new heights! The Hong Kong Observation Wheel is the perfect spot for taking city skyline shots. For a reasonable price of $20, you can snap the perfect photos from the top of the city! 🏙️

今日就係端午節,香港摩天輪祝大家假期愉快🛶!Today is the Dragon Boat Festival🛶 We would like to wish everyone an enjoyable holiday with lots o...

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival🛶 We would like to wish everyone an enjoyable holiday with lots of fun and energy!

Join us today as the Newly Emerged Sports Association will let you try some new sports such as Rope Flow, Elasko and Molkky. You can try them all free of charge. 😆

近排大家都講傳承🤔唔知你仲記唔記得細個爸爸教您嘅道理呢?Passing down Dad‘s wisdom this Father’s Day in our Giveaway!適逢父親節,我哋就好想知你嘅「爸爸的話」!唔好怕老套,亦唔一定要...

Passing down Dad‘s wisdom this Father’s Day in our Giveaway!

1️⃣ 讚好此帖文
2️⃣ 追蹤
3️⃣ 留言話畀我哋知 ”我老豆教我做人要____“
4️⃣ 分享到限時動態



This Father‘s Day, we want to hear about the words of wisdom from the most important man in your life. It doesn’t have to be super serious - the most meaningful advice is often casual. What matters most is the special bond between you and your dad. Here‘s how to share your story:
1️⃣ Like this post
2️⃣ Follow and
3️⃣ Comment below and share your dad’s words of wisdom with ”My dad taught me ____“
4️⃣ Share this on your story

One lucky winner will receive a unique prize: a crystal gondola experience and a Pictureworks Snow Globe to forever preserve that cherished memory with your dad! 🏆 We‘ll select the most creative entry on Facebook and Instagram each. Giveaway ends at 1 PM on June 14th - winner will be contacted via direct message.

*Terms & conditions apply.


33 Man Kwong Street
Central District

Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 22:00
Thursday 12:00 - 22:00
Friday 11:00 - 23:00
Saturday 11:00 - 23:00
Sunday 11:00 - 23:00


+852 23390777


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