【Cérémonie heureuse de marriage】
La Cérémonie, has the meaning of “Ceremony” in French. A stylish while ethereal bridal gown is one of the important elements to enlighten the romantic journey and wonderful memory of the wedding ceremony. European style décor, splendid selection of gowns and pleasant atmosphere: La Cérémonie Atelier has got all the ingredients as your perfect bridal gown boutique.
Located in the center of Central, exclusively carries Jesús Peiró, Divine Atelier and Otilia Brailoiu Atelier, the renowned specialist brands in bridal wear. In addition, it offers bespoke service for the bride’s mother and the flower girl, spreading the happiness among the 3 generations.
在法文中,“La Cérémonie” 代表著儀式。在莊重而神聖的 婚禮儀式中,一件優雅的嫁衣能為新娘子與摯愛打造幸福動人的甜蜜回憶。
位處中環中心地段的 La Cérémonie Atelier 擁有西班牙婚紗品牌 Jesús Peiró,羅馬尼亞的Divine Atelier及Otilia Brailoiu Atelier 的香港區獨家代理權,並特別推出「三 代傳承‧BESPOKE 訂製服務」,為新娘子、媽媽及花女 提供專業及貼心的訂製服務,傳承幸福。
滿佈歐陸風格的 La Cérémonie Atelier 提供舒適的試身 環境,期望饋集新娘子們一個又一個幸福的婚禮。
Jesús Peiró:
Divine Atelier:
Otilia Brailoiu Atelier: