以無盡耐心同溫暖引導小腳步!🌟👣✨ 我哋嘅拉丁舞老師就好似父母一樣,以關愛同善意培育年輕人才。#耐心導師 #啟發年輕舞者
Guiding Little Feet with Endless Patience and Warmth! 🌟👣✨ Our Latin dance teacher is a true gem, nurturing young talents with care and kindness. #PatientMentor #InspiringYoungDancers”
🌈 Location: 2B, G/f, Alto Residences, 29 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong
🌈 Contact us: +852 9877 7078
🌈 Available Dances
Latin & Ballroom - 拉丁舞同標準舞
Hip Hop - 嘻哈
Jazz - 爵士舞
K-Pop - K-Pop 舞
Good posture in Latin and ballroom dance isn’t just about looking elegant—it's key to balance, control, and graceful movement. 🌟💃 Stand tall, dance with confidence, and let your posture elevate every step!
🌈 Location: 2B, G/f, Alto Residences, 29 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong,
🌈 Contact us: +852 9877 7078
🌈 Available Dances
Latin & Ballroom - 拉丁舞同標準舞
Hip Hop - 嘻哈
Jazz - 爵士舞
K-Pop - K-Pop舞
熱情舞動,點亮舞池。💖💃 讓對舞蹈的愛燃點你的每一個動作!✨🔥
Passion in dancing is the rhythm of your heart moving through every step. 💖💃 Let your love for the dance light up the floor and fuel your every move! ✨🔥
🌈 Location: 2B, G/f, Alto Residences, 29 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong,
🌈 Contact us: +852 9877 7078
🌈 Available Dances
Latin & Ballroom - 拉丁舞同標準舞
Hip Hop - 嘻哈
Jazz - 爵士舞
K-Pop - K-Pop舞
助小朋友建立穩固嘅 Hip-hop 基礎,從掌握基本動作開始。只要核心動作做得好,佢哋嘅創意就會展現出來!🌟🕺
Help your kids build a strong foundation in hip-hop by focusing on mastering the basics. It’s all about getting the core moves right and letting their creativity shine through! 🌟🕺
🌈 Location: 2B, G/f, Alto Residences, 29 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong,
🌈 Contact us: +852 9877 7078
🌈 Available Dances
Latin & Ballroom - 拉丁舞同標準舞
Hip Hop - 嘻哈
Jazz - 爵士舞
K-Pop - K-Pop舞
Teaching kids the details and technicalities of dance helps them grasp every movement and step, empowering them to truly embody the art of dance. 🌟💃
🌈 Location: 2B, G/f, Alto Residences, 29 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong,
🌈 Contact us: +852 9877 7078
🌈 Available Dances
Latin & Ballroom - 拉丁舞同標準舞
Hip Hop - 嘻哈
Jazz - 爵士舞
K-Pop - K-Pop舞
邊個話小朋友嘅學習一定好辛苦?跟我哋學跳舞一定係種享受! 我哋嘅老師好有耐性,會細心聆聽小朋友嘅需要,引導佢哋透過跳舞表達自己。
At Ga Club, we turn your child's learning efforts into excellence. Our teachers are trained to teach with patience, listen attentively, and guide your child in expressing themselves through the art of dance.
Let’s work together to build your child's dreams!
🌈 Location: 2B, G/f, Alto Residences, 29 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong,
🌈 Contact us: +852 9877 7078
🌈Available Dances:
Latin & Ballroom - 拉丁舞及標準舞
Hip Hop - 嘻哈
Jazz - 爵士舞
K-Pop - K-Pop舞
想幫小朋友追夢,培養佢哋嘅毅力同熱情? 嚟GA Club就啱晒!我哋會用創意方法幫佢哋增強自信。
嚟參加金星盛典,一齊聽吓我哋嘅星級母女檔Rita同Alice嘅熱血故事啦! 佢哋會分享點樣透過跳舞加強母女關係,齊齊成長!💃❤️
Support your child’s dreams and help them nurture strength, passion, and determination creatively with GA Club!
Join us at the Golden Stars Gala to meet the dynamic mother-daughter duo, Rita and Alice. Watch as they share their passion for dancing, strengthen their bond, and build skills together 💃❤️
🌈 Location: 2B, G/f, Alto Residences, 29 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong,
🌈 Contact us: +852 9877 7078
🌈Available Dances:
Latin & Ballroom - 拉丁舞及標準舞
Hip Hop - 嘻哈
Jazz - 爵士舞
K-Pop - K-Pop舞
睇下我哋啲小學員幾開心!🌟 GA Club Kids舞蹈課圍繞著歡樂同刺激嘅挑戰!加入我哋嘅熱情社群讓你小朋友發掘到同好朋友跳舞嘅快樂!千祈唔好錯過呢個咁好玩嘅機會!即刻報名,睇佢哋發光發亮啦!💃👦🎶
See the smiles on our little dancers' faces! 🌟 At GA Club kids, our dance classes are all about joy and excitement. Join our vibrant community and let your child discover the pure happiness that comes from dancing with friends and expressing themselves through movement. Don't miss out on the fun—sign up today and watch them shine! 💃👦🎶
🌈 Location: 2B, G/f, Alto Residences, 29 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong,
🌈 Contact us: +852 9877 7078
🌈 Available Dances
- Latin & Ballroom
- Hip Hop
- Jazz
- K-Pop
##kidsdancehk #kidsdance #gaclubhk #summercamp #expatfamily #educationalgames #gaclub #kidstalent #dancechallenge