【🔦🔊Prolight+sound Expo 2023】
📣喺上個月24號我哋去咗 #廣州 Messe Frankfurt主辦嘅Prolight+sound #展覽,而家 #通關 之後🛂,多咗機會可以去唔同嘅地方做Show同睇展覽😎,同時了解下而家市面上最新嘅技術同產品,為客戶帶嚟更加好嘅 #活動 體驗💝~
【Prolight+sound Expo 2023】
Last month, on the 24th, we visited Messe Frankfurt's Prolight+sound exhibition in Guangzhou. Now with borders reopened, there are increasing opportunities for events and exhibitions to gain awareness regionally and globally. We are grateful for these opportunities that expose us to cutting-edge technology and products available in the market, enabling us to understand and identify products that can enhance the experiences we deliver to our clients.
#ProlightsoundExpo #GuangZhou #China #HongKong #Exhibition #Events #InfocanEvents #EventProduction #EventManagement #EventPlanning
#event #events #eventplanner #eventplanning #eventproduction
【🗣All around you】
你知道嗎?大腦🧠係可以根據環境嘅聲音,係腦入面創造圖像同感知㗎🌁,估佢唔到呢~即使你合埋對眼🙈,如果有人係附近講嘢 – 你都可能估到佢大概係邊度。就算係一架直升機係你頭頂飛過 – 🚁你都會知佢飛咗去咩方向~所以話 #音響 嘅 #擺放位置 係創造理想畫面嘅關鍵!而家戲院開返,大家不妨留意下戲院嘅 #音響系統 或者 #音響擺放位置 喺邊度啦🔊!
【I know where you are…】
It’s remarkable how the mind creates imagery and perception based on ambient sounds. Blindfold yourself. Have someone in the room say something – do you know where they are? Or a helicopter passing over your head – what direction did they go in? #Speakerplacement of a #soundsystem is crucial to painting the ideal picture. Now that cinemas are back open, see if you notice where their #surroundsoundsystem #speakers are!
#cinema #soundimagery #soundperception #allaroundyou #eventproduction #production #環迴立體聲 #喇叭 #立體聲 #音響裝置