賽馬會『喜』動遊樂場🎠🎢 🎡
一連四個多月的「賽馬會『喜』動遊樂場」,已於 5 月圓滿結束。項目由香港藝術中心策劃、 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金主要贊助、利希慎基金為策略伙伴、精神健康諮詢委員會全力支持, 務求從藝術角度切入,以玩樂作為方法,與公眾一起尋找心裡的遊樂場。 疫情關係,活動以網上形式進行,透過一系列聲畫導航影片帶來猶如親歷其境的觀展體驗。期 間亦推出一連串網上教育及外展活動,包括「同你傾」(講座)和「陪你玩」(玩作坊環節) 等,將「遊樂場」送到各家各戶,場場爆滿。多位參展藝術家及專業人士早前更進行了一場題 為「探索藝術之於精神健康的可能性」的圓桌論壇,深入探討藝術與精神健康的關係。網上展 覽及活動重溫,歡迎瀏覽 https://bit.ly/3wCbNs2。
斯圖爾特‧森堡《喜泡泡》Stuart Semple
Jen LEWIN《心水清》 Artist Jen Lewin
黑鬼 HakGwai Lau
綠腳丫 綠腳丫親子讀書會
新約舞流 Passoverdance 新約舞流
身體遊樂場 身體遊樂場
Not a Gallery Not a Gallery
杜志烜 Tom
Chester WONG
更多關於參展作品、藝術家及相關活動 >> https://bit.ly/3wCbNs2
For four months in a row, Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park, curated by Hong Kong Arts Centre with the support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust as Major Funder, Lee Hysan Foundation as Strategic Partner and the guidance of the Advisory Committee on Mental Health, which aimed to invite the public to probe into the subject of mental wellness through the means of art and play, concluded successfully in May 2021. The exhibition was held virtually due to COVID-19. With a series of multi-media virtual tours and online education and outreach programmes, including ar
《心水清》《Aqueous》by Jen Lewin
「我致力創作可以遊走世界各地的作品,連繫人與人,讓大家在互動光影之間全情投入去 玩。」Jen Lewin Artist Jen Lewin表示。 Jen Lewin,著名新媒體及互動雕塑家,以紐約為基地;過去 20 多年創作生涯裡,致力結合建 築及高科技元素,創作大型公眾互動裝置,以促進社群互動交流。日夜景致各具特色的《心水清》,是她其中一件代表作,先後於各地展出,現正「登陸」賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場。立即聽聽她的現身說法!
「同你傾」4 月主場——Jen Lewin
更多關於《Aqueous》 >>https://bit.ly/3fsToIz
更多關於Jen Lewin >> https://bit.ly/2RL3Cem
更多有「心」度的活動 >> https://bit.ly/2SDRgo4
‘My idea was to create a sculpture that could travel around the world and really engage the community, and create participatory play within a landscape of interactive light.’ –Jen Lewin Jen Lewin is an internationally renowned new media and interactive sculptor currently based in New York. Over her 25-year career, she has honed her architectural background and a highly technical medium to fabricate large-scale interactive, public sculpture that encourages community interaction and play. ‘Aqueous’, one of her iconic works, is now available at the Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park virtually. Let’ watch her live presentation online and understand more about her views on art and creativity!
Live conversation with Jen Lewin
(To be conducted in English)
Due to COVID-19, the artwork will be showcased online only. However, you can still enjoy the artwork virtually. Every one of us can make good use of our creativity by enjoyi
找到心裡的遊樂場🎡 ✨
無論男女老幼;返工還是返學;已婚、戀愛中、單身…… 各有各的苦惱,自然各有各的樂趣~🎠🎢 🎡
斯圖爾特‧森堡《喜泡泡》Stuart Semple
Jen LEWIN《心水清》Artist Jen Lewin
(疫情關係,作品只供網上展示,不過……大家可以透過影片「睇」驗當中樂趣!無論何時何地,只要發揮創作力量同幻想,都可以找到(甚至創造出)我們自己心目中的遊樂場~ )
更多關於參展作品、藝術家及相關活動 >> https://bit.ly/2SoZn7V
Our lives are full of ups and downs…… Every one of us is somehow fighting our own battle(s). Let us look for the park in the heart! Get recharged and keep fighting. 🎠🎢 🎡
Participating artworks & artists✨
Happy Cloud by Stuart SEMPLE
Six-swing Donut by Wyan YEUNG Li-shung
The Light Seesaw by ENESS
Aqueous by Jen LEWIN
(Due to COVID-19, the artwork will be showcased online only. However, you can still enjoy the artwork virtually. Every one of us can make good use of our creativity by enjoying the exhibition in our imagination.)
Learn more about the participating artworks, artists and the inspiring online events >> https://bit.ly/3vsssON
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park>> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
#賽馬會喜動遊樂場 #JockeyClubPopupArtPark #邊度都係遊樂場 #Pop入屋企 #Pop到工作間#StuartSemple #happycloud #WyanYeungLiShung #SixSwingDonut #ENESS #TheLightSeesaw #jenlewinstudio #aqueous #Pop進你我心裡 #HKJCCharitiesTrust #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #LeeHysanFoundation #利希慎基金 #HongKongArtsCentre #hkac #香港藝術中心
搖搖光 💫 The Light Seesaw
「足本版」傳送門 Watch the full version>>
更多關於 搖搖光 >> https://bit.ly/34guK7H
更多關於 ENESS >> https://bit.ly/345KeuS
更多有「心」度的活動 >> https://bit.ly/3f2V8bg
You are happy so I am happy?
Let us put it like this: I am happy and we become happier.❤️
Due to COVID-19, the artwork will be showcased online only. However, you can still enjoy the artwork virtually. Every one of us can make good use of our creativity by enjoying the exhibition in our imagination.
Learn more about The Light Seesaw >> https://bit.ly/344l4gq
Learn more about ENESS >> https://bit.ly/3ufOPWh
For more inspiring online events >> https://bit.ly/3v7oNW5
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park>> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
#賽馬會喜動遊樂場 #JockeyClubPopupArtPark #邊度都係遊樂場 #Pop入屋企 #Pop到工作間 #ENESS #TheLightSeesaw #Balance #搖搖光 #平衡 #Pop進你我心裡 #HKJCCharitiesTrust #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #LeeHysanFoundation #利希慎基金 #HongKongArtsCentre #hkac #香港藝術中心
心水清 Aqueous
【壓軸登場《#心水清》 #Aqueous】
出自美國著名新媒體及互動雕塑家Jen Lewin Artist Jen Lewin 之手的《心水清》,日夜各有不同的景致︰白天,它是一面天空之鏡, #反映 周遭環境與人的身影;入夜後,則幻變成一條彩光大道,光影隨玩家的步伐流動、#連結。「我的靈感主要來自社區——人們結聚、互動,交織出群體的力量。」她說。
更多關於《心水清》 >> https://bit.ly/2RDjzmr
更多關於Jen Lewin >> https://bit.ly/3vV9JuK
更多有「心」度的活動 >> https://bit.ly/3tF8RsY
Just enjoy the little things, and make every moment count. Jen Lewin is an American artist who makes interactive new media sculpture. Her artwork, Aqueous, reflects the sky like a mirror by day, but morphs into a rainbow-like pathway that responds to your movements by illuminating in different colours. 'My main source of inspiration is the power of community—the feeling of joy that people get from interacting with each other, and the transformative energy that groups create.' –Jen Lewin
Due to COVID-19, the artwork will be showcased online only. However, you can still enjoy the artwork virtually. Every one of us can make good use of our creativity by enjoying the exhibition in our imagination.
Learn more about Aqueous >> https://bit.ly/3nZB8ZW
Learn more about Jen Lewin >> https://bit.ly/3o1fTHb
For more inspiring online events >> https://bit.ly/3uu1TrP
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park>> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
#賽馬會喜動遊樂場 #JockeyClubPopupArtPa
「同你傾」4 月主場 Live conversation with Jen Lewin
「同你傾」4 月主場 Live conversation with Jen Lewin
「我致力創作可以遊走世界各地的作品,連繫人與人,讓大家在互動光影之間全情投入去玩。」Jen Lewin 表示。Jen Lewin,著名新媒體及互動雕塑家,以紐約為基地;過去 20 多年創作生涯裡,致力結合建築及高科技元素,創作大型公眾互動裝置,以促進社群互動交流。日夜景致各具特色的《心水清》,是她其中一件代表作,先後於各地展出,現正「登陸」賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場。她更將於網上與香港觀眾見面,大方分享藝術、創作與巡迴經驗。
「同你傾」4 月主場——Jen Lewin
頻道︰Facebook Live
大家亦可預先問/留言給 Jen Lewin >>
‘My idea was to create a sculpture that could travel around the world and really engage the community, and create participatory play within a landscape of interactive light.’ –Jen Lewin
Jen Lewin is an internationally renowned new media and interactive sculptor currently based in New York. Over her 25-year career, she has honed her architectural background and a highly technical medium to fabricate large-scale interactive, public sculpture that encourages community interaction and play. ‘Aqueous’, one of her iconic works, is now available at the Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park virtually. Lewin will join us for an online conversation. Join this intimate chat, as she shares her views on art and creativity.
Live conversation with Jen Lewin
Date: 2021.4.23 (Fri)
Time: 8:30pm (HKT)
Channel: Facebook live
(To be conducted in English)
Questions/message to Jen Lewin >>
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this event
are those of the speaker(s)/guest(s).
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 >>
節奏遊「樂」場 | 杜志烜 Tom To
節奏遊「樂」場 | 杜志烜 Tom To💫
香港最早期的戶外兒童遊樂場出現於上世紀20年代末,為上幾代的小朋友帶來無數美好的童年回憶。今天,網絡及虛擬遊戲日新月異,對於新一代來說,鞦韆、搖搖板等經典遊樂場設施 🎠,反而更顯得新奇刺激……
你希望給予下一代一個怎樣的遊樂場?遊樂場又可以以甚麼方式存在於感官之間?Mr. 樂隊鼓手、「節奏生活」創辦人Tom To 杜志烜,將與我們一起透過音樂🎶 翻開遊樂場的不老傳奇 💬
時間: 13:00 - 14:15
嘉賓主持︰杜志烜(Mr. 樂隊鼓手;「節奏生活」創辦人)
更多關於Tom >> https://bit.ly/3fWcW8G
更多有「心」度的活動 >> https://bit.ly/3s4Ajzb
Playground the Legend | Tom TO💫
Outdoor playgrounds for children first appeared in Hong Kong in the late 1920s, bringing countless fond childhood memories to generations. As online and virtual games bring new surprises each passing day, classic playground facilities 🎠 such as swings and rocking boards appear even more exciting to kids today, who are often glued to their screens……
What kinds of ‘playground’ we would like to pass to the next generation? In what way ‘playground’ works in our hearts and senses? Tom TO, drummer from the local band ‘Mr.’ will be with us to uncover the ageless legend of playgrounds together with music notes and rhythms🎶 💬
Playground the Legend✨
Date: 2021.04.16 (Fri)
Time: 13:00 - 14:15
Guest: Tom TO (Drummer of Mr. , Founder of MRJ Music Education)
(To be conducted in Cantonese)
More about Tom >> https://bit.ly/3fT6IXi
For more inspiring online events >> https://bit.ly/31T54wF
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this event are those of the speaker(s)/guest(s).
「疫」境藝行者Artwalkers: Artists-in-Pandemic
香港藝術中心節目經理Ian LEUNG,夥拍《哲學有偈傾》主持、好青年荼毒室創辦人之一鹽叔(楊俊賢),將以哲學角度,從賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場說起,談談在「新常態」之下,「創意」如何成為我們的安身與安心之所。
Taking Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park as a case study, together with Ian LEUNG – Programme Manager of Hong Kong Arts Centre, Uncle Salt (YEUNG Chun-yin) – ‘Philosophy Night’ TV Programme Host, Co-founder of Corrupt The Youth will explore how the creatives cope with the unexpected changes practically and mentally with creativity from a philosophical perspective.
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 >> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
主辦 Presenter︰香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre
主要贊助 Major Funder︰香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
策略伙伴 Strategic Partner︰利希慎基金 Lee Hysan Foundation
全力支持 Supported by︰精神健康諮詢委員會 Advisory Committee on Mental Health
#賽馬會喜動遊樂場 #JockeyClubPopupArtPark #邊度都係遊樂場 #Pop入屋企 #Pop到工作間 #Pop進你我心裡 #好青年荼毒室 #HKJCCharitiesTrust #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #LeeHysanFoundation #利希慎基金 #HongKongArtsCentre #hkac #香港藝術中心
【#邊度都係遊樂場 #TheParkIsJustAroundTheCorner】
總算知道了,「去遊樂場玩」這件事原來並不是必然的 🎠
沒有遊樂場的時候,反而發現總有個遊樂場在 ✨
疫情關係,賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場及相關參展作品 #只供網上展示。
In times of uncertainties, let us search for our own park in the heart 🎠❤️
Due to COVID-19, the featured artworks will be showcased online only. We, however, could still enjoy the artwork online by watching. And more importantly, every one of us could make good use of our creativity and imagination to creative the park in the heart.
Go Wander now >> http://bit.ly/3u3yrIs
Visit Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park virtually >> https://bit.ly/3sJDEoR
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park>> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
#賽馬會喜動遊樂場 #JockeyClubPopupArtPark #邊度都係遊樂場 #Pop入屋企 #Pop到工作間 #Pop進你我心裡 #HKJCCharitiesTrust #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #LeeHysanFoundation #利希慎基金 #HongKongArtsCentre #hkac #香港藝術中心
創作團隊澳洲設計工作室ENESS 💫
「貪玩和好奇心都是我們共有的特質,我相信《搖搖光》能引發出我們的童真。」創作團隊澳洲設計工作室ENESS (https://www.facebook.com/enessface) 創辦人兼創作總監寧錄‧韋斯說。團隊特意送來《搖搖光》,一方面喚起我們的童年回憶,一方面鼓勵男女老幼盡情玩樂,創造嶄新的體驗,平衡日常中的驚與喜🥰
[號外] ENESS設計工作室業務發展經理 安東‧凡‧卡多文 將於3月27日(星期六)6pm 現身Facebook Live 📣
日期:2021.3.27 (星期六)
頻道︰Facebook 直播�直播連結:https://www.facebook.com/events/437463944027217/
大家亦可預先問/留言 >> https://forms.gle/h9e85DUzq3Rov2Vb9
更多關於《搖搖光》 >> https://bit.ly/3sgW286
更多關於 ENESS >> http://bit.ly/3tTc9ci
更多有「心」度的活動 >> https://bit.ly/3lMNFi4
Do you still remember the fears and surprises when playing on a slide or a seesaw?💫
‘There’re so many similarities between us no matter where we’re from. Play and curiosity are all kind of universal traits. I guess it brings out the childlike nature in us all.’ Says Nimrod WEIS, Co-found and Creative Director of ENESS – a multimedia design studio from Australia. ENESS presents to us The Light Seesaw, not only to recall our childhood memories, but also to encourage us to play, to enjoy the moment and to reach the inner balance within ourselves🥰
[Go Chat] Anton Van Kaathoven, Business Development Manager of ENESS, will be with us via Facebook live on 3.27 (Sat) at 6pm 📣
Date: 2021.3.27 (Sat)
Time: 6:00pm (HK
《搖搖光》創作單位 ENESS 代表,將現身今個星期六(3.27)「同你傾」— 3月主場環節💬同大家交流創作心得!
更多關於《搖搖光》 >> http://bit.ly/39aeMyq
更多有「心」度的活動 >> http://bit.ly/2OThPV9
‘Balance’, refers not only to the balance within the body, but also work-life balance, balance in various relationships, as well as emotional balance within the self😌 Let us find our balance and ourselves💪🏻
Representative from ENESS, who created The Light Seesaw, will show up this Sat (3.27) on Facebook live to chat and share with us their creative ideas💬
Join the event now: https://www.facebook.com/events/437463944027217/
Due to COVID-19, the artwork will be showcased online only. We, however, could still enjoy the artwork online by watching. And more importantly, everyone of us could make good use of our creativity and imagination to creative the park in the heart.
Learn more about The Light Seesaw >> http://bit.ly/3cifhJ3
For more inspiring online events >> https://bit.ly/3rgWBgP
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park>> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
#賽馬會喜動遊樂場 #JockeyClubPopupArtPark #邊度都係遊樂場 #Pop入屋企 #Pop到工作間 #Pop進你我心裡 #HKJCCharitiesTrust #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #LeeHysanFoundation #利希慎基金 #HongKongArtsCentre #hkac #香港藝術中心
變幻不定的光影💫 如喜怒哀樂、陰晴圓缺。嘗過各種起跌與無常,發現最美的風景是「在一起」🙌🏻
《搖搖光》創作單位 ENESS 代表,將現身今個星期六(3.27)「同你傾」— 3月主場環節,同大家交流創作心得!
更多關於《搖搖光》 >> http://bit.ly/2QAeavO
更多有「心」度的活動 >> http://bit.ly/3f9JjR2
Light and shadows are but joys and sorrow💫 Once you have been through life’s ups and downs, you might realise the best views are those shared ‘together’ 🙌🏻
Representative from ENESS, who created The Light Seesaw, will show up this Sat (3.27) on Facebook live to chat and share with us their creative ideas.
Join the event now: https://www.facebook.com/events/437463944027217/
Due to COVID-19, the artwork will be showcased online only. We, however, could still enjoy the artwork online by watching. And more importantly, everyone of us could make good use of our creativity and imagination to creative the park in the heart.
Learn more about The Light Seesaw >> http://bit.ly/3d5ec6v
For more inspiring online events >> https://bit.ly/31csVa9
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park>> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
#賽馬會喜動遊樂場 #JockeyClubPopupArtPark #邊度都係遊樂場 #Pop入屋企 #Pop到工作間 #Pop進你我心裡 #HKJCCharitiesTrust #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #LeeHysanFoundation #利希慎基金 #HongKongArtsCentre #hkac #香港藝術中心
【一個轉念,處處皆是遊樂場 Playground is where the heart is❤️】
有時候,也許疫情關係、也許天氣不似預期、也許因為種種預計之中或意料之外的緣故,未必人人時時刻刻都有機會親身落場體驗。然而,透過感官與想像💭 我們不但可以用眼「睇」驗,亦可以用耳朵、鼻子、身體,以至想像力去遊歷、甚至創造出自己心目中的遊樂場 🎠
5個靜觀練習 直達心裡遊樂場
1/ 熱身——呼吸1001
2/ 遇見《喜泡泡》——洗手盆中的快樂
3/ 幻盪《陸合彩》——坐低就有鞦韆
4/ 玩轉《搖搖光》——單腳 + 紙巾 = 平衡
心裡遊樂場隨意門 >> http://bit.ly/3clOfQI
Sometimes, maybe due to the epidemic, the unexpected weather, or various expected or accidental reasons, not everyone has the opportunity to experience the art installations✨ Nonetheless, through our senses and imagination💭 we can experience and travel with our eyes, ears, nose, body, and even our imagination. We can even create our own playground 🎠
5 steps to the park in the heart︰
1/ Audio guide warm-up
2/ Happy Cloud in the sink
3/ Six-Swing Donut Everywhere
4/ Our own Light Seesaw
Experience now >> http://bit.ly/2PluZKh
更多有「心」度的活動 >> http://bit.ly/3tRUkKW
For more inspiring online events >> https://bit.ly/3vXQrWI
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park>> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
#賽馬會喜動遊樂場 #JockeyClubPopupArtPark #邊度都係遊樂場 #Pop入屋企 #Pop到工作間 #Pop進你我心裡 #HKJCCharitiesTrust #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #LeeHysanFoundation #利希慎基金 #HongKongArtsCentre #hkac #香港藝術中心
《#搖搖光》 #TheLightSeesaw ✨
【介紹返 《#搖搖光》 #TheLightSeesaw】✨
《搖搖光》意念來自經典遊樂場設施🎡—— #搖搖板。「當你將熟悉的事物,轉換成一件離奇古怪的東西時,必定誘發人們的好奇心。」創作團隊澳洲設計工作室 ENESS 創辦人兼創作總監寧錄‧韋斯強調。
在《搖搖光》上,在驚與喜之間,尋找 #平衡 與平靜,又有力量面對未來的 #高低起跌。
《搖搖光》創作單位ENESS代表,將現身今個星期六(3.27)「同你傾」— 3月主場環節,同大家交流創作心得!
更多關於《搖搖光》 >> http://bit.ly/3tFM40i
更多有「心」度的活動 >> http://bit.ly/3lGCsQ8
The Light Seesaw ✨ attracts audiences of all ages with its exploration of physics and other elemental forces with the help of a revamped traditional childhood seesaw. ‘There’s a certain curiosity when you turn something that we’re familiar with to something otherworldly or strange.’ Explains Nimrod WEIS, Co-found and Creative Director of ENESS – a multimedia design studio from Australia.
Ride on The Light Seesaw, find our own balance and peace when seesawing up and down, and gain strengths to face the ups and downs in life.
Representative from ENESS, who created The Light Seesaw, will show up this Sat (3.27) on Facebook live to chat and share with us their creative ideas.
Join the event now: https://www.facebook.com/events/437463944027217/
Due to COVID-19, the artwork will be showcased online only. We, however, could still enjoy the artwork online by watching. And more importantly, everyone of us could make good use of our creativity and imagination to creat
「同你傾」3月主場—ENESS Live chat with ENESS
「同你傾」 3月主場—ENESS
ENESS一直積極打造能為人們帶來快樂和幸福感的作品,並為我們帶來《搖搖光》💫他們強調︰「這件作品正鼓勵我們以童真和童心探索世界。」在「疫」境中,這些藝術品顯得尤其重要。ENESS業務發展經理安東‧凡‧卡多文將現身Facebook live與大家見面💬談藝術、談創作、談經歷、談心情,一起走進無拘無束的「心靈遊樂場」🎢
大家亦可預先問/留言給ENESS >> https://forms.gle/h9e85DUzq3Rov2Vb9
更多關於 ENESS >> http://bit.ly/3lwPrUJ
更多關於《搖搖光 》>> http://bit.ly/3rUzoCh
[Go Chat] Live chat with ENESS (Australia)
Do you still remember the what it is like to swing on a swing or slide on a slide?
ENESS is at the forefront of actively creating artworks that also stimulate powerful, positive emotions like joy, delight, happiness and well-being — needed all the more during these times of worldwide upheaval, and present to us ‘The Light Seesaw’💫 ‘This work encourages us to do that to explore in childlike ways.’ Says the team. Anton Van Kaathoven, Business Development Manager of ENESS will digitally transcend borders for an online conversation with Hong Kong audience💬 Join this intimate chit-chat for a carefree venture into the playground of the heart as he shares his views on art, creativity, experiences and stories💕
Join us! Questions/ messages to ENESS >> >> https://forms.gle/h9e85DUzq3Rov2Vb9
(To be conducted in English)
Learn more about ENESS >> https://bit.ly/3bQGr9t
Learn more about The Light Seesaw >> http://bit.ly/3rTDri7
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 >> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
主辦 Presenter︰香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre
主要贊助 Major Funder︰香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities T
本地建築師兼跨媒體創作人楊理崇Wyan,特別送上《陸合彩》✨——六角形冬甩鞦韆,讓我們以另一種方式 #共聚 和 #分享,齊齊「遊戲之中忘掉輕重」。
Wyan直播重溫 >> https://www.facebook.com/JCPopUpArtPark/posts/196062302296806
更多關於《陸合彩》 >> http://bit.ly/3sBuABQ
更多有「心」度的活動 >> https://bit.ly/30dmWBf
Under the ‘new normal’ lifestyle, smiles are covered by face masks. We have not seen happy faces for long…... Architect and cross-disciplinary creative Wyan Yeung Li-shung created ‘Six-swing Donut’ ✨(donut-shaped swing) to redefine the concepts of #Sharing and #Co-play.
Wyan infuses the work with interactive elements. As the swings move, various light and sound 🎶effects are generated. It gives rise to a series of audio-visual symphonies when six people play on it.
The swing is constructed as a hexagon, ‘which allows participants to play happily and see the smiles of one another,’ explains Wyan.
Watch Wyan‘ Live (Cantonese)>> https://www.facebook.com/JCPopUpArtPark/posts/196062302296806
More about ‘Six-swing Donut’ >> http://bit.ly/3kMIApK
🔔 Due to COVID-19, the artwork will be showcased online only. We, however, could still enjoy the artwork online by watching. And more importantly, every one of us could make good use of our creativity and imaginati
賽馬會喜動遊樂場 「同你傾」 2月主場—楊理崇
「同你傾」 2月主場—楊理崇
遊樂場內有各色各樣的設施,例如搖搖板、氹氹轉、跳飛機…… 為甚麼楊理崇Wyan特意選擇鞦韆作為創作主題?
Wyan先後創作多件公共裝置作品,挑戰公共空間的界線,實踐他對城市空間的想像。出身於視覺溝通和建築設計專業的他,經常透過創作探索藝術的公共面向和城市改造等議題。他對「城市干預」(urban intervention)有濃厚的興趣,並多次於鬧市中裝置參與式作品。他將現身Facebook live與大家見面,談藝術、談創作、談經歷、談心情,一起走進無拘無束的「心靈遊樂場」。
大家亦可預先問/留言給Wyan >> https://forms.gle/cSQ2UfiqpJicqqTd6
[Go Chat] Live chat with Wyan YEUNG Li-shung (HK)
We can find various playing facilities in a park or playground, seesaw, merry-go-round, hopscotch…… Why has Wyan Yeung Li-shung chosen swing as the creative concept?
‘It is because playing on the swing lets us fly up high in the sky a while. In our daily lives, we keep our feet on the ground no matter we are happy or not. When playing on the swing, we go up and down as if we temporarily escape from the reality.’ Said Wyan.
Wyan created public installations previously illustrated how these concepts could shape this dialogue by urban citizens by modifying and altering the assumed boundaries of public space. With a background in visual communications and architecture, his practice shows keen concern over the public dimensions of art and urban intervention. He is interested in ‘hacking’ the urban city by installing urban features with specific participatory tools in his works.
Yeung will digitally transcend borders for
更多關於《陸合彩》 >> https://bit.ly/3cnsGQy
創作人楊理崇將於今個星期六 (2021.2.27)晚上9點半現身Facebook live同大家風花雪月❗一起走進無拘無束的「心靈遊樂場」。
立即參與Facebook live:https://www.facebook.com/events/231642865295540
更多有「心」度的活動 >> https://bit.ly/3cYj0Mt
When was the last time you played on the swing? With whom? 💭
Six-swing Donut✨, created by cross-disciplinary creative and architect Wyan YEUNG Li-shung from Hong Kong, is a donut-shaped swing that can be played by six people at the same time. Wyan infuses the work with interactive elements. As the swings move, various light and sound effects 🎶 are generated.
‘The intriguing shape of the hexagonal Donut entices people to step out of their daily routine and jump on the swings to rekindle lost childhood memories.’ Said Wyan.
Learn more about Six-swing Donut >> https://bit.ly/3rG3oS4
Wyan, the creator of 'Six-swing Donut' will show up on Facebook live on coming Saturday (2021.2.27)at 9:30pm❗ Join this intimate chit-chat for a carefree venture into the playground of the heart.
See you online >> https://www.facebook.com/events/231642865295540
🔔Due to COVID-19, the artwork will be showcased online only. We, however, could still enjoy the artwork online by watching. And more importantly, everyone of us could make good u
【斯圖爾特‧森堡本尊現身Hi! Stuart SEMPLE✨】
抬頭看到藍天白雲☁️,心情當然舒暢!如果抬頭看到笑臉泡泡呢?英國藝術家兼開心英雄(Happiness Hero)斯圖爾特‧森堡 Stuart Semple創作 《喜泡泡》,期望為大家帶來 #希望,並呈現快樂一瞬即逝的本質,鼓勵大家勇敢追夢。立即觀看影片聽他本尊親自講解《喜泡泡》的創作理念。
他更大方分享他的「自我照顧清單」📝 清單中包括鉛筆的魔法、邊洗澡邊唱歌、投入藝術、多喝水、與人連結等森堡自我照顧的項目。網上對談中,森堡還回應了現場觀眾問他︰「何謂好的藝術?」💬如果你也想看更多妙問妙答?了解如何照顧自己?便不能錯過森堡「同你傾」的足本重溫了!👇🏻
立即睇足本重溫 >> http://bit.ly/3twxybS
更多關於《喜泡泡》>> http://bit.ly/3pTtGQ5
It is soothing to see smiley foam clouds floating in the blue blue sky. Stuart Semple, artist and ‘Happiness Hero’ from the UK, created Happy Cloud to bring us hopes and encourage us to realise our dreams. Learn more about his creative ideas now.
He also generously shared with us his unique self-care tips ‘Stuart’s Arty Self Care Menu’, 📝 which included the pencil trick, singing in the shower, consuming art, drinking lots of water, connecting, etc. During the online live chat session, audience also asked about Semple’s view on ‘good art’. Wanna learn more about his menu and views on the arts?Watch the full version of ‘Go Chat with Stuart Semple’ 👇🏻
Watch NOW >> http://bit.ly/39R5FUh
Learn more about Happy Cloud >> http://bit.ly/3tnZLSp
賽馬會「喜」動遊樂場 >> https://www.jcpopupartpark.hk/
Instagram >> https://www.instagram.com/jcpopupartpark/
#賽馬會喜動遊樂場 #JockeyClubPopupArtPark #邊度都係遊樂場 #Pop入屋企 #Pop到工作間 #Pop進你我心裡 #HKJCCharitiesTrust #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #LeeHysanFoundation #利希慎基金 #Ho