Aspire Charity Harp Recital

Aspire Charity Harp Recital 追求夢想,永不言倦
“Aspire to inspire before we expire.”

Are you ready? See you tonight at 7:30 in Sheung Wan Civic Centre

Are you ready? See you tonight at 7:30 in Sheung Wan Civic Centre

Thank you SCMP for the interview! See you all on Wednesday✨

Thank you SCMP for the interview! See you all on Wednesday✨


Performance review - Meet our soloist, Katie Lo!
One week till concert day💗 See you all on 15/11✨


Performance Preview -
Support our brilliant harpist Joanne Chan!

還有兩星期 ASPIRE Charity Harp Recital 便舉行了,讓我們一起為慈善努力!Special thanks to Sarah Liang! #用音樂感染每一個慈善的心!

還有兩星期 ASPIRE Charity Harp Recital 便舉行了,讓我們一起為慈善努力!

Special thanks to Sarah Liang!

Alyssum Harp Quartet rehearsal💗 looking forward to the concert night!🎼

Alyssum Harp Quartet rehearsal💗 looking forward to the concert night!🎼

Dear all harp lovers, we are proudly announced that the Aspire Charity Harp Recital is FULL HOUSE already🎉🎉🎉. I’ve to ap...

Dear all harp lovers, we are proudly announced that the Aspire Charity Harp Recital is FULL HOUSE already🎉🎉🎉. I’ve to apologise for those who can’t get the tickets. All performers are working very hard for their performance. Can’t wait to see them Shine on stage✨✨✨


Performance Preview -
Support our versatile harpist Sonia Sung!


Performance Preview -
Support our special guest Michelle Lee!


Performance Preview -
Support our talented harpist Renee Hui!

A fruitful November 💗🎼🎹

A fruitful November 💗🎼🎹


Performance Preview -
Support our elegant harpist - Chloe Li!


Performance Preview -
Support our youngest harpist - Teresa Choi!


Performance Preview -
Support our passionate harpist Natalie Ip!

Meet our versatile harpist - Sonia SungSonia Sung started learning harp with Melody Tam at the age of five. In 2017, she...

Meet our versatile harpist - Sonia Sung

Sonia Sung started learning harp with Melody Tam at the age of five. In 2017, she has achieved Grade Seven of the ABRSM. She won the first place of the Harp Advanced Class in the Hong Kong Virtuosos Music Competition in 2016.

Sonia is an active harpist. Since 2012, she participated in solo and ensemble performances in numerous occasions that include the Hong Kong Harp Fest in 2014 and Harpy Music Academy in 2016. Apart from playing harp, Sonia also enjoys dancing Jazz. She has had won many prizes in open troupe in Hong Kong and overseas.

宋卓遙從5歲開始便跟著名豎琴家譚逸嘉老師學習。2017年她已成功考獲7級皇家音樂試。 2016年於第七屆香港演奏家音樂大賽高級組別獲得了冠軍。


Meet our elegant harpist - Chloe LiChloe starts her harp journey at the age of 11. When she was little, she has already ...

Meet our elegant harpist - Chloe Li

Chloe starts her harp journey at the age of 11. When she was little, she has already brought up the music talent. Not only interested in harp, Chloe is also studying piano and violin. She is now under the guidance of Miss Edith Pun. In 2016, she was invited to perform in The 5th Asian Harp Festival. This year,she was also invited to perform in The 7th International Harp Contest ‘Suoni d’Arpa’ in Italy as a concert of ‘Hong Kong Harp Talents’. As an active harpist, Chloe joined 2016 & 2017 Harpy Summer Academy which was held by Hong Kong Harp Centre. She was chosen to perform as a soloist in the Graduation Concert.
Chloe won the honour mention prize in The 6th International Harp Contest ‘Suoni d’Arpa’ in Italy, which was her first international harp competition. Also, she won the 2nd runner-up prize of St.Cecilia International Music Competition.

欣熹從11歲起開始學習豎琴,現跟隨潘嘉筠老師學習。她對豎琴擁有濃厚的音樂感,並且對鋼琴和小提琴也非常有興趣。她十二歲時獲邀請參與第五屆亞洲豎琴節表演。於2016年獲得意大利第六屆國際豎琴比賽'Suoni d‘Arpa'榮譽獎,這是她第一次出國比賽。今年暑假,欣熹獲邀參與第七屆意大利國際豎琴節'Suoni d'Arpa'豎琴獨奏表演。

A month to go before the Aspire Charity Harp Recital💗, 90% of the tickets were sold out already. Thank you for your supp...

A month to go before the Aspire Charity Harp Recital💗, 90% of the tickets were sold out already. Thank you for your support and looking forward to see you all. For tickets, please visit the following link, act fast😝💨

Date 日期 : 15/11/2017 (Wed 星期三) Time 時間 : 7:30pm Price 票價 : $150 (All proceeds raised without deducting any cost will be donated to Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF) (活動所籌得款項 將不扣除任何支出, 全數撥捐 聯合國兒童基金香港委員會) Venue 地點 : 5th Floor, Lecture Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre 上環文娛中心5樓演講廳

Meet our special guest: Michelle LeeMichelle Lee started learning piano at the early age of four and guzheng at eight. S...

Meet our special guest: Michelle Lee

Michelle Lee started learning piano at the early age of four and guzheng at eight. She had completed performance diploma of the Central Conservatory of Music within five years which had symbolized the start of Michelle’s music journey. After that, she had accomplished both erhu grade nine of the Central Conservatory of Music and trombone grade eight of ABRSM in three years.

Not only performing solo pieces, Michelle is also enthusiastic in playing in Chinese orchestra and symphonic band. Her leading orchestra and band have won Gold and Champion awards at the European Music Festival for Young People (Neerpelt - Belgium, EMJ) and Singapore International Band Festival.


Meet our passionate harpist - Natalie IpIp Wan Man Natalie, aged 11, who studies in Raimondi College Primary Section, ha...

Meet our passionate harpist - Natalie Ip
Ip Wan Man Natalie, aged 11, who studies in Raimondi College Primary Section, has been learning Harp since 8 years old with Ms. Yany Tse as her teacher. She had an admission offer from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art – Junior Music Program since last year. In 2016 and 2017, Natalie had Championships in 7th & 8th Concours Francais De La Harpe competition in France. With the passions towards Harp, she is a volunteer and acts as a Harp Performer for charity organization.

今年十一歲就讀於高主教書院小學部的葉蔚玟自八歲跟隨Ms. Yany Tse學習豎琴。上年被演藝學院取錄參加青少年音樂課程。曾於2016和 2017法國豎琴大賽 (Concours Francais De La Harpe) 嬴得冠軍。葉蔚玟對豎琴充滿熱誠,課餘時間喜歡做義工為慈善團體表演。

Meet our brilliant harpist - Joanne ChanJoanne’s music journey began to soar when she was admitted to the music departme...

Meet our brilliant harpist - Joanne Chan

Joanne’s music journey began to soar when she was admitted to the music department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is currently a fourth-year music student major in compose. Joanne is now studying harp under the tutelage of Ms. Amy Tam Wai-Li. As a keen learner, she is also studying vocal with Mr. Caleb Woo. Joanne performs frequently with various orchestras such as the Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orchestra, Chung Chi Orchestra and the Chung Chi Wind Orchestra. She is an active chorister too, with joining various choirs such as Hong Kong Children’s Choir, Opera Hong Kong Children Chorus and the Chung Chi Choir.


Meet our talented harpist - Renee HuiRenee began studying the harp when she was 4 years old. Over the 7 years of learnin...

Meet our talented harpist - Renee Hui

Renee began studying the harp when she was 4 years old. Over the 7 years of learning, not only has she become the principal harpist at her school orchestra and community orchestra, she has also been invited to perform in many recognizable International Harp Festivals such as International Festival of Harp (Suoni d'Apra) 2017, The 5th Asian Harp Festival and The 3rd Korean Harp Festival.

Some of Renee’s major achievements include Diploma di Merito in the 7th International Harp Contest in Italy, Champion in The 21st St. Cecilia International Music Competition 2016, and the Gold Award in Joint School Music Competition 2016.

Outside of school and competitions, Renee also actively takes part in many charity performances.


Please visit the following link for tickets. Act fast, limited seats left😝

Please visit the following link for tickets. Act fast, limited seats left😝

Date 日期 : 15/11/2017 (Wed 星期三) Time 時間 : 7:30pm Price 票價 : $150 (All proceeds raised without deducting any cost will be donated to Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF) (活動所籌得款項 將不扣除任何支出, 全數撥捐 聯合國兒童基金香港委員會) Venue 地點 : 5th Floor, Lecture Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre 上環文娛中心5樓演講廳

Meet our youngest harpist - Teresa ChoiTeresa was born in a music family. She started her music journey at the age of 4....

Meet our youngest harpist - Teresa Choi

Teresa was born in a music family. She started her music journey at the age of 4. She was accepted by Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) major in Harp at 7 years old. She joined the Hong Kong Children's Symphony Orchestra (HKCSO) as a principal harpist in the same year. In her age of 8, she launched her first harp recital (My Stage) in Hong Kong and awarded the scholarship from Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Committee Scholarship 2015 (Music Stream). As an active performer, she performed soloist in the Dutch International Harp Festival 2016 in Netherlands. She has been interviewed by TVB, ATV and Apple Daily Newspaper to share her music journey.

Teresa is a prize winner of several international harp competitions including the Champion (1 ere mention a lunanimite) in the Concours Francais de la Harpe 2015, the first prize winner in the International Music Competition London Grand Prize Virtuoso 2016. Being the first Hong Kong contestant to get the champion in harp in this competition, she was invited to perform in the UK Royal Albert Hall, the first prize winner in the Great Composers Competition –The Art of Strings 2016, the second prize in the New York Golden Classical Music Awards 2016 International Competition and the fourth place in the 16th Osaka International Music Competition 2015.

欣羲生於音樂家庭,四歲開始學習豎琴。她七歲考獲「香港演藝學院」主修豎琴。同年參與「香港兒童交響樂團」演出。她於「兒交二十周年慶祝音樂會」演奏安奈斯可《A大調第一號羅馬尼亞狂想曲》作首次演出。她八歲考取「柏立基爵士信托基金傑出學生獎學金」,同年她舉行My Stage個人豎琴獨奏演奏會及於九歲時出席「荷蘭世界豎琴節」作個人世界性表演。她曾多次接受「蘋果日報」、TVB、ATV等不同的傳媒作報導訪問和表演。

欣羲曾於多個國際豎琴及音樂比賽中獲取冠軍。包括Concours Francais de la Harpe 2015中她以同組最小年紀七歲之齡勇奪最高排名總冠軍(1 ere mention a lunanimite),所有評判一致同意她達到最高評分水準。她於International Music Competition London Grand Prize Virtuoso 2016 獲得冠軍,亦是首位香港人於豎琴組別中獲得冠軍,她並且獲邀請出席於英國Royal Albert Hall演奏豎琴獨奏。同年她再下一城參加Great Composers Competition 2016–The Art of Strings Competition成功取得同組弦樂組唯一冠軍。另外,她於New York Golden Classical Musical Awards 2016 International Competition及日本「第十六屆大阪國際音樂大賽總決賽」分別獲得第二及第四名佳績。

Meet our soloist - KATIE LOKatie Lo is one of the young prominent harp performers in her generation in Hong Kong. Starti...

Meet our soloist - KATIE LO

Katie Lo is one of the young prominent harp performers in her generation in Hong Kong. Starting her harp journey at the age of 9, Katie has the in-born talent and was invited to give numerous harp recitals in musical events in Hong Kong and overseas. She delivered harp performance at the Singapore Harpfest, Rising Star Concert in the Korean Harpfest, World Harp Congress (2014, 2017) and Asia Society’s event. She was also invited to perform at the Share the Stage event with Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and represent Hong Kong to perform at the show of “Art, Culture and Music at the Airport 2017”.

Katie is an active participant in different world-class competitions and has received significant awards and recognition in the field. She was awarded a gold medal in the advanced pedal harp division in the 3rd Hong Kong Harp Competition in 2015. She got a first prize in the 7th French International Harp Competition in 2016. In June 2016, she was awarded the first prize in the Great Composers Competition. She was also presented a second prize at the 5th USA Young Artist’s Harp Competition in July 2016. Furthermore, she also got the first prize in the Golden Classical International Music Competition, and was invited to perform in the winners' concert in Weill Recital Hall at the Carnegie Hall. Given her outstanding performance, she was invited to perform in the ABRSM High Achievers' Concert two years in a row.

To show her commitment to the community, Katie regularly joins high-standard and large-scale social and charity events in town. In Sep 2015, she was playing as a guest performer of the Hong Kong Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation (HKARF) charity ball, helping to raise funds to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from chronic arthritis and autoimmune disease. She also gave a solo harp performance in the farewell dinner of the Australian Consul-General in Nov 2015. Katie’s achievement in the music and community sectors has allowed her to gain the recognition of the most prestigious award among the high school – the 36th Student of the Year, which is jointly organised by South China Morning Post and HK Jockey Club. She is now pursuing studies under Ms. Dan Yu.

盧羨恩(Katie)是香港當代其中一位傑出的年青豎琴演奏家。 Katie自九歲起開始學習豎琴,憑著優秀的天賦,她曾多次獲邀在香港及海外的音樂活動中作公開表演,其中包括新加坡豎琴節、韓國豎琴節新星演奏會、全球豎琴高峰會(2014, 2017)及亞洲協會活動,其獨奏演出屢獲好評。Katie亦曾獲邀與香港管弦樂團在Share the Stage同台合作演出,並代表香港在「藝術、文化與音樂巡禮在機場2017」活動中演出。


Katie對社會充滿使命感,經常參與不同高水平的大型慈善活動。2015年9月,她擔任香港風濕病基金會(HKARF)慈善晚宴的表演嘉賓,為活動籌款以改善風濕病和自體免疫性疾病患者的生活質素。她另於2015年11月在澳洲總領事的歡送晚宴上演出豎琴獨奏。 憑藉音樂和社會事務的成就,Katie獲得香港中學界別中最受推祟的獎項 – 由南華早報和香港賽馬會合辦的第36屆年度傑出學生獎。她現跟隨于丹老師學習豎琴。


Lecture Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre 上灣文娛中心演講廳
Hong Kong



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