Taikoo Place

Taikoo Place 太古坊 (Taikoo Place),不單是一個商業及消閑綜合社區,透過舉辦不同形式的文化藝術活動,為大家帶來超越一般購物娛樂的嶄新生活體驗,是一個別具濃厚文化色彩的生活國度。


“Impactful, engaging and inspiring” - find out more about the Green Performance Pledge from our tenants!



Congratulations to the 2024 award-winning Green Performance Pledge (GPP) tenants! In case you didn’t know – GPP is a landlord-tenant collaboration designed to enhance our office tenants’ ESG performance and empower them to make tangible changes in their office design and daily operations. Our recent GPP Forum provided a platform for tenants to share their GPP journey and to recognise their outstanding achievements.

Thank you again to all our amazing tenant partners for joining forces with us to fight climate change and making a positive impact together!


沉醉在太古坊的Happy Hour!
Let’s raise a glass to happy hour at Taikoo Place!


🍹 Ask for Alonzo,電訊盈科中心地下6號舖
🍺 Enoteca QB,糖廠街35-41號地下
🍸 Kaki Izakaya,糖廠街33號地下
🥂 MR & MRS FOX,糖廠街23號
🍷 Pici Hong Kong,林肯大廈地下
🧉 Sage & Salt,電訊盈科中心地下5號舖
🍹 Sugar,太古城道29號香港東隅32樓

Want to enjoy the fresh air after a productive day at the office? Kick back and relax with a refreshing post-work drink or two at these laidback alfresco spots in the Taikoo Place neighbourhood. It’s the ideal way to soak up those summer vibes with your team... Because cocktails just taste better outside, right?!

🍹 Ask for Alonzo, Shop 6, G/F, PCCW Tower
🍺 Enoteca QB, G/F, 35-41 Tong Chong Street
🍸 Kaki Izakaya, G/F, 33 Tong Chong Street
🥂 MR & MRS FOX,, 23 Tong Chong Street
🍷 Pici Hong Kong, G/F, Lincoln House
🧉 Sage & Salt, Shop 5, G/F, PCCW Tower
🍹 Sugar, 32/F, EAST Hong Kong, 29 Taikoo Shing Road


A day in the life at Taikoo Place


你可於靈活方便的智能辦公環境專注工作;在多間人氣餐廳品嚐精緻美食;在綠意盎然的環境中小休片刻;以至下班後盡情玩樂 。從早到晚,在太古坊工作與生活都是如此精彩,給你完美的工作日常!

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to work at Taikoo Place, here’s a little snippet!

From morning, noon, to night, we’ve got all the ingredients to make your day a success – smart workspaces to boost productivity, delicious foodie spots to keep you well fuelled, relaxing settings ideal for taking a break and after-work activities to help you unwind in style... And that's exactly why it’s for unlocking your perfect workday!


It’s Padel time!



📅 標準板式網球開放日期:即日至8月22日,上午10時至下午8時
🔗 更多活動資訊:https://bit.ly/4bddzEA
📲 透過「Taikoo Place」App 預訂場次:https://bit.ly/4dyd61k

Our Padel court’s booking period has now been extended until August – meaning you’ve got even more time to come play this dynamic sport here at Taikoo Place! Not tried Padel before? Don’t worry, our returning Padel 101 classes are perfect for novice players to learn the essentials and pick up some new skills.

So whether you’re a Padel beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s never been a better time to book a slot, take a break from work and enjoy some exciting gameplay with friends!

📅 Standard Court Booking Period: Until 22 August, 10am-8pm
🎾 Padel 101 Class: 13, 20 August
Session 1: 12-1pm
Session 2: 1-2pm
🔗 More information here: https://bit.ly/4dClbCb
📲 Book court via the Taikoo Place App: https://bit.ly/4dyd61k


Football fun galore in the Taikoo community!

走出辦公室,走進球場,在太古社區也能感受足球狂熱!太古地產與利物浦足球會攜手合作,將晏菲路球場的激情帶到 Cityplaza Hong Kong!穿過辛奇利閘門踏入球場,感受站在KOP看台上高唱 “You'll Never Walk Alone” 的震撼,並透過多項主題遊戲展示你的球技!


Welcome to Anfield – The LFC Experience

Step out of your office and onto the pitch to experience more footy action in the Taikoo neighbourhood! A new event has kicked off right next door as Swire Properties and Liverpool Football Club have joined forces to bring Anfield Stadium to Cityplaza Hong Kong! Come and feel the thrill of walking through the Shankly Gates, singing LFC’s anthem "You'll Never Walk Alone" and showcasing your football skills.

Achieve that work-play balance by hitting targets and scoring goals, both in and out the office! Come and be a part of the thriving Taikoo community today!

Welcome to Anfield – The LFC Experience
Location: 2/F Atrium & Centre Bridge, Cityplaza
Date: Now until Sep 1
Time: Mon – Fri 12PM - 9PM ; Sat – Sun 11AM - 9PM


Everything you need for a sweet summer!



🍰 Pandan Man - 林肯大廈1樓Kiosk A
🧁 Lady M Hong Kong - 德宏大廈1樓F號舖
🍰 The Cakery - 電訊盈科中心地下4號舖

Looking for a slice of office day indulgence? Check out these dessert delights from a few of our go-to sweet spots around Taikoo Place – they’re certain to go down a treat at your next team meeting during this sweltering summer weather!

🍰 Pandan Man, Kiosk A, 1/F, Lincoln House
🧁 Lady M Hong Kong, Shop F, 1/F, Devon House
🍰 The Cakery, Shop 4, G/F, PCCW Tower


“Practice, practice, practice” – become a Padel pro with these winning tips!

今年的「 PROJECT AFTER 6:Padel Tour」已經圓滿結束,而太古坊上班族對板式網球的熱情仍然持續升溫!我們訪問了「板式網球聯賽」的幾位優勝者,向他們請教致勝之道,並讓他們分享一些必學技巧!

想將學到的技巧付諸實踐? 立即預約球場,與同事和朋友對打練習,一起向板式網球達人之路邁進!

透過「Taikoo Place」App 預訂場次:https://bit.ly/4dyd61k

With this year’s PROJECT AFTER 6: Padel Tour tournament recently wrapping up, we took some time out with its champions to ask for their top tips and tricks to help you perfect your Padel skills.

Hear their expert advice in the video, then book a slot to play at our Padel court – and try their winning tactics for yourself!

Standard Court Booking Period: Until 22 August, 10am-8pm
More information here: https://bit.ly/4dClbCb
Book court via the Taikoo Place App: https://bit.ly/4dyd61k


Embrace nature’s beauty at Taikoo Square



Have you been to explore Taikoo Square’s stunning greenery yet? Every corner is home to a diverse array of local and exotic flora curated to enrich the eco-space, creating a harmonious natural environment that co-exists perfectly with your workplace.

Stop by Taikoo Square soon and discover the wonders of nature that await!


Game on! Bookings for our Padel court have been extended!

「PROJECT AFTER 6: Padel Tour」自推出以來極受歡迎,於日前圓滿舉行的首屆「板式網球聯賽」更將大家對這項運動的熱情推至高峰!徇眾要求,太古坊的標準板式網球場將延長開放至今年8月中,讓你可以在今個盛夏繼續投入Padel的狂熱中!

把握機會,立即預約球場,與同事和朋友一同提升球技,享受當中的刺激與快感,並藉此拉近彼此的距離,感受板式網球所散發的熾熱氛圍 !

透過「Taikoo Place」App 預訂場次:https://bit.ly/4dyd61k

With the recent culmination of our PROJECT AFTER 6: Padel Tour tournament, our summer of Padel has been a smashing success – and it’s just got even better!

Bookings for Taikoo Place’s Padel court are now open until mid-August, meaning you’ve got even more opportunities to enjoy playing this thrilling game and levelling up your sporting skills. Round up some friends or colleagues to book a slot soon and keep your passion for Padel going strong at Taikoo Place!

Standard Court Booking Period: Until 22 August, 10am-8pm
More information here: https://bit.ly/4dClbCb
Book court via the Taikoo Place App: https://bit.ly/4dyd61k


Expand your network on the Padel court – with free-flow beer included!

放工後,想輕鬆透過運動認識新朋友,同時免費暢飲本地精釀啤酒?參加 「Padel with beer」板式網球 x 啤酒體驗之夜,即可一次過滿足三個願望!

在這獨家活動中,你將可掌握板式網球的入門技巧,並可與拍檔輕鬆對打,期間更可以無限暢飲 出品的本地啤酒,為炎夏降溫!這個獨一無二的消閒節目,讓你可在放工後忘卻煩憂,同時藉此認識太古坊不同的「打工仔」,充份感受社區的活力氣氛!

活動名額有限,先到先得!各位太古坊上班族,記得透過「Taikoo Place」App 報名,與大夥兒共度好玩又刺激的晚上!

時間:下午6時至7時30分 (第一節);下午7時30分至9時(第二節)
透過「Taikoo Place」App報名:https://scnv.io/yN1o

Want to experience the fun of padel while getting to know other sports lovers in the Taikoo Place office community? Sign up for our exclusive Padel with beer social night sessions – complete with free-flow draft beer and exhilarating friendly matches!

These exhilarating 90-minute sessions are a fantastic way to relax after-work while connecting with fellow community members over a common passion for padel. Spots are limited so make sure to secure your space via the Taikoo Place App!

Date: 18, 19, 25, 26 July
Time: Session 1, 6-7:30pm; Session 2, 7:30-9pm
Location: G/F, One Island East
Register via the Taikoo Place App: https://scnv.io/yN1o
Get more info here: https://bit.ly/4dClbCb


Start the day right – with an amazing cup of coffee!


🫘 Alchemy ORIGIN, 太古坊二座地下A號舖
☕ FINEPRINT, 太古坊電訊盈科中心地下7號舖
🫘 Fuel Espresso Official, 太古坊一座地下Area A
☕ HΛVN Coffee, 太古坊濠豐大廈1樓
🫘 Little Cove Espresso, 太古坊港島東中心地下
☕ Maison Kayser Hong Kong, 太古坊多盛大廈1樓Kiosk A
🫘 Pret Hong Kong, 太古坊德宏大廈1樓C及D號舖
☕ The Double Coffee + Wine, 太古坊二座1樓
🫘 Quarter Coffee Shop , 太古坊多盛大廈3樓 Blueprint內


Ensure your workday gets off to the very best of beginnings with a freshly brewed cuppa. We’ve got plenty of options for great coffees here in Taikoo Place – here are just a few ideas to get you started:

🫘 Alchemy ORIGIN, Shop A, G/F, Two Taikoo Place
☕ FINEPRINT, Shop 7, G/F, PCCW Tower
🫘 Fuel Espresso Official, Area A, G/F, One Taikoo Place
☕ HΛVN Coffee, Kiosk A, 1/F, Oxford House
🫘 Little Cove Espresso, G/F, One Island East, Taikoo Place
☕ Maison Kayser Hong Kong, Kiosk A, 1/F, Dorset House
🫘 Pret Hong Kong, Shop C & D, 1/F, Devon House
☕ The Double Coffee + Wine, 1/F, Two Taikoo Place
🫘 Quarter Coffee Shop, 3/F inside Blueprint, Dorset House

What are your favourites? Let us know in the comments below!


Meet the Duos


快來一起與同事和朋友體驗板式網球的樂趣,並一起創造難忘的回憶吧!立即透過「Taikoo Place」App 預訂場次:https://bit.ly/4dyd61k


Have you tried bonding through Padel yet? Watch our heartwarming conversation with these dynamic duos at Taikoo Place, as they share their thoughts on their partners and how they bring their cohesive efforts onto the court!

Grab your partner and experience the joy of Padel today! Reserve your spot via the Taikoo Place App now: https://bit.ly/4dyd61k

Standard Court Booking Period: Until 19 July, 10am-8pm
More information here: https://bit.ly/4dClbCb


Checkpoint Reached



It's Wednesday and you've made it halfway through the work week at Taikoo Place! As you navigate your tasks and responsibilities, don't forget to prioritise your well-being.

Take a moment to step back, breathe and recharge. Whether it's a short walk, a cup of tea or a few minutes of mindfulness, remember to give yourself the break you deserve. Embrace this checkpoint as a reminder to care for yourself.


細味 Little Cove Espresso 的優質咖啡,為工作天營造好心情!

Satisfy your coffee obsession at Little Cove Espresso, our latest arrival at Taikoo Place!

由今天開始,太古坊咖啡迷又多了一個心水選擇!剛登陸的Little Cove Espresso提供優質的精品咖啡,及每天新鮮製作的蛋糕和烘培美食,款款味道和賣相同樣吸引!



Dishing up exquisite brews and heavenly baked goods, this charming spot in One Island East is perfect for getting your coffee fix in significant style. It’s set to become your new go-to destination for casual work meetings, laidback office breaks or a dose of remote working combined with people-watching – made even better with some great coffee and cake, of course!

📍 G/F, One Island East
⏰ Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm


Immerse Yourself in Nature's Harmony at Taikoo Place


每天在太古坊上班及生活的你,願意花點時間聆聽這場由美麗的花草植物譜奏的交響曲嗎?我們邀請你前來太古坊二座一樓大堂,沉浸於「MAKE WAY FOR NATURE」藝術裝置中的巨大化自然景觀 ,同時於最新開幕的太古中央廣場細看過百種本地及外來的植物品種,一起認識自然。

Witness nature's symphony at Taikoo Place! Our greenery is strategically placed to create a unique visual experience every season. We are dedicated to reconnecting with nature by fostering a community where humans and nature can coexist in harmony.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the magnified nature landscape at our "MAKE WAY FOR NATURE" art installation on 1/F, Two Taikoo Place and explore the newly opened Taikoo Square to appreciate the splendour of our surroundings and actively participate in fostering a sustainable relationship with the environment. Experience why Taikoo Place is a testament to harmonious living and !


Pick this up!



立即透過「Taikoo Place」App 預訂場次,開始你的板式網球體驗!

透過「Taikoo Place」App 預訂場次:https://bit.ly/4dyd61k

Picking up a coffee during break? Picking up a laptop for a meeting? Time to pick up your padel racquet for a fun game!

Padel has become the hottest trend in the Taikoo Place community and it’s time for you to discover why! Not only will you elevate your bond with friends, but you will also get some exercise in while having fun.

If you haven’t tried this popular sport yet, now is the perfect time to jump in and experience the excitement! Reserve your spot via the Taikoo Place App now and let the padel games begin!

Standard Court Booking Period: Until 19 July, 10am-8pm
More information here: https://bit.ly/4dClbCb
Book court via the Taikoo Place App: https://bit.ly/4dyd61k


Asian food options galore – say hello to Tong Chong Kitchen!





In need of some workday mealtime inspiration? Tong Chong Kitchen is the latest mouth-watering addition to Taikoo Place and this lively eatery is home to everyone’s favourite Asian cuisines, all in one convenient location.

Serving everything from Hong Kong Cha Chaan Teng classics and “This This, Rice” comfort food to pan-Asian dishes like laksa noodles, donburi bowls and Indian curry – plus vegan boba milk tea – it’s bound to satisfy almost every craving!

Breakfast, lunch, teatime – Tong Chong Kitchen has got every office day meal covered!

📍 2/F, Devon House
⏰ Monday-Friday, 8am-7pm


Give your work wardrobe a revamp!





If you have a passion for fashion, the Redress [tag] Pop-Up at Taikoo Place this week is the ideal spot for you!

Stop by during your lunch break, after-work or over the weekend to shop from hundreds of high quality, second-hand clothes and accessories for women and men. Prices start from just HK$50, proceeds will go to environmental charity Redress to help support the circular fashion economy. It’s the perfect way to revamp your summer wardrobe – walk-ins welcome!

Date: 18-23 June 2023 (Tue-Sun)
Opening Hours: Tue-Fri: 11am-8pm, Sat-Sun: 11am-6pm
Location: 11/F, Lincoln House, Taikoo Place


Taikoo Place
Hong Kong


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