霏影舞蹈用品中心 Snow White Dancewear

霏影舞蹈用品中心 Snow White Dancewear 霏影舞蹈用品中心 - Pointe Shoes 專門店

專售外國芭蕾舞用品,包括Pointe shoes, Soft shoes, Leotards, 以及歐洲人手製造的Costume (Tutu)。所代理的牌品包括Gaynor Minden, Capezio, Bunheads, Harmonie, Grishko, Sansha, Repetto, Gamba, Chacott, Freed of London, Natalie 等,其中歐洲名牌芭蕾舞衣Wear Moi 及全美國最受歡迎的Pointe shoes 品牌 R-Class ,更是由本店於香港區獨家代理

Chacott Memory Foam Toe Pad 最新到貨的Chacott 記憶海綿 Toe Pad 採用低迴彈特選物料研製而成,能記憶舞者的腳形,有助將身體的重量廣泛及平均地分佈於足尖上,能有效地減輕及分散對腳趾的衝擊,更可根據自己...

Chacott Memory Foam Toe Pad

最新到貨的Chacott 記憶海綿 Toe Pad 採用低迴彈特選物料研製而成,能記憶舞者的腳形,有助將身體的重量廣泛及平均地分佈於足尖上,能有效地減輕及分散對腳趾的衝擊,更可根據自己的腳型而修剪成最適合自己的形狀。

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,到貨後可安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


- 中材に低反発素材(熱可塑性エラストマー)を使用。
- 素材:表地 : ナイロン
    中材 : 熱可塑性エラストマー
- 原産国:日本

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Professional Lilac Ballet Costume - BC081 / 霏影最新的淺紫芭蕾舞表演長裙霏影提供高質素表演服裝訂做服務,由專業的設計團隊,紙樣,剪裁及車工師傅,以心為客戶度身訂做最優質的表演裙。- 專業電腦排版,...

Professional Lilac Ballet Costume - BC081 / 霏影最新的淺紫芭蕾舞表演長裙

- 專業電腦排版,采用3 D立體剪裁方式,以特設的10板塊上身設計塑造出貼合身體線條裙身。
- 以交叉飾帶,配合精美蕾絲花邊及閃亮鑽飾帶出獨有優雅華麗的精緻感。
- 上身背部特設雙排鈎扣及胸部加設內置束繩,可因應身形調節松緊。即使於表演中高速旋轉,裙身亦不會走位。
- 裙面由4層優質網紗組成,再以絲帶花邊點綴裙尾,更能襯托出輕靈飄逸舞姿。
- 可以上下身自由配搭霏影現有款式或來圖訂做款式。
- 四星期發貨


We supply world class dance costumes for dancers. All dance costumes are tailor-made by our workshop in accordance with body shape our clients. Our professional designers and seamstresses team are specialists in the field of creating amazing and high quality ballet costumes.

Product Features:
- Professional custom pattern design for the best fitting.
- The bodice is made of the elegant and high quality fabric and created with 10 flattering and fitted panels.
- The decorative lacing, shiny stones and matching accessories are in front. The line along the deep insert on the bodice is embellished with lace.
- The bodice has two rows of hooks in back for the adjustment and an inner cord is made to tighten the bodice at the chest level.
- The tutu skirt consists of four layers with elegant and matching decoration.
- Available Colors: Aqua, Black, Blue, Ivory, Light Blue, Lilac, Maroon, Peach, Pink, Purple, Red, Royal Blue,White, Yellow
- Kids Size: 4, 6, 8,10,12,14
- Adult Size: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL
- Made-to-order with any combination of our existing costumes or your own design
- Production Leading Time: 4 weeks after payment and measurement

Levina Jazz Shoe MJ06 * Premium Thai Cow Leather for comfort and duration* Slip-on Split Sole for flexibility and extens...

Levina Jazz Shoe MJ06

* Premium Thai Cow Leather for comfort and duration
* Slip-on Split Sole for flexibility and extension
* Special fitting designed for accentuating the arch and natural contours of the foot
* Cotton Lining
* EVA Patch and heel for softening the impact on your feet during movement


* 選用優質泰國牛皮,舒適耐用
* 高質棉質襯裡
* 人體工學鞋型設計,更加貼合,及可突顯足弓和足部輪廓
* 兩底設計,加強伸展性,更加靈活。
* 特設的EVA 鞋貼和鞋跟可減輕運動過程中對雙腳的衝擊

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,到貨後可安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Chacott Silent Sauna Garment新一批Chacott桑拿服現已到貨,其特制的超强彈性及靜音布料,配合內層輕柔舒適的Polyurethane Coating,能高效能地鎖住身體熱能,透過跳舞或運動的肢體舞動更能燃燒體內...

Chacott Silent Sauna Garment

新一批Chacott桑拿服現已到貨,其特制的超强彈性及靜音布料,配合內層輕柔舒適的Polyurethane Coating,能高效能地鎖住身體熱能,透過跳舞或運動的肢體舞動更能燃燒體內脂肪,同時增加皮膚的彈性。運動後的大汗淋漓,比勝於桑拿的效果,絶對是夏日塑造完美體態的最佳恩物。

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,到貨後可安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

New Arrival - DANCERS’ GEL PATCHES $199Gaynor Minden 最新的水凝膠貼片是由含有高達90%純淨水份子的水凝膠特製而成,可自由裁剪成最適合自己的大小及形狀,能有效地防止水泡及舒緩因擦傷而引致的...

New Arrival - DANCERS’ GEL PATCHES $199

Gaynor Minden 最新的水凝膠貼片是由含有高達90%純淨水份子的水凝膠特製而成,可自由裁剪成最適合自己的大小及形狀,能有效地防止水泡及舒緩因擦傷而引致的皮膚發炎,清爽冰涼。
現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,到貨後可安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


Completely customizable!

Made from the same cool, soothing hydrogel as Dancers’ Dots, our Dancers’ Gel Patches can be trimmed to any shape or size!
Especially useful for wrapping sore toes and cushioning sensitive heels.
Size: Two 4″ x 5 1/2″ (10 cm x 14 cm) sheets.
Material: Deionized water, polyethylene oxide, methylparaben, propylparaben.

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

SHOP HERE: https://dancer.com/product/dancers-gel-patches/Our Dancers' Dots reimagined!Our NEW Dancers' Gel Patch is made from the same hydrogel as our Dance...

Professional Peach Ballet Costume BC082霏影最新的淺桃色芭蕾舞裙,以3 D立體剪裁的10板塊上身設計塑造出貼合身體線條裙身。再以交叉飾帶,配合精美蕾絲花邊及閃亮鑽飾帶出獨有優雅華麗的精緻感。上身背部特設...

Professional Peach Ballet Costume BC082

霏影最新的淺桃色芭蕾舞裙,以3 D立體剪裁的10板塊上身設計塑造出貼合身體線條裙身。再以交叉飾帶,配合精美蕾絲花邊及閃亮鑽飾帶出獨有優雅華麗的精緻感。

上身背部特設雙排鈎扣及胸部加設內置束繩,可因應身形調節松緊。即使於表演中高速旋轉,裙身亦不會走位。 裙面由4層優質網紗組成,再以絲帶花邊點綴裙尾,更能襯托出輕靈飄逸舞姿。

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,到貨後可安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。貨期約度身後四至六星期。

- The bodice is made of the elegant and high quality fabric and created with 10 flattering and fitted panels.
- The decorative lacing, shiny stones and matching accessories are in front. The line along the deep insert on the bodice is embellished with lace.
- The bodice has two rows of hooks in back for the adjustment and an inner cord is made to tighten the bodice at the chest level.
- The tutu skirt consists of four layers with elegant and matching decoration.

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

芭蕾小禮品系列 - Chacott 足尖鞋扣飾最新一批的Chacott Pointe Shoes Key Ring 補貨現已到店,大家可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或者WhatsApp 9565 6063 直接訂購...

芭蕾小禮品系列 - Chacott 足尖鞋扣飾

最新一批的Chacott Pointe Shoes Key Ring 補貨現已到店,大家可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或者WhatsApp 9565 6063 直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

● 每件的Chacott足尖鞋匙扣均由工匠以手工製作
● 選用Chacott 足尖鞋的緞面及皮革物料,以原比例精心創作
● 在造型、褶皺、側線等細節完美地還原Chacott 足尖鞋的設計
● 掛鉤式鑰匙扣,可以輕鬆地安裝在手袋上或從手袋上取下。

●サイズ シューズ部分約8cm、チェーン部分約6.5cm


The latest shipment of Chacott Pointe Shoes Key Ring had been arrived. You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, WhatsApp 9565 6063 or Facebook.

Red Professional Dance Costume with Golden and Silver Decorations by Snow White Dancewear由優質黑色絲絨上身,配搭紅色紗裙特製而成的霏影專業芭蕾舞裙。特...

Red Professional Dance Costume with Golden and Silver Decorations by Snow White Dancewear

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,到貨後可安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

New Arrivals - Wear Moi ReineReine 是出自Wear Moi 最新的Envol Collection, 其產品主要以輕盈純潔,展翅飛翔為主題。以優雅的雙肩帶,配合前後的刺繡薄紗V領設計,塑造出有如迎風起舞的翅...

New Arrivals - Wear Moi Reine

Reine 是出自Wear Moi 最新的Envol Collection, 其產品主要以輕盈純潔,展翅飛翔為主題。以優雅的雙肩帶,配合前後的刺繡薄紗V領設計,塑造出有如迎風起舞的翅膀,加上超彈的Microfiber 布料,為你帶來非同凡響的舒適感!

大家現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

ENVOL collection embodies grace and purity. The details of embroidered transparent tulle will enhance your silhouette, adding an unsuspected touch of elegance to each of your movements.

Immerse yourself in the refined elegance of the REINE creation, where the harmonious marriage of embroidered tulle and microfiber transports you into a world of softness. The double straps and the front neckline adorned with embroidered tulle add a touch of finesse to your outfit. At the back, a generous V-neckline accentuated by embroidered tulle enhances your silhouette.
You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

New Arrivals - Chacott Roll Shoe Case最新一季的Chacott Pointe Shoe 袋選用優雅動人足尖鞋圖案為主題,配合金屬Chacott 標誌設計而成,內設三層透氣網格用來放置各種不同的芭蕾舞鞋,而...

New Arrivals - Chacott Roll Shoe Case

最新一季的Chacott Pointe Shoe 袋選用優雅動人足尖鞋圖案為主題,配合金屬Chacott 標誌設計而成,內設三層透氣網格用來放置各種不同的芭蕾舞鞋,而頂部的收納格可存放容易散落的髪夾等小配件。

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。 數量有限,欲購從速!

Chacott Roll Shoe Case is a popular Chacott item that is convenient for storing shoes and shoe accessories. There is a pocket on the top interior, making it easy and convenient to organize small items. In addition to shoes, they are also recommended for travel and as a cosmetic pouch.

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Grishko Pointe Shoes最新一批的Grishko Pointe Shoes 現已到貨。大家可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。h...

Grishko Pointe Shoes

最新一批的Grishko Pointe Shoes 現已到貨。大家可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

The latest shipment of Grishko Pointe Shoes and accessories have been arrived. You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

New Arrival - Wear Moi GemmaGemma 是出自 Wear Moi 最新的Envol 系列, 其產品主要以輕盈純潔,展翅飛翔為主題。優雅的寛肩刺繡薄紗有如迎風起舞的翅膀,配合超彈的Microfiber 布料及特設的...

New Arrival - Wear Moi Gemma

Gemma 是出自 Wear Moi 最新的Envol 系列, 其產品主要以輕盈純潔,展翅飛翔為主題。優雅的寛肩刺繡薄紗有如迎風起舞的翅膀,配合超彈的Microfiber 布料及特設的Princess seams 縫線,貼身舒適,優美動人!

大家現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

ENVOL collection embodies grace and purity. The details of embroidered transparent tulle will enhance your silhouette, adding an unsuspected touch of elegance to each of your movements.

The GEMMA tank leotard embodies chic and femininity. Its wide straps are elegantly adorned with embroidered lace, adding a sophisticated touch to the silhouette. The princess seams at the front gracefully structure the leotard. The straight neckline at the front and back provides additional support, allowing optimal freedom of movement to accompany you in your passion.

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Freed of London - Classic Pro Pointe ShoeFreed of London 始創於1929年,是源於英國的頂級芭蕾舞品牌。其中 Classic Pro 系列是Freed of London 的Point...

Freed of London - Classic Pro Pointe Shoe

Freed of London 始創於1929年,是源於英國的頂級芭蕾舞品牌。其中 Classic Pro 系列是Freed of London 的Pointe Shoe Makers 以近百年的人手傳承工藝特製而成,每對 Pointe Shoes Platform 的角度都力求調較至最佳的上Pointe 位置 。加上選用天然的生物溶解物料,在舞者穿著時,足尖鞋箱能逐漸根據其腳型而微調,從而達至完美的配合。

大家現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

- Hand lasted by Freed of London Pointe Shoe Makers
- Constructed entirely from natural and biodegradable components
- Platform shaped to an en pointe angle, - Optimum en pointe position
- Freed's Classic Pro insole: Graduated design strong under the metatarsal and flexible under the heel. - Enables the dancer to feel supported while also presenting the curve of the instep
- Extra deep vamp cut to a slight V shape, Light Wing block,
- Strong block and platform - Side cut lower, - Elastic drawstring
- Suitable for experienced pointe work students, who require a more technical shoe
- Made in UK

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Pointe Shoes 小配件 - Totally Toes Fitting KitGaynor Minden 專為減輕上Pointe 時大拇趾的壓力及第二個腳趾長過大拇趾的腳形所研發的足尖鞋專用軟墊,內有鞋箱內墊,蘑菇軟墊,新月形及圓形...

Pointe Shoes 小配件 - Totally Toes Fitting Kit

Gaynor Minden 專為減輕上Pointe 時大拇趾的壓力及第二個腳趾長過大拇趾的腳形所研發的足尖鞋專用軟墊,內有鞋箱內墊,蘑菇軟墊,新月形及圓形凝膠墊各一對,採用優質及醫療級的物料,舞者可以跟據自己腳形及鞋款去揀選適合自己的軟墊,以達致最大的保護!

新月形凝膠墊 (Cool Blue Gel Crescent)︰適用於第二個腳趾長過大拇趾的腳形,可有效減輕第二個腳趾的壓力
圓形凝膠墊 (Cool Blue Gel Oval)︰有效地為大拇趾公較短的腳形提供的支撐
蘑菇軟墊(Mushroom Cushions) 保護敏感的大腳趾指甲
鞋箱內墊 (Dynamic Box Liner) 包裹腳的頂部和側面,以改善腳趾滑落的問題

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


The Totally Toes Fitting Kit contains:-
Cool Blue Gel Crescents
Cool Blue Gel Ovals
Mushroom Micro Pads
Dynamic Box Liners

Cool Blue Gel Crescent takes pressure off a longer 2nd toe.

Cool Blue Gel Oval takes pressure off the big toe.

Mushroom protects sensitive big toe nails.

Dynamic Box Liner hugs the top and sides of the foot to prevent it from sliding down into the box, while allowing the metatarsals to feel the floor.

Materials: The gel is extra-dense to approximate the firmness of your toe tips. The other cushions are all made from REAL Poron® Performance Cushioning, not wanna-be latex or EVA. Genuine Poron® has the American Podiatric Association Seal of Acceptance.

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Professional Tutu with Shiny Stones and Silver Decorations by Snow White*上身由俄式獨有的10板塊所組成*胸部加設內置束繩,令裙身緊貼上身*腰部內置加闊彈性腰封,配合特...

Professional Tutu with Shiny Stones and Silver Decorations by Snow White


現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,到貨後可安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

- The bodice is created with 10 flattering and fitted panels.
- An inner cord is made to tighten the bodice at the chest level.
- An inner elastic wide waistband is made to ensure prefect fitting,as well as allowing freedom of movement.
- The bodice has two rows of hooks for the adjustment in accordance with the dancer's size.
- The tutu skirt is platter with 10 layers, which include 9 layers of stiff net and one layer of soft net, with inner light metal hook (Unhooped option is available upon request)

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Levina Gel Toe Pad - 2mm layersLevina 的2mm Gel Toe Pad 是專為喜歡柔軟貼腳足尖套的舞者所研發出來,以3D立體剪裁成新月形狀以達致對腳部最大的保護,再配合優質的2mm 凝膠物料為中層的緩衝...

Levina Gel Toe Pad - 2mm layers

Levina 的2mm Gel Toe Pad 是專為喜歡柔軟貼腳足尖套的舞者所研發出來,以3D立體剪裁成新月形狀以達致對腳部最大的保護,再配合優質的2mm 凝膠物料為中層的緩衝物料,貼腳舒適,在自由舞動時能有效地減輕足尖鞋的壓力,更可根據自己的腳型而修剪成最適合自己的形狀。
現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

- One of the best choice for the dancer who prefers a little less padding
- Crescent Shaped Pad with 2mm gel material inside layer
- Dance Freely and alleviate pressure in the Pointe Shoes
- Cut Free - it can be modified to protect your feet where you need it the most.
- Hand wash with mild detergent and allow to air dry completely
You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Hanami PirouetteHanami Pirouette 是Capezio 精心研製的半底開放式軟鞋,以優質四面彈的帆布面料及皮底包裏前足,配合兩側和足弓下方的雙橡筋設計,在增強穩定性及抓地力的同時,保持舒適透氣。 現可於霏影的網上...

Hanami Pirouette

Hanami Pirouette 是Capezio 精心研製的半底開放式軟鞋,以優質四面彈的帆布面料及皮底包裏前足,配合兩側和足弓下方的雙橡筋設計,在增強穩定性及抓地力的同時,保持舒適透氣。

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

Designed for a barely-there look, the Hanami Pirouette features a half sole and dual elastics for enhanced breath-ability, stability and traction. Four way stretch canvas hugs the forefoot while the open heel provides much needed . Elastics around the sides and under the arch of the foot keep you stable while turning non-stop.

Product Features:
- 4 way stretch canvas and Suede sole patches
- Extremely flat pleats
- Micro fiber lining
- One sided plush primary elastic with Capezio logo and secondary silicone lined elastic for secure fit around heel

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Gaynor Minden DANCERS’ DOTS Mini Jar Gaynor Minden 最新推出的小盒裝水凝膠貼片是由含有高達90%純淨水份子的水凝膠特製而成,可自然黏附於皮膚,能有效地防止水泡及舒緩因擦傷而引致的皮膚發炎,清...

Gaynor Minden DANCERS’ DOTS Mini Jar

Gaynor Minden 最新推出的小盒裝水凝膠貼片是由含有高達90%純淨水份子的水凝膠特製而成,可自然黏附於皮膚,能有效地防止水泡及舒緩因擦傷而引致的皮膚發炎,清爽冰涼。內共有20貼片,包括16片中碼及4片大碼,現售HK$109。
現可於霏影的Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。 數量有限,欲購從速!

Cool, soothing Dancers’ Dots reduce irritation, help protect against blisters, and relieve pressure on sensitive areas.
Made from amazing hydrogel (just mix water with a polymer and zap it in an electron beam accelerator!), Dancers’ Dots are almost entirely water but durable enough to withstand your longest days.
Easy to use — simply remove the backing and tape to skin.
Jar contains 16 medium (3/4″ diameter) & 4 large dots (1 1/8″ diameter).
You are welcome to place an order through our Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Pointe Shoes 小工具 -  Bunheads Jet Glue Bunheads Jet Glue 是為Pointe Shoes所研發出來的專用快乾膠水,能有效地延長足尖鞋使用的壽命。在足尖鞋全新或完全乾透的情況下,在鞋箱內和 ...

Pointe Shoes 小工具 - Bunheads Jet Glue

Bunheads Jet Glue 是為Pointe Shoes所研發出來的專用快乾膠水,能有效地延長足尖鞋使用的壽命。

在足尖鞋全新或完全乾透的情況下,在鞋箱內和 Shank上塗上一層薄薄的快乾膠水,能加强足尖鞋的硬度,減免因汗水而令到Pointe Shoes 的鞋頭和鞋箱逐漸軟化,而失去支撐力。

大家現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


Maximize the life of a pointe shoe with Jet™ Glue! This Professional-Grade Cyanoacrylate Glue is applied to the inside of the toe box and shank, prolonging the life of your pointe shoes. Fast-drying glue sets in only 10 to 20 seconds, allowing you to quickly strengthen your shoes before each class and performance. Small 1oz (30mL) bottle prevents glue from drying out prematurely.

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Grishko Dream Pointe 2007Dream 2007 是 Grishko 第三代採用最受歡迎Model 2007為版型,以創新技術配合傳統的工藝特製而成的Pointe Shoes。而最大的特點是預先的 "Pre-arche...

Grishko Dream Pointe 2007

Dream 2007 是 Grishko 第三代採用最受歡迎Model 2007為版型,以創新技術配合傳統的工藝特製而成的Pointe Shoes。而最大的特點是預先的 "Pre-arched" 設計能為足弓提供卓越的支持及舒適感,其選用的創新物料更比一般傳統足尖鞋更加輕量及耐用!

大家現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


- The third generation of Grishko-2007 pointe shoes.
- Innovative model that provides flexibility and
resilient support.
- Forefront padding and pillow like insole guarantee
added comfort and cozines.
- 3/4 Shank Feeling
- Lightweight Flexible Paste
- Long Lasting Shank

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063.

Freed of London - Studios Pointe Freed of London 是源於英國的頂級芭蕾舞品牌,而其中的Studios 系列是Freed of London 根據傳統製鞋工藝,結合現代的技術,由Freed 英國...

Freed of London - Studios Pointe

Freed of London 是源於英國的頂級芭蕾舞品牌,而其中的Studios 系列是Freed of London 根據傳統製鞋工藝,結合現代的技術,由Freed 英國自設的廠房特製而成。其產品最大的特色是採用天然的生物溶解物料,在舞者穿著時,足尖鞋箱能逐漸根據其腳型而微調,從而達至完美的配合。

大家現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


- Technically manufactured in the Freed of London factory
- Constructed entirely from natural and biodegradable components
- Available with Standard or Hard insoles, Deep vamp cut to V
- Very strong supportive block, Strong Wing block, Tapered platform for an elegant line
- Angled on to pointe, Slightly dipped sides
- Cotton drawstring, Manufacture process ensures uniformity and consistency
- An internationally popular shoe that is worn by the experienced student through to performance level
- Made in UK

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063.

Chacott Roll Shoe CaseChacott 的 Pointe Shoe 袋選用優雅動人芭蕾圖案為主題,配合Chacott 標誌設計而成,內設三層透氣網格用來放置各種不同的芭蕾舞鞋,而頂部的收納格可存放容易散落的髪夾等小配件。...

Chacott Roll Shoe Case

Chacott 的 Pointe Shoe 袋選用優雅動人芭蕾圖案為主題,配合Chacott 標誌設計而成,內設三層透氣網格用來放置各種不同的芭蕾舞鞋,而頂部的收納格可存放容易散落的髪夾等小配件。

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。 數量有限,欲購從速!


Chacott Roll Shoe Case is a popular Chacott item that is convenient for storing shoes and shoe accessories. There is a pocket on the top interior, making it easy and convenient to organize small items. In addition to shoes, they are also recommended for travel and as a cosmetic pouch.

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Grishko 2007 ProGrishko 其中一款最受歡迎的Pointe Shoes Model.  以完美的平衡,出色的耐用及靜音,以優越的舒適度而聞名。* U-shaped medium vamp , a medium platf...

Grishko 2007 Pro

Grishko 其中一款最受歡迎的Pointe Shoes Model. 以完美的平衡,出色的耐用及靜音,以優越的舒適度而聞名。
* U-shaped medium vamp , a medium platform
* Noise-reducing strip on the pointe platform and on the sole under the toes
* Unique glue with latex to give the box additional elasticity
* new box assembly reducing the length of the stiff part of the vamp slightly
大家現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或者WhatsApp 9565 6063 直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。

Grishko 2007 Pro is distinguished by its perfect balance and placement, outstanding durability, lack of noise and perfect comfort.
You are welcome to place an order through our website, Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp 9565 6063.

Grishko Pointe Shoes 最新一批的Grishko現已到貨。大家現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或者WhatsApp 9565 6063 直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。https://www....

Grishko Pointe Shoes

最新一批的Grishko現已到貨。大家現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或者WhatsApp 9565 6063 直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


The latest shipment of Grishko have been arrived. You are welcome to place an order through our website, Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp 9565 6063.

芭蕾小配件系列 - Chacott Elastic tapeChacott 彈性膠布以優質的彈性棉質特製而成,溫和舒適,能有效地防止水泡及扭傷!寬度 25mm x 4M 卷(拉伸)。現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram ...

芭蕾小配件系列 - Chacott Elastic tape

Chacott 彈性膠布以優質的彈性棉質特製而成,溫和舒適,能有效地防止水泡及扭傷!寬度 25mm x 4M 卷(拉伸)。現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。 數量有限,欲購從速!


●Stretchy type for a good fit.
●Ideal for taping areas with a large range of joint movement such as knees, elbows, and shoulders.
●Product number: 044114-0204-58
●Size: Width 25mm x 4M roll (stretched)
●Material: Cotton

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

BalletCore - 將優雅動人的芭蕾元素融入穿著的時尚熱潮  "你所穿,你所想!"Interviewed by MPWeekly Vol 2883 / 明周專題訪問

BalletCore - 將優雅動人的芭蕾元素融入穿著的時尚熱潮 "你所穿,你所想!"

Interviewed by MPWeekly Vol 2883 / 明周專題訪問

如果說,往年的老錢風(Old Money Aesthetic)是潮流風格裏的一 道時令頭盤的話,那今年芭蕾舞風格(Balletcore)(尤其是在伯仲 之間),它的驀然擴展和眾星捧月,頓時已經升格為全年遙遙領先 的選手。光是名人效應就有BLACKPINK....

Wear Moi Dancebelt Wide  新一批的 Wear Moi Dancebelt Wide 現已到貨,大家可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄...

Wear Moi Dancebelt Wide

新一批的 Wear Moi Dancebelt Wide 現已到貨,大家可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。


The latest shipment of Wear Moi Dancebelt Wide had been arrived. You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063.

* Cotton elastane fully padded dance belt features a thong back and 7,2cm soft touch elastic for comfort.

How to get to Snow White From Wan Chai MTR Station  路線指示 - 灣仔港鐵站至霏影 (3 分鐘路程)- 灣仔港鐵站A3出口,經行人過路燈過對面馬路- 轉左邊沿莊士敦道向銅鑼灣方向直行- 分...

How to get to Snow White From Wan Chai MTR Station

路線指示 - 灣仔港鐵站至霏影 (3 分鐘路程)
- 灣仔港鐵站A3出口,經行人過路燈過對面馬路
- 轉左邊沿莊士敦道向銅鑼灣方向直行
- 分岔道沿右手邊的灣仔道行至國泰88商場 (大快活對面)

- Wan Chai MTR Station Exit A3
- Cross the Pedestrian Road Crossing to the opposite
- Turn Left and go straight on Johnston Road toward the Direction of Causeway Bay.
- Go pass the Tai Yau Plaza and go along the Wan Chai Road (Fork right where the road divides)
- Cathay 88 Shopping Mall is opposite to Fairwood Restaurant

Website: https://www.snowwhitedancewear.com/
Tel: +852 2892 2842
Whatsapp: +852 9565 6063
Email: [email protected]
Add: 香港灣仔灣仔道125號國泰88商場2樓S13-S17舖

Chacott原創設計的芭蕾手提袋 - Chacott Eco Bag最新到貨的Chacott 環保袋選用特選的輕盈柔軟物料,結合玫瑰金色所勾劃的Pointe Shoes 圖案特製而成,在優雅中顯現出金光閃閃的貴氣!現可於霏影的網上,Fac...

Chacott原創設計的芭蕾手提袋 - Chacott Eco Bag

最新到貨的Chacott 環保袋選用特選的輕盈柔軟物料,結合玫瑰金色所勾劃的Pointe Shoes 圖案特製而成,在優雅中顯現出金光閃閃的貴氣!

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。 數量有限,欲購從速!

● 品番:270410-1109-23
●性別:Lady’s / Junior / Kids

Classic Chacott eco bag with a rose gold print and a pointe motif, which is a symbol of ballet.
Recommended as a shopper, as a secondary bag, or as a small gift for all ages. You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063

Pointe Shoes 小配件系列 - Gaynor Minden DANCERS’ DOTSGaynor Minden 的水凝膠貼片是由含有高達90%純淨水份子的水凝膠特製而成,可自然黏附於皮膚,能有效地防止水泡及舒緩因擦傷而引致的皮膚...

Pointe Shoes 小配件系列 - Gaynor Minden DANCERS’ DOTS

Gaynor Minden 的水凝膠貼片是由含有高達90%純淨水份子的水凝膠特製而成,可自然黏附於皮膚,能有效地防止水泡及舒緩因擦傷而引致的皮膚發炎,清爽冰涼。一盒共有90片,包括60片中碼貼片及30片大碼貼片。

現可於霏影的網上,Facebook, Instagram 或 WhatsApp 9565-6063直接訂購,再安排順豐寄貨或店舖自取。 數量有限,欲購從速!


Cool, soothing Dancers’ Dots reduce irritation, help protect against blisters, and relieve pressure on sensitive areas.
Made from amazing hydrogel (just mix water with a polymer and zap it in an electron beam accelerator!), Dancers’ Dots are almost entirely water but durable enough to withstand your longest days.
Easy to use — simply remove the backing and tape to skin.

Jar contains 60 medium (3/4″ diameter) & 30 large dots (1 1/8″ diameter).

You are welcome to place an order through our website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp 9565 6063


香港灣仔灣仔道125號國泰88商場2樓S16舖 (Shop S16, 2/F, Cathay 88, 125 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 18:30
Tuesday 12:00 - 18:30
Wednesday 12:00 - 18:30
Thursday 12:00 - 18:30
Friday 12:00 - 18:30
Saturday 12:00 - 18:30




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