Wedding Ceremony of Gloria & Henry

Wedding Ceremony of Gloria & Henry There will be, however, seat limit of approximately 100 pax, therefore, if you are able to join us, please contact either of us privately for confirmation.


2024年02月18日 (星期日) 下午2時正
於法定古蹟 - 伯大尼小教堂締結婚盟。⛪

場地人數限制約一百人, 如能撥冗出席,敬請私訊聯絡我們~


Dear Friends & family,

We are excited to announce that we are getting married on 18th February 2024, 2pm (HK time), at the heritage building Béthanie Chapel (139 Pok Fu Lam

Road) ⛪

We sincerely wish for your attending to witness the uniting of our lives in Christ, and share with us the precious and happy moment together. We will be broadcasting the ceremony live in this page via Facebook Live so for relatives and friends overseas or unable to attend, we hope to see you over here as well! Photo taking with every attendees will be arranged post-ceremony either inside or outside of the chapel. 📸📸📸

Best Regards,
Gloria & Henry 🤵🏻👰🏻

順利完婚!Moments to Memories 🎉🎉 (Eng below)感謝各位Gloria同Henry 既親朋戚友,不論你地係親自黎到婚禮或婚宴、還是透過網上直播、留言祝福,我地都感受到滿滿既愛!🥰🥰一整日既流程雖然對我地既體力上係...

順利完婚!Moments to Memories 🎉🎉 (Eng below)

感謝各位Gloria同Henry 既親朋戚友,不論你地係親自黎到婚禮或婚宴、還是透過網上直播、留言祝福,我地都感受到滿滿既愛!🥰🥰


Thousand thanks to all Gloria and Henry's relatives and friends for attending our wedding ceremony and/or banquet, as well as friends that shared the moments with us online via the broadcast. We've been receiving so much blessings and encouragements both face to face and messages. 🥰🥰
The whole-day event was physically a huge challenge for us but when we met every each of you, we were both so uplifted and purely feeling grateful and thankful. We might have met, knew each other, and became great companions at different life stages and yet all of you consider us as your close family, friend and comrades etc. 💪🏼💪🏼

The ceremony and banquet might not be perfect that we couldn't manage to have great chat with each of you. We might also have missed out some parties that we'd like to give our thanks to. But sincerely, Gloria and Henry wish to give a big thank you to all of you for witnessing us entering a new page of life. With your blessings, encouragements, and guidance, we shall continue learning how to love each other, as well as becoming a blessing to our family and friends. 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻

伯大尼婚禮程序表 (Programme Rundown for the wedding ceremony at the Bethanie Chapel)為左響應環保,下午伯大尼婚禮我地只係印刷左有限的程序單。如果可以的話,都可以透過現場掃瞄...

伯大尼婚禮程序表 (Programme Rundown for the wedding ceremony at the Bethanie Chapel)
為左響應環保,下午伯大尼婚禮我地只係印刷左有限的程序單。如果可以的話,都可以透過現場掃瞄QR code, 黎到呢道搵到以下的Google link, 入面就有英文版、同埋中文直版程序表供大家參閱~🥰

We've printed limited numbers of Chinese programme rundown at the Bethanie Chapel. For all English reading guests, please find in the below link the Eng e-version for your reference. A QR code will also be provided to this page and you will be able to link to the Google drive. Thanks!!🥰

早晨呀!終於到左大日子啦!(Eng below)溫馨一提會出席下午婚禮既朋友,由於場地時間緊迫,大家最好1:45pm就到達入座因為1:55可以的話就會新郎、主禮人入場2:00就到靚靚Gloria新娘入場嫁啦!為左之後有充足時間比大家同我地影...

早晨呀!終於到左大日子啦!(Eng below)


屆時請依從MC同兄弟姊妹團既指示就得嫁啦☺️☺️ 一陣見!

Today is the day! A quick note for guests attending our afternoon wedding ceremony at the Bethanie Chapel.
Due to time limitation, we advise arriving at the venue at 1:45pm, so that you won't miss the entry of the groom's entry at 1:55 and the bride's entry at 2pm!

Also to ensure we have sufficient time for photo taking, we will arrange photo taking with the seniors from 2:45-3:15pm indoor, then clearing the site from 3:15-3:30pm. And from 3:30pm, photo taking with all friends outdoor. Please follow our MC's on-site instructions. Thanks!

Really looking forward to meeting you all soon!☺️☺️

婚禮請柬 Ceremony Invitation

Gloria 同Henry將於2024年2月18日結婚,並在伯大尼小教堂舉行基督教證婚儀式,在上主恩典和父母的祝福下,兩人生活合為一體。




Gloria and Henry will get married on 18th Feb, 2024 (Sun) and we'd sincerely like to invite you to join the wedding ceremony ❤️
Please join us at the chapel to witness our uniting as one in Christ.

Wedding Ceremony 💒
Venue: Béthanie Chapel
139, Pok Fu Lam Rd, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong
Time: 2:00pm(Reception starts at 1:45pm)

Please refer to the attached map for direction. Sincerely wishing you to be present at the chapel and share the precious and important moment with us!

知道大家去伯大尼小教堂路途遙遠 (Eng below)所以我地係完左儀式、影埋相之後安排左3架28座車送來賓返出市區,三架車行程如下:一號車 (NR 8927):3:30-3:45左右由伯大尼前往堅尼地城地鐵站二號車 (RP 2889):3...

知道大家去伯大尼小教堂路途遙遠 (Eng below)

一號車 (NR 8927):3:30-3:45左右由伯大尼前往堅尼地城地鐵站
二號車 (RP 2889):3:45左右由伯大尼直接前往尖沙咀凱悅酒店
三號車 (RP 3573):3:45左右由伯大尼前往香港大學地鐵站、之後灣仔駱克道地鐵站,最後去尖沙咀凱悅酒店

* 一、二號車優先比男家及女家親友登車,請其他年輕力壯者優先讓予長者及有需要人士登車。
** 屆時會有兄弟姊妹協助大家上車

We understand our wedding ceremony venue Bethanie Chapel is a bit remote. Therefore we have arranged three 28-seats vans to take our guests back to the city after the ceremony. Details as follows:

No. 1 (NR 8927):3:30-3:45 from Bethanie Chapel to Kennedy Town MTR station
No. 2 (RP 2889):3:45ish from Bethanie Chapel to Hyatt Regency T.S.T. Hotel
No. 3 (RP 3573):3:45ish from Bethanie Chapel to HKU MTR Station, then to Wan Chai Lockhart Road, eventually to Hyatt Regency T.S.T. Hotel

* Priority of van no. 1 and 2 goes to the relatives of the hosts. Please let the elderlies and people in need aboard first
** Groomsmen and bridesmaids will assist you to the right van.

眨下眼聽日就係我地big day 啦!(Eng below)好多朋友都關心去教堂交通同埋婚禮與晚宴之間既安排。我地先係道分享左晚宴前既安排啦!🥰🥰酒店係宴會廳同一層的Salon V為大家安排左休息既地方,更重要既係4:30開始會提供佢地出名...

眨下眼聽日就係我地big day 啦!(Eng below)


酒店係宴會廳同一層的Salon V為大家安排左休息既地方,更重要既係4:30開始會提供佢地出名既茶點套餐!有咸有甜,任君選擇,仲一人有一杯免費既雜果賓治!千祈唔好錯過!🤤🤤🤤


**7時入席我地真係會嚴格執行哦!希望儀式後盡快開飯,以免太遲完,影響第二日大家返工返學,還望各親友多多合作🙏🏼🙏🏼遲左就會錯過我地march in 既一刻嫁啦!

Our big day is around the corner! 🥰🥰
A few notes regarding arrangements after the wedding ceremony and before the banquet:

1. Signature delicacies and desserts will be severed starting 4:30. Don't miss out your glass of complimentary fruit punch as well! Cutting of the wedding cake will be around 6pm. So do come with an empty stomach for the treats!🤤🤤🤤

2. Resting area is located on the same floor as the ballroom, at Salon V. Please keep your voice low inside as other guests might need some rest after a long day.🙏🏼🙏🏼

3. Feel free to enter the ballroom for chit chat and fun once it's ready. 🎉🎉

4. Please be reminded the banquet will start sharply around 7pm. Make sure you are on time to witness the marching in of Gloria and Henry!

Thanks and see you very soon!🐒🐷

8 days to go 🥰就快到18/2 結婚大日子了🥰 預祝大家新年快樂,大家都團團圓圓,幸福美滿🥰 用個新年氣氛滿滿嘅旗袍裝同大家拜年🥰 這一輯相拍下了我哋第一次見面嘅PMQ,就是在這兒的cafe開始傾天🥰 還有拍拖時經常搭嘅電車同天...

8 days to go 🥰就快到18/2 結婚大日子了🥰


這一輯相拍下了我哋第一次見面嘅PMQ,就是在這兒的cafe開始傾天🥰 還有拍拖時經常搭嘅電車同天星小輪🥰 很想好好記錄低現在的香港 🥰


8 days till our Big Day on 18th Feb 2024! 🥰

Wish all our friends a wonderful Chinese New Year and may you all be joyful and having a good time with your love ones. 🥰

Sharing with you all our photos wearing the traditional Chinese Qipao, posing around the PMQ area, where Gloria and Henry first dated for a cup of coffee. Tram and StarFerry are transportations that we spent much time together riding on. Would love to take this opportunity to record such lovely part of our Home Kong.

Looking forward to seeing you all in a couple of days!🥰🥰🥰

身為「地質師」嘅新郎Henry ,要拍下東平洲,讓大家都欣賞美麗的香港🥰 當初諗去邊道影pre-wedding時,就已經好想將香港獨特既地質地貌加入到相片當中,介紹比大家。時下最流行的就是去萬宜東壩,但一黎自己去得太多次,也是一個大家已經耳...

身為「地質師」嘅新郎Henry ,要拍下東平洲,讓大家都欣賞美麗的香港🥰



也許,像極了愛情 - 不是充滿著轟天動地的大事件,而是每天深耕細作的細水長流

As a geologist, Henry really hope to make use of the opportunity to introduce the beauty of Hong Kong geological scenery to our guests. Therefore he has chosen one of his favourite places in Hong Kong - Tung Ping Chau, for this photo-shooting.

Different from the majority volcanic or plutonic rocks all over Hong Kong, Tung Ping Chau consists of the youngest sedimentary rocks in the region, with an approximate age of 50-65 million years old. Layers of rocks not only crafting a stunning artistic pattern, but also records the details of the paleo-depositional environment. Each layer tells a different story.

Perhaps that's how love works, not trailed by mega-events, but to be proved by daily decisions and actions.

Photo credit: 📸 Kelvinshot

在我們最愛的pizza店,承諾繼續一齊周圍食好嘢🥰美食一齊分享,不可以搶😆😆😆 One of our dating routines - looking for good food all over the place.Photos tak...


One of our dating routines - looking for good food all over the place.
Photos taken at our favourite pizzeria - showcasing that delights are to be shared, not to be occupied by one.

p.s. special thanks to Henry's mum for preparing the bouquet

Photos credit: 📸 Kelvinshot

婚禮及婚宴請柬  Ceremony & Banquet InvitationGloria 同Henry將於2024年2月18日結婚,誠邀您出席我們的婚禮,一同見證這個重要的時刻❤️晚宴🥂地點:香港尖沙咀凱悅酒店香港尖沙咀河內道18號恭候時間...

婚禮及婚宴請柬 Ceremony & Banquet Invitation

Gloria 同Henry將於2024年2月18日結婚,誠邀您出席我們的婚禮,一同見證這個重要的時刻❤️


“Perfectly imperfect together”,兩個人在一齊,不在於大家都是完美,而是可以互補不足,接納及包容對方,而且一同成長🥰🥰🥰 也謝謝一直陪我們同行的大家,一直的鼓勵、笑聲、教導、支持,伴我們一同成長🥰🥰🥰 期望當日能夠見到大家🥰🥰

Gloria and Henry will get married on 18th Feb, 2024 (Sun) and we'd sincerely like to invite you to join the wedding banquet ❤️
Really hope to see you sharing such precious and important moment with us

Banquet 🥂
Venue:Regency Ballroom, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong
18 Hanoi Road, TST, Hong Kong (K11 Art Mall)
Time:Receiption at 6pm (with snacks and drinks),Banquet at 7pm

We've adopted the slogan "Perfectly imperfect together" to remind us that although we walk into marriage with our own flaws, we believe the commitment to each other shall encourages us to fill each other's hole, accept and foster growth of each other 🥰🥰🥰
We thank you for being an important part of our lives, providing us with encouragement, laughter, guidance and support all along. Hope to see you that night! 🥰🥰

婚禮請柬 Ceremony InvitationGloria 同Henry將於2024年2月18日結婚,並在伯大尼小教堂舉行基督教證婚儀式,在上主恩典和父母的祝福下,兩人生活合為一體。婚禮💒地點:伯大尼大教堂香港薄扶林薄扶林道139號時間:...

婚禮請柬 Ceremony Invitation

Gloria 同Henry將於2024年2月18日結婚,並在伯大尼小教堂舉行基督教證婚儀式,在上主恩典和父母的祝福下,兩人生活合為一體。




Gloria and Henry will get married on 18th Feb, 2024 (Sun) and we'd sincerely like to invite you to join the wedding ceremony ❤️
Please join us at the chapel to witness our uniting as one in Christ.

Wedding Ceremony 💒
Venue: Béthanie Chapel
139, Pok Fu Lam Rd, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong
Time: 2:00pm(Reception starts at 1:45pm)

Please refer to the attached map for direction. Sincerely wishing you to be present at the chapel and share the precious and important moment with us!


Béthanie Chapel, 139 Pok Fu Lam Road, Pok Fu Lam
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

13:30 - 15:30



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