Baobab Tree Event 柏堡活動策劃

Baobab Tree Event 柏堡活動策劃 Baobab Tree Event is a multi-disciplinary event management company. We offer a full spectrum of services from concept development to ex*****on.

We offer full array services of value-driven project management from concept development to ex*****on, specialising tradeshow management and large scale projects including conference secretariats, special event production, operations, marketing collateral and PR services etc.




BTE 好榮幸可以繼續參與呢個萬衆期待咁大型嘅焦點盛事🥳你準備好同我哋一齊迎接農曆新年未呢🪭?約定你咃大年初一尖沙咀見!

The highly anticipated new year parade, "Cathay International Chinese New Year Night Parade" organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, is just around the corner! Join us on the first day of the Lunar New Year, 29 January 2025 (Wednesday), from 8:00 PM to 9:45 PM, as we celebrate the arrival of the new year together! 🧧

The parade will kick off from the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui, proceeding along Canton Road, Haiphong Road, and Nathan Road, with the grand finale outside the Hong Kong Sheraton Hotel. 📍 Along the route, you can enjoy spectacular performances from local, mainland Chinese, and international teams! 💃🏻

BTE is honored to continue participating in this highly anticipated major event! 🥳 Are you ready to join us in welcoming the Lunar New Year? 🪭 We look forward to seeing you in Tsim Sha Tsui on the first day of the Lunar New Year!

🎉 BTE榮獲2023-24年度香港工商業獎!🎉我哋好高興宣布BTE 榮獲本年度「2023-24香港工商業獎:升級轉型優異證書」🏆依個獎項由香港青年工業家協會主辦,經過最終評審委員會商議先獲得!獎項證明咗我哋致力於喺領域追求卓越同創新。頒獎...

🎉 BTE榮獲2023-24年度香港工商業獎!🎉

我哋好高興宣布BTE 榮獲本年度「2023-24香港工商業獎:升級轉型優異證書」🏆依個獎項由香港青年工業家協會主辦,經過最終評審委員會商議先獲得!獎項證明咗我哋致力於喺領域追求卓越同創新。

頒獎典禮及酒會喺香港會議展覽中心舉行🎊 我哋好榮幸可以同唔同嘉賓、行業領袖同其他獲獎者一齊慶祝依個重要時刻🥳


🎉 BTE Wins the 2023-24 Hong Kong Awards for Industries! 🎉

We are thrilled to announce that BTE has been honored with the prestigious Certificate of Merit in the Upgrading and Transformation category at the 2023-24 Hong Kong Awards for Industries 🏆. This award, organized by the Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council Limited, is determined by a panel of expert judges. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to excellence and innovation in our field.

The Awards Presentation Ceremony and Cocktail Reception took place at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre🎊 We were honored to celebrate this moment with esteemed guests, industry leaders, and fellow winners🥳

A big thank you to everyone who has supported us—our dedicated team, valued partners, and loyal customers🌟This achievement motivates us to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and providing exceptional value to our clients and the community. Stay tuned for more exciting milestones ahead💪🏻!

🎉 【亞洲素食展 2025 強勢回歸!】各位素食愛好者,我哋BTE所舉辦嘅全港最大亞洲素食展2025已經開始預先登記啦!✨ 千祈唔好錯過呢次盛會!立即登記,攜手踏上「素」味之旅吧!快啲去登記,期待與你見面!🚀網上登記拎免費門票👉🏽:http...

🎉 【亞洲素食展 2025 強勢回歸!】

各位素食愛好者,我哋BTE所舉辦嘅全港最大亞洲素食展2025已經開始預先登記啦!✨ 千祈唔好錯過呢次盛會!立即登記,攜手踏上「素」味之旅吧!


【 #免費門票🎟️】亞洲素食展返嚟喇🥳!
包括: #素食廚房👨🏽‍🍳👩🏽‍🍳、 #品味工作坊、 #健康講座 等,
由一眾 #素食達人 教您煮素同健康生活秘笈🌱✨,
有得買🛍️、有得學😎、有得玩 🥳🥳,
咁就要快啲預先登記拎 #免費門票🎟️💁🏽‍♀️,
下年2月,一齊嚟會展 #品味素生活 啦!

#亞洲素食展2025 #免費登記 #參觀 #購買 #素食 #純素 #產品 #體驗 #綠色生活 #周末好去處 #親子活動
🌱亞洲素食展2025 🌱 #展商招募中
觀眾咨詢電話:+852 5639 0658
參展查詢📲: [email protected] / +852 3520 3617

【ESG培訓工作坊】BTE為全體員工舉辦由香港大學提供嘅ESG工作坊!感謝Dr. Adela Lau為我哋詳盡介紹ESG於行業中的重要性,幫助我哋了解企業的ESG角色及責任。👥過程中團隊們非常踴躍地提出建設性意見,並與管理層進行了積極討論。...


BTE為全體員工舉辦由香港大學提供嘅ESG工作坊!感謝Dr. Adela Lau為我哋詳盡介紹ESG於行業中的重要性,幫助我哋了解企業的ESG角色及責任。


【ESG Training Workshop】

BTE hosts an ESG workshop for the entire team, facilitated by The University of Hong Kong! A big thank you to Dr. Adela Lau for her comprehensive introduction on the importance of ESG in our industry, helping us understand the roles and responsibilities of corporations in ESG.

👥 Throughout the process, our team actively contributed constructive ideas and engaged in lively discussions with the management.

We will continue to promote ESG principles and integrate them into our corporate culture. Looking forward to more interesting discussions and learning opportunities! 💡🌱

全球最具影響力的綫路板及電子組裝展之一,國際電子電路(深圳)展覽會(HKPCA Show)今日在深圳國際會議中心(寶安)的5、6、7、8號館隆重開幕。本屆展會匯聚了超過600家展商,提供超過3,500個展位,展覽面積達80,000平方米。除...

全球最具影響力的綫路板及電子組裝展之一,國際電子電路(深圳)展覽會(HKPCA Show)今日在深圳國際會議中心(寶安)的5、6、7、8號館隆重開幕。本屆展會匯聚了超過600家展商,提供超過3,500個展位,展覽面積達80,000平方米。除了展覽,整個項目還包括開幕典禮、聯誼午宴、歡迎晚宴以及近40場行業會議,業界精英雲集。


One of the world's most influential PCB and electronic assembly expos, the International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen) (HKPCA Show), kicks off today at the Shenzhen International Convention Center (Bao'an) in Halls 5-8. This year, the show hosts over 600 exhibitors and more than 3,500 booths across an expansive show floor area of 80,000 square meters. Besides the exhibition, the event features a variety of activities including an opening ceremony, friendship lunch, welcome dinner, and nearly 40 industry conference.

BTE team is strategically positioned to manage every aspect of the event, ensuring smooth operations throughout. We invite you to visit and discover the latest innovations in the PCB and PCBA industry and experience firsthand how BTE expertly manages large-scale events!

我哋近日參與咗唔同類型嘅活動 💪🏻 又係時候同大家分享下我哋嘅最新動向 ✨上星期我哋為香港展覽會議業協會(HKECIA)舉行年度研討會及聖誕酒會提供協助 🍷 研討會入面所談及嘅議題,如啟德體育園、可持續發展、大灣區展覽等主題同我哋嘅行業息息...

我哋近日參與咗唔同類型嘅活動 💪🏻 又係時候同大家分享下我哋嘅最新動向 ✨

上星期我哋為香港展覽會議業協會(HKECIA)舉行年度研討會及聖誕酒會提供協助 🍷 研討會入面所談及嘅議題,如啟德體育園、可持續發展、大灣區展覽等主題同我哋嘅行業息息相關,為業界提供新嘅觀點 💡 等大家與時並進。

另外,11月中我哋有幸為城巴嘅全新「觀光城巴」舉辦咗一個開幕禮 🎊 依個全新服務旨在為遊客同本地市民提供一個新穎方法體驗依個香港依個城市 🇭🇰 當日嘅試乘體驗好評如潮,希望依個新開始能為大家帶嚟更佳嘅旅遊體驗!💯

喺香港機場管理局舉辦嘅香港國際機場三跑道系統啟用首航紀念活動中,國泰航空CX8333航班載著過百名學生同貴賓,喺香港上空進行了40分鐘的遊覽。 BTE 團隊盡力確保所有參與者在都喺活動中獲得最好體驗!


We've had a busy period participating in a variety of events💪🏻 and it's time for an update from BTE✨

Last week, we continued offering our support to the HKECIA Annual Seminar & Christmas Cocktail 🍷 where topics such as the Kai Tak Sports Park, sustainable development, and exhibition development in the Greater Bay Area were discussed. These subjects are crucially important to our industry and provided us valuable insights💡

Additionally, in mid-November, we were thrilled to assist Citybus in organizing the launch event for their new "Sightseeing Citybus." 🎊 This innovative service is designed to offer both tourists and local residents a novel way to experience Hong Kong 🇭🇰 The feedback from the trial rides has been overwhelming and we believe this will enhance Hong Kong's tourism significantly. 💯

During the First Flight Commemorating the Commissioning of the Three-Runway System at Hong Kong International Airport, organized by HKAA, Cathay Pacific Flight CX8333 took more than hundred students and VIPs on a 40-minute tour over Hong Kong. The BTE team ensured a memorable experience for all participants!

More exciting events will be shared by BTE, stay tuned! ⭐






【October's Delightful Recap📸 Celebrating Teamwork: BTE’s Elite in Action🌟 】

A highlight was the recently concluded Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival 2024🥂It's been a true privilege for BTE to be a part of this splendid event. From the initial concept design to sales promotion, booth builder, consultations, negotiations, and the overall event ex*****on, our team has dedicated significant effort to ensure seamless operations. Each photograph captured showcases the commitment and hard work of every team member 👣Despite the challenges of scorching sun and strong winds, our team members worked tirelessly to guarantee the event's success 💪🏻

As we conclude the first month of the fourth quarter, the BTE team is gearing up for upcoming exhibitions and events💪🏻With expertise in event management, effective communication with diverse partners, skillful management of on-site traffic flow, and a knack for adeptly handling unforeseen circumstances, our team is committed to ongoing excellence! Despite the distinct challenges each event presents, our unity and collaborative spirit guarantee optimal outcomes🥳.

Stay tuned for more thrilling events 🫡 As we continue to collaborate with vigor and creativity, we are dedicated to creating unforgettable moments.

【香港美酒佳餚巡禮圓滿結束🫶🏻】五日嘅美好時光話咁快就過,香港美酒佳餚巡禮2024正式完美落幕🌟好榮幸BTE可以參與喺依個咁大型嘅盛事之中,更感謝嘅係大家踴躍參與支持!未來BTE將會有更多嘅活動,敬請繼續留意我哋嘅動向🙌🏻         ...



【Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival Successfully Concludes 🫶🏻】

The wonderful five days have passed by in the blink of an eye, and the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024 has officially come to a perfect close 🌟 It has been an honor for us to be a part of such a grand event, and we are truly grateful for everyone's enthusiastic participation and support! Stay tuned for more upcoming events from BTE in the future 🙌🏻

【最後一日‼️暢飲美酒享用佳餚🍷】 香港美酒佳餚巡禮2024不經不覺間已經到達最後一日,人潮氣氛依然十分熱烈✨入場人士紛紛想趁最後一日一睹依場年度盛事嘅風采,感受來自唔同國家嘅美酒佳餚!現場嘅豐富節目繼續為最後一日落力進行中🎉 活動準備到達...




【Last Day‼️ Indulge in Fine Wines and Delicacies 🍷】

The Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024 has stealthily arrived at its final day, and the crowd's excitement remains fervent ✨ Attendees are eager to seize this last day to witness the grandeur of this annual event, savoring wines and delicacies from different countries! The rich programs on-site continue to dazzle on this final day 🎉

As the event preparations draw to a close, the atmosphere on-site grows more exhilarating as the night unfolds 🤩 The BTE team will also remain steadfast until the very last moment, ensuring everyone can fully enjoy 🫡

【👻嘩鬼陪你過萬聖節!享受美酒佳餚巡禮】 話咁快香港美酒佳餚巡禮2024就去到最後兩日啦✨週末嘅氣氛比起平日更加熱鬧,有唔少入場人士已經為今日嘅「週末鬼馬派對」悉心打扮,睇黎大家都對已經準備好今晚同嘩鬼玩小遊戲🙌🏻 今個週末仲未有計劃嘅朋友...





【👻 Let the ghosts accompany you this Halloween! Enjoy the Wine & Dine Festival】

The Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024 is approaching its final two days ✨ The weekend vibes are even more lively than usual, with many attendees already dressed up for today's "Weekend Ghostly Party." It seems like everyone is ready to have some fun and play games with the ghosts tonight 🙌🏻

For those who still have no plans this weekend, why not make the most of these last two days and join in on this city-wide celebration 🍾 There are plenty of exciting programs lined up for these two days, and the festive atmosphere is sure to sweep away all your worries 🌟

✍🏻 Remember to get your tickets in advance and plan your visit!
Ticketing Info:
Event Details:






【🍹Friday Chill Spot: Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024】

TGIF🥳 After a week of hard work, it's time to unwind and treat yourself. If you're going to play, play it right! The Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024 offers the best wines, delicious food, and exciting performances 🤩 Grab your friends and head over now! Just a reminder, the event ends in three days, so make the most of it! ✨

With Halloween around the corner🎃, the "Halloween weekend" will run from October 26 (Saturday) to the 27th (Sunday)! Dress up for Halloween for a chance to receive tokens and other exciting gifts. And at night, ghosts will join you for games! 👻

✍🏻 Remember to get your tickets in advance and plan your strategy before entering!
Ticket Info:
Event Details:






介紹完美酒,當然唔少得令人流口水嘅美食啦🤤專門製作精緻法式食品嘅Canapés Room會喺A033號展位為大家提供八款精心挑選嘅精緻小吃🌭鐘意食甜品嘅你一定唔可以錯過佢地嘅迷你「貝雷帽」甜點😍仲等⁉️快啲買飛入場啦❗

Canapés Room資訊:

【🙌🏻 Amazing Deal: "Happy Thursday" Buy One Get One Free】

Many people often say that having fun in Hong Kong nowadays is not cost-effective, but there are actually many discounted deals you may have overlooked 🥳 The Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024 has specially launched the "Happy Thursday" promotion for this event! Many exhibitors will be offering buy-one-get-one free deals and limited discounts today 😱 The atmosphere on-site is incredibly lively, with everyone having a great time and enjoying themselves to the fullest! Come join us early to experience the festive atmosphere of the holiday in advance 🎈

In the past, wine discussions typically revolved around regions like France, Chile, or Italy. However, the narrative has shifted as the Chinese wine industry has flourished, producing a range of high-quality wines 🍷 Regions like Ningxia, Yunnan, and Shandong in China have made a mark in the international wine scene 🤩 This year, the Chinese section boasts 29 renowned Chinese wineries with a total of 22 booths 🇨🇳 Don't miss the chance to taste a variety of mainland Chinese wines in one place 🥳

Among these, "Mystic Island Winery" from Shandong Province, Penglai, shines brightly. With 15 years dedicated to crafting premium wines, it has garnered numerous accolades in the Chinese wine scene. This year, you can experience the excellence of "Mystic Winery" firsthand at booth A010 during the Wine & Dine Festival! Don't miss the chance to savor a glass or two 🥂

After indulging in the exquisite wines, it's time to savor some mouth-watering delicacies 🤤 Visit the Canapés Room at booth A033, renowned for its exceptional French cuisine, where you can relish eight thoughtfully curated delights 🌭 Don't overlook their irresistible mini "Beret" desserts if you have a sweet tooth 😍 Ready to tantalize your taste buds? Secure your tickets now and be part of the excitement! 🎉🎟️

Ticket Information:
Details of "Happy Thursday":
Details of "Mystic Island Winery":
Details of Canapés Room:
Other on-site event information:

【香港美酒佳餚巡禮2024正式開幕🎊】 萬眾期待嘅香港美酒佳餚巡禮2024今日正式開幕🎉現場陸續見到唔少市民入場,各個參展商同美食攤位都好熱情招呼入場人士,氣氛咁開心點可以少左啲助興節目架⁉️今年場內有唔少演出同音樂表演😍即刻睇下今晚有咩精...



🔸晚上8:30至9:15 | 香港無伴奏人聲樂團,亦為首支走進香港主流樂壇的人聲樂團
🔸晚上9:45至10:30 | 來自南非的表演者和音樂創作人MsLolo與著名爵士風琴手Johnson Ho將為大家呈獻糅合美國爵士樂、放克和靈魂樂風格的律動舞步。




【Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024 Grand Opening🎊】

The highly anticipated Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024 officially kicked off today🎉 We've already seen many locals entering the venue, with exhibitors and food stalls warmly welcoming attendees. How about adding some more excitement to the atmosphere with a few more entertainment programs⁉️ This year, there are many performances and music acts inside the venue 😍 Take a look at the exciting activities lined up for tonight:

October 23rd (Wednesday)
🔸8:30 PM - 9:15 PM | Hong Kong a capella group, the first vocal group to break into the mainstream music scene in the city.
🔸9:45 PM - 10:30 PM | South African-born performer and music creator, alongside renowned jazz organist Johnson Ho, presenting rhythmic dance steps infused with American jazz, funk and soul music.

🍻 For those who love music and wine, don't miss out on the fantastic performances from October 23rd (Wednesday) to October 27th (Sunday):

Not interested in music? There's a brand new "Tasting Theatre" offering 19 exciting themed workshops to guide you through tasting delicious cuisine and fine wines 😋 Hurry and sign up here:

✍🏻 Remember to get your tickets before entering:

【ARE YOU READY?香港美酒佳餚巡禮2024見🥂!】一年一度嘅香港美酒佳餚巡禮2024聽日就正式開幕啦🎉我哋BTE團隊已經各就各位準備就緒🫡今年活動匯聚咗來自35個國家和地區嘅豐富美酒佳餚,有多達300個美酒和美食攤位,未出發先興...

【ARE YOU READY?香港美酒佳餚巡禮2024見🥂!】


知道大家每年都玩得意猶未盡,活動今年除左首度延長至五日,更將開放時間延長至晚上11 時,保證可以盡興呀✨歡迎大家同我哋一齊參與依個全城期待嘅盛大活動🍷



【ARE YOU READY? Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024 is here🥂!】

The annual Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2024 officially opens tomorrow🎉 Our team is all set and ready🫡 This year's event brings together a rich selection of wines and cuisines from 35 countries and regions, with over 300 booths of wines and delicacies – the excitement starts even before the journey begins!🤩

This year, not only has the Festival extends to five days, but the hours have been lengthened until 11:00 PM, ensuring you can enjoy the fullest ✨ Join us for this highly anticipated event across the city 🍷

Dates and Times
October 23, 2024 (Wednesday): 7:30 PM to 11:00 PM
October 24 to 25, 2024 (Thursday to Friday): 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM
October 26 to 27, 2024 (Saturday to Sunday): 12:00 PM to 11:00 PM

✍🏻 Remember to grab your tickets and plan ahead before you enter!
Ticket Info:
Event Details:

🚀 踏入2024年最後季度,BTE又進入peak season,活動接踵而來。我哋嘅新項目【亞洲無紡布科技博覽會】(Asia Nonwovens Technology Expo) 下個月起泰國曼谷舉行,今日我哋就率先起曼谷舉行媒體發佈會,活...

🚀 踏入2024年最後季度,BTE又進入peak season,活動接踵而來。我哋嘅新項目【亞洲無紡布科技博覽會】(Asia Nonwovens Technology Expo) 下個月起泰國曼谷舉行,今日我哋就率先起曼谷舉行媒體發佈會,活動反應熱烈🌟,對我地進軍東盟市場打下強心針!


🚀 As we head into the final quarter of 2024, BTE is entering our peak season with events lining up one after another. Next month, we're kicking off the Asia Nonwovens Technology Expo in Bangkok, Thailand. Today we host a press conference in Bangkok with an enthusiastic response, bolstering our initiative to expand to the ASEAN market! 🌟

Stay tuned as we have another major project coming up in Hong Kong by the end of October. Keep an eye on our updates for more exciting news! 😎

【🥂一齊嚟舉杯暢飲🥂 】全城期待嘅年度盛事「香港美酒佳餚巡禮」將於10 月23-27日,一連5天起中環海濱活動空間舉行,規模比去年更盛大,有逾 300 個環球美酒美饌攤位,唔單止咁,活動開放時間仲延至晚上11 時,大家收工食完飯仲有大把時間...

【🥂一齊嚟舉杯暢飲🥂 】全城期待嘅年度盛事「香港美酒佳餚巡禮」將於10 月23-27日,一連5天起中環海濱活動空間舉行,規模比去年更盛大,有逾 300 個環球美酒美饌攤位,唔單止咁,活動開放時間仲延至晚上11 時,大家收工食完飯仲有大把時間玩。

• 🍷 環球美酒:嚴選經典及新興酒品
• 🍴 過百個美食攤位:涵蓋多元美食選擇
• 🌟 名饌薈專區:米芝蓮星級食府及名廚推介
• 🍳 「品味學堂」工作坊:現場學習料理秘訣
• 🍹 大師限定雞尾酒:由得獎調酒師創作
• 🎭 精彩表演:投入美酒佳餚的狂熱氣氛


[🥂Cheers !🥂] The highly-anticipated annual "Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival," is set to take place from 23-27 October at the Central Harbourfront Event Space. This year, it's bigger than ever with over 300 wine and food booths. Plus, with extended hours until 11 PM, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy!

This Year's Highlights:
• 🍷 Global Wines: A curated selection of classic and emerging wines.
• 🍴 Over 100 Food Booths: Offering a diverse range of culinary delights.
• 🌟 new thematic zone “Culinary Stars”: Featuring Michelin-starred restaurants and top chefs' recommendations.
• 🍳 Tasting Theatre: Learn cooking secrets right from the masters.
• 🍹Savour various cocktails prepared by star bartenders on the spot.
• 🎭 Live Performances: Enjoy a thrilling weekend filled with festive fun.

Mark your calendars and join us for the fun! 🎉



Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!🌕
Wish everyone a healthy and peace-filled Moon Festival!🥮


[外展快訊]InfoCommAsia 系列 – InfoComm India 9月3日已盛大開幕。InfoComm India是印度規模最大、最具影響力的專業視聽展覽會之一,匯聚世界各地的專業觀眾和業內人士參加。今年IFI在印度孟買Jio世...

InfoCommAsia 系列 – InfoComm India 9月3日已盛大開幕。InfoComm India是印度規模最大、最具影響力的專業視聽展覽會之一,匯聚世界各地的專業觀眾和業內人士參加。

今年IFI在印度孟買Jio世界會議中心的1至3號展館舉辦, 更擴展至Jasmine Hall。來自10多個國家的約250家品牌參展, 其中32家為首次參展,以展示創新解決方案; 40多場高峰會議匯聚了行業精英與創新先鋒, 為大家提供交流平台。


[Overseas Exhibition News]
InfoCommAsia series - InfoComm India, has officially kicked off on 3 September! InfoComm India is one of the largest and most influential Pro-AV exhibitions in India, bringing together professional audiences and industry experts from around the world.

This year, the event is being held at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai, expanding to include Jasmine Hall. Approximately 250 brands from over 10 countries are showcasing their innovative solutions, with 32 of them participating for the first time. More than 40 summit sessions are gathering industry elites and innovators, providing a great platform for connecting.

Let’s take a look at the exciting scenes from the exhibition!



Room A11, 6/F, Block A, Tonic Industrial Centre, 26 Kai Cheung Road
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00




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