Freespace 自由空間

Freespace 自由空間 香港當代表演藝術的新樞紐 Hong Kong’s new centre for contemporary performance

#放膽去 #自由空間



Freespace – Hong Kong’s new centre for contemporary performance in the heart of the West Kowloon Art Park – presents multi-genre performances and events, produces boundary-pushing collaborations, and pro

motes new ways of seeing and experiencing performance. Partnering with emerging and established artists from Hong Kong and around the world, we nurture diverse creative voices and bring works that challenge and redefine the role of performing arts for our age. Join us for bold new performance experiences at The Box black box theatre, Livehouse live music bar, our intimate creation spaces The Room and The Studio, and outside on the Art Park lawns.

《爵士酷愛》系列首個演出於上週五晚 (26/7) 在戲曲中心大劇院舉行,才華橫溢的小號手Ambrose Akinmusire及其四重奏首度來港,現場演出原創、極具前瞻氣魄又音色細膩的作品,與相識已久、每位都能獨當一面的團員同時展現默契及極高...

《爵士酷愛》系列首個演出於上週五晚 (26/7) 在戲曲中心大劇院舉行,才華橫溢的小號手Ambrose Akinmusire及其四重奏首度來港,現場演出原創、極具前瞻氣魄又音色細膩的作品,與相識已久、每位都能獨當一面的團員同時展現默契及極高水準的演奏,形成別樹一幟的音樂風格,讓在場觀眾沉醉其中。

《爵士酷愛》系列即將於9月帶來國際新晉爵士小天后、美籍韓裔色士風手Grace Kelly的香港首演,敬請期待!

The Jazz Signatures series was thrilled to open with hosting trumpet phenom Ambrose Akinmusire and his quartet at the Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre last Friday night (26/7). At Ambrose's first-ever performance in Hong Kong, the quartet delighted music lovers with innovative original works and great musicianship and artistry.

The Jazz Signatures is excited to present next the energetic jazz star and internet sensation saxophonist Grace Kelly in September. Stay tuned!

West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區
#西九文化區 #戲曲中心 #大劇院 #表演藝術 #音樂 #爵士 #爵士酷愛 #小號

昨日首場《TechBox2024: LEVEL 66 ——街機計畫》,帶領觀眾走進第66關卡的遊戲世界,在每場遊戲中,你可以見證或參與遊戲角色之間的對奕、角力、反抗、親近或是離場。 在簡單的競技遊戲中,表演者看似呈現對立的狀態,卻帶有微妙的...

昨日首場《TechBox2024: LEVEL 66 ——街機計畫》,帶領觀眾走進第66關卡的遊戲世界,在每場遊戲中,你可以見證或參與遊戲角色之間的對奕、角力、反抗、親近或是離場。



TechBox 2024: LEVEL 66—The Arcade Project debuted yesterday, plunging audiences into a gaming universe that ascended to level 66! 👾 Audience members had the unique opportunity to observe and even engage in the dynamics of interaction, struggle, resistance, intimacy, or farewell among the game characters.

In these competitive games, performers seem to be in opposition, but also in a delicate relationship... Would you become a preset character in a game universe unconsciously? 👁️‍🗨️

Five more exciting game performances from Thursday to Sunday this week – not to be missed!

攝 Photo: Eric Hong, Marjorie Li, Hei Tsang

🎮TechBox 2024: LEVEL 66 ——街機計畫 The Arcade Project
📆28.7 – 4.8.2024
📍自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details:

聯合主辦及製作 Co-presented and co-produced by West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區 舞台及製作藝術學院 TEA - School of Theatre & Entertainment Arts, HKAPA

#西九文化區 #表演藝術 #香港演藝學院 #舞台及製作藝術學院 #劇場 #互動劇場 #街機遊戲 #葉旭耀 #李筱怡 #馮海林

🔥8月4日(日)的「自由空間耳震盪」將帶給你意想不到的震撼驚喜!這場音響盛宴將打破你對音樂的認知,引領你發現聽覺的新境界。 ✨ E.A.T. Trio - Brown Note Collective的創辦人Adam Neutron、小提琴家...


✨ E.A.T. Trio - Brown Note Collective的創辦人Adam Neutron、小提琴家兼鋼琴家Eric Chan,以及樂隊Life Was All Silence鼓手Travis PaPa,將憑藉他們不拘一格的樂器、即興演奏技巧和實驗打擊樂,帶你踏上一場獨特的音響冒險。

🎛️ 台灣實驗樂團神仙老虎狗的DJ誠意重和多媒體藝術家陸朗文將創造出電子節拍和傳統中國二胡旋律的融合,進入一個過去與現在交錯的獨特視聽境界。

🌪️ 已在國內外巡迴演出超過15年的Fuzztape創始人兼噪音表表演者梅志勇,將以他改良的自製硬體設備,釋放出一場驚人的音響風暴。

💥 中國傑出實驗音樂家李劍鴻,將開啟一場音響之旅探索噪音、迷幻聲響和他的故鄉系列,進入聲音的新境界,擴展你的音樂視野。

🌟 萬眾矚目的獨家三重奏組合,包括色士風手小劉 、聲音藝術家Ken Ueno和Step Ip,將呈現各自多樣的音樂背景和創新方法,創造出非凡的音響體驗。

🔊 實驗音樂家邱立信與李劍鴻將攜手合作,打破音樂界限,交織出一連串令人屏息的聲響、節奏和動作結合。

🎟 不要錯過這場非凡的活動!立即購票 🎉

🔥 Expect the unexpected at Freespace Noise Fest on 4 Aug (Sun). This boundless sonic extravaganza promises to shatter your perception of music and lead you to discover new dimensions of auditory bliss.

✨E.A.T. Trio – founder of Brown Note Collective Adam Neutron, violinist and pianist Eric Chan, and founder of Oneness Space Travis PaPa will take you on a sonic adventure like no other with their unorthodox instruments, improvisation skills and experimental percussion.

🎛️ DJ Rex from Buddha Tiger Dog and multimedia artist Longman Luk will create a fusion of electronic beats and traditional Chinese erhu melodies, transporting to a world where past meets present in a unique audiovisual experience.

🌪️ Dynamic noise artist and founder of Fuzztape label Mei Zhiyong, who has toured nationally and internationally for over 15 years, will unleash a sonic storm with his modified hardware.

💥 Li Jianhong, the accomplished Chinese experimental musician will take you on a sonic journey exploring the intricate relationship between noise, psychedelic sounds, and his hometown series.

🌟 An exclusive trio combination of Saxophonist Xiao Liu, vocalist, and sound artist Ken Ueno and Step Ip, will bring together their diverse musical backgrounds and innovative approaches to create an extraordinary sonic experience.

🔊 A legendary crossover, experimental musician Nelson Hiu and Li Jianhong will come together, breaking down musical barriers and creating breathless fusion of sounds, rhythms and movements.

🎟 Don't miss out on this extraordinary event! Get your tickets: ️🎉

West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區

#自由空間耳震盪2024 #西九文化區 #自由空間 #實驗音樂 #國泰 #志在飛躍

⚡ 於8月3日(六)的「自由空間耳震盪」踏入聲音探索和感官沈浸的世界,在這突破界限的音樂盛宴中釋放你的感官。 🌟 來自現在音樂「Push the Envelope」計劃的香港年輕聲音藝術家將展示他們尖端創新才華。 🔊🎞️️ 由香港聯合電台策...

⚡ 於8月3日(六)的「自由空間耳震盪」踏入聲音探索和感官沈浸的世界,在這突破界限的音樂盛宴中釋放你的感官。

🌟 來自現在音樂「Push the Envelope」計劃的香港年輕聲音藝術家將展示他們尖端創新才華。

🔊🎞️️ 由香港聯合電台策劃的現場直播表演Phantom Player,特邀日本聲音藝術家堀池ゆめぁ和視覺藝術家Jackson Kaki參與,聲影結合將帶你遊走於聲音和視覺的跨界。

🎵 以獨奏作品和合奏演出而聞名的香港單簧管演奏家馮逸山將給你的感官和想像力留下難以磨滅的印記。

💥 香港傳奇實驗音樂家邱立信與香港鋼琴家朱肇階的跨界融合,將帶你探索自由即興音樂領域。

🗣️ 知名作曲家、聲音藝術家Ken Ueno將呈現他獨特的外部聲音技巧。



⚡️ Step into a world of sonic exploration and sensory immersion at Freespace Noise Fest and unleash your senses at a genre-defying musical extravaganza on 3 Aug (Sat).

🌟 Witness Hong Kong's most innovative young sound artists from Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong's "Push the ENVELOPE" programme showcasing their cutting-edge talents.

🔊🎞️️ Immerse yourself in the real-time, collaborative audiovisual experience of "Phantom Player" - a live streaming performance curated by Hong Kong Community Radio, featuring Japanese sound artist 堀池 and visuals by Jackson Kaki.

🎵 Linus Fung, a versatile Hong Kong clarinetist known for his captivating solo work and ensemble performances, is set to leave an indelible mark on your senses and your imagination.

💥Genre-defying fusion of Hawaiian dance accompanist and musician Nelson Hiu, alongside with Hong Kong pianist and composer Daniel Chu, will explore the realms of free improvisation, noise, jazz, and more.

🗣️ Renowned composer, vocalist, and sound artist Ken Ueno will impress you with his unique external vocal techniques.

🎛️ Groove yourself to the experimental sounds of DJ Rex's turntable mastery, combined with the free-flowing improvisations of saxophone virtuoso Xiao Liu 🎷 from Buddha Tiger Dog, one of the most active experimental groups in Taiwan.

Grab the chance to experience this groundbreaking convergence of experimental music and audiovisual artistry at Freespace Noise Fest! 🎉 Tickets on sale now at🔥

West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區

#自由空間耳震盪2024 #西九文化區 #自由空間 #實驗音樂 #國泰 #志在飛躍

🎶 香港藝術實驗平台廿一檔將於8月2日(五)呈獻為「自由空間耳震盪」獨家創作的作品,一場長達2小時的當代古典音樂演出。兩位來自蘇黎世的傑出海外藝術家,長笛演奏家Nuriia Khasenova和爵士小號手Dalius Singer,將聯手與...

🎶 香港藝術實驗平台廿一檔將於8月2日(五)呈獻為「自由空間耳震盪」獨家創作的作品,一場長達2小時的當代古典音樂演出。兩位來自蘇黎世的傑出海外藝術家,長笛演奏家Nuriia Khasenova和爵士小號手Dalius Singer,將聯手與廿一檔的創辦人鄺展維和本地藝術家何子洋,帶你進入一個超越界限的音樂奇境。

🎵 Nuriia Khasenova是享譽盛名的Kollektiv International Totem成員之一,她巧妙地將古典音樂與跨學科實踐相融合,創造出迷人旋律,觸動你的靈魂。

🎺 具有多元音樂和技術專長的藝術家Dalius Singer將無縫結合傳統工藝與科技,為你呈現一場震撼感官的音樂體驗。

🎛️ 香港作曲家鄺展維,創作集中於管弦樂、跨越多種音樂文化的器樂作品,將以即興演奏和聲音裝置大膽探索電子音樂領域。

🎹 擅長模組合成器演奏的聲音藝術家何子洋將靈巧地操控各種音源,編織出一幅令你著迷的音樂畫卷。

🎟 立即購票參與「自由空間耳震盪」,感受音樂與創新完美結合的奇妙時刻💯: 

🎶 PROJECT21st, a Hong Kong platform for artistic experimentation, will present a mesmerising 2-hour contemporary classical piece exclusively composed for Freespace Noise Fest on 2 August (Fri). Joining forces are two exceptional overseas artists from Zurich: flautist Nuriia Khasenova and jazz trumpeter Dalius Singer. They will unite with PROJECT21st founder Charles Kwong and local artist Jacklam Ho to transport you to a boundary-defying sonic wonderland.

🎵 Nuriia Khasenova, a member of the prestigious Kollektiv International Totem, harmoniously blends classical music with transdisciplinary practices, creating enchanting melodies that resonate deep within your soul.

🎺 Dalius Singer with diverse musical and technological expertise will seamlessly intertwine traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology, bringing an immersive sonic experience that will ignite your senses.

🎛️ Hong Kong composer Charles Kwong, whose creative output focuses on orchestral music, instrumental compositions for musicians across various musical cultures, will fearlessly delve into the realm of electronic music through improvisation and sound installations.

🎹 Jacklam Ho, a sound artist exceling in synthesiser, will showcase his skillful manipulation of diverse sound sources and weave a sonic tapestry that will leave you spellbound.

🎟 Get your ticket now at and make your way to Freespace Noise Fest, where music and innovation collide in perfect harmony! 💯

West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區

#自由空間耳震盪2024 #西九文化區 #自由空間 #實驗音樂 #國泰 #志在飛躍

【Arts Impact 創研計劃 2024 得獎者公布🎊Hot off the press – Arts Impact Fellowship 2024 awardee announced!】 恭喜編舞及舞者梁儉豐被選為Arts Impac...

【Arts Impact 創研計劃 2024 得獎者公布🎊Hot off the press – Arts Impact Fellowship 2024 awardee announced!】

恭喜編舞及舞者梁儉豐被選為Arts Impact 創研計劃 2024的得獎者!🎉




🎉Congratulations to choreographer and dance artist Kenny Leung Kim-fung who has been selected as the awarded fellow of Arts Impact Fellowship 2024 for his project “Anchored in Memory”.

As a descendant of boat-dwellers in Hong Kong, Leung will take this research opportunity to trace back his roots by exploring boat-dwellers’ lives and their intangible cultural heritage such as rituals, rope craft and fishermen laments. These fading stories will be used as inspirations for an immersive theatre production.

The project aims at collecting oral histories from the elderly who used to be boat-dwellers in Aberdeen, and transform their stories and memories living on the sea into an immersive and interactive theatre performance through artistic intervention. The project will also collaborate with local organisations to bring art into the community and offer hands-on workshops, allowing the boat-dwellers' children and grandchildren to learn about their heritage, and strengthen intergenerational bonds.

The fellow will develop his project into a public programme to be presented at WestK FunFest 2025. Programme details to be announced in early 2025.

攝影 Photo:鄭珞璋 Maximilian Cheng

#西九文化區 #得獎者


我們都是美狄亞的男孩們 一起在無解的命運裡尋找答案 We are all Medea’s son, searching for answers in the labyrinth of fate


Her heart full of rage, a mother raises her sword 🗡️, its blade aiming at her innocent children. The boys cannot escape their grim fate and become victims of their own mother's revenge. In a dark realm reserved for children in the underworld, they meet others who also never had a chance to grow up. 🎼 Guided by ethereal melodies, they journey through recollection, imagination and intellectual debates. With their pure hearts and sharp minds, they confront the unsolvable riddles laid before them by fate. Together, they compose new myths for a future world.

Join us as we explore the tender and painful experiences, the moments of weakness and resilience, and the cycles of parting and reunion faced by Medea's two young sons and other children from parallel universes >>

西九文化區 X 前進進戲劇工作坊:《給美狄亞的男孩們》
𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗞 𝘅 𝗢𝗻 & 𝗢𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽: 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙖’𝙨 𝘽𝙤𝙮𝙨
📆 17-18.8 & 24-25.8.2024* | 🕓 4pm
📆 23.8.2024 | 🕓 8pm
📆 25.8.2024 | 🕓 12nn
📍自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace

聯合主辦及製作 Co-presented and co-produced by West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區 前進進戲劇工作坊 On & On Theatre Workshop

*8月25日下午4時場次備有英語即時傳譯 English simultaneous interpretation is available for the performance on 25 Aug at 4pm

本節目由西九文化區與前進進戲劇工作坊聯合主辦及製作,並為西九創作人系列節目之一。羅妙妍為前進進戲劇工作坊「三年共桌」計劃成員,這個節目亦為「三年共桌」計劃之創作項目。 This programme is co-presented and co-produced by WestK and On & On Theatre Workshop. It is part of the WestK Creators series and part of the Table To-gather programme curated by On & On Theatre Workshop. Miu Law is a member of the Table To-gather collective.

#西九文化區 #前進進戲劇工作坊 #西九創作人 #劇場

新一輪「街頭表演計劃」現正接受報名📢 New round of Street Performance Scheme now open for applications 📢 「街頭表演計劃」自去年9月回歸以來深受表演者及大眾歡迎,在維港景色伴...

新一輪「街頭表演計劃」現正接受報名📢 New round of Street Performance Scheme now open for applications 📢




The Street Performance Scheme’s return in September last year was warmly received by performers and the public. Accompanied by stunning views of the Victoria Harbour, performances ranging from music and circus acts, to juggling and freestyle football, brought joy to visitors and energised the West Kowloon Cultural District.

To keep the dynamic atmosphere of street performances going, we are opening a new round of applications for September 2024 till the end of February 2025. We are on the lookout for outstanding and diverse individual performers or performance groups — all kinds of performers are welcome to showcase their exceptional skills!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share your creativity with everyone. Apply NOW to become a street performer at West Kowloon.

截止報名日期 Application Deadline: 4.8.2024 (日Sun) 11:59pm
詳情 Details:

《郵差本傳》——跟隨郵差穿梭於陰陽之間 解開人生中的結 Post Office in Hell – The Origin: Journey between the living and the dead with the post as h...

《郵差本傳》——跟隨郵差穿梭於陰陽之間 解開人生中的結 Post Office in Hell – The Origin: Journey between the living and the dead with the post as he untangles his past



Earlier this year in March, Post Office in Hell (Part 1) took audiences into the world of a postman who travels between worlds. His mission was to deliver letters to loved ones in the afterlife. During this journey, the stories of three clients were unfolded.

Adapted from Hong Kong author Westwingmoon’s online novel Hell Post Office, 𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙊𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 - 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣 will be presented in its entirety at Freespace this September. This continuation delves deep into the postman’s personal struggle in overcoming his own trauma and regrets in life and death. At the end of it all, he goes between the mortal world and the afterlife to confront his own demons and rescue his loved ones.

西九文化區 X 再構造劇場:《郵差本傳》
𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗞 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲: 𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙊𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 - 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣
📆5-7.9.2024 | 🕓 8pm
📆6 & 8.9.2024 | 🕓 12nn
📍自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace
🎟️$420, $380
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details:
💬粵語演出,輔有中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

聯合主辦及製作 Co-presented and co-produced by West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區 再構造劇場 Reframe Theatre

此節目為西九創作人系列節目之一,亦為再構造劇場「後人類藝文研究社」項目之一。This programme is part of WestK Creators Series, and part of the Institute of Posthuman Art & Culture curated by Reframe Theatre.

攝 Photo by YC Kwan

#西九文化區 #再構造劇場 #西九創作人 #劇場 #網絡小説 #西樓月如鈎




剛剛在影片內聽到的音樂來自即將首度來港演出的Ambrose Akinmusire,這位現今國際爵士界代表人物嚮往在爵士音樂裡自由馳騁,創作理念著重整體美學多於音樂類型分野,多年來經常與不同界別,包括古典及Hip Hop音樂單位如Kendrick Lamar合作。

今個星期五的演出,Ambrose將夥拍三位合作無間的好拍檔——包括鋼琴手Sam Harris、低音結他手Harish Raghavan及鼓手Justin Brown,以四重奏形式與大家見面。不要錯過7月26日於戲曲中心大劇院的精彩演出!

Seems like more people are listening to jazz lately ❤️🎧

The allure of jazz lies beyond just music: the ambience and vibe of each piece offers imaginative possibilities, providing a source of inspiration in the midst of the everyday bustle.

The music you just heard in this video is from Jazz Trumpeter Ambrose Akinmusire, an innovative jazz figure in today’s international jazz scene. His jazz explorations exemplify the belief of aesthetic over genre, and over the years his work has incorporated classical music elements as well as hip hop styles, manifesting in his collaborations with the likes of Kendrick Lamar.

Ambrose Akinmusire will be making his concert debut in Hong Kong this Friday at the Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre, on 26 July, alongside his quartet comprising of long-time collaborators Sam Harris on piano, Harish Raghavan on bass, and Justin Brown on drums.

爵士酷愛:Ambrose Akinmusire四重奏🎺
Jazz Signatures: Ambrose Akinmusire Quartet
📆26.7.2024 (五 Fri)
📍戲曲中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre
🎟️港幣HK$580, $480, $380
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details:

樂器夥伴 Music Instrument Partner: 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Tom Lee Music 通利琴行
酒店夥伴 Hotel Partner: 香港喜來登酒店 Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers

#西九文化區 #戲曲中心 #大劇院 #表演藝術 #音樂 #爵士 #爵士酷愛 #小號

♟️人生就像一場博弈,每一步都會影響下一秒的變化,而突如其來的變化又會左右不同人的決定…… TechBox 2024: LEVEL 66 —— 街機計畫將自由空間化身成真人版遊戲實驗室,以不同的裝置及遊戲道具,配合聲音及燈光設計,讓觀眾恍如...

♟️人生就像一場博弈,每一步都會影響下一秒的變化,而突如其來的變化又會左右不同人的決定…… TechBox 2024: LEVEL 66 —— 街機計畫將自由空間化身成真人版遊戲實驗室,以不同的裝置及遊戲道具,配合聲音及燈光設計,讓觀眾恍如置身現實的遊戲世界,一同經歷每場遊戲中的角力和關卡,闖關過程中或會遇上神秘的角色👁️‍🗨️ 引導觀眾作出選擇;遊戲與遊戲之間穿插著表演者的演出,近距離感受表演者之間拉鋸的張力……

TechBox 2024: LEVEL 66 —— 街機計畫將於本週日啓動首場非一般劇場體驗,立即購票登錄自由空間大盒參與這場遊戲!🕹️

Life is like a game♟️; every move we make may impact the next moment, and sudden changes could influence other people’s decisions... 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗯𝗼𝘅 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰: 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟 𝟲𝟲 - 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙟𝙚𝙘𝙩 turns Freespace into a life-sized game lab. Through various devices, game props, sound and lighting design, you will be fully immersed into a game world that feels just like reality. Together, you’ll experience the challenges each game, encountering mysterious characters who will guide you to make the choices👁️‍🗨️. Performances by actors are interspersed between games, allowing you to experience the tension between performers up close…

𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗯𝗼𝘅 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰: 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟 𝟲𝟲 - 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙟𝙚𝙘𝙩 will launch its first game theatre this Sunday. 🕹️ Get your tickets to “land” The Box, Freespace and get ready to play!

🎮𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗯𝗼𝘅 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰: 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟 𝟲𝟲 ——街機計畫 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙟𝙚𝙘𝙩
📆28.7 – 4.8.2024
📍自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details:

聯合主辦及製作 Co-presented and co-produced by West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 香港演藝學院 - HKAPA

#西九文化區 #表演藝術 #香港演藝學院 #舞台及製作藝術學院 #劇場 #互動劇場 #街機遊戲 #葉旭耀 #李筱怡 #馮海林

🎶 別錯過在7月28日(日)於「自由空間耳震盪」欣賞實驗音樂才華的難得機會!  🎧 香港聲音藝術家李穎姍將糅合裝置與表演,帶你進入她獨特的聽覺世界。  🎤 迎接Gold Mountain、劉曉江和陳天進的非凡合作!為了「自由空間耳震盪」而創...

🎶 別錯過在7月28日(日)於「自由空間耳震盪」欣賞實驗音樂才華的難得機會!

🎧 香港聲音藝術家李穎姍將糅合裝置與表演,帶你進入她獨特的聽覺世界。

🎤 迎接Gold Mountain、劉曉江和陳天進的非凡合作!為了「自由空間耳震盪」而創作的全新作品,唯一公開的資訊就只有作品的標題:「不需要的噪音」。

🎵 迷幻搖滾樂隊假日貞操鼓手和音樂家Step Ip將以創新聲音震撼你的耳膜。

🎸 結他手和電子音樂家黃時浩,曾參與BISTRE和Panomorph等樂團的音樂創作,將讓你沉浸在音樂探索的世界。

🌟 曾於歐洲巡迴演出,現駐紮於東京的多樂器演奏家和噪音藝術家Yuko Araki,將與日本多媒體藝術家Jackson Kaki攜手呈現絕無僅有的視聽體驗。

🎟️ 立即購票,體驗「自由空間耳震盪」的震撼:

🎶 Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience the finest talents in the world of experimental music at Freespace Noise Fest on 28 July (Sun)!

🎧 Fiona Lee, an accomplished Hong Kong sound artist, will take you into her unique world with a special blend of installation and improvisation performance.

🎤Prepare to be blown away by the extraordinary collaboration of Gold Mountain, Lawrence Lau, and Michael Chan. Created solely for Freespace Noise Fest, the only information they have released for this mysterious work is the title: “Unwanted Noise".

🎵 Step Ip, a musician and percussionist from the experimental band Virgin Vacation, will captivate you with innovative sounds and rhythms, pushing the boundaries of experimental music.

🎸Eric Wong, a guitarist and electronic musician having participated in music composition with bands like BISTRE and Panomorph, will immerse you in a world of musical exploration.

🌟Yuko Araki, a Tokyo-based multi-instrumentalist and composer who has toured in Europe, will join forces with Jackson Kaki, a Japanese multimedia artist, DJ, and VJ, to create an audio-visual experience like no other.

🎟️ Secure your tickets now to experience the awe-inspiring vibrations of Freespace Noise Fest at

West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區

#自由空間耳震盪2024 #西九文化區 #自由空間 #實驗音樂 #國泰 #志在飛躍

🔊 準備好迎接「自由空間耳震盪」於7月27日(六)的震撼聲波之旅!突破音樂界限的本地、海外及韓國藝術家將聯手呈獻沉浸式前衛實驗音樂體驗,定能震撼你的感官!  🎸 香港藝術家及Lucid Express結他手Sky Kung將帶來他的個人音樂...

🔊 準備好迎接「自由空間耳震盪」於7月27日(六)的震撼聲波之旅!突破音樂界限的本地、海外及韓國藝術家將聯手呈獻沉浸式前衛實驗音樂體驗,定能震撼你的感官!

🎸 香港藝術家及Lucid Express結他手Sky Kung將帶來他的個人音樂項目the black sea, 以氛圍音樂 (Ambient) 和長音 (Drone) 開啟聲響洪流。

💃墨西哥裔藝術家Vica Pacheco將以她自製的陶瓷樂器表演即興獨奏作品 ANIMACY OR A BREATH MANIFEST,帶你進入一場神祕對話。

🎛️ 韓國首個噪音唱片廠牌策展人崔峻溶將帶領你深入探索即興演奏和作曲。

🎧韓國實驗音樂場地 dotolim 創辦人秦相太將以非常規材料為樂器,轉化噪音為引人入勝的聲響演繹。

🎶本地傳奇實驗音樂場地Twenty Alpha將呈獻由4組才華橫溢的本地年輕藝術家帶來的實驗音樂表演,突破音樂界限。

🎟️ 立即購票,沉浸於「自由空間耳震盪」的前衛音景中:

🔊 Get ready for an electrifying sonic journey at Freespace Noise Fest on 27 July (Sat)! Boundary-pushing local, overseas, and Korean artists will captivate your senses by converging an immersive avant-garde experimental music experience!

🎸 Hong Kong artist and Lucid Express guitarist Sky Kung will kick off with ‘the black sea’, an ambient and drone music project that creates mesmerising atmospheric soundscapes.

💃 Mexican artist Vica Pacheco will present ANIMACY OR A BREATH MANIFEST with her self-made ceramic instruments, the solo piece will lead you in a mystical dialogue.

🎛️ Choi Joonyong, the curator of Korea’s first noise label, will lead you on a profound exploration of control and failure in improvisation and composition.

🎧 Jin Sangtae, the founder of Korea’s renowned experimental music venue dotolim, will ingeniously transform noise into captivating audio performances using unconventional materials.

🎶The local legendary experimental music venue Twenty Alpha will present boundary-pushing experimental music performances by 4 sets of talented local young artists.

🎟️ Grab your tickets now and immerse yourself in the avant-garde soundscape of Freespace Noise Fest:

West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區

#自由空間耳震盪2024 #西九文化區 #自由空間 #實驗音樂 #國泰 #志在飛躍

✨致力推廣實踐聲音於跨界別藝術的現在音樂和荷蘭跨領域創作社群iii將攜手於7月26日(五)的「自由空間耳震盪」 展開一場精彩跨界音樂交流之旅。  🎶 見證香港藝術家孫禮賢透過多媒體講述表演探討對自身及其環境的所思所感,以視聽感官帶你遨遊其中...

✨致力推廣實踐聲音於跨界別藝術的現在音樂和荷蘭跨領域創作社群iii將攜手於7月26日(五)的「自由空間耳震盪」 展開一場精彩跨界音樂交流之旅。

🎶 見證香港藝術家孫禮賢透過多媒體講述表演探討對自身及其環境的所思所感,以視聽感官帶你遨遊其中。

🎻 來自巴西的藝術家Rafaele Andrade 將用她自製的樂器Knurl 獨奏作品《Tropicos 》,作品以四種語言(荷蘭語、葡萄牙語、英語和西班牙語)演唱,構築成一條以個人的親密故事,連結我們與勞動、交通、美學、社交媒體和文化挪用的虛擬關係的渠道。

💃 墨西哥裔藝術家Vica Pacheco將與香港舞蹈家朱仟青合作, 帶領一眾舞者一同呈獻為「自由空間耳震盪」獨家創作的作品OLLÌN,以小組形式為陶器的聲音塑形,由寂靜開始,探索形體動作的機制。


✨Embark on an interdisciplinary exchange journey at Freespace Noise Fest on 26 July (Fri), presented by Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong and iii, an incubator and platform for cross-disciplinary artistic practices.

🎶 Witness Hong Kong artist Larry Shuen’s multimedia lecture-performance explorations of self-reflection and the environment through, transporting you through sight and sound.

🎻 Brazilian artist Rafaele Andrade will lead a captivating journey of "dynamic craftsmanship" with her self-made Knurl solos, reflecting on social and environmental issues.

💃 Mexican artist Vica Pacheco will collaborate with Hong Kong choreographer Chin Ching Chu, leading a group of dancers to interpret the diverse and daring elements of OLLÌN, blending movement and music in a mesmerising display.

🤜🏻 Transcend musical boundaries and immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind, interdisciplinary artistic exchange at Freespace Noise Fest! Grab your tickets now:

West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區

#自由空間耳震盪2024 #西九文化區 #自由空間 #實驗音樂 #國泰 #志在飛躍




A poignant reflection on grief, destiny and contemporary spirituality🗡️Immerse in a world where conventional adult wisdom is suspended

Co-directed and co-written by emerging theatre makers Miu Law and Sham Chung-tat, With Love, Medea’s Boys takes the classical Greek tragedy Medea as a starting point to explore the world of the afterlife through the eyes of Medea’s sons, following them as they shape their new world and learn about sacrifice, dignity and destiny. 💫 Tickets on sale now.

西九文化區 X 前進進戲劇工作坊:《給美狄亞的男孩們》
𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗞 𝘅 𝗢𝗻 & 𝗢𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽: 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙖’𝙨 𝘽𝙤𝙮𝙨
📆 17-18.8 & 24-25.8.2024* | 🕓 4pm
📆 23.8.2024 | 🕓 8pm
📆 25.8.2024 | 🕓 12nn
📍自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details:

聯合主辦及製作 Co-presented and co-produced by West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區 前進進戲劇工作坊 On & On Theatre Workshop

*8月25日下午4時場次備有英語即時傳譯 English simultaneous interpretation is available for the performance on 25 Aug at 4pm

本節目由西九文化區與前進進戲劇工作坊聯合主辦及製作,並為西九創作人系列節目之一。羅妙妍為前進進戲劇工作坊「三年共桌」計劃成員,這個節目亦為「三年共桌」計劃之創作項目。 This programme is co-presented and co-produced by WestK and On & On Theatre Workshop. It is part of the WestK Creators series and part of the Table To-gather programme curated by On & On Theatre Workshop. Miu Law is a member of the Table To-gather collective.

#西九文化區 #前進進戲劇工作坊 #西九創作人 #劇場

七月份  #自由空間音樂擊   in July 7月19日晚我們邀來中西合璧的爵士樂隊 Midnight Ensemble,讓古典韻味和爵士律動互相碰撞,帶來耳目一新的音樂體驗🪕 7月20日則有兩場演出,先由電音組合 rosemances ...

七月份 #自由空間音樂擊 in July

7月19日晚我們邀來中西合璧的爵士樂隊 Midnight Ensemble,讓古典韻味和爵士律動互相碰撞,帶來耳目一新的音樂體驗🪕

7月20日則有兩場演出,先由電音組合 rosemances 送上夢幻飄渺的電子音樂,再來曲風遊走於dream-pop的 Just a broken machine 以浪漫歌曲營造朦朧氣氛。

7月26日晚有本地鋼琴手Gloria Law率領的爵士四重奏,夥拍低音結他手Maka、結他手Michael Chan及鼓手Dean攜手演繹即興演奏。

壓軸一晚(7月27日)上半場由三人樂團黛安深蹲以Punk Rock玩轉livehouse,下場則有 RUMBU 以其獨特的中性聲線演唱原創作曲。


Midnight Ensemble takes the stage on 19 July. This dynamic jazz ensemble fuses classic charm with catchy rhythms — prepare for a musical fusion that’ll ignite all your senses!

On 20 July, we’ve got a double dose of sonic enchantment. First, the music duo ROSEMANCES will transport you to another realm with their electronic ambience. Then, get lost in the hazy, romantic vibes of Just a Broken Machine’s dream-pop tunes.

On 26 July, local pianist Gloria Law leads her jazz quartet through an evening of improvisation. Joined by the virtuosic Maka (bass), Michael Chan (guitar), and Dean (drums). The first half of 27 July’s lineup features an explosive punk rock takeover by Diane Squat. Get ready to unleash your inner rebel as they tear up the stage! 🤘 Rounding out the night, RUMBU! will captivate you with their signature gender-neutral vocals and original compositions.

Mark your calendars and get ready to enjoy a tasty bite and chilled drinks with live music this summer at livehouse!

部分精選演出 Performance Highlights:
🎹 19.7.2024( 五 Fri )Midnight Ensemble
🎸 20.7.2024( 六 Sat)ROSEMANCES、Just a Broken Machine
🎤 26.7.2024( 五 Fri )Gloria Law Quartet
🎸 27.7.2024( 六 Sat)Diane Squat、RUMBU!

自由空間音樂擊 Freespace Weekly Gigs
📆 逢星期五及六 Every Friday and Saturday | 🕘 晚上 8:15pm
📍 自由空間留白Livehouse | Lau Bak Livehouse, Freespace
📞 訂座電話 Reservations: +852 2868-4333 /

留白 Lau Bak Freespace Livehouse

屢獲殊榮、國際知名的英國編舞家Wayne McGregor將於9月在戲曲中心大劇院帶來最新作品《深淵水母》的亞洲首演,門票今日公開發售,優先訂票可享正價票8折優惠。近日憑藉對舞蹈的貢獻被英王封爵的Wayne McGregor既曾是英國皇家芭...

屢獲殊榮、國際知名的英國編舞家Wayne McGregor將於9月在戲曲中心大劇院帶來最新作品《深淵水母》的亞洲首演,門票今日公開發售,優先訂票可享正價票8折優惠。

近日憑藉對舞蹈的貢獻被英王封爵的Wayne McGregor既曾是英國皇家芭蕾舞團駐團編舞、威尼斯雙年展舞蹈節總監,亦曾與巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團、紐約市芭蕾舞團、莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團等世界頂尖舞團合作。他開拓的嶄新舞劇徹底改寫了舞蹈的現代定義。繼2020年與我們合作後,今年再度回歸並率領Company Wayne McGregor旗下精英舞者,為香港觀衆帶來被《紐約時報》譽爲「Company Wayne McGregor最佳之作」的《深淵水母》。此作品以神秘深海中的龐然水母為創作靈感,融合最新舞台科技,讓觀眾置身於極致黑暗的深海奇觀,一探潛藏於深淵中的漫舞魅影。

今年6月在法國Montpellier Danse的世界首演讓當地觀衆驚嘆不已,McGregor創造了極具感官刺激,而又引人沉思的舞蹈和聲音體驗,反映出虛空與人們對生命感到無力之間那深層關係。同時利用舞台上的Vantablack®技術創造極致漆黑,加上大師級幕後團隊以最新音效技術,營造出一個顛覆傳統感知的環境,為觀眾帶來前所未有的視聽盛宴。

After premiering at Montpellier Danse in June to rapturous audiences, 𝘋𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘢, the latest groundbreaking work by renowned choreographer Wayne McGregor comes to West Kowloon this September in its Asian Premiere at Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre. Tickets on sale today. Book in Advance for 20% off Standard Tickets!

Inspired by the otherworldly locomotion of the deep sea jellyfish of the same name, 𝘋𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘢 combines performance with the creative potential of emerging technologies. The shapeshifting choreographic experience – performed by the dancers of Company Wayne McGregor against light-absorbing Vantablack®– offers a multi-dimensional reflection on the mysteries of the deep.

The multi-award winning choreographer and director, McGregor is known internationally for trailblazing innovations in performance that have radically redefined dance in the modern era. As well as founding Company Wayne McGregor, McGregor has worked closely with The Royal Ballet, the Venice Biennale, Paris Opera Ballet, New York City Ballet and Bolshoi Ballet, among others.

“There is something deeply touching here in the presentation of the human body – so small and frail amid the voids beyond our knowledge and imaginative grasp, yet also so ingenious, resolute and brave.” —New York Times

Company Wayne McGregor:《深淵水母》𝘋𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘢
📆20-21.9.2024 (五-六 Fri-Sat)
📍西九文化區戲曲中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre, West Kowloon Cultural District
🎟️$580 $450 $320
(優先訂票期為即日起至8月15日或於全部優先購票售罄為止,同時更設有優惠套票 Advance Booking Period is now available until 15 August while quota lasts.Discounted Packages are also available)
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details:

圖片Image: (Jasiah Marshall), Laban Theatre, London (2024), Photo credit Ravi Deepres

West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區 Studio Wayne McGregor #西九文化區 #深淵水母 #當代舞 #芭蕾舞 #戲曲中心 #大劇院 #亞洲首演


Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District
Hong Kong


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