西九文化區 X 前進進戲劇工作坊:《給美狄亞的男孩們》 WestK x On & On Theatre Workshop: With Love, Medea's Boys
我們都是美狄亞的男孩們 一起在無解的命運裡尋找答案 We are all Medea’s son, searching for answers in the labyrinth of fate
悲憤的母親高舉寶劍,劍刃對準一對無辜的親兒。命運號角響起,男孩們難逃一死,成就母親的復仇⚡。在專屬孩童的幽冥世界裡,死去的男孩們,遇上更多未長大的孩子們,在幽微樂章引領下回溯、奇想與思辨,以赤子的意志與智慧,叩問命運佈下的無解題,為新天新地譜寫屬於未來的神話。一同來想像美狄亞兩名稚子以及其他平行宇宙的孩子,所經歷過的溫柔與痛楚、軟弱與堅忍、離別與重聚>> westkowloon.hk/medeaboys
Her heart full of rage, a mother raises her sword 🗡️, its blade aiming at her innocent children. The boys cannot escape their grim fate and become victims of their own mother's revenge. In a dark realm reserved for children in the underworld, they meet others who also never had a chance to grow up. 🎼 Guided by ethereal melodies, they journey through recollection, imagination and intellectual debates. With their pure hearts and sharp minds, they confront the unsolvable riddles laid before them by fate. Together, they compose new myths for a future world.
Join us as we explore the tender and painful experiences, the moments of weakness and resilience, and the cycles of parting and reunion faced by Medea's two young sons and other children from parallel universes >> westkowloon.hk/medeaboys
西九文化區 X 前進進戲劇工作坊:《給美狄亞的男孩們》
𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗞 𝘅 𝗢𝗻 & 𝗢𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽: 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙖’𝙨 𝘽𝙤𝙮𝙨
📆 17-18.8 & 24-25.8.2024* | 🕓 4pm
📆 23.8.2024 | 🕓 8pm
📆 25.8.2024 | 🕓 12nn
📍自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace
聯合主辦及製作 Co-presented and co-produced b
覺唔覺最近多咗人聽Jazz? Seems like more people are listening to jazz lately👂
剛剛在影片內聽到的音樂來自即將首度來港演出的Ambrose Akinmusire,這位現今國際爵士界代表人物嚮往在爵士音樂裡自由馳騁,創作理念著重整體美學多於音樂類型分野,多年來經常與不同界別,包括古典及Hip Hop音樂單位如Kendrick Lamar合作。
今個星期五的演出,Ambrose將夥拍三位合作無間的好拍檔——包括鋼琴手Sam Harris、低音結他手Harish Raghavan及鼓手Justin Brown,以四重奏形式與大家見面。不要錯過7月26日於戲曲中心大劇院的精彩演出!
Seems like more people are listening to jazz lately ❤️🎧
The allure of jazz lies beyond just music: the ambience and vibe of each piece offers imaginative possibilities, providing a source of inspiration in the midst of the everyday bustle.
The music you just heard in this video is from Jazz Trumpeter Ambrose Akinmusire, an innovative jazz figure in today’s international jazz scene. His jazz explorations exemplify the belief of aesthetic over genre, and over the years his work has incorporated classical music elements as well as hip hop styles, manifesting in his collaborations with the likes of Kendrick Lamar.
Ambrose Akinmusire will be making his concert debut in Hong Kong this Friday at the Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre, on 26 July, alongside his quartet comprising of long-time collaborators Sam Harris on piano, Harish Raghavan on bass, and Justin Brown on drums.
爵士酷愛:Ambrose Akinmusire四重奏🎺
Jazz Signatures: Ambrose Akinmusire Quartet
📆26.7.2024 (五 Fri)
📍戲曲中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre
🎟️港幣HK$580, $480, $380
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details: westkowloon.h
《給美狄亞的男孩們》 With Love, Medea’s Boys
A poignant reflection on grief, destiny and contemporary spirituality🗡️Immerse in a world where conventional adult wisdom is suspended
Co-directed and co-written by emerging theatre makers Miu Law and Sham Chung-tat, With Love, Medea’s Boys takes the classical Greek tragedy Medea as a starting point to explore the world of the afterlife through the eyes of Medea’s sons, following them as they shape their new world and learn about sacrifice, dignity and destiny. 💫 Tickets on sale now.
西九文化區 X 前進進戲劇工作坊:《給美狄亞的男孩們》
𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗞 𝘅 𝗢𝗻 & 𝗢𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽: 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙖’𝙨 𝘽𝙤𝙮𝙨
📆 17-18.8 & 24-25.8.2024* | 🕓 4pm
📆 23.8.2024 | 🕓 8pm
📆 25.8.2024 | 🕓 12nn
📍自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details: westkowloon.hk/medeaboys
聯合主辦及製作 Co-presented and co-produced by West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區 前進進戲劇工作坊 On & On Theatre Workshop
*8月25日下午4時場次備有英語即時傳譯 English simultaneous interpretation is available for the performance on 25 Aug at 4pm
自由空間耳震盪 Freespace Noise Fest
「自由空間耳震盪」超過30位本地及海外音樂人 以破格聲音衝擊聽覺🔊
Redefine Perceptions with Unconventional Sounds at Freespace Noise Fest
由7月26日起一連兩個周末,自由空間連同項目夥伴 - 現在音樂、廿一檔及20α , 廣邀來自香港以及世界各地的音樂家,於細盒進行連場聲音實驗,打破音樂固有定義。🧪
The Room, Freespace will be filled with reconstructed sound waves by 30 international and local acts, with programme partners Contemporary Musiking HK, Project 21st and 20α to challenge conventions over the two weekends of non-stop sonic experiments starting from 26 July. 🧪
The Japanese experimental music icon Otomo Yoshihide, together with the duo at the forefront of Indonesian contemporary music, Senyawa will bring the Fest to an exhilarating end at the finale double bill with two unique styles of experimental music. Grab your tickets now to reimagine the potential of sounds.
Feel free to bring your favourite drinks to the show! 🍹 For safety reasons, glass containers are not allowed.
自由空間耳震盪 Freespace Noise Fest👂🏻
📆 24.7 - 6.8.2024
(逢星期五至日 Every Fri - Sun)
📍 自由空間細盒 The Room, Freespace
🎟️ 單日票 Day Pass: HK$220 | 兩周通行票 2-Week Pass HK$400
🔗 門票及詳情 Tickets and Details: westkowloon.hk/noisefest2024
Freespace Noise Fest: Otomo Yoshihide, Senyawa
📆 6.8.2024 (二 Tue)
🕓 晚上8pm
📍 自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace
🎟️ HK$280 (不設座位 No Seating)
🔗 門票及詳情 Tickets and D
《郵差本傳》 Post Office in Hell - The Origin
《郵差本傳》——揭開郵差南門亮的自身故事📮Post Office in Hell – The Origin: Uncover the story of postman Nam Moon-leung📮
Earlier in March of this year, Post Office in Hell (Part 1) opened with a postman’s journey through life and death using sound; half a year later, Post Office in Hell – The Origin builds on this world through the stories of postman Nam Moon-leung. The second in a series of theatre experiences adapted from Hong Kong author Westwingmoon’s online novel Hell Post Office, this instalment explores Nam’s ability to travel between worlds and deliver letters to loved ones in the afterlife. As he journeys back and forth between the living and the dead, Nam witnesses the remorse of his clients. Forced to confront his own personal issues, he navigates a journey to protect not only himself, but his family and his significant other as well.
Tickets available now.
西九文化區 X 再構造劇場:《郵差本傳》
𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗞 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲: 𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙊𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 - 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣
📆5-7.9.2024 | 🕓 8pm
📆6 & 8.9.2024 | 🕓 12nn
📍自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace
🎟️$420, $380
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details: westkowloon.hk/postofficeinhell
聲無邊際精華片段 Sonic Encounter Highlights
📢 去年舉辦的「聲無邊際」,一眾樂手與觀眾進行了一場震撼的聲音探索,由多位來自電音、爵士、當代音樂等多元背景的本地樂手自行混搭成不同組合,作自由即興演奏,在聲光的完美融合中展開了一場變化莫測的旅程,展示了實驗音樂無窮的創造力。🎶✨
🔊 隨著「聲無邊際」的迴響漸去,於今個7月舉辦的「自由空間耳震盪」即將再度發掘實驗音樂的可能性!一系列突破界限的表演、頂尖音樂人才以及驚人的跨界合作,將再次衝擊聲音和藝術的疆界,並將聲音推向嶄新的高度。🌟
🔥 不要錯過我們即將舉辦的「自由空間耳震盪」,讓噪音再次點燃你的感官 >> westkowloon.hk/noisefest2024。🔊💥
📢 At our previous Sonic Encounter, the audience was transported to a world of sonic adventures, where sonic exploration and sensory immersion collided in a perfect fusion of sounds and visuals. The diverse event showcased the boundless creativity within the experimental music scene. 🎶✨
🔊 As the echoes of Sonic Encounter fade, music lovers can look forward to the next sonic exploration – Freespace Noise Fest this year. Starting in late July, a series of genre-defying performances, music talents, and mind-blowing collaborations will shatter the boundaries of sounds and arts once again and bring sonic adventures to the next level. 🌟
🔥Don’t miss out on our upcoming Freespace Noise Fest and let the noise ignite your senses once again >> westkowloon.hk/noisefest2024. 🔊💥
#聲無邊際 #自由空間耳震盪2024 #西九文化區 #自由空間 #實驗音樂
#SonicEncounter #FreespaceNoiseFest2024 #WestKowloonCulturalDistrict #Freespace #ExperimentalMusic
TechBox 2022-2023 年度回顧 Year in Review
《TechBox 2023:旅人與聽者》有別於由導演或編劇主導的傳統製作模式,創作團隊以媒體技術為藝術語言,開發跨界劇場創作形式。首席藝術家楊嘉輝聯同TechBox團隊*先於2022年結合人工智能系統和設計師們現場即興的聲影互動,完成長達六小時的展演《延展色彩互動學》;2023年則以英國文學家Walter de la Mare著名短詩《聆聽者》為啟發,以音樂及流動影像建構空間及佈景、燈光、聲音系統和投影形式,並加入樂師和表演者,各種元素交織下完成劇場構作。
今年的TechBox 由葉旭耀擔任首席藝術家,上年11月與團隊* 開始籌備《LEVEL 66──街機計畫》,以「遊戲」的概念建構各項設計及互動演出,將自由空間大盒化身成一個真實的遊戲世界🕹️ 《LEVEL 66──街機計畫》門票現正發售中,萬勿錯過!
TechBox is an experimental platform jointly established by WestK’s Performing Arts Division and the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Launched in 2021, the platform brings together media artists, theatre designers, as well as academy faculty and students to focus on research, exploration and experimentation on integrating materials, senses, scenography and spatial arrangements to build a unique theatre aesthetics. This video documents the creative process of TechBox in 2022-2023.
TechBox 2023: The Travellers and The Listeners is departing from the traditional director or scriptwriter-led creative process, the creative team devised this performance within a
🎮 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗯𝗼𝘅 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰: 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟 𝟲𝟲 - 街機計畫將自由空間大盒化身成一個真實的遊戲世界🕹️除了街機的按鈕、遊戲中的計分板、骰子🎲外,主視覺圖片還隱藏了很多演出中會出現的遊戲元素。想知道還有什麼?快來成為觀眾玩家,與其他觀眾一起來進入這個「遊」「戲」實驗室,參與這場嶄新的劇場遊戲體驗🎯門票現正發售中。
Awesome Games - Life Sized!
🎮 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗯𝗼𝘅 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰: 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟 𝟲𝟲 - 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙟𝙚𝙘𝙩 transforms The Box, Freespace into a Real Life world of gaming🕹️There are some game elements like arcade buttons, in-game scoreboards, dices, and what else?
To become audience-player and enter this “game lab” with other audiences to enjoy the brand-new theatre game experience🎯Tickets on sale now.
🎮𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗯𝗼𝘅 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰: 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟 𝟲𝟲 ——街機計畫 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙟𝙚𝙘𝙩
📆28.7 – 4.8.2024
📍自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace
🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details: westkowloon.hk/techbox2024
聯合主辦及製作 Co-presented and co-produced by West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 香港演藝學院 - HKAPA
#西九文化區 #表演藝術 #香港演藝學院 #舞台及製作藝術學院 #劇場 #互動劇場 #街機遊戲 #葉旭耀 #WestK #hkapatea #Theatre #ParticipatoryTheatre #TechBox #IPYukYiu #JessieLam #YolandaChengKamYiu #ElvinCheungChiHo #WongTszChing #KittyWongKitYi #CassandraTangTinSum
💭 你想像中的七十年代是怎樣的?What do you think the 70s looked like?
💭 你想像中的七十年代是怎樣的?What do you think the 70s looked like?
七十年代的日本經濟急速起飛,社會充斥著一種紫醉金迷的氣氛,到處都是新車、音樂、舞蹈和時尚。七十年代可能比你想像中更前衞,而在當時誕生的黃色魔力樂團(Yellow Magic Orchestra,YMO),有別於當時其他與西方主流音樂風格相似的日本樂團,YMO運用科技創作出全新日本電子流行音樂,帶來前所未有的聲音體驗,其影響力與德國傳奇音樂團體Kraftwerk不相伯仲, 為電子音樂打開全新想像 ,而後起之秀法國組合Daft Punk於90年代再度掀起電音熱潮,更成為當今無人不知的電音組合 。
今個夏天,多位香港年輕藝術家將取材自YMO的經典作品,於自由空間再現YMO的音樂美學,加入現代元素,為你送上不一樣的 yellow magic!
In the electrifying era of 1970s Japan, the economy soared to new heights, and the stage was set for a society obsessed with extravagance and technological innovation. A time when new cars, music, dance and fashion permeated every corner. But amidst the revolutionary spirit of the era, Yellow Magic Orchestra (YMO), unlike other Japanese bands of the time whose musical styles were similar to mainstream Western music, YMO chose to use the 70s’ limited technology to create a completely new genre of electronic music. Their synthpop sounded unlike any other band on the planet at the time. Both YMO and the legendary German group Kraftwerk released the immense potential of electronic music with their innovation. The French duo Daft Punk brought electronic music to another peak in the 90s.
Fast forward to present day Hong Kong, a group of young artists draw inspiration from the classic works of the band, recreating the musical genius of YMO in Freespace for two wonder-filled nights of synthpop.
Freespace Ensemble: Yellow Magic
西九創作人系列劇場節目 WestK Creators Series Theatre Programme
西九創作人系列三部劇場作品早鳥優惠最後兩日🚨WestK Creators Series Theatre Programmes Early Bird Offer - 2 Days Left!
西九文化區分別與 前進進戲劇工作坊 On & On Theatre Workshop、再構造劇場 Reframe Theatre 以及 綠葉劇團 Théâtre de la Feuille 聯合主辦及製作的三個劇場節目:《給美狄亞的男孩們》、《郵差本傳》以及《山海經》第一部曲— 山川命,將於8月至10月在自由空間震撼上演,早鳥限定優惠門票現正火熱發售,最後兩天,萬勿錯過!
Last two days to enjoy the Early Bird Offer for three WestK Creators Series Theatre Programmes: With Love, Medea’s Boys with On & On Theatre Workshop, Post Office in Hell – The Origin with Reframe Theatre and Book of Mountains and Seas – The Fates of Mountains and Rivers with Théâtre de la Feuille. Don’t miss out on fabulous discount for these three groundbreaking productions from August to October at Freespace!
Early Bird period until 26 June. For details, please visit westkowloon.hk.
West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區
#西九文化區 #西九創作人 #劇場 #WestK #WestKCreators #Theatre
西九文化區 x 鄧樹榮戲劇工作室:香港國際莎劇 WestK x TSWTS: Hong Kong International Shakespeare Festival
破格演繹莎士比亞五大經典名著🎭香港國際莎劇節門票現正公開發售 🎭Reimaging Shakespeare’s classic masterpieces – tickets for Hong Kong International Shakespeare Festival are available now
🤴曾轟動七國莎劇節的獨腳戲,由約克國際莎劇節總監Philip Parr執導及大膽改編的《亨利五世》
The first-ever Hong Kong International Shakespeare Festival brings the renowned European Shakespeare Festivals’ model to Asia, showcasing performances by troupes from all around the world, including artists based in Hong Kong, Romania, Italy, South Korea, United Kingdom and Australia. Five exciting theatre productions will be presented this June:
👩🦳Lady Macbeth, a cultural collision between Hong Kong Dance Company and Italy’s imPerfect Dancers Company
👨🏻🦲Macbettu, a fresh interpretation of a masterpiece filled with sensory impacts and charged with frenetic physical energy by an all-male cast
👸an all-female nonverbal performance of King Lear
🤡Hamlet_Avataar, blending Korean clown performances and Indian music
🤴Henry V Man and Monarch, a bold adaptation by Philip Parr, Director of the York International Shakespeare Festival
Tickets are available at URBTIX now. Get yours today to experience the powerful performances!
🎭 西九文化區 x 鄧樹榮戲劇工
街舞X極限運動 荷蘭人氣之作《狂舞自由式》 門票今日正式開賣
善於把街頭藝術文化帶入劇場空間的荷蘭舞團ISH Dance Collective將於6月在自由空間亞洲首演人氣之作《狂舞自由式》,十位街舞及極限運動達人將在舞台上互相炫技,燃點街頭狂熱躍動的氣氛。 觀眾將猶如置身超酷的極限運動場中,一睹精心編排的霹靂舞、單線滾軸溜冰、滑板、街頭籃球、花式小輪車和自由飛躍等衝擊眼球的演出;配上 現場弦樂演奏,熱血直逼破表,肯定是一場耳目一新的當代表演藝術體驗。
由ISH Dance Collective藝術總監、曾任美國舞蹈比賽真人騷《舞一叮》評審的知名編舞家Marco Gerris 親自執導及編舞,《狂舞自由式》的演出團隊聚集了眾多獲獎無數的高手 。是次節目為慶祝自由空間開幕五周年的特別節目之一。
Street Dance X Urban Sports adrenaline-fuelled stage work by The Netherland s’ ISH Dance Collective, 𝙀𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚 – TICKETS ON SALE TODAY!
Known for its extraordinary ability to take street cultures into the theatrical space, Amsterdam-based ISH Dance Collective is coming to Freespace this June with the Asian premiere of its acclaimed show 𝙀𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚. A bold, high-energy spectacle blending the technical challenges and physicality of breakdance, in-line skating, skateboarding, freestyle basketball, BMX and free-running with theatrical practices, 𝙀𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚 transforms the high-octane, expressive freedom of the street into an eye-opening and exquisitely choreographed form of urban dance to an original music score performed live by electronic and orchestral strings instruments.
西九家FUN藝術節: Polyglot Theatre 《BB車一族》(香港版) WestK FunFest: Ployglot Theatre - Pram People (Hong Kong Edition)
【📢 召集所有BB車用家 Calling All Pram Users 】推住你嘅小朋友一同參與一次充滿趣味又窩心嘅參與式體驗💞《BB車一族》門票現正火熱發售🔥 Take your little one on a memorable and heartwarming participatory arts experience! 💞 Tickets for 𝙋𝙧𝙖𝙢 𝙋𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 now on sale 🔥
🍃 在西九海傍漫步嘅你都可以停低步伐,以觀眾視角見證這場意想不到嘅表演!
《BB車一族》將連結所有BB車用家,重新感受我們與BB 嘅關係,引領大家感受我們生活嘅社區。門票熱賣中🔥。
Do you still remember being in a pram when you were little? What do you like best about taking your own little one around in the pram?
This Easter holiday, join the tribe of 𝙋𝙧𝙖𝙢 𝙋𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 at West Kowloon! Take your little passenger for a special walk around the Harbourside Lawn, whilst listening through the headphone's different stories around the pram. There will also be special instructions so you and your little ones will take part in an extraordinary performance filled with delightful surprises and create some unique and precious memories together!
🍃 If you are just walking along the Harbourside Lawn, join us as an audience member of this special performance!
𝙋𝙧𝙖𝙢 𝙋𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 unites all pram users for a special re-experience our relationship with our young children, and to invite all to reflect upon the community in which we live. Tickets on sale now🔥.
👶🏻 西九家FUN藝術節:
【3月份 #自由空間音樂擊】 【#FreespaceWeeklyGigs at Livehouse in March】
【3月份 #自由空間音樂擊】
【#FreespaceWeeklyGigs at Livehouse in March】
3月1日晚為你特邀本地傑出音樂家Floro組成的23人大樂團 Jazz Friends Orchestra演奏現代編製的爵士樂🎺3月2日晚有聲線優雅脫俗的留香瓊驚喜登場!本地放克樂隊Good Funk Shui於3月8日晚大騷即興默契🌱翌日更有50年代元祖搖滾曲風的Dirty Boogie Rockabilly Festival將「山地搖滾」反轉Livehouse ; 3月16日晚獨立唱作人 黃凱逸 Zelos Wong Hoi Yat將送上首張個人專輯《EmergenZy》記錄人與人之間的愛恨情慾 。
📅 記下日期,與我們一同度過非凡音樂之旅吧! 🎉✨
🌟 Get ready for an unforgettable musical extravaganza at #FreespaceWeeklyGigs! 🎵 Join us on the 1 March evening as we proudly present the incredible talents of Floro , a local musical maestro, leading a sensational 23-piece Jazz Friends Orchestra.🎺 Highlights also include singer-songwriter Lau Heung King, Zelos Wong, and a 7-piece band Good Funk Shui.
🎸But wait, there's more! On the 9 March evening, we're turning back the clock to the golden era of 50s rock 'n' roll with the Dirty Boogie Rockabilly Festival. Experience the energy of rockabillyity as our time machine brings you back to the 50s.
📅 Mark your calendars and join us for an extraordinary week of music bliss! Don't miss out on this incredible lineup of artists at Livehouse. Get ready to be amazed! 🎉✨
部分精選演出 Performance Highlights:
🎸 1.3.2024(五 Fri)Jazz Friends Quartet、Jazz Friends Orchestra
🎷 2.3.2024(六 Sat)Winter Bagels ft. Justin Yau, Magg Chu & SK Lee 、留香瓊
🎤 8.3.2024(五 Fri)Mid Morning Party People、Good Funk Shui
🥁 9.3.2024(六 Sat)Dirty Boogie Rockabilly Festival (19:45 - 23:00)
🎸 15.3.2024(五 Fri )Timothy Wan Quartet
🎹 16.3.2024(六 Sat )Zelos Wong 黃凱逸、惡夢扭蛋
🎸 22.3.2024(五 Fri )BLU4、The_cymbalman and Friends
🎤 23.3.2024
西九家FUN藝術節 WestK FunFest
【#西九家FUN藝術節 #WestKFunFest】 同創同樂 闔府統請!Moments of Creativity, Made Together!
🔮於復活節期間,Atelier Sisu《抱泡瞬間》巨型幻彩泡泡將亮相海濱,映照維港絕美海景,最適合喜歡打卡的你!
🪕 特別為家庭而設的茶館粵劇劇目以及中樂演奏,送你一個和家人結伴體驗粵劇藝術的特別周末
Join us at the Art Park, Freespace and Xiqu Centre for our first ever WestK FunFest! Th