我哋需要提提大家注意一個重要問題。我哋發現有一個假嘅 Facebook 專頁喺冒充我哋 Blossom Florist。我哋想澄清,呢個專頁同我哋無關,同時我哋絕對沒有做鈔票花束,我哋促請所有客戶要小心謹慎。
請確保任何通訊、訂單或互動都透過我哋嘅官方 Facebook 專頁 / www.blossom-kk.com / 6718 1288 進行。官方頁面總會提供最新資訊同反映我哋對品質同服務嘅承諾。
我哋正積極處理呢個問題,已向 Facebook 報告呢個假帳戶並要求移除。同時,我哋強烈建議各位客人唔好喺該詐騙頁面上進行購買或分享個人資料。
如果你遇到任何可疑活動或有任何疑問,請毫不猶豫咁直接聯絡我哋,電郵到 [email protected] 或致電 2526 8483 / 6718 1288。你哋嘅安全同滿意係我哋最大嘅優先考慮。
Blossom Florist 團隊
Hello Blossom Florist family,
We need to bring to your attention an important issue that has come to our notice. It has been reported that there is a fake page impersonating Blossom Florist. We want to clarify that this page is not affiliated with us, and we urge all our customers to exercise caution. Additionally, we want to clarify that we absolutely do not offer bouquets wrapped in cash.
Please ensure that any communications, orders, or interactions are conducted through our official website page www.blossom-kk.com / 6718 1288 . Our official page always has up-to-date information and interactions that reflect our commitment to quality and service.
We are actively working to resolve this issue and have reported the fake account to Facebook for removal. Meanwhile, we strongly advise against making purchases or sharing personal information with the fraudulent page.
Should you encounter any suspicious activity or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at [email protected] or call us at 2526 8483 / 6718 1288. Your security and satisfaction are our top priorities.
Thank you for your continued trust and support. Let’s keep our community safe and informed!
🌸 Stay safe, and remember, the real Blossom Florist is always here for you! 🌸
With care,
The Blossom Florist Team 💐