為迎接 2025 來臨, 除夕倒數煙花盛事總算完滿結束。 在此衷心感激各大客人嘅支持! 🙏🏻
現距離 30/1/2025 (大年初二) 新春煙花匯演🎇🎆正在倒數階段, 如有興趣租船出海團拜睇煙花歡迎直接聯絡我地, 船家直訂。
我地有提供適合不同人數嘅遊艇供大家出海。 倘若大家 30/1/2025 有意安排租船出海團拜兼睇煙花,可盡快向我地預約及查詢。
Hello everyone! 🎉🎉🎉
We would like to thank all our customers for their support of the end of year fireworks display.
The next coming Lunar new year fireworks 🎇 on 30 Jan,2025.
We provide yachts suitable for different numbers of people for rent.
If you are interested in arranging to rent a boat to watch the fireworks on 30/1, you can make a reservation and inquire with us as soon as possible.
Tel: 97131595/Tim or 93267219/Wing
Thanks a lot 🎉🎉🎉
#農曆新年 #農曆春節 #大年初二 #煙花匯演香港 #出租遊艇服務 #租船 #租船服務 #租船出海