"1,000 drones to illuminate the sky this SAT on 5.11 ✨"
Prepare to be awestruck as 1,000 drones light up the night sky above Victoria Harbour, painting it with mesmerizing festive motifs, including the lucky bun tower! 💫
Insider tip: For the best view without the crowd, head over to Pier 1929. Grab a refreshing 🍹 cocktail or treat yourself to our special 🍽 8-course tasting menu while enjoying the show and capturing 📸 Instagrammable photos.
5月11日 ( 周六 ) 在灣仔海濱上空首次呈現由 1,000 架無人機拼湊出巨型平安包塔及多幅特色動態圖案!不容錯過!💫
推薦觀賞位置在灣仔海濱,歡迎預約到 Pier 1929 品嚐美酒🍹或八道菜佳餚🍽,同時可在沒有人群的情況下欣賞表演。
Drone Performance | 無人機表演
Date : 11/5/2024 ( SAT )
Time : 8pm ( The show lasts about 10 mins | 全場約10分鐘)
BOOK NOW 📆 https://bit.ly/pier1929booking
📍 Pier 1929, 2/F, Wan Chai Ferry Pier, Wan Chai, Hong Kong | 香港灣仔碼頭2樓
📞 31889677
#Pier1929 #WanChaiPier #HarbourChill #WanChai #Cocktail #TastingMenu #特色菜單 #Fusion #創意料理 #海景餐廳 #無人機表演
[Join us for an exclusive Waterfront Food Tasting@Pier1929]
Get ready for the delectable food-tasting experience at Pier 1929! Calling all newlyweds to join us on 2-3 March and enjoy delightful Chinese and Western cuisines. We look forward to treating you to an extraordinary dining experience!
📅 Date: 2 – 3 Mar, 2024
⏰ Time: 12nn – 9:30pm
📍 Location: Pier1929, 2/F, Wan Chai Ferry Pier, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
✍Come & Join Us: https://bit.ly/3SOHmgo?r=qr
📅 日期: 2 – 3 Mar, 2024
⏰ 時間 : 12nn – 9:30pm
📍 地點 : Pier1929, 灣仔灣仔渡輪碼頭2/F
✍優先預約連結: https://bit.ly/3SOHmgo?r=qr
#Pier1929 #OpenDay #Pier1929WeddingOpenDay #WaterfrontVenue #HKWedding #婚宴場地 # 證婚場地
May the Year of the Dragon bring you abundant joy and prosperity! Wish you a delightful Lunar New Year!
Keep an eye out for our new promotions on 13 Feb! Don‘t miss out on these great deals!
【Pier 1929 Lunar New Year Fireworks Set Dinner Menu】
Let’s celebrate the arrival of the Lunar New Year with a spectacular view of the fireworks at Pier 1929! Enjoy an eight-course menu that masterfully combines traditional flavors with modern culinary techniques. Reserve your table now and ensure a memorable dining experience for you and your loved ones this Dragon Year.
► Reservation 預約 : https://inline.app/booking/pier1929/pier1929
- All prices are in HKD and subject to a 10% service charge.
- Table reservation requires a deposit of HKD500 per person.
- The deposit is non-refundable for cancellations and will be forfeited.
- 所有價目均以港幣計算另收加一服務費。
- 訂座需要每位支付港幣500元的訂金。
- 取消訂座將不退還訂金。
#YearOfTheDragon #ChineseNewYearNightfireworks #CNY #Pier1929 #WanChaiPier #WanChai #hkfoodie #scones #相機食先 #美食 #灣仔餐廳 #維港夜景 #煙花餐廳 #賀年套餐
【 🌊Pier情人節海景晚餐🌹】
🥂唯一想 留一天 與你享餐!情人節想與另一半浪漫邂逅?當然少不了美景與佳餚!除了無敵大海景外,我們還推出情人節限定餐單😍!主廚特別推介威靈頓牛柳伴薯角蘆荀,鬆脆的酥皮蘊藏嫩滑牛柳令人回味無窮!同時更可享+$188優惠任飲酒精飲品,快與情人在這浪漫氛圍下享餐💋!
💐限定日期:2023年2月14日 晚市時段
💘早鳥優惠:HKD $630 一位(須於2023年2月8日前預訂)
All I want for Valentine’s Day is YOU and DINNER! Have you ever thought about how to have a romantic encounter with beautiful scenery and indispensable food? Our chef is ready to serve you, don’t forget to add +$188 enjoy free-flowing alcoholic drinks 🍾😚
💐Limited Date: February 14, 2023 (Dinner only)
💘Early Bird Discount: HKD$630 per person (booking on or before February 8, 2023)
#Pier1929 #WanChaiPier #WanChai #Valentine #情人節 #情人節餐 #情人節套餐 #情人節晚餐 #灣仔美食 #灣仔
【 🌊Pier情人節海景晚餐🌹】
🥂唯一想 留一天 與你享餐!情人節想與另一半浪漫邂逅?當然少不了美景與佳餚!除了無敵大海景外,我們還推出情人節限定餐單😍!主廚特別推介威靈頓牛柳伴薯角蘆荀,鬆脆的酥皮蘊藏嫩滑牛柳令人回味無窮!同時更可享+$188優惠任飲酒精飲品,快與情人在這浪漫氛圍下享餐💋!
💐限定日期:2023年2月14日 晚市時段
💘早鳥優惠:HKD $630 一位(須於2023年2月8日前預訂)
All I want for Valentine’s Day is YOU and DINNER! Have you ever thought about how to have a romantic encounter with beautiful scenery and indispensable food? Our chef is ready to serve you, don’t forget to add +$188 enjoy free-flowing alcoholic drinks 🍾😚
💐Limited Date: February 14, 2023 (Dinner only)
💘Early Bird Discount: HKD$630 per person (booking on or before February 8, 2023)
#Pier1929 #WanChaiPier #WanChai #Valentine #情人節 #情人節餐 #情人節套餐 #情人節晚餐 #灣仔美食 #灣仔
Ho! ho! ho! 祝各位聖誕快樂 🎄🫶🏻
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! 💖
#Pier1929 #WanChaiPier #WanChai #Christmas #聖誕美食 #聖誕優惠 #聖誕快樂
🎄Merry Christmas ! 祝願大家過一個閃耀甜蜜的聖誕平安夜 ! ✨
聖誕除夕新年期間,逢星期四至六營業時間至午夜 12 時。歡迎齊聚灣仔 Pier 1929 ,於維港璀璨燈飾圍繞下歡聚暢飲 !
12 月 24 日 | 12:00 - 00:00
12 月 25 日 | 12:00 - 00:00
12 月 26 日 | 暫停開放
12 月 30 日 | 12:00 - 00:00
12 月 31 日 | 17:30 - 00:00
#Pier1929 #WanChaiPier #WanChai #AfternoonTea #AfternoonTeaHK #英式下午茶 #FloweryWinter #HappyHour #NightDrinks #MerryChristmas #Countdown
【270°飽覽 賀年煙花】
豬年賀歲煙花匯演訂於年初二晚舉行🎆,當晚築地山貴將推出限定九道菜晚餐,每位只需要HK$888,就可以同家人朋友邊品賞美酒佳餚🥂,一邊喺維港旁欣賞璀燦煙花。 「2019賀年煙花晚餐」現已接受預訂!由於反應熱烈,只餘少量位置!📞立刻打電話嚟訂位啦!
訂座電話: 3974 5609
On 6 February 2019, Yamataka invites you to usher in the Year of the pig with a gorgeous fireworks display. 🎆 You may enjoy a wonderful night with your family and friends at Yamataka. 🥂
9 Course Dinner: HK$888 /per person
Reservations: 3974 5609
*10% service charge applies
#LunarNewYear #YearOfThePig #Dinnerset #firework #fireworkdisplay #comeandjoinus #yamataka #築地山貴
星光富士 Star Light Fuji
【聖誕限定 富士山燈飾】
築地山貴今年以「星光富士」為主題,喺度唔單止可以見到全港最高嘅 10 呎 LED 富士山🌁✨,仲推出期間限定嘅富士山系列美食!
立即預約訂座: 3974 5609
【Christmas Limited • Star Light Fuji】
This Christmas🎅🏻, date your friends at the Mt. Fuji here in Yamataka!🗻📍
Here you can find the tallest LED Mt. Fuji in Hong Kong and limited “Star Light Fuji” theme cuisine. 🌁🍱
Let's have an unforgettable dining experience with amazing food and 180° harbour view under the romantic festive glow!✨
Reserve now: 3974 5609
#Fuji #FuijiinHK #Yamatakahk #Christmas #MerryChristmas #聖誕節 #築地山貴 #聖誕好去處 #灣仔好去處