Kao i svake godine želimo se zahvaliti svima koji su došli podržati C.U.B.E. i ove godine. Bilo je burno i veselo. Dokazali ste nam da se vrijedi potruditi i održati event živim dokle god ima Vas koji nas svake godine razveselite svojim dolaskom. ABOriginal Crew ima svoju braću i sestre diljem svijeta koji se okupe jednom godišnje proslaviti Hip-Hop kulturu. Hvala Vam braćo i sestre na dolasku. Vidimo se slijedeći put.
As every year, we would like to thank everyone who came to support C.U.B.E. and this year. It was stormy and happy. You have proven to us that it is worth making an effort and keeping the event alive as long as there are you who cheer us up every year with your arrival. The ABOriginal Crew has its brothers and sisters around the world who come together once a year to celebrate Hip-Hop culture. Thank you brothers and sisters for coming. See you next time.