Unlock Rab

🔓 Unlock Rab podržao spektakularni Sport & Art event! 🎨🚣‍♀️Prošle nedjelje imali smo čast biti generalni pokrovitelj spo...

🔓 Unlock Rab podržao spektakularni Sport & Art event! 🎨🚣‍♀️

Prošle nedjelje imali smo čast biti generalni pokrovitelj sportsko - umjetničkog eventa Unlock Sport & Art koji se održao na plaži Škver na otoku Rabu.

Sastavni dio eventa je ženska utrka kajacima, izložba slika i modna revija nakon koje se nastavila zabava do kasnih noćnih sati uz DJ-a.

Želimo poticati dobre ideje u lokalnoj zajednici i stoga se već sad radujemo idućoj godini i željno iščekujemo nove ideje i program organizatora.

Vidimo se na Rabu! :)

25.8. / 20:00h - Buffet Škver! 🔥  🎧 DJ QuestionMarko on the decks 👠 Hostesses ready to welcome you 💡 Spectacular Light S...

25.8. / 20:00h - Buffet Škver! 🔥

🎧 DJ QuestionMarko on the decks
👠 Hostesses ready to welcome you
💡 Spectacular Light Show
🔥 Unforgettable Fire Show
🚣‍♀️ Women’s Kayak Race
🎨 Art Exhibition
👗 Fashion Show

Save the date! 🎉

🛶🛶 Sign up for the Unlock women amateur kayak race!🛶😎25.8. at 20:00h, beach Škver📌Route: Škver - Frkanj - ŠkverWhat can ...

🛶🛶 Sign up for the Unlock women amateur kayak race!🛶😎

25.8. at 20:00h, beach Škver📌

Route: Škver - Frkanj - Škver

What can you expect?

- big prize pool (€1,000 in cash, dinners in restaurants, website, tickets to the Unlock Rab conference...)
- spectacular exhibition of paintings called “Satyagraha ahimsa (non-violent resistance)
- fashion show of a new fashion brand on the market - Confideo 1011
- raffle for everyone gathered (every raffle is a winner!)
- craziest party with a 🎧🔈 DJ, pro light show and hostesses.

We invite girls to register for participation in the kayak race and for the fashion show at the following number or Instagram:

📞 +385 95 3374 277
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adovukovic1011

See ya!🔥🔥🔥

✨🛶😎Unlock Rab women kayak race / Confideo Satyagraha photo exhibition / Confideo Satyagraha fashion show / Afterparty / ...

✨🛶😎Unlock Rab women kayak race / Confideo Satyagraha photo exhibition / Confideo Satyagraha fashion show / Afterparty / 25.8.2024. - 20:00h✨🎧😎

🎧🔈☀️All in one for the craziest night this summer on Rab!🎧🔈☀️

25.8. we are preparing a spectacle 📌at Škver beach!

We start at 🌊🕗20:00 with a kayak race for women that takes place on the route Škver - Frkanj and back.

After that, you can expect a spectacular exhibition of paintings called "Satyagraha (non-violent resistance)", whose task is to raise awareness of the problems of modern society, which is stuck in today's vices.

We are also preparing a fashion show of a new fashion brand on the market - Confideo 1011

The latest collection of short dresses will be worn at the fashion show, which have the same task as the previously mentioned picture exhibition, which is to raise awareness of global problems and to show the constant struggle between good and evil through white and black color. So all the girls at the fashion show will wear a dress that is white on the front and black on the back.

We have also prepared a raffle for everyone gathered, which will be available for purchase throughout the evening at Škver beach. It is important to note that every raffle is a winner!

At the end of the evening, we are preparing the craziest party with a 🎧🔈 DJ, pro light show and hostesses.

We invite girls to register for participation in the kayak race and for the fashion show at the following number or Instagram:
📞 +385 95 3374 277
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adovukovic1011

We have prepared a big prize pool for all winners and registrants! The total value of the prize fund is €3,000 (€1,000 in cash, dinners in restaurants, website, tickets to the Unlock Rab conference...) 😲

See you soon!🔥🔥🔥


Unlock Rab 2024. official video!

Trebalo je proći neko vrijeme kako bi se slegnuli dojmovi oko Unlock Rab 2024. IT konferencije koja je u svom trećem uza...

Trebalo je proći neko vrijeme kako bi se slegnuli dojmovi oko Unlock Rab 2024. IT konferencije koja je u svom trećem uzastupnom izdanju okupila točno 250 IT stručnjaka iz Hrvatske i regije. Usporedbe radi, prvu godinu brojili smo 90 dok drugu godinu svega 140 sudionika i predavača.

Ono što nam kao organizatorima daje energiju i ambiciju da svake godine podižemo ljestvicu je upravo sve veči broj polaznika i predavača ali i feedback ljudi koji su došli i prisustvovali našem eventu i zato veliko hvala svima na vašim storijima i postovima koje ste po završetku ostavljali na vašim društvenim i poslovnim mrežama jer su oni poticaj ali i dokaz da radimo i stvaramo kvalitetnu priču koja će rasti u godinama ispred nas.

Ovaj post trajao bi u nedogled kada bi se zahvaljivao svima ponaosob ali moram istaknuti našu legendarnu voditeljicu Maja Ciglenečki bez koje više ne možemo ni zamisliti Unlock Rab, našeg gradonačelnika Nikolu Grgurića, Grad Rab, Rab The Happy Island, Pučko otvoreno učilište Rab, Aircash kao i Hrvoja Ćosića koji nam uvelike pomaže u organizaciji.

Isto tako, veliko hvala Dragan Petric i Bojan Mušćet, organizatorima najveće developerske konferencije u regiji, Debug, koji nas svojim znanjem i iskustvom konstantno stavljaju na pravi put svojim prijedlozima i savjetima.

Veliko, stvarno veliko hvala svim našim sponzorima, voditeljima, moderatorima,hostesama, staffu, predavačima i medijskim pokroviteljima! Svaki pojedinac je bitan u ovoj prekrasnoj priči za koju iskreno vjerujemo da više nikada neće ni stati!

Definirali smo i termin za 2025. godinu tako da i vidimo se na Rabu 27.5. - 29.5.2025.

Veliki pozdrav sa Raba!
Mark Chipchic & Marino Dedić

Andrea Dedić/Hrvatski Telekom/kompare.hr/Valamar All You Can Holiday/Dario Marčac/Županijska lučka uprava Rab/KG Media/Plus Hosting/Serengeti/Udruženje obrtnika Rab/Upheave/Mario Juric/Veleučilište PAR/Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u RijeciFaculty of Organization and Informatics/Zagreb School of Economics and Management - ZSEM/Restoran More-Rab/Mali Palit d.o.o, Trgovine Petra/Croatia Full of life/Bug.hr/Večernji list/Novi list/ICT Business/Netokracija/Rapski list - Island Rab magazine/Radio Rab 92,6MHz/Nina Begicevic/Nina Erceg/Aleks Curać Šarić/Stan Schroeder/Infinum/Zorin Radovancevic/Escape Digital Agency/Podcast Inkubator/Ratko Martinovic/Siniša Pašić/Zoran Šljivić/ Oreski/Matija Matijevac/Robert Petković/Petar Štefanić/Regional Express

2024. / Drugi dan predavanja

2024. / Drugi dan predavanja

2024. / After party /

2024. / After party /

2024. VIP večera / Restoran More-Rab

2024. VIP večera / Restoran More-Rab

Unlock Rab 2024. / Predavanja prvi dan

Unlock Rab 2024. / Predavanja prvi dan

Unlock 2024. / Podjela akreditacija / Galerija

Unlock 2024. / Podjela akreditacija / Galerija

Day 0 / Opening night!😎

Day 0 / Opening night!😎

OK. Jedva čekamo 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!📸:

OK. Jedva čekamo 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!




• Otključana su vrata Raba! 🔓 𝗨𝗡𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞 𝗥𝗔𝗕 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 •\\

• Otključana su vrata Raba! 🔓 𝗨𝗡𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞 𝗥𝗔𝗕 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 •


Vidimo se uskoro! 🚀

Vidimo se uskoro! 🚀

Ludi closing party povodom zatvaranja Unlock Rab 2024. konferencije na rasporedu je 28.5. (utorak) s početkom u 21:00 sa...

Ludi closing party povodom zatvaranja Unlock Rab 2024. konferencije na rasporedu je 28.5. (utorak) s početkom u 21:00 sati na terasi San Antonio Cluba.

Za ludu atmosferu zadužen je Dj Vedran Car, voditelj Otvorenog radija i dobitnik Večernjakove ruže za radijsku osobu godine!

Sprema se i plesni spektakl atraktivne Karyne Zubal, finalistice hrvatskog Supertalenta.

Party je otvoren za svih bez naplate ulaznice!

Vidimo se!

➡️Što je Musku SpaceX, to je bebi zvečka▪️ Dženan LojoCEO @ TIS GRUPADženan Lojo trenutačno obnaša funkcije direktora TI...

➡️Što je Musku SpaceX, to je bebi zvečka

▪️ Dženan Lojo

Dženan Lojo trenutačno obnaša funkcije direktora TIS Grupe sa sjedištem u Zagrebu, direktora britanske tvrtke Bluebird IT Solutions te prokurista tvrtke TIS u Mariboru, a u dva je mandata obnašao i funkciju potpredsjednika CISex-a. Lojo se TIS Grupi priključio netom nakon što je diplomirao na FER-u. Tijekom 20 godina karijere u TIS-u Dženan se od pozicije pripravnika strelovito probijao kroz različite uloge i odjele.

TIS Grupa pod njegovim vodstvom ostvaruje zapažene poslovne uspjehe koji uključuju suradnje s najvećim globalnim i domaćim bankama te drugim ključnim financijskim institucijama, ponovno širenje grupacije na brojna europska tržišta, jačanje suradnje s međunarodnom startup i fintech zajednicom te iskorak core poslovanja prema razvoju i implementaciji najsuvremenijih AI rješenja.

Lojo je u slobodno vrijeme, između ostaloga, strastveni ronilac koji istražuje morske dubine širom svijeta.

➡️ Are we safe? AI in automotive vs. Cybersecurity▪️ Nina ErcegPRODUCT OWNER | AI ENGINEER @ RIMACI am a software develo...

➡️ Are we safe? AI in automotive vs. Cybersecurity

▪️ Nina Erceg

I am a software developer who helped implement projects based on computer vision and machine learning. Know my way around C++, Python, OpenCV, Tensorflow, TensorRT, Embedded, Ansible, Jira…

Entered automotive industry as Product Owner/Project Development Lead for Telematic Control Unit.

And of course I am a bit of a talking engineer:

▪︎ 5 March 2018 -> Speaker at first Women in Data Science (WIDS) conference held in Zagreb on topic ”Artificial intelligence saving lives on highways”
▪︎ 12 December 2019 -> Speaker at first .debug conference held in Zagreb on topic ”Artificial intelligence for smarter cities”
▪︎ 30 January 2020 -> Speaker at “Women in tech” meetup Split on topic “Artificial intelligence in Digital-out-of-home Advertising”
▪︎ 3 December 2020 -> Panelist at “Digital breakfast: AI powered by A1” organized by Netokracija
▪︎ 8 March 2021 -> Panelist at Women in Data Science Central & Eastern Europe on topic “How to start a career in Data Science”
▪︎ 28 April 2022 -> Panelist at “Girls in ICT day” by Photomath on topic “Careers in ICT: 5 Panelists and 1000 opportunities”
▪︎ 02 June 2022 -> Panelist at .debug conference on topic “Development and motherhood” by DevSheGoes
▪︎ 15 June 2023 -> Speaker at .debug conference on topic “What to do when you get bored of programming”
▪︎ 13 July 2023 -> Speaker at Tinel Open Meetup on topic “What to do when you get bored of programming”
▪︎ 27 October 2023 -> Fireside chat at Innovate now on topic “New technology and innovations”
▪︎ 06 December 2023 -> Panelist at 2. Entrepreneurial advent by Aspira on topic “AI: weight or inspiration”

About me:
》Article from Femisfera: https://femisfera.com/2019/12/30/nina-erceg-iz-tvrtke-include-na-svom-primjeru-pokazuje-da-it-sektor-nije-rezerviran-samo-za-muskarce/
》Article from FER Career Center: https://karijere.fer.hr/en/career-spotlight-nina-erceg-computer-vision-machine-learning-engineer/

➡️What do developers get wrong about Analytics?▪️ Robert PetkovićDIGITAL ANALYTICS DIRECTOR @ PRO MEDIA GROUPStručnjak z...

➡️What do developers get wrong about Analytics?

▪️ Robert Petković

Stručnjak za Google Analytics s više od 20 godina iskustva u digitalnom području gdje je započeo kao web developer i proveo posljednjih 10 godina kao jedan od najistaknutijih analitičara u regiji.

➡️ E-commerce u doba AI-a: lekcije od 200 regionalnih webshopova▪️ Dario BegonjaMANAGING DIRECTOR @ HERO FACTORYA brand ...

➡️ E-commerce u doba AI-a: lekcije od 200 regionalnih webshopova

▪️ Dario Begonja
A brand storyteller and a business & marketing developer with a strong focus on connecting the why of the business with its everyday efforts.

➡️4 načina kako koristiti AI za bolje rezultate Google oglašavanja▪️ DAVID PERANIĆnam dolazi kao strateg za performance ...

➡️4 načina kako koristiti AI za bolje rezultate Google oglašavanja

nam dolazi kao strateg za performance marketing, koji iskusno savjetuje o upravljanju digitalnim marketingom, upravlja Google oglašavanjem, optimizacijom za tražilice i Facebook oglašavanjem.

Certificirani je stručnjak za Google Ads i Google Analytics, s više od 5 godina iskustva. Kao vanjski suradnik razvijao je i upravljao digitalnim marketingom i ecommerce poslovanjem u nekoliko startup-ova i SME poduzeća. Ima iskustvo rada u raznim industrijama, a ponajviše u turizmu, FMCG-u i fintechu.

➡️From QA to RPA: How to marry (or divorce) the two▪️ MILAN NOVOVIĆQA Engineer with 8+ years of experience in product te...

➡️From QA to RPA: How to marry (or divorce) the two

QA Engineer with 8+ years of experience in product testing across mobile and desktop platforms for domestic and international projects, ranging from medium-scale to enterprise-level. Skilled in API and UI automation, performance and load testing, and test maturity assessment. Currently specializing in RPA and test automation process development using Robot Framework.

➡️Struktura je sve! Važnost schema markupa u modernom SEOuMy name is Tin Đudajek and I am amateur footballer and profess...

➡️Struktura je sve! Važnost schema markupa u modernom SEOu

My name is Tin Đudajek and I am amateur footballer and professional SEO expert from Croatia with almost a decade of experience in search engine optimization under my belt.

These are just some of the thing I am proud of

✅ Worked with some of the biggest companies in Croatia that also work internationally
✅ Started a Facebook group ‘SEO Hrvatska’ which became the biggest gathering place of SEO professionals in the region
✅ Started my own SEO Agency called Kenozoik
✅ Managed and completed more SEO project that I can remember
✅ Started 5 SEO project of my own
✅ Speaker and lecturer at a few educational institutions and conferences
✅ Volunteered and helped many small businesses
✅ Conducted and presented case studies of my own

I don’t wanna be one of those Linkedin people that say ‘SEO is a way of life’ or ‘SEO is a passion’ but what I can honestly say is that I truly enjoy my work and I am thrilled to be learning and exploring the field every day. I advocate a holistic approach to digital projects so my analysis usually span waaay beyond what some would consider an SEO domain.

I don’t want to bore you with any more details, so if you read thus far I sure hope we’ll meet irl and tackle some SEO mysteries or just simply enjoy a beer 😊

EXCLUSIVE OFFER Anyone that has come this far and found this, I am going to buy a beer once we meet 🍻

➡️Building on top of LLM-s. The good, bad and the ugly▪️ Mario JurićCO-FOUNDER @ UPHEAVEEntrepreneur with over 10 years ...

➡️Building on top of LLM-s. The good, bad and the ugly

▪️ Mario Jurić

Entrepreneur with over 10 years in the Software development industry.
Co-founded Upheave technologies – a full-service digital creative studio that creates custom, business critical applications in Health, Airline, Automotive and IoT industry.

Highly passionate about creating and scaling new products and businesses both in-house and for our clients.

Focused on Business development, Software architecture, Startups and Mentoring.

Kako navigirati developerskom karijerom? FILIP SISICis an engineer who loves working with people. He has experience in c...

Kako navigirati developerskom karijerom? FILIP SISIC
is an engineer who loves working with people. He has experience in creating and leading teams, introducing and scaling processes, and cooperating with all parts of a modern IT company.

He currently works at Google where he leads several engineering teams. He started his career at Sofascore as a software engineer, witnessed the company growing from 15 to 150 employees and changed several roles along the way, the last of which was Product Director. Although his areas of expertise are engineering and product management, most of all he enjoys working directly with people, working on their development, as well as his own. In addition to his master’s degree from FER, he constantly invests in his knowledge, so he became certified at Oxford Coaching & Mentoring and completed the Organizational Leadership program at Harvard Business School.

Zajaši val! (Kako je rastao Mashable i kakve veze s tim imaju Grumpy Cat, Shaquille O'Neal, i otok Rab)➡ STAN SCHROEDER:...

Zajaši val! (Kako je rastao Mashable i kakve veze s tim imaju Grumpy Cat, Shaquille O'Neal, i otok Rab)

I’m a journalist and entrepreneur living and working in Croatia.
I’m currently Senior Editor at Mashable, where I’ve been working since 2007.
I immerse myself into and write about bleeding edge, emerging technologies.
My areas of expertise include blockchain, EV, mobile, audio/video, and web technologies. I’ve spoken at numerous conferences. I sometimes invest in companies.

Umjetnost vođenja uspješnih developerskih timova➡ ZORAN ŠLJIVIĆ: Lead Software Developer, SerengetiSlijedom 12 godina pr...

Umjetnost vođenja uspješnih developerskih timova

Lead Software Developer, Serengeti

Slijedom 12 godina profesionalne karijere Oracle software inženjera, Zoran ima bogat portfelj uspješnih projekata te inovativnih i efikasnih rješenja. Ovim iskustvima Zoran je izbrusio svoje vještine i stručnost u svim dijelovima software development ciklusa, od ER modelinga preko Oracle SQL/PLSQL i procesa analize defekata. Na svojoj trenutnoj poziciji Zoran ima ključnu ulogu u revolucioniranju digitalnih i transakcijskih bankarskih rješenja te unaprjeđenju IT infrastrukture klijenta. Neki od Zoranovih ključnih poslovnog uspjeha uključuju razvoj robusnih rješenja za globalna plaćanja, instant plaćanja, vođenje inovacija u mobilnom i internetskom bankarstvu te optimizaciju infrastrukture za poboljšanu učinkovitost.

U slobodno vrijeme Zoran je predani sportaš i promotor zdravog i aktivnog života; aktivno trenira, uživa u trčanju, biciklizmu i planinarenju.

My life motto is “A happy woman creates happiness”. I love life and I believe life is in love with me. I am very passionate in everything I do and very persistent in perusing excellence in my work. In the past 8 years, I have simultaneously worked on developing software development skills as well as presentational and lecturing skills. I am a team player who loves to work with enthusiastic, open-minded, and ambitious people aimed toward achieving the highest goals.




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