BridgEast - Consulting & Events by Moskar KFT

BridgEast - Consulting & Events by Moskar KFT BridgEast nasce su iniziativa di manager e imprenditori italiani, che decidono di focalizzare il loro interesse verso l’Europa Centro-Orientale.

Buone idee, una strategia e dei professionisti: BridgEast nasce per assistere le imprese Made in Italy, per diffondere l'arte e la cultura italiana all'estero e per aiutare i liberi professionisti ad ampliare il loro raggio d'azione. Siamo partiti nel 2005 aprendo una sede a Budapest per offrire servizi agli italiani, per poi ampliare l'attività diffondendo l'arte e la cultura italiana aprendo un

secondo ufficio a Varsavia nel 2015 e creando una "rete" di assistenza in tutta l’area. Il nostro network si è così allargato dall’Ungheria all’intera Europa dell’Est, fino al Caucaso, per rispondere alle richieste di imprese, artisti e professionisti.
BridgEast was launched by Italian managers and entrepreneurs, who decided to focus their interest on Central Eastern Europe. We started in 2005 by opening our office in Budapest to provide services to the Italian companies and then, expanded our activity to Italian art and culture by opening a second office in Warsaw in 2015 and organizing a support network for the entire area. Our network has been growing to include entire Eastern Europe, as far as the Caucasus, to better serve the requests of companies, artists and professionals.

Internationalisation of Ukrainian business

Internationalisation of Ukrainian business

Bridgeast is still on...

Bridgeast is still on...

JANUARY 2024, ALMATY KAZAKHSTANBridgEast - Consulting & Events by Moskar KFT A new sustainable adventure begins for our ...

BridgEast - Consulting & Events by Moskar KFT
A new sustainable adventure begins for our Bridgeast. Your bridge to and from Italy




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