Izole Event organizations for all-around arts & creativity, based in Budapest As a collective, we create concepts to step out of everyday routine, all together.

Mission & Vision

‘Providing an experience of diverse arts and creativity events’ is the izole mission. We aim to break the patterns of the conventional event-making process by bringing interactivity between the artists and the audience. The izole team focuses on a unique synthesis of events for visual arts, music, and international cuisine through combinations of fair-like exhibitions, artist tal

ks, workshops, and live performances. Besides event organization, izole aims to introduce creatives to a diverse audience for networking. Open-Call Applications:

[EN] Photocurator, educator, and writer Judit Gellér will be at  on May 6th Saturday from 15:00. She has been teaching a...

[EN] Photocurator, educator, and writer Judit Gellér will be at on May 6th Saturday from 15:00. She has been teaching at Moholy-Nagy Art and Design University, and doing contemporary curations at Budapest Ethnography Museum since 2022. 

During , she will make a speech titled “The Impact of Archival Photos on the Contemporary Photobook” that covers the intersting facts about photography archives, the history and the contemporary versions, as well as the book examples from Hungarian artists. During the speech you can browse those books and join the Q&A with Judit. Come and join us!
[TR] Fotoğraf küratörü eğitimci ve yazar Judit Gellér 6 Mayıs Cumartesi saat 15.00’da ’de! Moholy-Nagy Sanat ve Tasarım Üniversitesi Fotoğraf Bölümün’de ders veren Geller, 2022'den beri Budapeşte'deki Etnografya Müzesi'nin MaDok programında çağdaş küratörlük yapıyor.

Gellér, kapsamındaki “Arşiv Fotoğrafının Çağdaş Fotoğraf Kitabına Etkisi” başlıklı konuşmasında, fotoğraf arşivciliği ile ilgili ilginç detayları, konunun tarihi ve bu gününü Macar sanatçıların örnek eserlerinden hareketle anlatacak. Konuşmada bu kitapları incelemek ve Gellér’e soru sormak mümkün olacak. Hepinizi bekliyoruz!

İstanbul!   etkinliği kapsamında organize ettiğimiz konuşma ve atölye programına davetlisiniz. Fotoğraf kitabını, fotoğr...

İstanbul! etkinliği kapsamında organize ettiğimiz konuşma ve atölye programına davetlisiniz. Fotoğraf kitabını, fotoğrafik arşivi, kitap formunu ve en yakınımızdaki arşivi: telefon galerisini tartışacağız. 6-7 Mayıs’da ‘da görüşmek üzere!
Program hakkında daha fazla bilgi ve atölye kaydı için link bio’da!
[EN] Istanbul! You are invited to the speech and workshop program that we organize as a part of the Join us where we will discuss the photobook, the photographic archive, the book form and the archive closest to us: phone galleries. See you at on May 6-7!
For more information about the program and workshop registration link in bio!

The series of photographs in “I want or***ms, not roses” by Eva Szombat contains thirty women in their intimate place an...

The series of photographs in “I want or***ms, not roses” by Eva Szombat contains thirty women in their intimate place and presents their world of sexuality, trauma, shame, desire, acceptance, and rebellion.
The project, the book, and the installations are influenced by memory books, a transgenerational tradition among school girls in the 20th century.
The photobook is designed by Anna Bárdy and won the winner of ‘Capa Grand Prize Hungary’ in 2021.

The book is visiting Istanbul soon with us, on May 4-7 at Border_less Artbook Days.


Május 16-17 között mi is részt veszünk a MOME Fotográfia tanszék „Work in Context” Szimpóziumán. A Közép Európai fotókön...

Május 16-17 között mi is részt veszünk a MOME Fotográfia tanszék „Work in Context” Szimpóziumán. A Közép Európai fotókönyv gyűjteményünkkel ebben az évben egy kiállítással készülünk, melynek fókuszában a „felelősség” hívószó áll. Ehhez a könyv formátumot hívjuk segítségül, aminek történetmesélő jellegzetességein keresztül mutatunk be különböző művészeti nézőpontokat.
Ebben a posztban betekintést nyerhetsz a velünk együttműködő fotókönyvek egy részéből. De ahhoz, hogy szemtanúja legyél a teljes történetnek, mindenképp látogass el a szimpóziumra!


Save the date! We are going to be a part of The Photography Department of Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem, “Work in Context” Symposium on May 16-17.
With our Central European photobook collection, we curate our exhibition on this year’s context “responsibility” through the story-telling features of the ‘book form’ from various artistic perspectives.
Slide to view contributing photobooks, and visit the symposium to witness the complete stories.

PUNCH is in our new artbook collection and soon to be available in Istanbul at Border_less Artbook Days on May 4-7. 📚PUN...

PUNCH is in our new artbook collection and soon to be available in Istanbul at Border_less Artbook Days on May 4-7. 📚

PUNCH is a photography book by Jürgen Bürgin
and published by chumbo . It's an intimate and revealing journey into the world of boxing in New York, Berlin, and Lisbon. A dramatic, evocative, and emotional look into the vivid details of a classic sport, whose enormous influence on popular culture grants this work a universal and timeless appeal.

Nagyon boldog nőnapot kívánunk minden nőnek, aki alkot, bátorít másokat és feszegeti a határokat!👭Women who create, enco...

Nagyon boldog nőnapot kívánunk minden nőnek, aki alkot, bátorít másokat és feszegeti a határokat!
Women who create, encourage others, and challenge the limits every day, happy Women's Day to you all!

Photographer  and activist-writer Vida Hajebi met in France and took a photographic journey to discover the role of wome...

Photographer and activist-writer Vida Hajebi met in France and took a photographic journey to discover the role of women in the social and political evolution of Iran.
The “Green-Blue then Grey” photobook contains thirty-five women portraits that have iconic personalities reflecting the 1979 revolution, up to the present.

This impressive photobook and many others will be on Border_less Artbook Days in Istanbul on May 4-7.
Find us there to browse our artbooks and join our events. Details to be announced soon... 📇


We are getting ready for the spring events with our artbooks for the exciting artbook festivals, symposiums, and workshops.

Find the link here:


🪅Művészek! A vásárra asztalt foglalni az alábbi linken lehet. (Kérjük, vedd figyelembe, hogy limitált helyeink vannak.)
Gyere, találkozz velünk az izole asztalnál, és ismerd meg a helyi művészeket!
Jövő vasárnap ott találkozunk!☺️

Christmas Art Market was a blast! 🌟 Thank you all to the sellers and buyers. See you in another one 🎁Nagyon klasszul sik...

Christmas Art Market was a blast! 🌟 Thank you all to the sellers and buyers. See you in another one 🎁
Nagyon klasszul sikerült a legutóbbi Karácsonyi Művészeti Vásárunk!🌟 Köszönjük mindenkinek a részvételt. Hamarosan újra találkozunk! 🎁
📷 ._balint




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