KATTT x RTS.FM Budapest @ Vatoz w/ Greg Orca - Live
KATTT x RTS.FM Budapest @ Vatoz w/ Greg Orca - Live
MinkĂł MihĂĄly / Rikk PĂ©ter
KĂ©szĂts velĂŒnk cserĂ©palĂĄtĂ©tet biokompozitbĂłl!
KĂ©szĂtsĂŒnk közösen komposztĂĄlhatĂł cserĂ©palĂĄtĂ©tet micĂ©lium biokompozitbĂłl, amely egy lebomlĂł, környezetbarĂĄt anyag. A workshop sorĂĄn megismerheted ennek az anyagnak az elkĂ©szĂtĂ©sĂ©t, a vele valĂł munka lĂ©pĂ©seit, Ăgy kĂ©sĆbb akĂĄr otthon is kĂ©szĂthetsz magadnak kĂŒlönbözĆ tĂĄrgyakat.
Li a Szoba Studio tĂĄrsalapĂtĂłja Ă©s tagja, valamint 2012 Ăłta a Deepfields party-sorozat rezidens DJ-je. Lelkes lemezgyƱjtĆ, fĆkĂ©nt a minimal, microhouse Ă©s dubtechno mƱfajĂĄban.
đhttps://on.soundcloud.com/tJ36QFb51LKLRyQs5 đ
Li is the co-founder and a member of Szoba Studio and a resident DJ of the Deepfields party series since 2012. Heâs an avid record collector mostly in the minimal, microhouse and dubtechno genre.
đTickets at the door
Vedat AkdaÄ, a török DJ Ă©s producer, a Katttarzis rezidense nĂ©hĂĄny Ă©ve mĂĄr Budapesten mixel, Ă©s egyedi hangulatĂĄrĂłl ismert, Ă©lĆ fellĂ©pĂ©sei dinamikus Ă©rzelmek Ă©s Ă©szbontĂł ĂŒtemek erĆteljes Ă©s szubtilis keverĂ©kei. Budapesten alapĂtotta meg egyik barĂĄtjĂĄval 'Suck My Mustache' nĂ©ven sajĂĄt partisorozatĂĄt. Mindemellett EurĂłpa kĂŒlönbözĆ underground klubjaiban jĂĄtszik.
đ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L8JBjeJ1fpI
Vedat AkdaÄ, the Turkish DJ and producer, resident of Katttarzis has been mixing since a couple of years in Budapest and is known of his unique vibe, his live performances are powerful and subtile mixes of dynamic emotions and mind-blowing beats. In Budapest he founded his party series with one of his friends under the name of âSuck My Mustacheâ. However, he plays in various underground clubs of Europe.
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Niac mindig inkĂĄbb producerkĂ©nt gondol magĂĄra, mint DJ-kĂ©nt, az utĂłbbi hĂłnapokban is fĆleg a sajĂĄt zenĂ©kre koncentrĂĄlt, kĂ©t kisebb, de a szcĂ©nĂĄban ben jĂłl ismert kiadĂłnĂĄl is lesz megjelenĂ©se. DJ-kĂ©nt egy Ășj oldalĂĄt mutatja be majd nektek.
đ https://youtu.be/Xgo8dL2Cziw đ
Niac always thinks of himself more as a producer than a DJ, in recent months he has been concentrating on his own music, with releases on two smaller labels that are well known in the scene. As a DJ, he will show you a new side of him.
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BekĂž a hazai hazai dubtechno/house szĂntĂ©r meghatĂĄrozĂł alakja. Ez tĂŒkrözĆdik zenĂ©iben Ă©s mixeiben egyarĂĄnt. ProducerkĂ©nt 7-8 Ă©ves zeneĂrĂłi mĂșltra tekinthet vissza, a Telekom Electronic Beats 2020-es Szelektor pĂĄlyĂĄzatĂĄnak egyik gyĆztese.
đ https://youtu.be/aNmzWYH3RCI đ
BekĂž is a major figure in the domestic dubtechno/house scene. This is reflected in his music and mixes. As a producer, he has 7-8 years of experience as a music writer, and was one of the winners of Telekom Electronic Beats' Szelektor 2020 competition.
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A LILITH's RIB egy elektronikus zenei nĆi triĂł, amelyet DJ Patajana, Antonia Vai Ă©nekes/dalszövegĂrĂł Ă©s ZahĂĄr Fanni virtuĂłz fuvolamƱvĂ©sz alkot. Patajana mĂ©ly Ă©s dallamos technĂłt kever a hipnotikus 100-tĂłl a pattogĂł 130 bpm-ig, Antonia Vai dinamikus vokĂĄlokat hoz, amelyek a kifejezĂ©steljes, lĂĄgy Ă©s ĂĄlmodozĂłtĂłl a nyers kimondott szavakig terjednek, mĂg ZahĂĄr Fanni varĂĄzslatos dallamokkal egĂ©szĂti ki a triĂł hangzĂĄsbeli hatĂĄsĂĄt. Az improvizĂĄciĂł örömĂ©n keresztĂŒl mĂ©ly Ă©s progresszĂv ritmusok ötvözĆdnek az erĆteljes Ă©s kĂsĂ©rteties Ă©lĆ elemekkel. ErĆt adĂł nĆi energiĂĄjuk ĂĄtalakĂtĂł utazĂĄshoz Ă©s katartikus tĂĄncĂ©lmĂ©nyhez vezet.
LILITHâs RIB is an electronic female trio led by DJ Patajana, singer/lyricist Antonia Vai and virtuoso flutist Fanni ZahĂĄr. Patajana mixes deep and melodic techno from hypnotic 100 to bouncy 130 bpm, Antonia Vai brings dynamic vocals that range from soulful, soft and dreamy to raw spoken word as Fanni Zahar adds enchanting melodies that rounds off the trioâs sound impression. Through the joy of improvisation, deep and progressive rhytms are combined with the powerful and haunting live elements. Their empowering female energy leads to a transformative journey and a cathartic dance experience.
Marina Mestieri aka Miss Kitchen egy Berlinben Ă©lĆ brazil DJ, akinek vibrĂĄlĂł progresszĂv szettjeiben pajkos ĂŒtemeket Ă©s jĂĄtĂ©kos dallamokat talĂĄlsz magĂĄval ragadĂł vokĂĄllal Ă©s hangzĂĄsokkal vegyĂtve. Az indie dance, progressive/ deep/ afro house, valamint a dallamos techno Ă©s a minimal dark a megszokott terepe.
đhttps://m.soundcloud.com/miss_kitchen đ
Marina Mestieri aka Miss Kitchen is a Brazilian DJ based in Berlin, on her vibrant progressive sets, you will find naughty beats and playful melodies mixed with captivating vocals and driving sounds. She travels around the genres like indie dance, progressive/ deep/ afro house, as much as melodic techno and minimal dark.
You can expect the same vibes on the 20th of May at Katttarzis / Toldi!!
Etzo a mĂŒncheni BahnwĂ€rter Thiel klub rezidense. A hĂșszas Ă©vei elejĂ©n kezdett el DJ-zni, miutĂĄn barĂĄtaival megszervezte elsĆ rave-jeit. Ez idĆ alatt az elektronikus zene teljesen bevonta Ćt sajĂĄt bƱvkörĂ©be. Etzo hosszĂș Ă©veken ĂĄt Ă©pĂtette a klub programjĂĄt Ă©s kurĂĄtorkodott, az idĆk sorĂĄn rengeteg kreatĂv inputot szerzett. DJ szettjeit hazĂĄja, NĂ©metorszĂĄg Ă©s EurĂłpa szerte jĂĄtszotta klubokban, szabadtĂ©ri rendezvĂ©nyeken Ă©s fesztivĂĄlokon, mint pĂ©ldĂĄul a Kater Blau, Sisyphos, SĂŒdpol, Fusion Festival Ă©s Mit Dir Festival, hogy csak nĂ©hĂĄnyat emlĂtsĂŒnk. Egyedi hangzĂĄsa az Indie Dance Ă©s a Techno mƱfajok között helyezkedik el, nĂ©hĂĄny kirĂĄndulĂĄssal mĂĄs mƱfajokba, mint a Downbeat vagy a gyorsabb Techno.
đhttps://soundcloud.com/etzo_music đ
Etzo is a resident in munichâs club BahnwĂ€rter Thiel. He started DJing in his early twenties after organizing his first raves with friends. For many years, Etzo built up and curated the musical program of his residency club and gained a lot of creative input over the time. He played his DJ sets through his home country Germany and Europe at clubs, open airs and festivals like Kater Blau, Sisyphos, SĂŒdpol, Fusion Festival and Mit Dir Festival, just to name a few. His unique sound settles between the genres of Indie Dance and Techno with some trips to other genres like Downbeat or faster Techno.