Természetes, személyes és valódi esküvői pillanatok - szeretettel READ ABOUT ME - and my philosophy in English, too.
I am known in Hungary as The Wedding MC & The Wedding Celebrant. But it's not about me. It's all about you. And it’s all about teamwork. I'll dedicate all my energies to the success of your Big Day. THE WEDDING MC:
As a wedding Host It’s my job to make sure that even when you are only focused on having the time of your life, being all nerves before the ceremony, dancing like crazy or toasting with
the bridesmaids, – the timeline of the wedding day is always kept, and things run as smoothly as possible. Invisible and working closely with your wedding planner (if you have one), I will also be there for you to make sure everything is running on time and that the DJ, photographer and vendors are cued to capture key moments. As host - I will be making announcements to make sure everyone is well-informed about what's next - and I will keep your guests in a light mood of anticipation to make the most of the day. An ever-smiling, approachable guy, who will announce, interpret, inform and - if need be - entertain everyone. Bilingual or English only weddings welcome. And all this, so that you - the couple - truly have the time to focus only on what is really important, especially on a night like this: each other. THE WEDDING CELEBRANT:
Celebrants are for couples who feel they want something more personal, unique or meaningful than a religious or a plain official civil wedding or partnership. This means means you will be able to have the wedding you want, without any limitations. If you are planning an elopement wedding in Hungary, or anywhere in Europe, really, and want to make it special and unique - but also not ending up costing you an arm and a leg: do get in touch
Ez annyira szép iránymutatás, hogy nem csak azért osztom meg ezt a bejegyzést, mert mind a három, illusztrációként használt esküvőn volt szerencsém közreműködni ezekkel a remek szolgáltatókkal, hanem mert nagyon fontos igazságokat/tanácsokat tartalmaz. 🤍
It was exactly how it should be. We were celebrating the union and anniversary of KATI & BOREK - and, being a person who always pays attention to the smallest details, already in the very beginning - two minutes after arriving at the venue, Kati made an announcement to the guests, inviting them to do anything they wish. Anything, as long as they have a great time doing it. And oh my Lord, what a great time we all had! hugs from Misi
FANNI & GYURI | a living example that online dating CAN lead to incredible days like this one. It was a real pleausure for me to write up their unique love story, create&perform a truly bespoke wedding ceremony for them at this amazing venue - and host the full weddingday for the newlyweds. Great times! | Thank you for the team spirit | |
Ezen a kiváló, valóban magazin-lapokra kívánkozó esküvőn Imi képviselte a The Wedding MC csapatot mint ceremóniamester. Köszönjük a lehetőséget, és mindenkinek a 110% csapatmunkát!
GROOMS - Do make a speech, please! And do ask your best man to make one, too! You won’t regret it! Your guests will be grateful - your loved ones will remember these moments for ever - and it will definitely be a HIT (well, making it a loud success is also in my job description)!
See people’s faces and their contagious smiles during the couple’s entrance, the best man’s and the groom’s speech at Marit & Attila’s Tuscan style wedding.
LEILA & ELLIOT at Várkert Bazár - Budapest. What a backdrop for a splendiferous symbolic wedding ceremony! There were a few things that did not go according to plan, like the bride leaving one of her shoes during the walk-ins, or a song that just came to life and started playing by itself - not when we planned, but despite all this, or even, maybe exactly because of these things, this ceremony surpassed everyone’s expectations. Beautiful moments I am so grateful to have been part of as |Misi|
Talán az egyik legszebb háttér, ami előtt esküvői szertartást tarthattam eddig.
Elég sok minden történt, amit nem terveztünk: a menyasszony bevonulás közben elhagyta a cipőjét, volt egy zene, ami önálló életre kelt, nem úgy és nem akkor indult el, ahogy megálmodták, és mégis, ennek ellenére, vagy inkább ezzel együtt - minden talán még szebben is sikerült. | Misi | 

Here's a little teaser trailer by the amazing Sanchofilm Cinematography -showing you some of the greatest moments of one of our most memorable weddings this March, a real season opener. Tuni and Norbi celebrated their Big Day in style and the entire crew put 110% into making their dreams come true. Events were planned and the day was hosted by Misi - The Wedding MC with support by the best crew possible, see names in the film itself if you're fast enough to click pause at the right moment 🙂
This is "Tüni & Norbi Trailer - Deák Udvarház Kakucs" by Sanchofilm Cinematography on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and…
RAQUEL & ROBERTO’s in || This amazing Mexican couple travelled all the way (from Norway where they live) to Budapest on their 30th wedding anniversary to renew the and promises that they took many years ago. The way they looked at each other after all this time, the words they said to each other, the way they connected was inspiring and beautiful. Thank you for choosing me as your Wedding || Misi
Szerintünk MOST van a legjobb alkalom arra, hogy megosszuk veletek, mely hazai VIDÉKI esküvői helyszíneket ajánljuk 2025-re (is!) - valós visszajelzések és tapasztalatok alapján.
(a lista bővítés alatt lesz 😉)
Vidéki esküvői helyszínek keresésekor az ember több tucat találatos listákba akad a neten, vagy színes
Whenever I host a full day wedding - I like to already be present towards the end of the bridal preps if I can - exactly for MOMENTS LIKE THESE.
It's ALL in her Dad's eyes...
We started SS24 early this year, in March, with an incredible couple, Tuni & Norbi, and a wonderful wedding team, whose dedicated work I could not be more grateful for. What a great start of the year!
Gyertek - találkozzunk ÁPRILIS 14-én a Normafa Rendezvényház-ban:
És íme a 2025-ös ajánlott budapesti esküvői helyszín listánk. Figyelem, szubjektív, címszavas (könnyen pörgethető) - és állandó szerkesztés alatt álló tartalom, de ha még keresitek "az igazit" - ezekben a helyekben egészen biztosan nem fogtok csalódni!
Barátsággal: Misi - THE WEDDING MC team.
Kedves budapesti esküvői helyszín keresésben lévő látogatónk! Bár egyre többen vannak, akik inkább a főváros
Here's The Wedding MC - Misi, saying just a few words to the guests at Sophie & Adam's Budapest dream wedding, to create a lively atmosphere with genuine smiles on everyone's face for the Big Group Picture. This was an amazing group of people, some of whom had traveled thousands of miles from distant corners of the world to celebrate with the couple in Hungary - and they enjoyed every-single-moment of the wedding day. Great times!
Photo: Wendl Photography
Ha az örömanya (és a helyzet) úgy kívánja, a akár mikrofon-álvánnyá is képes változni.
fotó: Daniel Karczag International & Destination Wedding Photography
Ezen a képen kiválóan látszik, ahogy Imi (a kellően fellelkesített résztvevők gyűrűjében) épp megdönti a virágszirom-osztogatás világrekordját, tökéletesen készítve elő a nyár egyik legszebben sikerült sziromszórós sétáját Klau és Nándi fogadására.
fotó: Wondeer Wedding
SACI X ÁDÁM > Konfetti X Macaron
Egyik kedvenc októberi esküvőnk volt.
Őszinte, vagány, laza, igazi. Imádtuk.
Misinek (itt is) könnyű dolga volt az abszolút nemzetközi násznéppel:)
↠ ESKÜVŐ FOTÓ+VIDEÓ AJÁNLAT 2024 ↞Szabad időpontok és árajánlatkérés I Wedding photo-video inquiries for 2024: mollyphoto.m@gmai..." rel="ugc" target="_blank">https://www.mollyerdelyi.com/mollyphoto.m@gmai...
Eszti & Patrick ezen remek fotójával ünneplem meg, hogy épp most kaptam egy szuper-kedves felkérést/visszaigazolást egy szintén ausztrál-magyar pártól, ugyanerre a csodás helyszínre! A Balaton amúgy is szeptemberben a legszebb! Jövünk!
BOGI & CSONGI — The venue, the decor, the ceremony and then The Sparkling Cake Entrance + a random party shot for mood. This was an incredibly well planned, exclusive summer wedding in the heart of Budapest’s biggest park. Nora and her team of seasoned pro planners at provided an especially strong background for me .hu (Misi) to host this event. Lavish decoration by the true visionaries of and lights|sound by the princes of creative lighting pros at .hu created a backdrop that felt like we are kings of the world. And for one night only - we all were. Thanks for capturing the whole day so immaculately, | More details will follow soon - if you wish 🙂 Good times!
Mivel oldalunkat sokan követitek a szakmából (köszönjük!) - arra gondoltam, legyünk együtt hasznosak egy gyors poszt erejéig. Akár szakmai profilodról megjelenve - adj egyetlen mondatban esküvői tanácsot az ezt olvasó menyasszonyoknak/vőlegényeknek. Bármilyen szolgáltatói tanács jöhet, dekor, DJ, zenekar, fotós, eskető, filmes, sminkes, ...stb. - csak fogalmazd meg kommentben egyetlen mondatban (a nyilván rengeteg közül) az első dolgot, ami (mindig) eszedbe jut, amire szeretnéd, hogy az esküvőjükre készülő párok figyeljenek. Start!
Meet Misi - The Guardian of Hats, Phones and Veils. And whatever else is needed to be kept safe. Well, at least for the duration of group pix.
Ő itt Misi - a Kalapok, Telefonok és Fátylak Őrzője. Legalábbis a csoportképek elkészítése erejéig. A galaxis még várat magára.
Íme néhány kép 2023 utolsó esküvőjéről - Gunjan & Lajos egyedülálló történetét Misi idézhette fel és mesélhette el - pompás környezetben, igazi TOP csapat munkája “ölelésében”.
Dóri és Marci esküvőjén a csokordobást egy modernebb, “demokratikusabb” esemény váltotta fel, amit Imi remekül vezényelt le mindenki, de leginkább a nyertes legnagyobb örömére:)
Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. And closing the year, thinking back to the memories we made together - we couldn’t be anything but happy. But we did it all together - in teams - the very best teams imaginable, in fact. Amazing weddings - unforgettable moments - great adventures to remember.
We would like to say thank you for all the wonderful contribution you each made to this wedding season.
Together we are unstoppable!
And as for 2024:
“I'm not telling you it's going to be easy — I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.”
Hugs: MISI & IMI
GUNJAN - this beautiful Indian bride came up with an idea and then we did something that has never been done before! | This spectacular, but rather small Indian wedding took place in what many say “the most beautiful café in the world”, the renowned | The bride wanted to toss her bouquet, but there were only a few ladies in the wedding party. So I stood the bride onto the top of the beautiful steps and then shouted out to the foreign guests of the café that they were welcome not just to watch but to join in. To my polite request - more than 100 surprised ladies visiting the cafè from all around the globe stood up from their coffee tables to join us for a truly international and highly unusual “open bouquet toss” - and to share in the happiness of Gunjan and Lajos. This was really one to remember for a long time to come! |||| Misi .hu
Here’s 20 seconds of Judit&Daniel’s wedding ceremony I held over the Danube bend at Natura Hill on a cold but beautiful December day in . What I like the most about my is the chance to tell unique stories and have everyone live in the moment and be present to the fullest.
Here’s a fresh and crispy review of how Misi performed a full-international wedding in the south of France this summer. Needless to say - it was the adventure of a lifetime - and not just for Annika & Austin, the couple :))
Ez is egy novemberi esküvő! Erkély-jelenetet rendeztünk :) A hölgyek kabátban ugrottak Eszter csokráért, lelkesen, valódi verseny-szellemben! "Rómeó" (aki Máté) meg valahol a háttérben, forró csokit kortyolgatva élvezte a látványt eközben. Nehéz dolguk volt, na!
Ha szeretnél elsőként tudomást szerezni The Wedding MC új bejegyzéseiről és akcióiról, kérjük, engedélyezd, hogy e-mailen keresztül értesítsünk. E-mail címed máshol nem kerül felhasználásra, valamint bármikor leiratkozhatsz levelezési listánkról.
A Vállalkozás Elérése
Üzenet küldése The Wedding MC számára:
Here’s 20 seconds of Judit&Daniel’s wedding ceremony I held over the Danube bend at Natura Hill on a cold but beautiful December day in #Hungary. What I like the most about my #wedding #ceremonies is the chance to tell unique #love stories and have everyone live in the moment and be present to the fullest.
Let the international spring wedding season begin! The Wedding MC (Misi) checking in from Slovakia - the wedding of Tunde & Roderik.
Bonnie & Levi - Teaser
A stunning autumn wedding.
Bonnie & Levi were absolute dreamboats - It was a pure delight working with them, creating their perfect bespoke wedding ceremony and hosting their magnificent wedding day.
| The Wedding MC & Celebrant |
Ez egy örök emlékű, nemzetközi, dán-magyar esküvő rövidfilmje. Nagy, több hónapos feladat volt, de a forgatókönyvezés és tervezgetés kezdetétől az aznap éjszakai búcsúzásig minden pillanatát élveztük!
What a wedding - what a team of vendors! Here’s a delightful wedding short of HEDI&DANIEL’s day - by the amazing @dk_wedding_film crew. I enjoyed working together from the get-go but I hope you will love this video as much as I do.
#weddinghost | #celebrant #weddingdress #weddingfilm #destinationwedding #weddingdecor #eskuvo | #ceremoniamester | #dunaimisi | #esküvő
Denmark VS Hungary
What a couple - what a team 🤍🤍!
📷 @wondeerwedding
Emese - Today.
This is going to be legen.... wait for it...
My name is Mihaly, but everyone calls me Misi (‘Mi-Shi). I live in Budapest, Hungary – I am Hungarian by birth, born and raised in our lovely Capital City, but having learned from the best British/American teachers in the country and also having attended College in the U.S.A. – I speak fluent English, too. Whether your event will be in English or Hungarian – I am comfortable in both languages.
And if I’m guessing right you are looking for a dedicated, stylish and friendly host for your wedding (possibly to be held in Hungary), one who speaks English AND Hungarian.
And the good news is: You have just found me.
As Master of Wedding Ceremonies it’s my job to make sure that even when you are only focusing on having the time of your life, being all nerves before the church ceremony, dancing like crazy at the party or toasting with the bridesmaids, – the thoroughly planned timeline of the wedding day is kept and things run as smoothly as possible.
Sometimes in the spotlight to draw the wedding party’s attention to upcoming events - and sometimes invisible and working closely with your wedding planner, I will also be there for you to make sure everything is running on time and that the DJ, photographer and cinematographers are cued to capture key moments and all your vendors work in unison.
So that you truly have the time to focus only on what is really important, especially on a night like this: each other.
Contact me if you need a Hungarian and/or English speaking Host for your dream wedding.
Get in touch to see if I am still available an your chosen date and get an offer now: