Kicking off 2024 with a powerful start at the ASECH Indonesia Advisory Board meeting with the esteemed think tank. 🚀 Engaging conversations on innovation and strategic directions that will set the tone for a dynamic year ahead! Stay tuned for the journey.
#ASECHIndonesia #2024Kickoff #ThinkTankInsights #meeting #2024 #jakarta #team #goodwill #goodpeople #goodaction #goodimpact
ASECH Indonesia berpartisipasi di ASIA Pacific Tourism Hospitality Summit & Digital Brand Award 2024! 🌟 Bangga menjadi bagian dari acara bergengsi ini, mendukung berlangsungnya kegiatan tersebut. 🏆✨
#ASECHIndonesia #APTHS2024 #DigitalBrandAward #HospitalityExcellence #bali #hospitality #event #meeting #goodwill
ASECH is thrilled to be a part of the International Smart City Conference 2023: "The Design of Indonesia: Creating a Connected and Smart Future."
✔️ Keynote Speakers
✔️ Panel Discussions
✔️ Product Exhibition
📅 Date: September 12, 2023
⌚ Time: 07:00 am - 07:00 pm (Jakarta Time or GMT+7)
📍 Venue: Grand Ballroom, Fairmont Hotel Jakarta
Join us and be a catalyst for advancing smart city development in Indonesia.
Register Now:
Talking about smart cities, the Director General of Regional Administration Development from the Ministry of Home Affairs and also the Chairman of ASEAN Smart Cities Network 2023, Dr. Safrizal ZA, M.Si, delivers a message for us to collectively realize Smart Cities in Indonesia with the spirit of "#GoodWill, #GoodPeople, #GoodAction & #GoodImpact."
Let's together contribute to achieving sustainable smart cities with advanced urban environments that are efficient and beneficial for the entire of society.
#SmartCity #SmartCityHub #SustainableUrbanEnvironments
ASECH proudly participates in the 6th Indonesia International Smart City Expo & Forum (IISMEX) – a prestigious event uniting leading associations and partners to revolutionize technology solutions and smart cities. Supported by Indonesia's Ministry of Home Affairs, IISMEX takes place from 30th August to 1st September 2023 at Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Join us and be a part of the transformation, #goodpeople!
For information on the program, activities, exhibition products & inquiries, please visit or contact Ms. Jessy at or [email protected].
Exhibition Kit:
Recap of the 6th ASEAN Smart Cities Network Annual Meeting 12-13 July 2023, Bali, Indonesia.
We are delighted and deeply honored to have played a significant role in The 6th ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) Annual Meeting, where we proudly supported the Ministry of Home Affairs Republic of Indonesia in hosting this remarkable event in the stunning setting of Bali, Indonesia.
This year's gathering embraced experts, academics, and solution providers from around the world, encouraging everyone to contribute their expertise in shaping the cities of the future. The establishment of the ASECH Center of Excellence on Smart City in 2022 reflects our unwavering dedication to sharing our vision and values, promoting goodwill, and bringing together compassionate individuals to take positive actions that will leave a lasting impact not only within Jimbaran Hijau, Bali-Indonesia but reverberating across the globe.
Together, we are fully committed to achieving the shared goal of smart and sustainable urban development, leveraging the potential of digital technology and innovation. Through our collective efforts, we can create a profound difference and foster a future where cities are not only technologically advanced but also sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous for all.
#goodwill #goodpeople #goodaction #goodimpact #smartcity #The6ThASCNAnnaulMeeting
Let’s have a little throwback to ASCN DS-3rd 2023 last week! #goodpeople 🛄✨🌏
ASCN DS-3rd WRAP UP, 24 May 2023. Through this discussion "QUALITY ENVIRONMENT", the ASEAN Smart Cities Network Discussion Series intend to create value to the managing urban resilience that is sustainable and integrated with current technological developments. Clean Environment, Access and Management of Resources, and Urban Resilience is important issue to create a smart city environment that is comfortably livable, #goodpeople.
Highest appreciation to distinguished speakers and participants, we are looking forward to be seeing you again on our fourth discussion series on 20-21 June 2023 on "Transformation of Smart City Ecosystem in Indonesia” topics.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing you soon! #goodpeople.
#goodwill #goodaction #goodimpact #smartcity #ASCNDS3
Hai #goodpeople, keseruan diskusi Asean Smart Cities Network (ASCN) Discussion Series-2 (DS-2nd) masih terbekas hingga hari ini, tidak sabar untuk menunggu waktu diskusi pada panel ASCN ke-3
Bersiaplah untuk Seri Diskusi ke-3 yang akan lebih seru besok!
Hi #goodpeople, the excitement of Asean Smart Cities Network (ASCN) Discussion Series-2nd panel discussion is still lingering to this day, can't wait for the next discussion of the ASCN DS-3rd panel.
Get ready for the 3rd Discussion Series which will be even more exciting tomorrow!
#asechindonesia #smartcity #smartcityhub #goodimpact
Indonesia harus terus bergerak, bergerak cepat dan tertarget, untuk mencapai konektivitas yang bisa menghubungkan dan membantu memudahkan aktifitas masyarakat melalui Smart City. Sehingga masyarakat akan merasa lebih tenang dan bahagia.
Mari kita berkolaborasi bersama untuk Indonesia yang lebih baik!
Indonesia must continue to move, move fast and targeted, to achieve connectivity that can connect and facilitate people's activities through Smart Cities. So that people will feel more calm and happy.
Let's collaborate together for a better Indonesia!
#smartcityhub #businesshub #goodcollaboration#goodpeople
Yang setuju dengan statement pak Robby boleh kasih emoticon di kolom komentar ya, goodpeople! (emot tangan, emot api, emoticon semangat)
MinHub sih sepakat banget dengan pernyataan beliau, mengimplementasikan konsep Smart City adalah tanggung jawab kita bersama, untuk mewujudkan tingkat kebahagiaan masyarakat Indonesia. Dibutuhkan kolaborasi dari pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, akademisi, lembaga swadaya masyarakat dan seluruh elemen masyarakat untuk menuju Indonesia emas dengan masyarakat yang bahagia.
To those who agree with Mr. Robby's statement can give emoticons in the comment section, goodpeople!
MinHub really agrees with his statement, implementing the Smart City concept is our shared responsibility, to realize the level of happiness of Indonesian people. It takes collaboration from the central government, local governments, academics, non-governmental organizations and all the elements of society to make a golden Indonesia with a happy society.
#goodwill #smartcityhub #goodimpact
Kesan yang mendalam dari Bapak Robby Hermanto selaku Direktur, PT. Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk dari rangkaian acara diskusi bersama Asean Smart Cities Network (ASCN) di Jimbaran Hub, Bali. Terima kasih atas sudah berkenan hadir dan memberi kesan pada acara ini, semoga kita bisa terus berkolaborasi untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih sejahtera.
A deep impression from Mr. Robby Hermanto as a Director of PT Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk, from a series of discussion events with the Asean Smart Cities Network (ASCN) at Jimbaran Hub, Bali. Thank you for your attendance and give an impression on this event, I hope we can continue our collaboration to create a more prosperous Indonesia.
#smartcityhub #businesshub #agoodnesscollaborator #goodpeople
Tugas utama bagai seorang pemimpin adalah untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat. Maka, setiap pemimpin harus memiliki jiwa yang bersih, hati yang tulus, pikiran yang cerdas dan fisik yang kuat untuk melakukan perubahan yang memberi dampak indeks kebahagiaan masyarakatnya.
Tugas kita adalah menemukannya goodpeople, mari berkolaborasi dengan kami.
The main task as a leader is to prosper the community. So, every leader must have a clean soul, a sincere heart, a smart mind and a strong physique to make changes that impact the happiness index of his people.
Our task is to find it, goodpeople, let's collaborate with us.
#goodwill #goodpeople #goodimpact #smartcityhub
Goodpeople, yuk!, kita terus mendoakan para pemimpin kita untuk bisa amanah dan istiqoma mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan konsep Smart City yang ideal di Indonesia, sehingga dapat meningkatkan taraf kebahagiaan hidup bangsa Indonesia.
Goodpeople, let's keep praying for our leaders to be trustworthy and consistent in developing and implementing the ideal Smart City concept in Indonesia, so that it can increase the level of happiness for the life of the Indonesian nation.
#goodwill #smartcityhub #goodleader
Seorang pimpinan hanya akan menjadi pemimpin apabila mengimani nilai-nilai integritas di dalam dirinya #goodwill. Sehingga, ia mampu berkomitmen dan konsisten terhadap visi serta misi yang telah ditetapkan, untuk kemudian mengimplementasikannya menjadi tindakan konkrit untuk membuat kebijakan yang berdampak positif bagi masyarakat #goodaction.
A leader will only be a leader if he believes in the values of integrity within himself #goodwill. Thus, he is able to commit and be consistent with the vision and mission that has been set, to then implement it into concrete actions to make policies that have a positive impact on society #goodaction
#smartcityhub #goodleader
Penting bagi kita untuk memahami konsep Smart City bagi kemaslahatan masyarakat loh, goodpeople.
Seperti yang disampaikan Ibu Hj. Tuti Ruswati, selaku Kepala Bappeda Kabupaten Sumedang, bahwa pemahaman Smart City bukan hanya soal penggunaan membuat sistem tata kelola Kota terintegrasi dengan teknologi, namun bagaimana Pemerintah bisa mewujudkan keseimbangan dan keadilan bagi masyarakat, sehingga bisa menumbuhkan indeks happiness bagi masyarakat.
It is important for us to understand the concept of Smart City for the benefit to the community, goodpeople.
As stated by Mrs. Hj. Tuti Ruswati, as the Head of Bappeda Sumedang Regency, that the understanding of Smart City is not only about the use of making the City governance system integrated with technology, but it is also about how the Government can achieve balance and justice for the people's, so that it can improve the happiness index for the people.
#goodwill #smartcityhub #goodpeolpe