Considering Maluku’s tourism industry is 30 years behind compared to the other more advanced Islands such as Bali and Java, a comprehensive yet aggressive strategy is needed to bring it up to par. With tourism industry trend is on Eco-Tourism, and will remain for many years ahead, Maluku is not lacking destinations within itself for such interest. It will take the next ten years to
develop Southeast District of Maluku to become the Maldives of Southeast Asia, and it needs to start immediately. To do that, it needs other popular industries to back it up. In this proposal we choose the Entertainment and Sports industry as strategic means to help develop Southeast District Maluku’s tourism industry, and to choose other Islands with advance tourism industry as its “Big-Brother.”
Which “Big-Brother?”
Historically, the Southeast District of Maluku has both tradition and religious ties with the Island province of Bali. For more than 500 years ago, princes Ken Dedes from Bali who married to King Ken Arok from Java, escaped persecution to Tanimbar Kei, along with their newly born baby daughter. Ken Arok and Ken Dedes remained in Southeast Maluku for many years and rooted their Balinese tradition and Hinduism in that part of the world. Bali is the perfect “Big-brother” candidate. Having Bali as the “Piggy-back” partner is definitely the most appropriate approach. Several discussions have taken place with the Bali Tourism Promotion Board (BTPB) on this subject. This proposal is made with the purpose to generate interests from relevant parties or institutions to participate in this important saga.