After successfully completing the Public Speaking Program, let's hear what our students have to say about their experiences and benefits from learning at Edmund Daniel Academy.
Develop your skills at a comfortable, state of the art premises with premium facilities and a holistic learning method of more than 22 years teaching experience and dedication in the respective fields.
Edmund Daniel Academy strives to become Bali's #1 School of Public Speaking and Personality Development. We are a certified and licenced school by the Indonesian Professional Speakers Association (IPSA).
Join us today, and get the results and satisfaction you're looking for.
Edmund Daniel Academy | School of Public Speaking & Personality Development
“I Can Do It Better”
📍Location : Jalan Tukad Balian, Gang Pura Dalem No. 56, Renon, Denpasar Selatan, Bali - 80227
☎️ 081236190793
If it's meant to be yours, trust that time will make it happen. Don't stress over the little things now; bigger blessings are on their way when you least expect them. 🌟💫 #Faith #MondayMotivation
Edmund Daniel Academy | School of Public Speaking & Personality Development
“I can do it better”
📍Location : Jalan Tukad Balian, Gang Pura Dalem No. 56, Renon, Denpasar Selatan, Bali - 80227
☎️ +62 812 3619 0793
Ingin meningkatkan kualitas suara agar lebih meyakinkan?
Tidak memahami cara presentasi yang efektif?
Mau lebih pede berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris?
* Successful Vocal Techniques
* Body Language Confidence
* Dramaturgy and Acting in Communication
* High Class Branding
* Public Speaking in English
* Impactful Presentation
Bertemu lagi dalam Edmund Daniel Academy Public Speaking Challenge, dalam edisi kali ini, kami memiliki tantangan yang cukup seru. Anda akan berperan sebagai Patissier atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Chef Pastry. Anda akan memberikan demonstrasi untuk pemula. Apakah Anda sudah siap? Stitch/Remix video ini untuk menerima tantangannya. 🍰 #Pastry #PublicSpeakingChallenge
Edmund Daniel Academy | School of Public Speaking & Personality Development
“I can do it better”
📍Location : Jalan Tukad Balian, Gang Pura Dalem No. 56, Renon, Denpasar Selatan, Bali - 80227
Kurang pede dan minder depan banyak orang?
Kebanyakan umm amm emm ketika berbicara?
Bermasalah dengan attitude dan manners?
Ingin meningkatkan gaya kepemimpinan yang efektif?
Tidak perlu khawatir karena kami ada solusinya.
Ikutilah Private One-on-one Program bersama Edmund Daniel Academy.
Kami adalah sekolah Public Speaking dan Personality Development bersertifkasi dari IPSA (Indonesian Professional Speakers Association).
Kenapa Private Program?
1. Lebih fokus kepada perkembangan satu siswa
2. Materi dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa
3. Jadwal belajar dapat disesuaikan dengan jam kesibukan siswa
4. Bisa memilih penyampaian materi dalam bahasa Indonesia atau English
5. Fasilitas dan ruangan premium hanya untuk Private Program
Tunggu apa lagi? Daftar dan ikuti kelasnya sekarang juga bersama fasilitator yang memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 23 tahun sebagai coach dibidang Communication & Leadership serta lebih dari 30 tahun di broadcast journalism & entertainment di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri.
Each day is a precious gift from God. Embrace every new dawn with an open heart and mind, and watch the incredible things you can achieve unfold. 🌅✨ #Gratitude #MondayMotivation
Edmund Daniel Academy | School of Public Speaking & Personality Development
“I can do it better”
📍Location : Jalan Tukad Balian, Gang Pura Dalem No. 56, Renon, Denpasar Selatan, Bali - 80227
☎️ +62 812 3619 0793
It's Amazing August 💫. EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE ONE-ON-ONE CLASSES. Develop 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 talents in 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 and personality development 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴! 🗣️ Unlock the confidence to captivate any audience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to speak with true charisma!
Enrol now! 💬🚀
Get exclusive discounts for each of our programs! Enjoy this special offer!
Contact us and register now!
Click the link in our bio!
Edmund Daniel Academy | School of Public Speaking & Personality Development
“I can do it better”
📍Location : Jalan Tukad Balian, Gang Pura Dalem No. 56, Renon, Denpasar Selatan, Bali - 80227
☎️ 081236190793
It's Amazing August 💫. Improve your self development and public speaking skills with our specialty programs. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity. 🚀
From MC and TV presenting, pageants, mastering Leadership Communication, delving into strategic Human Resources and Kids & Teens programs, plus many more – we have a class for every goal, offering a wide selection of our programs.
Join us and take a step toward personal and professional growth! 🌟
Get exclusive discounts for each of our programs! Enjoy this special offer!
Contact us and register now!
Click the link in our bio!
Edmund Daniel Academy | School of Public Speaking & Personality Development
“I can do it better”
📍Location : Jalan Tukad Balian, Gang Pura Dalem No. 56, Renon, Denpasar Selatan, Bali - 80227
☎️ +62 812 3619 0793
Selamat datang dalam Public Speaking Challenge Edmund Daniel Academy. Kali ini kami memiliki challenge yang seru untuk Anda. Anda akan berperan sebagai seorang personal trainer yang akan memberikan informasi seputar pola hidup sehat. Sudah siap menerima tantangannya? Stitch/ Remix video ini untuk menerimanya. 🏋️
Edmund Daniel Academy | School of Public Speaking & Personality Development
“I can do it better”
📍Location : Jalan Tukad Balian, Gang Pura Dalem No. 56, Renon, Denpasar Selatan, Bali - 80227
☎️ +62 821-1299-2506
Kata sambutan dari Bapak Donny De Keizer, Ketua Umum IPSA (Indonesian Professional Speakers Association) untuk Edmund Daniel Public Speaking Academy. Terima kasih Pak! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💪💪
Edmund Daniel, sang together with Andien during Grand Launching of Intercontinental Resort Grand Ballroom.
As talented as a public speaker, he is also a singer/songwriter
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