Misua (rice noodle) has a pretty significant role in a Chinese Wedding.
It's symbolized a long lasting relationship.
Misua served on the Ting Hun / Engagement day and on the wedding day.
On the Ting Hun / engagement day, the family members of the bride prepare the dining table where the engagement party will take sweet tea soup and misua.
The bride’s mother invites the engagement party for sweet tea soup and misua eating as part of the ceremony. Each guest at the table is served with a bowl of sweet tea soup, containing two pieces of eggs, two pieces of red dates and two pieces of sliced condoles. The sweet taste of the tea soup is a wish for sweet relations among the bride and her new family. One doesn’t need to finish two eggs. If unable to finish, he/she may cut the remaining egg in half. However, should anyone choose not to eat them, he/she may opt to leave them in pair. Pair signifies a couple’s togetherness.
After the sweet tea soup, bowls of misua are served. The same procedure in serving is followed, with the elders served first and the marrying couple served last.
After the misua is eaten, the Ang Paos are returned to the groom, who in turn, returns the money to his parents. The bride’s female family members distribute flowers to the single ladies while other female members prepare goodie bags for giveaway.
While on the wedding day, Misua will be served to the newly-wed couple after the tea ceremony done at the groom's family.