Origami Project : Maid Cafe 4.0 [done]
Thank you for visiting our Maid Cafe 4.0, thank you for sharing your laughter and warmness with us, thank you for letting us hugs you with our love.
Please do follow our social media for further informations.
ig : _origami.project
fb : Origami Project
Origami Project : Seishun! - Japan Fest [Done]
Seishun! - Japan Fest
19 November 2023
Aula Institut Teknologi Negeri Malang
Origami Project cant thank you enough for helping us to make another great memories that we wont forget.
Origami Project cant thank you enough for helping us to remember how great our youth day was.
Please do enjoy, Seishun! - Japan Fest After Movie. The mark that Seishun! - Japan Fest era has finally ended with joy, full of laughter, and no regrets.
Please do follow our social media for further informations.
ig : _origami.project
fb : Origami Project
The endless run to chase and reach our dreams, the wound that never heal, the countless mistake that we make and regrets.
Put aside all of your worries, your fear and your sadness. Let's holding hand and enjoy our youthful day.
Let's enjoy everything while it last.
Seishun! - Japan Fest
19 November 2023
Aula Institut Teknologi Negeri Malang
Please do follow our social media for further informations.
ig : _origami.project
fb : Origami Project
Origami Project : Bunka no Tenkai [Done].
24 September 2023
Aula Pertamina Politeknik Negeri Malang
Terima kasih untuk teman-teman yang telah berpartisipasi dan membantu kami dalam menyukseskan acara ini.
Looking forward to see ya all again at the next event 😆😆👀
Please do follow our social media for further informations.
ig : _origami.project
fb : Origami Project
Teman-teman ada yang kesulitan dan kurang mengerti jalan menuju ke Aula Pertamina Politeknik Negeri Malang??
Nih kak min ada Guide Video bagaimana cara ke Aula Politeknik Negeri Malang.
Heheheh teman-teman sudah siap belummm? Ga terasa udah h-3 😆😆😆😆
Bunka no Tenkai
24 Semtember 2023
Aula Pertamina Politeknik Negeri Malang
Please do follow our social media for further informations.
ig : _origami.project
fb : Origami Project
Kak min bring you something new 🥳👍🏻
Our master of ceremony and our guest cosplay have something important to tell you!!!!! 😆🤝🏻
oh and also get readyyy everyoneee!!!!
we will open our pre sale ticket #2 realllyyyy sooonn 🤩🤝🏻
Bunka no Tenkai
24 September 2023
Aula Pertamina Politeknik Negeri Malang
Please do follow our social media for further informations.
ig : _origami.project
fb : Origami Project
Why does our mind always wondering, what if we could turn back time and change the past?
But, will you let the thoughts of coming back to the past, taking over our youthful memories that supposed to be fun and full of learning new things?
Will you let us holding hands and searching for the answer together?
Bunka no Tenkai
24 September 2023
Aula Pertamina Politeknik Negeri Malang
Please do follow our social media for further informations.
ig : _origami.project
fb : Origami Project
Meski itu hal yang sederhana, aku malu untuk mengatakannya
Harus menghadapi tes keberanian ini dan berhenti melarikan diri
Aku juga ingin mengucapkan "selamat malam" (tunggu sebentar!)
Itulah kata-kata yang kusukai
Karena itu berarti aku akan bertemu denganmu
@_origami.project X @pinkbox.next